Yasuke: In Search of the African Samurai

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Yasuke: In Search of the African Samurai Page 43

by Thomas Lockley

  divinity plays, 67, 414–415

  divorce and marriage, 417–418

  drama and theatre, 67, 414–415


  Easter Sunday gathering, 110–113

  education, 62, 64, 92–93

  Erin-ji, destruction of, 254–255

  Ethiopia, rise in esteem of, 370–371

  Ethiopian royal party, 371

  European weapons, 323


  Fernandes, Ambrosius, 24, 322

  Festival of the Dead (Obon), 217–218

  fiefs, bestowal of, 257–259

  firearms. See weapons

  Flower Knights, 208

  folding screen pictures, 117–121, 118, 119

  food. See diet

  Fróis, Luís

  about, 381–382

  after overthrow of Nobunaga, 303

  at Easter Sunday gathering, 112

  greeting Valignano, 35

  fusta (Jesuit galley), 322, 328, 332–333, 448


  gaming, computer, 374

  Gamō, Katahide, 309, 310

  gift giving, 134, 236–237

  Gifu, 174

  Goa-Africa slave trade, 430.

  See also slavery

  government, Japanese methods of, 139–141

  Gozen, Dota, 188, 237

  Great Saint Nichiren, 136

  Great Shining Deity, 255

  guns, 48, 280, 300, 319–320, 404, 425–425.

  See also weapons

  Gyōyu, 273–274

  Gyūichi, Ōta, 147, 382


  Habshi slave soldiers, 79, 175–181, 429, 430

  Hachiman, 91

  hairstyle of samurai, 199

  hakama trousers, 198

  Hamzaban, 178–181

  Hanzō, Hattori, 311, 387–388

  hari-kiri. See seppuku

  Harunobu Arima. See Arima, Harunobu

  hatamoto (personal attendants), 197, 360

  hawking, as pastime, 214–216

  head collecting, 242–243, 243, 252–253, 443

  hereditary military dictatorship, 140


  about, 221–222, 384–385

  attack on Hōjō clan, 340

  attire of, 338

  and ban of slave trade, 339

  battle against Akechi, 312–315

  claiming Kyushu, 339–340

  expansion of power, 315–316, 437

  gifts to Nobunaga, 236–237

  and Imjin War of 1592–1598, 341–342

  and island of Kyushu, 334–335

  and the Koreans, 340–341

  as Nobunaga’s successor, 336

  as Oda clan head, 314

  plans to invade China, 340–341

  siege of Mori castle, 312, 313

  siege of Tottori Castle, 227–229

  Tokugawa as vassal of, 334

  and Toyotomi clan name, 336

  warring against Mori clan, 269

  warring against Satsuma clan, 337–338

  Hideyoshi (drama), 373

  Hijiyama Castle, destruction of, 226

  Hino Castle, 310

  Hinoe Castle

  about, 46, 410–411

  under siege, 46–48

  Yasuke and Valignano to, 44–46

  Hirate, Masahide, 143

  Historie de l’eglise du Japon (Crasset), 361

  hitatare kimono, 198

  Hitoana, 265–266

  Hōjō clan, 340

  Hōjō, Lady, 248–249

  homosexuality, 206–209

  Honnō-ji Temple, 95, 132, 136, 137, 161–162, 271, 276, 424

  houchonin (master chefs), 264–265, 445

  Hughes, Langston, 371

  human trafficking. See slavery

  Hwarang (Flower Knights), 208

  Hyouge Mono, 373


  Iapam, 407

  Ietada, Matsudaira, 261, 355, 364, 382, 435


  ambush of Nobunaga, 232–234, 263

  war on, 223–231

  warriors of, 223–224

  Imai, Sōkyū, 281

  Imjin War of 1592–1598, 341, 342

  imperialism, 369, 371

  India, during Yasuke’s time, 174–182

  Indians, as Jesuits, 77

  Indian slavery, 80.

