Sex, Lies and Contracts

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Sex, Lies and Contracts Page 5

by Jennifer Probst

  One brow arched. He caught a glimmer of irritation from cocoa brown eyes, which only made him want to slam her back on the bed and kiss the expression off her face. "What proposal?" she asked.

  "You want to marry someone with money." He put up his hands as she opened her mouth to snap at him. "I'm not judging, just noting what you told me. I may not agree, but I certainly understand. A wanderer isn't in the cards for your mate. But if last night was any indication, you need to let off some steam before you explode."

  He spoke fast. "Who knows what type of husband you'll decide to settle down with? This is an opportunity for both of us to satisfy ourselves sexually without any expectations. I'll be leaving in a few weeks. We'll keep our affair a secret, and I'll only visit you late at night. You pursue your proper husband, and I'll finish my work here and move on. We'll keep out of the public eye, there'll be no nasty gossip, and you won't ruin your reputation."

  She sipped her coffee and stared at him. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "How do I know you'll keep a secret?"

  He dropped his gaze to her naked breasts, hanging heavy and ripe. Her nipples hardened immediately and stood to attention, practically begging for his mouth. He gave a low, wicked laugh as she yanked up the sheet to cover herself. "Because I want you and it's an arrangement that suits us both."

  She tossed a heavy tangled mass of chocolate curls over her shoulder and challenged him. "How do you know my cravings aren't slaked? Maybe I got you out of my system last night. Maybe it's time for you to leave."

  Lust speared deep and hard. God, she was gorgeous. All flushed, soft skin and wet heat. She wanted to play games with a master. Damn, she had spirit. She never let a man peek beneath her surface. He stretched out his legs in lazy abandon as she watched him from heavily lidded eyes, halfway cautious. He reached for her cup and placed it on the table. "Maybe we should find out."

  He moved quickly. In seconds, he ripped off the sheet and pinned her to the mattress. He caught her wrists and held them high above her head while he held her down with one heavy thigh. She breathed hard, her mouth open slightly in shock. He kept his hold firm as he allowed his other hand to lazily trace the outline of her body, flicking her nipples, travelling downward to stop dip two fingers in her pulsing wetness. Her eyes darkened and she arched away from him, trying to free herself.

  "Let me go." Her words caught on a pant as he used his thumb to work her clit in a gentle, steady rhythm.

  "I'll give you one more minute to make your decision. Tell me to go again and I'm out of here."

  He covered his mouth with hers and drank in the heady taste of her while he continued to arouse. Her tongue tangled and battled with his as he fought for possession of her mouth, then celebrated his victory by marauding every last inch of her slick, hot entrance. Her juices flowed freely against his hand and she twisted wildly underneath him, desperate for more. When he pulled away, he no longer felt like playing. He waited.

  "Tell me to go."

  She moaned, caught halfway to orgasm. Her fingers clenched against his and she gave him the words. "Don't go. Take me."

  "You agree to the bargain? You belong to me at night. You do anything I say, any way I say it. Got it?"

  "Yes. Please, Jack."

  "Get on top of me."

  He ripped off his briefs and flipped her over so she straddled him. He fitted himself with a condom, then guided her to take him, inch by slow inch. She gasped as he filled her, and his hands rubbed the ripe globes hanging down as he urged her on. When he was buried deep, she wiggled to adjust, and he almost lost it. Jack gritted his teeth, cursed viciously, and held onto his control.

  "Now ride me. Hard."

  She threw back her head and rode him. He rubbed her nipples, then gripped her hips as she ground her clit against his cock, searching for the release. He reached between them and worked his fingers over her throbbing bud, slick and swollen. Then he felt her explode inside of him, her juices running over his dick as she clenched tight. She cried out as the orgasm took hold, and without a second thought, he followed her over the edge. His body shook as he let go, and then she slumped over his chest, breathing hard.

  He remained quiet as he stroked her back, the skin pale and silky smooth. The luscious curve of her ass sat perfectly in his palm as he squeezed the tender flesh in a rough massage. She finally spoke.

  "You drive a hard bargain."

