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Faded Dreams

Page 14

by Kari Lemor

  The rest of the family laughed, and the warmth Elle always felt around them intensified. Luke circled his arm around her shoulder and nuzzled her cheek. “It’s going to be great. You’ll see.”

  Alex tucked his phone back in his pocket. “Kristan said she’d be happy to meet you tomorrow morning at nine if that works.”

  “Of course, sweetie. I appreciate her squeezing us in. Now, we need to find you a dress, Ellie.”

  Her head started swimming as Molly went into full-blown organizational mode. Luke liked to joke about his brother, Alex, being a stickler for things, but Elle saw where he got it from. This woman was full steam ahead.

  The kids were allowed to get down from the table while the adults chatted. Alex and Gina’s spaniel, Honeysuckle, scampered in and headed straight for Gina.

  “Hey there, girl.” Gina leaned over to kiss the dog’s head, then reared back. “Ugh. You just ate your dog food, didn’t you?” Gina’s skin turned ashen, and she bolted from the table. Alex stiffened, then went after her.

  Elle pressed her lips together to keep from laughing. She knew that feeling. Smells that make you ready to lose your lunch. Glancing around, she could see secret smiles on Sara, Tessa, and Molly’s faces. They all knew, as well.

  The guys continued to discuss sports as if nothing had happened. So clueless.

  A few minutes later, Alex and Gina returned and sat back down. Gina’s olive skin was still pale, but she didn’t look like a ghost any longer.

  “Sorry, I needed to clean up the dog’s mess in the kitchen.”

  Sara rolled her eyes and rested her hands on her growing stomach. “So were you planning to tell us today or were you going to wait?”

  Luke and Pete squinted while Alex squirmed.

  “What?” Alex couldn’t keep the guilty expression off his face.

  Sara rubbed her belly again. Alex shot a glance at Gina and frowned. “I didn’t say anything. I swear.”

  Luke cocked his head. “What are you talking about?”

  Gina reached for her husband’s hand. “Go ahead. They all know, anyway.”

  A grin the size of the moon popped out on Alex’s face. “Gina’s expecting. We only found out a few days ago. We didn’t want to ruin the wedding announcement, so we figured we’d wait to let you know. Guess the ladies figured it out, anyway.”

  “When are you due?” Molly grinned. The woman couldn’t hold in her excitement at yet another grandchild.

  “Not until November,” Gina responded, her hand on her still flat tummy.

  Luke’s eyebrows banged together. “Wait? I don’t understand how they all knew.”

  Erik leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Don’t question the magical ability of women to know when another woman is pregnant. Mom knew Tessa was pregnant before Tessa even knew.”

  Tessa nodded, then followed behind Joey as he toddled into the front room. Three kids. Elle had never thought much about how many kids she wanted. She’d been too busy working on her career to worry about that.

  “Let’s go sit in the other room.” Molly guided Elle and Sara out of the dining room. “It’s the men’s job to clean up.”

  Gina sat between Sara and Elle on the couch and slyly patted their bellies. “I can’t wait for this.”

  “There’re good and bad days.” Elle winced as Junior started soccer practice.

  Molly shifted in her chair across from them and flipped a page on her notepad. “Have you picked out any dishes and kitchenware yet?”

  “Oh, uh…no. I’ve got some from my apartment. I brought those.” Two plates, two mugs, two of everything. It had been more than enough so far.

  “Look online over the next few days and see what else you want. Towels, sheets, anything you don’t have. The family will need a list of gifts they can buy.”

  Elle startled at the thought. “I don’t want anyone buying stuff for us. Please, we’ll be fine.”

  Tessa leaned against the doorframe between the front and middle rooms. “Don’t even try and argue. I got hauled out to the store to buy an entire wardrobe for Matty and Kiki the first day Molly met her new grandkids. Erik and I hadn’t even considered marriage at that point. The Storm family will make sure you’ve got everything you need.”