  See also slavery

  Indies, about, 41

  Ishikawa, Goemon, 224–225

  death of, 438, 439

  Islam, 76–77, 209


  Jaang (the Dinka). See the Dinka


  about, 388–390

  civil wars, 33, 53, 124, 140, 316, 405, 432

  communication between Korea and China, 74

  economic issues, 389–390

  Jesuits in, about, 409–410

  name of, 407

  political rank in, 163–164

  sexual practices in, 66, 435–436

  in sixteenth century, 52–54

  slave trade and. See slavery

  trade in. See trade

  and WWII, 372

  Japanese world concept, 423

  Japão, 407

  Jesuit Church in Kyoto, 128


  about, 39–41

  and Arima, 318

  to Arima camp, 320–321

  attire of, 72

  cannon to Arima, 319–320

  commerce and, 61

  control of Nagasaki, 332–333, 338

  conversion of Japan, 42–43, 65

  drama and theatre, 414–415

  expulsion from Japan, 339, 348

  Indians as, 77

  influence on Takayama, 310

  military force of, 61

  as missionaries in Japan. See missionaries

  and Nobunaga overthrow, 307–312

  and Ōmura, 25, 333

  plots of, 413

  and Satsuma clan, 333–334

  schools of, 410

  secret evangelism of, 348–349

  sexual relationships and, 49

  Shimazu clan, conflicts with, 70

  slavery and. See slavery

  Yasuke leaving service of, 335

  Yasuke speculated as retainer to, 346–350

  Jesuits in Japan, 383–384, 388–389, 409–410

  “Jezebel the Witch,” 89–92, 100, 336–337, 387


  kaishakunin, 295

  Kamei, Korenori, 345

  Kameyama Castle, 273

  kami (animist gods), 72

  kamikaze (divine winds), 245

  Kanō School, 117, 422

  Kashiwara, 231

  Katō, Kiyomasa, 339, 341–345, 342, 387

  Kawada, Lord of Sagami, 354

  Kawatamachi, 86

  Kazusa, 63

  Kiso, Lord, 240

  Kiyomizu Temple, 426

  Knights (Murao), 378

  Koei Tecmo, 374

  Kuchinotsu Harbor, 27, 29, 63

  kuge (imperial nobility of Kyoto), 163, 165, 428

  kunizukushi (cannon), 319–320

  Kuro (man from), 344–345

  Kurobo, definition of, 342, 369

  Kurobo, Yasuke as, 342–345, 387

  Kuronbo (Endo¯), 366–369, 454

  Kurosuke (Kurusu), 365–367, 368, 378


  about, 124–127, 392, 420–421

  ancient nobility of, 428

  collapse of centralized power, 197

  under Oda rule, 219

  Kyoto, Jesuit Church i
n, 128


  Lake Biwa, 173

  lascars (Indian workers), 119–120

  literacy, 67–69.

  See also education


  contemporary stories of Yasuke, 365–369

  early stories of Yasuke, 358–365

  Lodensteyn, Jan Joosten van, 361


  Macao, 390–391

  Manabe, Rokuro, 224–225

  manga and anime, 368, 373, 375, 377–379, 452–453

  marriage and divorce, 417–418

  Martinho, 321, 323–324

  marujuji, 323

  Masahito, Crown Prince, 281

  massed musket volley fire, 144, 145, 286, 425

  mass executions of Catholics, 349

  master chefs (houchonin), 264–265, 445

  meals. See diet

  media, contemporary, 373–376

  Mexia, Lourenço, 204, 257, 358, 382–383

  military dictatorship, hereditary, 140

  military slaves, 79.

  See also slavery

  military supplies. See weapons

  Minamoto clan, 140, 196

  Mirza, Ibrahim Husain, 174–175

  missionaries, 359–360.