  He laughed and gave her a quick slap, ignoring her yelp. "You're too bossy. You need someone to take control sometimes."

  She huffed out a breath and lifted her head. "I'm not bossy."

  "Woman, you'd scare the hell out of a lesser man."

  She nibbled at her swollen lower lip. "Do I come off as too intimidating? Maybe I need to be a little more approachable?"

  He laughed. "Julianna, I'm not giving you husband-hunting tips. Consider yourself warned." He disentangled himself and stalked toward the bathroom. "I'm going to shower, than get back to work. I'll see you tonight."

  She sat on the bed in a tangle of sheets, looking a bit shy and awkward. "I'll wait for you here, then?"

  "Yes, I'll come to you. Make sure you're naked and ready for me."

  She winced but nodded. He made sure not to look back and reminded himself this was a game. He refused to soothe or comfort her. She knew the rules--hell, she'd laid them out personally. He still needed to find his wife, but Julianna would be a pleasant diversion while in Newport, and his deception regarding his identity could be kept secret. No one would get hurt. She had no need to know he was the heir to millions, along with a juicy title. His lips twisted in irony as he turned on the spray. Thank God he'd realized her true colors before he became enchanted with a woman who was, at heart, a liar. Still, she'd gotten under his skin, and this was the best way to exorcise her demon.

  Satisfied with his logic, he finished his shower and left.

  Chapter Four

  Julianna smoothed down the silk fabric of her black skirt with trembling fingers and took a deep breath as she stepped into the restaurant. Situated off the beaten path of the popular waterfront, it wasn't a place where she would run into any of her neighbors. Lots of wood and shiny plank floors set off dim candlelight and a private atmosphere. Newport was incestuous in its own way. Wealthy families pried open every secret and liked to keep track of the local gossip. Her financial situation and her father's death made her a front runner until another local took the heat off. Thank God, summer made it more difficult for the nosy locals. With all the tourists flooding in, it was a little bit easier for her to hide.

  She gave her name to the waitress and was led to a corner booth. She ordered a glass of Chardonnay, cursing herself for being perpetually early, and waited for her date.

  Her ad had finally been answered.

  The responses were limited and mostly grim. Besides Tom, she'd met a man who'd lied about his age, then shown up looking nothing like his picture and sporting a cane. With a dirty-old-man smile to match.

  Her current date seemed quite handsome, if his photo was truthful. Their brief conversations over the Internet had gone well and flowed nicely. The coincidence that he was in Newport for business seemed Fate at work. They'd agreed to meet in person tonight to see if they could take the relationship further.


  She looked up and smiled. "Yes. Bryce?"

  He smiled back and shook her hand in a gentle, yet firm grip. Then he slid in the booth opposite her. "Sorry I'm late. I got held up in a meeting. I hope I didn't keep you long."

  She shook her head, pleased at his dark good looks and professional appearance. The charcoal-gray suit was custom cut and emphasized a lean body. His black hair was kept ruthlessly short, and set off gray eyes with a bit of mystery gleaming within the depths. He seemed well polished, very different from a predatory handyman with no manners. She firmly pushed Jack's image from her mind. "No, I have a terrible habit of arriving early for everything."

  "Nothing wrong with a woman who's punctual. May I say
you're even more lovely in person than in your photo?"

  "Thank you."

  They ordered drinks and spent a few minutes in casual conversation. "What brings you to Newport?" she asked.

  "My family owns a shipping company based in England. We have sites scattered around the US, so I sometimes travel to check on things."

  "American women swoon over an English accent," she teased. She thought of Jack's English accent and how his voice smoothed and curled over the ends of his sentences. Then pushed the thought away.

  Bryce laughed. "Yes, I'm lucky in that area. So, I was intrigued by your ad. Is there a specific reason you need to marry now?"

  She winced. "I'm sorry, this is still a bit hard for me. I'm not the type of woman to place a request over the Internet like some desperate fortune hunter. I'm in a unique situation and need to explore my options. My family has owned the Cliff House for generations. My family is an old one, but over time, we lost our fortune, leaving only our home. The Cliff House is mortgaged to the hilt. Before my father passed away, I promised him I wouldn't let our home be taken."

