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Vexed Page 13

by Honey

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Two weeks before Thanksgiving, Faye called Zach to discuss the condition of Oliver’s eyesight. The doctors at the Johnson Medical Center had said he needed a cornea transplant in his left eye. A group of American ophthalmologists would be traveling to Jamaica to provide services to some of Kingston’s most needy patients. Oliver was listed among them. He had been matched with a donor and was scheduled for surgery next week.

  “Can you please send Jillian home, Zachary? Oliver is terribly afraid. Orville is away on the ship and won’t be home until Christmas. I am here alone with my children. I cannot take care of them and Oliver. Please, Zachary, send Jillian home. I need her. She will return to you when Oliver gets well.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow, Ms. Faye. There’re some things I’ll have to work out first. I promise to call you tomorrow. Give all the children my love.”

  Zach ended the call and conveyed details of his conversation with Faye to Jill.

  “I must go, Zachary. Oliver needs me. I will take care of him while my mommy takes care of Angelina and the other boys.”

  “Jay has your passport. You can’t travel without it.”

  Jill ran upstairs. A minute later she returned, wearing her black leather coat. “Take me to the hotel. I will get my passport from Jay. Oliver needs me, and I must go to Jamaica, Zachary.”

  Zach called Dex on the way to the Seven Seas to let him know what was about to go down. As his best friend, Dex reminded him of one of the top ten rules for survival in the hood. He advised Zach to come up with a plan B pronto and to take backup.

  When Zach pulled his SUV into Aunt Jackie’s driveway, Jill became confused. “Why are we here, Zachary? We must go to the hotel and get my passport from Jay.”

  “We are, baby. Just wait here. I’ll be right back.” He jumped out of the SUV and ran in the house.

  A few minutes later Zach emerged from the house with Aunt Jackie at his side. He helped her into the backseat, climbed behind the wheel, and sped away, en route to the Seven Seas. The ladies listened carefully as the man with the plan briefed them on what he believed was the perfect strategy.

  * * *

  “Well, this must be my lucky day. Come on in, baby.” Jay swatted Jill on her ass when she passed through the doorway of the hotel suite.

  Jill stood in the middle of the floor and looked around the suite. It was nice and ornately decorated. The furniture was top of the line, but overall, the suite was a far cry from the lavish penthouse at the Island Paradise Resort. It was much smaller and less extravagant. The suite could actually fit inside the penthouse.

  “Have a seat. I don’t bite . . . anymore.” Jay laughed and stretched out on the couch. “Sit down, baby, and relax.”

  Jill sat down at the bar, on one of the tall stools, and placed her purse in her lap. She took a deep breath before she went into her spiel. “Oliver’s left cornea is diseased. He is in need of a new one. Some American doctors have made arrangements for a transplant. They’re traveling to Jamaica to perform the surgery next week.” Jill lowered her head and closed her eyes. “My mommy needs me to come home for a few days. I must go to Jamaica to take care of Oliver while she stays home with the other children.”

  Jay sat up and planted her bare feet on the carpet. “So you came here because you want me to send you home? Zach brought your unappreciative ass all the way to my spot so you could beg for money to buy a damn ticket to Jamaica?”

  “I don’t need money, Jay. All I want is my passport so I can travel home please. I’ll only be there a few days, and then I’ll return to Atlanta.”

  “What are you coming back for? I know it ain’t for me. Is it to work at that damn dance school, or are you rushing back so you can continue to be Zach’s little whore? Yeah, I know he’s hitting that. I can’t prove it, but I know my low-down brother.” Jay walked to the front door and opened it. “Get your ungrateful ass outta my damn suite!”

  Jill ran out of the suite and nearly collided with Aunt Jackie in the hallway. She kept running until she reached Zach’s open arms. He was at the end of the hallway, waiting.

  Jay had just poured herself a glass of Disaronno and lit a cigar when she heard another knock at the door. She stormed over and snatched it open. “What the hell do you want now?”

  “Hello, Jay. May I come in?”

  “Um . . . Aunt Jackie, I thought you were . . .”

