Happily Ever After Collection

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Happily Ever After Collection Page 13

by Melanie Moreland

  I slipped into Sam’s place, the apartment dim and quiet. I dropped my messenger bag and walked down the hall, expecting her to be asleep, but she was in her office, curled in the chair, a manuscript on her lap.

  “Hey,” she called.

  I sat on the ottoman and leaned forward to kiss her. “Hi.”

  She stroked my face, frowning. “Tough night?”

  “Long.” I turned my head and kissed her palm. “Why are you up?”

  “I was waiting for you.”

  I couldn’t help my smile. “Sorry I was late. Last patient was a little messy, and I had to shower before I came home.”

  She tugged on the collar of my shirt. “You look sexy in scrubs.”

  I chuckled. “I had nothing left in my locker.”

  “I did all your laundry. It’s in my room.”

  I shook my head. “Sam, you didn’t have to do that.”

  She shrugged. “I wanted to. I thought if that was done, you could relax and spend the day with me.”

  I frowned sadly. “I’m afraid the only place I will spend a great deal of it is in bed.”

  She met my eyes. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  Instantly, I was awake. My body hummed with anticipation at her words. Our gazes remained locked on each other, and the heat around us built.

  “Are you sure?” I asked quietly, knowing what a big step this was for her.

  “We have all day,” she replied. “Mom and Dad took Chloe last night so I could meet my deadline. I worked all night to finish this book. So if you want me—” she took in a deep breath “—I’m all yours.”

  I stood, pulling the manuscript from her hands and tugging her from the chair. I lifted her into my arms. “Yes, you are.”

  Our mouths didn’t separate as I carried her to her room. They moved and caressed as I laid her on her bed. Broke apart only long enough for me to tear the scrubs over my head and send them flying into a corner before molding back together. We kissed endlessly, long, passionate moments of discovery. Of knowing, this time, the kisses wouldn’t end until we were fully joined. I brushed my fingers against her smooth skin as our clothing disappeared. I learned her dips and hollows, tracing her body with my hands and mouth, marveling at the perfection she was under my tongue. Her breasts fit perfectly in my hands, her nipples a deep pink as I sucked them, the hard nubs like candy in my mouth. I kissed the tiny marks on her hips and stomach she tried to cover with her hands, the silvery feathers on her skin proof of her journey as a mother.

  “These are part of you,” I whispered. “There’ll be more, Sam. Our children. And I’ll kiss them every time, knowing how they got there. Because your beautiful body cradled them. You wear your love on your skin, my little warrior.”

  With a low cry, she brought my mouth back to hers, kissing me. I groaned as she wrapped her hand around me, stroking and learning. I ached with desire for her. I trembled as she explored me, her hands and mouth blazing a trail of fire across my skin. I called out her name as her mouth closed around me, the pleasure so intense I shook with barely controlled need. I grasped her, pulling her under me and hovering over her, our eyes locked as I slid inside her. One slow, glorious inch at a time—nothing between us masking the sensation, that conversation having happened weeks ago. There was only her. Only me. Only us.

  I stilled at the intense emotional moment. Surrounded by Sam. Our bodies joined together so tightly, we were one. I stared down at her, overwhelmed and certain. She was it for me.

  “I love you.”

  A tear slipped from her eye, rolling into the mass of curls spread around her head like a halo.

  “I love you, Ian.” She grasped my neck, bowing her back. “Love me now.”

  I covered her mouth with mine and began to move. I rocked with her, our bodies moving as if they had done this dance a thousand times. We surged and ebbed as my thrusts intensified. I was lost in a vortex of sensation. Her soft skin, the clutch of her around me, her hot breaths drifting over my skin. My name being gasped in her throaty voice, the feel of her legs around me. Pulling me closer. She cried out as her body spasmed in bliss. I sped up, my orgasm barreling down on me. I clasped her tight, all reason leaving me as I gave in to the pleasure, moaning her name and coming endlessly.

  Until I was spent. Until I collapsed on her chest, floating and mindless.

  She nuzzled my head. I attempted to move, my body not cooperating.