  He cut into his steak and shook his head in sympathy. "I'm very sorry about your father, Julianna. This is a hard choice. Have you contacted the bank to see if something can be done? Life insurance? Any other options?"

  "No. I went to several banks and they can't extend me any more loans. After the life insurance paid off the back taxes, nothing was left."

  "What a difficult position. So, I assume you're looking for money?

  Julianna winced. "Yes."

  "Just for the record, I don't think of you as a fortune hunter. You're doing the best you can to keep a promise to your father."

  His tone soothed her and she forked up a piece of flaky fish. "Why did you answer my ad? I'm surprised you're not already married."

  He smiled and took a sip of red wine. "I haven't been ready to settle down yet. I wanted to learn the business from top to bottom, but now marriage has become more urgent. You see, my cousin is in line to inherit the business, though he's not been involved. I've been running the company and care about the employees. If I marry first, I will have a better opportunity to take my rightful place in my family's legacy."

  "That's terrible. So, you do all the work and he gets the credit?"

  He nodded sadly. "Exactly. I've been wanting to get serious with someone for a while now, but haven't found the proper woman. When I read your ad, something called out to me. Almost as if we were meant to be. Fate." He laughed as if mocking himself. "Sorry, don't I sound ridiculous?"

  She stared at him as the puzzle pieces clicked into place. An instinct deep inside her screamed a warning, but she strangled the voice and met her responsibility head on. This was the man meant for her. A man she could respect and talk with. A man to share her life. He was everything she needed and he'd showed up like an answer to her prayers.

  A little too perfect, the voice whispered. And what about Jack?

  She forced the thought away. "No, you don't sound ridiculous at all."

  They finished dinner and he walked her out, one hand supporting her elbow. "I'll be in Newport for a while," he said. "I'd like to see you again. Take this a step further. What do you think?"

  She turned and lifted her face. His dark good looks caused appreciation and a visual pleasure. When he leaned over and his lips touched hers, they were warm and knowledgeable. He smiled and a flash of white teeth cut through the darkness.

  "Yes. I'd like that very much."

  "Shall I come to your house tomorrow?"

  "No!" She backed up at his quick frown. "I mean, why don't we meet here again tomorrow night? Seven?"

  "Of course, if that makes you feel more comfortable."

  He kissed her again, tucked her into her car, and walked away. Julianna sat in the driver's seat and squeezed her eyes tight. She needed to tell Jack she couldn't see him again. Tonight. The image of his tanned and heavily muscled body caused flutters in her tummy, and lower. His glorious nakedness and his sexual control that allowed her to finally let go and be the woman she always craved.

  But he wasn't meant to be hers. Her father had sealed her Fate by his dying breath, and she had agreed.

  Julianna started the car and drove back home.

  Where Jack waited for her.


  Bryce poured himself a generous snifter of cognac and settled back on the leather chair in the den. The rental reflected the rustic, ocean community with some tacky fishing gear on the wall and dockside souvenirs, but the house was big and situated in the woods outside of town, which allowed him to conduct his private business.

  He enjoyed his drink and thought over the evening. The plan was ridiculously simple and as easy as taking candy from a baby. Once he was informed his cousin lusted after a local socialite, his private investigator had searched the home and hacked her computer. Her ad was a gift from the gods. In fact, the woman was perfect to be his wife. He'd court her, marry quickly, and cite her own ambition for money as the cause.

  After all, his one goal was to marry before Jack.

  Then take over the company.

  The idea of bedding her after his cousin intrigued him. He'd be able to take her any way he wanted, on his terms, and Jack wouldn't be able to stop it. The lovely Julianna was an innocent prize. He'd enjoy parading her in public and humiliating her in private. His own special torture sessions while his weak cousin looked on, unable to help her. Yes, this was getting better and better.

  Perhaps, he'd allow her to continue sleeping with Jack while he courted her. They seemed to be careful keeping their relationship a secret. Bryce wondered if she'd tell Jack, or if she even suspected her lover was the wealthy heir to Woodward Shipping. The game could be played either way. Jack could be testing the waters to see if she was his choice of a mate, or Julianna could be just a piece of ass for the side. Bryce was eager to see how his cousin would handle the situation when he finally realized the stakes had changed. Still, his PI seemed to believe Jack was interested in the woman. Either way, he could use it to his advantage.