  Elle smiled and nodded, her head spinning at how much this family did for each other. They’d provide everything she needed? Did that include a husband who loved her and would remain faithful? Because, for some reason, she didn’t think they had that much control.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Luke paced back and forth in the small room next to the makeshift chapel at The Inn at the Falls. He glanced at his watch for the fifth time. Last he checked, Elle hadn’t gotten here yet. Would she back out? Had his family been too overbearing with the rushed wedding? She hadn’t said anything, but he could tell she’d been anxious the last few weeks.

  Alex sauntered in and clasped his hand on Luke’s shoulder. “Calm down. She just got here. What’s got you so keyed up?”

  Luke shrugged. “Aren’t all grooms supposed to be anxious before the wedding? If I recall, you were a bundle of nerves.”

  “I’m always nervous. You know that. But my concern was if the food would be good enough, that I wouldn’t lose the ring, and that Gina’s mother would actually show up. I wasn’t nervous about Gina. She’s been in love with me since we were kids. She’s my better half, and I know I can’t survive without her.”

  His brother was so lucky. It was obvious to anyone with eyes that Alex and Gina were two pieces of the same puzzle. Alex had actually called his wife that one time. Luke had laughed at the sentimentality, but now he was envious of the close bond they shared. He wanted something like that. Would he have it with Elle?

  Thinking of Erik and Tessa, he knew sometimes love had to grow and be given a chance. Would Elle give him that chance? That was probably the thing he was most anxious about. That he wouldn’t be able to live up to Elle’s expectations. He’d die trying.

  “I hope I don’t screw this up, Alex.” His brother would most likely razz him later, but he needed to get it out.

  Surprisingly, Alex faced him with a serious expression. “You’ll be fine if you make sure to think of Ellie. What she needs and what she wants. Not that you don’t ever get your way, but you need to think about more than just you now. Especially with the baby coming.”

  Luke pressed his fists against his thighs. “Even though I’m super excited about the baby, I’m also afraid it’s another thing I’ll mess up.”

  “No one knows how to be a father before they are. You learn as you go. I’ll be a few months behind you, so we can learn together. I plan to do as much research as possible and pick people’s brains. Dad’s a good one. You can’t find a better father than him. But also Erik and Greg have been doing it for a while. Even Nathaniel has it down pat, and he got thrown in headfirst.”

  “Thanks, Alex. That’s good advice.”

  Alex chuckled. “Never thought I’d hear you say that to me. But if you want more…make sure to pick up your crap. Has she complained about your slobfest yet?”

  Luke frowned. “No. She hasn’t really complained about much, but she is fairly neat and tidy. I usually get home from work about a half hour after her, and everything’s picked up and washed. I haven’t had to do much.”

  Alex narrowed his eyes. “Well, don’t let her do everything. Especially while she’s pregnant. They say women can do most things while carrying a baby, but I guess I want to make it easier on Gina so she’s not super tired all the time.”

  “Yeah. Ellie falls asleep most nights before nine. Of course, she’s up a few times in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Junior has plans to play soccer apparently. But I’ve got to tell you, Alex, there’s nothing like feeling your baby move inside his mom. I can’t even describe it.”

  Alex’s grin grew. “I can’t wait. I’m envious that you got to experience it before me, but my time is coming. I need to be patient.”

Luke peeked through the door into the chapel, his own patience wearing thin. When were they going to get this show on the road? The seats seemed mostly filled, and he was thrilled to see some of his family filling up both sides, so it wasn’t lopsided.

  Kristan, the manager of the Inn, poked her head in the door. “The bride is about ready to walk down the aisle. As soon as you get to the front, we’ll start the music.”

  Luke froze, a big hole opening up in his chest, then it slowly filled with thoughts of Elle, and he relaxed. He wanted to be with her. Had thought of little else but her while he’d been away.

  “Let’s do this, little bro.” Alex slapped him on the back and walked beside him to stand at the end of the short aisle.

  He wondered what she’d be wearing. His mother had taken her out right after they’d made the announcement and helped her find a dress. Neither of them had told him what it looked like. Not that he cared about stuff like that, but he hoped it was something Elle wanted. The little smile that played around her lips when he’d mentioned it made him think she was happy with the choice.