  “You thought I was Jill. I know. Come, baby girl. Let’s sit and talk.”

  * * *

  Oliver gave Jill a half smile when he opened his right eye and saw her, Zach, and Nahima. He touched the patch on his left one and moaned. Slowly, his eyelid closed again and he drifted off to sleep. Zach stepped away from the bed, pulling Jill along with him.

  “Nahima is worn out, baby. We’re gonna catch a cab to your mom’s house. I think we’ll spend the night there with her and the children instead of at the hotel.”

  “Are you serious, Zachary? The house is so small and hot. You and Nahima will not be very comfortable there.”

  “Nahima and I will be fine at your family’s home.” Zach gave Oliver a kiss on his moist forehead. “Come walk us to the lobby.”

  Hand in hand, Zach and Jill walked down the hall of the small medical clinic. Nahima was draped over her uncle’s left shoulder, sound asleep. Jill pulled the handle of their rolling overnight bag behind her.

  “Have a safe cab ride. I’ll see you both tomorrow,” she told Zach when they reached the lobby.

  “We’ll be here bright and early,” Zach said and placed a kiss on Jill’s lips.

  * * *

  “Sister Clark told my assistant Sunday school teacher, Brother Thorpe, that Zach’s aunt announced to the choir’s soprano section that he went to Jamaica. He and his pretty girlfriend are on some kind of medical mission. They took his goddaughter along for her birthday.” Ida Bell paused for her second wind during her Monday morning gossip report. “They say that cute little Jamaican gal can really dance. Reverend Broadus asked Zach’s aunt Jackie to talk to her about starting a youth praise dance troupe at the church when she comes back.”

  Ayla hurried from the break room to the doctors’ lounge with newfound motivation. The universe was operating in her favor after a lonely weekend with just her dependable Peanut Vibe Plus, a pack of Energizer batteries, and a couple of bottles of Moscato. Thanks to Ida Bell’s big mouth and the “he said, she said” church gossip, the mystery surrounding Zach’s sudden leave of absence had just been solved. Ayla typically pranced around the hospital with the poise and grace of a prima donna, but her anxiety level had skyrocketed. She did a clumsy jog toward the lounge to make an important phone call. After dialing the number repeatedly over the weekend, in an unsuccessful attempt to make contact, she now knew it by heart. She scrambled to the phone on the wall, thanking God she was alone. She dialed the number, and someone answered.

  “Ms. King, this is Dr. Fitzpatrick.” She paused when the phone line began to buzz and make a crunching noise, as if someone had placed their hand over the mouthpiece. Frustrated and impatient, she talked over the annoying sound. “Ms. King, are you still there?”

  “Yeah, I’m here,” Jay said, wiping whipped cream from her mouth and chin. She shoved Nina’s wide hips to the side and motioned to her to have a seat on the bed. “What can I do for you, Dr. Fitzpatrick?” Jay leaned over and stuck her tongue in her playmate’s right ear. She teased the woman’s nipple with the pad of her thumb.

  “Why didn’t you tell me Zach was in Jamaica? When we last spoke, you promised to keep me abreast of his actions.”

  “What do you mean, he’s in Jamaica? Only, um . . . Ms. Bessette was authorized to travel.” Jay ran her fingers through her curly cropped hair. “Dr. Fitzpatrick, I had no idea. This is new information to me.”

  “Well, your aunt Jackie told somebody at church, who told somebody else, that Zach is in Jamaica with Jill and Nahima. They’re on some medical mission.”

  “Is that so?�

  “Yes, Ms. King, apparently, it is.”

  “Let me call a few of my contacts in Jamaica and see what I can find out. I’d like you to come by my office later this afternoon so we can discuss my findings. Is that possible, Doctor?”

  “It’s very possible. I’ll see you shortly after five.”

  * * *

  Venus and Charles missed Nahima’s laughter and animated chatter around the house, but their uninterrupted time alone was long overdue. Given that they had been on the brink of going their separate ways only a few weeks ago, Venus had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. She was happy and at peace for the first time in five years. All had been forgiven, and the plans for an early January wedding were well under way. Lying to Charles about Nahima’s conception and withholding her infertility issues had nearly cost Venus the love of her life. Compassion and understanding had overcome fear and dishonesty. She was grateful that she and Charles had weathered the storm, and she was dedicated to being the best wife to him she could be for as long as she lived.