  See also Catholicism/Catholics; Jesuits

  arrival in Japan, 31

  Jesuits as, 409–410

  life of in Japan, 64–65

  missionary work

  about, 38, 40, 43, 65

  and literacy, 67–69

  racism and, 76–78

  Miyamoto, Ariana, 373

  Momoyama Beat Tribe, 374

  money. See currency

  Mongol invasions, 245

  monogamy, 49

  Mori, Bōmaru, 205–206

  Mori, Ranmaru, 205, 206

  about, 435

  death of, 295–296

  defense of Honnō-ji Temple, 283–288, 287

  lands given to, 259

  retreat from Honnō-ji Temple, 289–293

  Mori, Rikimaru, 205–206

  Mori castle, siege of, 269

  Mori clan

  about, 97, 191, 392–393

  expulsion of Catholics, 418

  warring against Akechi, 269–271

  warring against Hideyoshi, 269

  Mount Fuji

  about, 444–445

  goddess of, 265–266

  movies, 375–376

  Mughal conquest, 175, 177–178

  munitions. See weapons

  Murai, Sadakatsu, 281

  Murakami, Lord, 97–98

  Murakami, Naojiro, 364

  Murakami pirates, 100–102

  Muromachi period, 428

  muzzle-loading cannon, 320



  about, 316, 391

  growth of, 51, 84–87

  Jesuit control of, 84–87, 332–333, 338

  and mass execution of Catholics, 349

  Nagasaki Harbor, 85

  naginata, 66–67, 201, 276, 286, 287.