  “Stay,” she pleaded. “I need to feel you for a few moments.”

  I managed to lift my head. “I never want to leave.”

  She ran her hand through my hair, a smile that took my breath away lighting her face.

  “Then don’t.”

  Six months later

  I slipped into the apartment, trying to be quiet. One of my fellow doctors had been called away on a family emergency, so I’d worked a double shift to cover him. It was almost five in the morning, and I knew my girls would be asleep, although Chloe would wake up in the next couple of hours.

  I rounded the corner and stopped with a grin. Sam was asleep on the sofa, her laptop open, a cup of cold tea sitting beside her. I knew she was against a deadline and had no doubt taken advantage of the fact that I was occupied to finish the manuscript she was working on.

  I looked around the room, still amazed this was my life now. Once I had made love with her, I knew I was never letting Sam go. Her gentle personality, her caring ways, her laugh, her smile, the way she mothered Chloe—everything about her drew me in. And I adored Chloe. The two of us were buddies and, along with Stitch, had many adventures in the park, the pool downstairs, and the playground.

  I had even nursed Chloe through a bad case of the flu, calling in favors to cover my shifts at the hospital. Worry I’d never comprehended before hounded me as I fought to bring down her fever and stop her nausea. She wasn’t just a patient, and I wasn’t just a doctor. When the fever broke and she fell into a restful sleep, I had almost broken down, finally understanding what a parent experienced bringing their child into the hospital. It made me a better doctor. I had always been compassionate, but now it was tempered with empathy. It was a great lesson to learn.

  While Chloe recovered, I stayed close. As I sat on the sofa with her one day, she looked up at me, her dark eyes pleading.

  “You stay here with us, okay?”

  I grappled to find the right words, looking to Sam to help me out. She surprised me when she smiled. “Mommy and Ian will talk about that, okay, Chloe?”

  “Okay.” Chloe patted my hand. “I like it when you’re here. It makes me and Stitch happy.”

  So did I. After a brief discussion with Sam, I began spending more time with them and staying over, allowing Chloe to get used to having me around. When a three-bedroom place opened up in the same building, Sam had slipped the listing in front of me, looking nervous. I had kissed her long and hard, then called the manager. There was no discussion needed. My girls were it for me, and I was ready. We moved in together the following month, and my life became a dizzy calendar of all things Chloe, Sam, and me.

  I kneeled in front of Sam and gazed at her. I had some news to share with her, and I wanted to tell her before Chloe woke up. I slipped her laptop onto the table and leaned forward, nuzzling her mouth. I felt her smile as she woke, her lips moving with mine effortlessly.

  “You’re home.”

  “I am.”

  She cupped my face. “You must be so tired.”

  “I grabbed a nap. I see you’ve been working too.”

  “Yeah, I finished the manuscript and sent it back.”

  I quirked my eyebrows. “A dashing rake in this one? Or is he a duke?”

  She grinned. “Both.”

  I had discovered a guilty pleasure in reading the books she edited, often amused by the antics, and turned on a great deal of the time. I loved it when she printed out a steamy section and left it on my pillow. We had reenacted several scenes, and my favorite nickname for her was wench. She giggled when I woul
d lower my voice and call to her.

  “Come to me, my wench. Show your duke how much you love him.”

  “You’ll have to tell me all about it.”

  She waggled her eyebrows, looking adorable. “I will. There is one scene I think you’ll like. How do you feel about wearing a kilt?”

  It was my turn to grin. “Bring it on, lassie.” I kissed her, then moved away, knowing if I stayed close there’d be no more talking, and Chloe would be up soon.

  I sat across from her, taking her hand. “Did the package come?”


  “Great. I’ll give it to her today.”

  “You spoil her.”

  I kissed her knuckles. “She deserves it. You both do.” I drew in a deep breath. “I have some news.”

  “Okay?” She looked anxious, her brow furrowing.

  “I accepted that job at Urgent Care.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes. The salary is decent, my hours are set, which means I’ll have more time for us, and the benefits are great. Once I’m settled, if I want, I can pick up a few shifts in the ER.”