  Venus hurried toward the front of the house when she heard the door open and close softly. “Charles?”

  “It’s me, baby. I’ve got a surprise for you.” He smiled, hiding both hands behind his back.

  Venus stopped a few feet away from her man. What had she done to deserve him after all the pain she had caused him? “You bought me another treat? Charles, this is too much.”

  “Hush and close your eyes.”

  She did as she was told, and sighed when Charles took her in his arms. Venus loved the way he made her feel. He tied something around her waist.

  “You can open them now.”

  Venus looked down. “A grass skirt? Where would I wear this?”

  “I hope you’ll wear it on our honeymoon in Hawaii.” He waved a white envelope in the air. “We’re going to Honolulu for seven days and six nights.”

  Venus couldn’t hold back the tears. “Thank you, Charles. You’re too good to me.”

  “I know, but I can’t help it. You deserve it, Venus. After all you’ve been through, I never want you and Nahima to have to worry about anything ever again.”

  Chapter Twenty-four

  “Good afternoon, ladies. Isn’t it a fabulous day?”

  A hush fell over the break room, and the only sound that could be heard was coming from the television. Brooke and Ridge were engaging in their weekly lovers’ quarrel on The Bold and the Beautiful. Ida Bell and her entourage watched Ayla sashay over to the drink machine, smiling like she had struck oil. She inserted some loose change in the coin slot and made her beverage selection. She faced the table where the ladies sat burning holes through her with their distrustful eyes. Ayla smiled, and they looked at her like she was insane.

  “Have a great afternoon, ladies,” she said with too much cheer in her voice right before she left the room.

  “What was that about?” asked Sheila, a nurse’s assistant, once Ayla was out of sight. “She spoke to us. That’s a first.”

  “I don’t know, but something ain’t right. Ms. Thang was too doggone friendly. It was almost like she was mocking us. Dr. Fitzpatrick is up to something, y’all,” Ida Bell said. “I’m gonna pray for her, because God don’t like ugly.”

  “You go ahead and pray, Ida Bell,” Sheila said. “The rest of us are gonna keep our eyes and ears open. If Dr. Prissy is up to something, it has everything to do with our favorite nurse. We gotta have his back. You know how she tried to show out on him last time in here. If she messes with Zach again, I’m gonna whip her ass!” Sheila cackled, and so did the other women at the table.

  * * *

  “Right this way, sir.” The customs clerk handed Zach his passport and Nahima’s and waved them through. “Good afternoon,” he said to Jill and reached for her passport. The tall, slender man opened it and examined it thoroughly. His fingers floated across the keypad of his computer a couple of times before he picked up a walkie-talkie and spoke into it.

  “What’s the problem, sir?” Jill asked. She looked at Zach and Nahima as they watched her from the other side of the partition. Her heartbeat sped up slightly. She smiled nervously and waved at Nahima.

  “Come on, Ms. Jill! We gotta catch the plane,” Nahima called.

  Two uniformed male security guards approached Jill and the customs clerk. The short and stocky one touched her arm. “You must come with us, ma’am. There is a problem with your passport. You will not be allowed to travel to the United States until the issue is resolved.”

  “What is the meaning of this?” Jill snatched away from the guard. “I must travel today!” She looked at Zach, who was making his way toward her. When he reached her, she said frantically, “Zachary, please tell this man I am with you.”

  “Calm down, Jill, and let me talk to him. Sir, what’s the problem?”

  “It does not concern you, sir. Please proceed to the boarding area.”

  “I’m not going anywhere until someone tells me what the hell is going on!”

  “Uncle Z, what’s wrong? Why are you yelling? Why is Ms. Jill crying? Is she going to jail?”

  “Zachary, help me! Please, Zachary, you must fix this!”