  See also weapons

  nanban byobu (“screens of southern barbarians”), 118

  nanshoku (“way of adolescent boys”), 206–209

  Nanzen-ji temple, 72

  Nata, the, 90

  New Year celebration, 235–237, 239

  Nichiren Buddhism, 72, 126

  Nijō Palace, 293–294


  about, 83–84, 92, 438–439

  Iga warriors as, 223–224

  women as, 231–232

  Nioh (game), 374–375

  Niwa, Nagahide, 166, 186, 277

  Nobunaga Concerto, 375

  Nobunaga: King of Zipangu, 373

  Nobunaga’s Ambition, 374

  Nōhime (Nobinaga’s wife), 188, 219–220, 237, 435

  Norquist, Ken, 376

  Northeast Africa, 46, 57, 412

  Noshima Island, 103


  Obon (Festival of the Dead), 217–218

  Oda, Hidenobu, 314

  Oda, Nobukatsu, 151, 167, 214, 220, 223, 230, 233, 314

  Oda, Nobunaga, 141, 366

  about, 53–54, 139, 141–146

  to aid Hideyoshi in battle, 276–277

  attire of, 168–169

  attitude toward Buddhism, 135

  Azuchi horseback spectacle, 213

  to Azuchi with Yasuke, 172–174

  bestowal of fiefs, 257–259

  Cavalcade of Horses, 112–113, 116, 168–169

  competition of, 191

  contemporary popularity of, 447

  as daimyō, 164–165

  death of, 294

  defeat of Saika bandits, 244

  deposing Yoshiaki, 140–141

  execution of Iga residents, 225–226

  execution of servants, 210–211

  expansion of rule, 219–229

  family of, 219–220

  governing style, 256–257

  as guest of Tokugawa Ieyasu, 259–268

  hawking, pastime of, 214–216

  Honnō-ji Temple and, 278–279, 283–288, 287, 289–293

  Iga ambush on, 232–234, 263

  intelligence of, 133, 142, 154

  Jesuits and, 134–135

  meeting with Valignano, 112

  meeting Yasuke, 138–139, 148–155

  and New Year celebration, 235–239

  ninja assassination attempts on, 224–225

  and Ranmaru, about, 435

  seminary visit of, 234–235

  severed head of, 447

  sexual practices of, 207, 435–436

  and siege of Tottori Castle, 222, 225, 226–229

  sumo tournament, 212–213

  in Suwa, 255–256

  Takeda as competitor, 191

  tea ceremony and, 281–282

  territorial government of, 256

  Tokugawa, expression of loyalty by, 268–271

  traditions of, 203

  treason of Akechi. See Akechi, Mitsuhide, treason and

  warring of, 219–230

  wife of. See Nōhime

  Yasuke and. See Yasuke

  Oda, Nobutada

  about, 151

  attack on, 298–300

  and attack on Honnō-ji Temple, 293–295

  death of, 300

  invasion of Takeda lands, 240–241

  against Katsuyori, 243, 244, 246–248

  Oda, Nobutaka, 151, 220, 314, 315–316

  Oda mokkou crest, 130, 192

  Ōgimachi, 165, 281, 427–428, 446

  Ogura, Jingorou, 205–206

  Ogura, Matsuju, 205–206

  Ohaguro (blackened teeth), 416

  Oichi, 188, 220, 237, 464

  Ōmura, Sumitada

  about, 50–51, 333, 387

  conflicts with Arima, 87

  and the Jesuits, 25

  Nagasaki gifted to Jesuits, 51–52

  and Valignano, 52

  Organtino, Gnecchi Soldo, 129, 133

  about, 384

  at Azuchi Castle, 185–186

  and Nobunaga overthrow, 308, 309–311

  seminary visit by Nobunaga, 234–235

  and Yasuke meeting Nobunaga, 138–139, 148, 153, 155

  Oromo, male-to-male relationships of, 209

  Osaka Castle, 336–337

  Ōtomo, Sōrin, 336–337

  about, 89–90, 387

  castle of, 92–93

  and Murakami pirates, 100

  and Nobunaga, 100

  wife of, 90–92

Otsuka, Mataichiro, 205–206


  pearl divers, 102, 419–420

  Pennsylvania Humanities Council, 376

  pictures, folding screen, 117–121, 118, 119

  pirates, 95–97, 100–102, 351–353, 419

  poems, death, 248–249

  political rank in Japan, 163–164

  polygamy, 344, 417, 435

  Portuguese, about, 181–182

  Portuguese buccaneers, 350–351

  prejudice, 43, 75–78, 77, 368, 369–370, 372–373

  printing press, 413

  prostitution, 415–416.

  See also sexual relationships

  provincial rulers, 53, 164–165, 197


  racism, 43, 75–78, 77, 368, 369–370, 372–373

  rakuichi rakuza (“free markets and open guilds”), 256–257

  Ranmaru. See Mori, Ranmaru

  Reformation, the, 359–360

  religion, 29, 67, 72, 126, 198, 308, 316, 391, 409

  renga, 274–275, 277

  Rin School, 120, 344

  ritual suicid.See seppuku

  rocket launchers, 419

  Rokkaku, Yoshikata, 254–255

  role-playing games, 374

  ronin, 86, 200, 433

  Russo-Japanese War, 370

  Ryusa, Konishi, 105

  Ryūzōji, Takanobu

  about, 29, 316, 325

  battle against Arima, 36, 85, 326–330

  warring against Arima-Satsuma alliance, 322


  Saika bandits, defeat of, 244


  about, 350

  attire of, 100–101

  as short-term hires, 405

  Sakai, 105, 107

  about, 104, 392, 432

  under Oda rule, 219

  sampan boats, 44–45, 45

  samurai, 199

  about, 32, 47, 194–197, 432

  as hereditary caste, 356

  loyalty of, 200

  myths of, 266

  role of, 204

  sexual practices of, 206–209

  training of, 211

  women as, 200–202, 247

  Satomura, Jōha, 273–274

  Satsuma clan

  about, 316, 392–393

  and Arima, 316–317

  conflict with Catholics, 85, 92, 334–335

  control of Jesuits, 333–334

  and Kyushu, 332

  warring against Hideyoshi, 337–338

  schools and seminaries, 64, 72, 92–93, 185–186

  sea, burial at, 404–405

  sea divers, women, 102, 419–420

  Sea Lords

  about, 95–97, 100–102, 197, 418

  attacks by, 419

  sea travel, 20–22, 69

  segregation, 373

  seiza (kneeling position), 159

  seminaries and schools, 64, 72, 92–93, 185–186

  seppuku, 143, 144, 200, 220, 254, 293, 294–295, 312, 315, 387, 423–424

  severed heads. See head collecting

  sexual relationships, 49, 66, 206–209, 344, 417, 435–436

  shigeshoshi (death beauticians), 250, 273, 443


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