  He rose at the knock at the door and opened it. The whore had long, blond hair, blue eyes, and an aggressive attitude he intended to change in the next few hours. She sauntered in, hips swinging, and made herself comfortable on the edge of the bed. Bryce was a bit disappointed in her blatant lack of innocence, but he needed to be careful regarding the local girls. Better use the prostitutes for discretion's sake. Besides, he needed a challenge tonight.

  "What would you like, baby?" she drawled.

  Bryce smiled. His gaze took in her short leather skirt and skimpy blouse, searching immediately for the all the places he intended to bruise and punish her. He slowly walked to the bedside table and took out his handcuffs and the long whip. Her eyes widened slightly as he dragged the tail end through his fingers in anticipation.

  "I'll tell you exactly what you need to do. Obey me and I'll double your fee. Don't, and I promise you'll live to regret it."

  Bryce relished the quick gleam of raw terror and moved towards her.


  Julianna opened the door and threw her bag on the couch. With a sigh of relief, she kicked off her black heels and made her way into the bedroom. It was past ten, and she expected Jack soon. She'd have to tell him the truth. They couldn't continue sleeping together if she began seriously dating someone, especially the man who might be her future husband. She thought about keeping the information to herself, but it wasn't fair to either of them.

  She loosened the pins holding up her hair and shook the heavy length free. Her fingers rubbed her sensitive scalp in a quick massage, then reached for the small Tiffany lamp.

  "You're late."

  Julianna gasped and whirled around. Over six feet of coiled male muscle stood in the corner of the room. Hands crossed over his chest. His usual attire of worn t-shirt and faded jeans clung to his body. His feet were bare.

  "You scared me! How did you get in? I locked the door."

  "You need new locks. I told you to be ready and waiting for me." His gaze raked over her figure, taking in her black skirt and the frilly floral blouse that left her arms bare. Temper flared like a pissed-off stallion, then eased as he seemed to blow it off. "Where were you?"

  She nibbled at her lower lip. "On a date."

  He pushed himself away from the wall and stalked toward her. "Have fun?"

  "Jack, we can't do this anymore."

  He stopped in front of her. Reached out to snag a long dark curl, then twisted it slowly around his finger. The scent of musk and whiskey and grass assaulted her senses. "Why not?"

  She shifted her feet like a nervous filly in heat. "Because he's everything I'm looking for," she blurted out. Heat rose to her cheeks as she fought to look him straight in the eye. Julianna hated being ashamed for selling herself for a price, but she'd do it with her chin up and refuse to flinch from the truth. "We're going to see where this leads."

  "Good for you. But you're date's over. You're mine now."

  Her heart slammed against her chest so hard she heard it over the drone of crickets drifting from the open window. "But I thought--"

  He used the pressure on her hair to guide her head back and loomed over her. Resolve glimmered from amber eyes. "You thought wrong. Until you marry or I leave town, you belong to me at night. Get used to it."

  He covered her mouth with his. Warm lips probed hers, then surged into the silky wet cavern. She moaned as her body flamed and kissed him back. When he raised his head, his face was triumphant. "Do we understand each other?"

  She was too weak to speak, so she managed a nod.

  "Good. Now, take off your clothes and put these on." He walked over to the bed and handed her two scraps of black lace. "You have five minutes. After that, I'm coming in."

  He pushed her toward the bathroom door and Julianna obeyed. She held up the outfit and felt a mingle of fear and excitement shimmy down her spine. She'd never worn sexy lingerie, let alone paraded herself in front of a lover. The thought of exposing herself to his visual caused her belly to clench, but the clock was ticking and she didn't want him to come after her. She quickly stripped and squeezed into the contraption. A sheer black lace thong barely covered her mound, and the top was a matching bra, except the bra part seemed to be missing. Her breasts squeezed and spilled into the empty holes where the padding should be, emphasizing the high thrust and ruby red nipples.


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