  “You loved it at the ER.”

  I shrugged. “Yes. But a lot of that was so I stayed busy. I don’t want to be so busy anymore. I want time with my girls. The Urgent Care facility is great. I met some of the staff, and I’m looking forward to the change.” I sighed. “To be honest, with Gail leaving to retire and some of the new heads they have in the ER, it was time. They were talking more cutbacks and extra hours. I don’t want to burn out.”

  “Then it’s a good decision.”

  I met her gaze. “Yeah, it is.”

  “I, ah, did something yesterday.”

  “Oh?” I asked, curious.

  Sam looked nervous. Then she lifted her chin. “I paid off your student loans.”

  I blinked. Then again. “What?”

  “I paid them off.”

  “Why-why would you do that? How?” I sputtered.

  “I used some of my settlement.” She held up her hand before I could argue. “Alan paid a lot to get rid of us, and I put most of it away for Chloe’s education. But I wanted to do this—for you, for us.”

  I sighed heavily. “I don’t want you paying my debts.”

  “I’m not. You can repay me at a much slower rate and with no interest. I figured it all out.” She eyed me speculatively. “I wanted to do that, Ian. Please let me. Knowing it’s less stress for you makes it less stress for me. Besides—” she flashed me a grin “—it would piss Alan off if he knew his money went to help you, so it’s a double bonus for me. Please accept it.”

  Alan hadn’t been happy to find out his ex-wife had moved on. I had met him once, and our dislike of each other was mutual. I was worried he was going to try to use Chloe against Sam and me, but my fears were groundless. He had zero interest in being a father or a husband to them, but he hated not having the upper hand. He was a typical narcissist. He didn’t want Sam or Chloe, but he didn’t want anyone else to have them. Luckily, he grew tired of the game quickly and faded into the background, moving on with yet another new woman. I was glad he wasn’t part of Chloe’s life.

  I sat back, amazed at this woman and how lucky I was to have her.

  “I will pay you back.”

  “I know. I have it all documented since I knew you would want me to.”

  “I love you.”

  She beamed, her dimples deep, her eyes glowing. “I love you.”

  Thumping, fast footsteps headed our way and broke the moment. Wild curls, slipper-covered feet, a saucy smile, and the ever-present koala came around the corner. “Daddy!”

  She had started calling me that when I moved in. It just slipped out one day while we were snuggling. When she’d said it, I had looked at Sam, who was watching us with tears in her eyes.

  “You are my daddy now, right? You live with us. You call me Pumpkin. That’s a special name. So is Daddy.”

  Since Alan had nothing to do with her, and I loved her like my own, I agreed. “Yeah, Pumpkin, it’s good. I’m your daddy and proud to be.”

  Chloe jumped on my lap, and I let out a loud exaggerated groan. “You are getting too big!”

  She giggled. “Mommy says I am sprouting like a weed.”

  I kissed her forehead. “Mommy is right.”

  With a grin, I pulled a box from beside the chair. “I got you something.”

  Her eyes grew round like saucers. Chloe loved surprises. She traced her name on the package.

  “What is it?”

  “Open it and see.”

  I helped her open the thick cardboard, then let her pull off the wrapping. She emitted a little coo when she saw the contents. Two new koalas.

  “I thought Stitch might like some friends,” I explained. The truth was poor Stitch was getting pretty worn-out, and I worried what would happen when he was no longer up to the task of being hauled around everywhere. I had stitched up Stitch so often, I wasn’t sure there was a seam intact anymore.

  She touched the fur. “A mommy and a baby,” she whispered.

  “Stitch can be the Grandpa—like Papa Marv.” Gail and Marv were like family to us and grandparents to Chloe. The adoration was mutual on all sides. Chloe was lucky with extra grandparents to love her. My mother adored her, and they chatted regularly via FaceTime. She was surrounded with love.

  She slipped off my knee and gathered her new animals tight to her chest. “Stitch loves them! He has a family now—like me!”

  Her words made my throat tight. “Yeah, Pumpkin, he does.”