  * * *

  Zach exited the hotel elevator and followed the arrows directing guests to the rooms on the eleventh floor. He headed for suite 1129 with a purpose. He was extremely exhausted and totally pissed off, having just landed in Atlanta. He’d come close to being thrown in jail in Jamaica for acting the fool in the middle of Sangster International Airport. He and Nahima had been forced to leave Jill behind because of a bunch of bullshit he was willing to bet his bottom dollar that Jay was responsible for. If Zach had not promised Venus and Charles he’d have Nahima home in time for her fifth birthday, he would have stayed with Jill until she was cleared to return to Atlanta with him. He had explained as much to Jill right before five security guards escorted him and his screaming niece to the plane, while two other men pulled her in the opposite direction. He wasn’t sure who had cried and begged louder for them to leave together, Nahima or Jill.

  Zach banged his fist on the door to suite 1129 with his full strength. The fact that it was after midnight didn’t discourage him one bit. “Jay, if you don’t open this damn door, I swear I’ll kick it in!” He banged harder, repeatedly. Several guests peeked outside their doors to see what the ruckus was all about. “Jay, folks are crowding around your door! Let . . . me . . . in!”

  The door swung open. Jay stood at the threshold with an unlit cigar between her teeth, wearing a pair of argyle-print boxers and a white tank top. “What’s up, bro?” she asked calmly and stepped aside to let him enter the suite.

  Zach stood directly in front of Jay after the door shut behind him. “Why the hell did you do it? Why did you tell those people at the immigration department that Jill was here illegally? Why would you do that, Jay?”

  She lit the cigar and flopped down on the couch. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Jay, don’t fuck with me right now! I know you did it. I just wanna know why. You don’t love Jill. You treated her like shit while y’all were together and—”

  “What do you mean by that? I thought Jill and I were still together. I don’t recall us breaking up. I definitely would remember that conversation. Is there something you need to tell me, big brother?”

  “Yeah, you crazy-ass bitch! Jill doesn’t want you! She’s in love with me, Jay. And I love her too. Damn it! Get used to it. You never treated her the way she deserved. What you call love ain’t love at all. The price is too high. Jill came to me because she knew I could love her better than you.”

  “Now, you’re the one who deserves an Academy Award. You don’t love Jill. You just wanted her because she was mine. You sick son of a bitch! I hate you! Get outta my damn spot, you dirty bastard! Get the hell out!”

  “Jay, what’s wrong? Why are you screaming, honey?” Ayla ran into the sitting room. She screamed when she saw Zach, and ran back in
to the bathroom, buck-ass naked and dripping wet.

  Zach chuckled a little and shook his head. “Listen, I’m gonna let you get back to your friend. But I want you to know the stunt you pulled won’t keep Jill and me apart. She’ll be back here. I’ll do whatever I have to do to make that happen.” He walked to the door and grabbed the knob. “I suggest you get a strap-on for Doc,” he threw over his shoulder. “She loves dick, and she’ll return to it sooner or later, just like Venus did.”

  * * *

  Dex took off work the next day to drive Zach around the city. He had a few stops to make, and they all had something to do with getting Jill back to Atlanta. They arrived at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office at eight o’clock sharp, and it was already crowded as hell. They asked to see Clive Dooley and had to wait close to two hours before he was able to meet with them.

  “Sorry y’all had to wait,” Clive told them as they took a seat on the other side of his desk. “If you had called me at the crib last night, I would’ve moved some shit around to accommodate you earlier. I take it you’re here to apply for temp status on behalf of the young lady you were telling me about. You should’ve brought her with you.”

  “That’s just it, Clive. Jill is in Jamaica,” Zach responded. “I took her home to visit her family, and she got stuck over there. The United States is denying her reentry because they claim she came here illegally, but that’s bullshit, Clive! Jill came over here with my sister on a ninety-day visa. Jay was supposed to have applied for an extension and worked on her alien resident status, but she never did it. Then, while we were in Jamaica, that bitch contacted someone in this office. She told them Jill had abandoned their home, and she had no idea where she was or how she was supporting herself. Talking about how she didn’t wanna be responsible for her if she was out prostituting or doing some other illegal activities.”


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