  “I have to go introduce them to everyone!”

  I chuckled. “Okay. What will you name them?”

  She looked at me as if I was nuts. She held up the mommy. “This is Stitchy.” Then the baby. “This is Baby Stitch.”

  I nodded sagely. It made perfect sense.

  She ran down the hall, talking excitedly.

  “That’s her day, probably her month, made.” Sam stood in front of me, smiling.

  I pulled her onto my lap. “Since you made my life perfect, it seems only right I can make her smile.”

  She kissed my jaw. “You make us both smile.”

  I tilted up her chin, kissing her. “Good.”

  She snuggled closer, and I wrapped my arms around her. I was surrounded by the sounds and scents of home. Chloe’s little voice, Sam’s body close to me, her curls tickling my lips as I nuzzled them. The feel of the comfortable chair that molded to my body. Knowing in a few moments Chloe would tear back into the room, and we’d move to the kitchen and have breakfast. That tonight, once Chloe was in bed, I’d have Sam alone, and we’d spend hours making love and talking about the future.

  Our future.

  I leaned down close to Sam’s ear. “I’m gonna marry you one day.”

  She lifted her head with a grin, responding the way she always did when I said those words. “Okay.”


  She lifted her eyebrows. I had never added that word before. “Okay.”

  I ran my finger over her cheek. “Let’s set a date, sweet Sammy. Make it official.”

  She grinned and nipped at my finger. “Anxious?”

  “I want everyone to know you’re mine. You and Chloe. I want to be a real family.” I drifted my hand down to her stomach. “I want to make more Chloes with you.”

  Her eyes lit up. Her dimples came out, and she smiled widely.

  “Maybe you already have.”

  For a moment, I didn’t move. I looked down to Sam’s stomach, then back to her face, repeating the motion a few times, unable to speak. My brain worked overtime as I thought about the last few weeks. Sam being tired and sleeping more. Picking at her meals some days and eating ravenously on others. Switching to tea and wrinkling her nose at coffee. Complaining her breasts were sore.

  How had I missed the signs?

  She laughed, making me realize I had said that out loud.

  “I did too, Ian. We’ve been so busy. I figured it out yes

  “Did you take a test?”

  She slipped a slim white case into my hand. “Yes.”

  I stared at it. Sam was pregnant. With my child.

  I pulled her back into my arms, laughing and crying at the same time. “This is the best news ever.”

  I stood, carrying her, pacing and planning. “I’ll get Cindy Friesen. She’s the best in the baby field. And a license. We’ll get married next week. We’ll need a house. With a yard. Maybe I should consider private practice. We have to tell Gail and Marv. Your parents. My mother.” I stopped midstride. “How will Chloe take it?”

  Sammy looked up at me, amused and alarmed. “Your head is going to explode. First, you can’t do anything carrying me around, so you should put me down. Then we’ll figure it all out, step by step. I’m six weeks along, Ian. Lots of time so we don’t need to make any major decisions right now.” Then she grinned. “Although I do want to marry you. But maybe in a couple of weeks? Give a girl time to find a dress.”

  I sat down, still holding her. “Anything you want. Sam,” I breathed out. “I love you.” I spread my hand across her stomach, knowing inside, our child was there, growing. “I love you so much.”

  Her eyes glowed. “I love you. And Chloe will be thrilled. Everything else is just noise, Ian. I don’t care where we live or what people think. I just want to be with you and be a family.”

  I kissed her. “Me too, sweet Sammy. Me too.”

  Eighteen months later

  I pulled up to the house, stopping for a moment to enjoy the vista in front of me. The sun was bright, the flowers in the front garden blooming, their vivid colors setting off the green grass. The bungalow gleamed with a fresh coat of paint, and it looked cared for and homey.

  And inside, was my family. I grabbed the flowers I had stopped to pick up and headed to the front door, grinning as it burst open and a little girl tore off the porch, her arms open wide.


  I lifted her up, kissing her cheek. “Hey, Pumpkin. Have a good day?”

  She bobbed her head enthusiastically. “Mommy made a picnic for the backyard!”


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