  Luke and Alex stood tall while Dad escorted Mom to the front. Erik had brought Elle’s Aunt Sharon down a minute before. The woman didn’t deserve to play the part of mother of the bride, but Luke wouldn’t rock any boats today.

  Soft music drifted through the room, and Gina stepped slowly to the beat, heading toward them. Elle hadn’t wanted anyone to spend lots of money on clothes for the wedding, so Gina had borrowed one of the bridesmaid dresses from Sara’s wedding. Darcy was tiny like Gina and had been happy to give her the pink lace confection.

  Gina’s hair was done up in a way that toned down her carefree style. As she got closer, Luke peeked past to get a glimpse of his bride to be.

  Gina stepped to her left, then the wedding march started. Luke’s breath caught as Elle glided toward him like an angel from heaven. God, she looked fantastic.

  Her gorgeous auburn hair was pulled to the side in cascading curls over one shoulder and her face was made up just enough to accentuate her natural beauty. Her dress was some wispy material that hugged her top and flowed over her belly, showcasing where their child rested. It was the most wondrous sight he’d ever seen.

  Her gaze met his, and he couldn’t stop the huge smile that spread across his face. She responded with her own angelic grin, her dimples winking at him, reminding him of the girl he’d grown to care for so long ago. She’d truly been his savior at times when he’d needed someone to talk to. He hated to admit most of his friends had been too shallow to be of any help.

  Her Uncle Doug stopped in front of him and gave Elle a small peck on the cheek. Luke stepped up and took her hand.

  “Ellie, you are the most incredibly beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  She pressed her lips together as a film of moisture covered her eyes. After a deep breath, her lips twisted to the side. “You clean up kind of nice, too.”

  They both faced the minister, ready for their next step.

  Elle couldn’t believe she was marrying Lukas Storm. It had been a daydream of hers since she’d been a young girl who’d been welcomed into his world. Over time, the dream had faded, but now it was back in full force. And coming true.

  Maybe not the way she’d originally planned it, but in just a few minutes, they’d be husband and wife. If only she could ensure they’d have their happily ever after.

  She was determined to do what it took to make Luke happy and never regret taking this step with her. They had excellent chemistry in bed, and they got along well. Even though Luke was a casual guy in many ways, he was also extremely intelligent and enjoyed a challenging conversation and debate on occasion. She was certainly up to that task. It wasn’t always a bad thing to be a super smart geek.

  The minister spoke about love, marriage, and commitment, but Elle barely registered what he was saying, Her nerves quivered in excitement at what they were about to do. Luke squeezed her hand tightly, whether to let her know he was here for her, or due to his own anxiety, she didn’t know. Either way, she needed the reminder he was in this with her.

  Sneaking a glance at the man by her side, she held her breath for a second. God, he was so handsome. He must have shaved right before he came, because in the month they’d been living together, she’d noted how quickly his five o-clock shadow showed up. He seemed younger without the stubble covering his jaw and chin.

  “Lukas, do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect Murielle, forsaking all others and holding only unto her?”

  Elle got her head back in the ceremony and watched Luke’s expression as he answered this question. Forsaking all others? She wanted to believe Luke would stay faithful to her, but she’d also known him too long. And known his reputation.

  He gazed into her eyes and smiled serenely. “I do.”

  “Murielle, do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect Lukas, forsaking all others and holding only unto him?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  The minister tipped his head. “The rings?”

  Alex handed their rings to Luke, who took one and placed it on her third finger. They’d picked these out last week, and Elle had never been so thrilled as when Luke insisted they both get rings. Matching ones.

  “Ellie, I give you this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. With this ring I thee wed.”

  He handed her his ring, and she placed it on his finger and slid it to the end. “Luke, I give you this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. With this ring I thee wed.”

  “By the power invested in me and before God, I pronounce you husband and wife.”

  The grin on Luke’s face warmed her more than a thousand suns. He wanted to do this. Perhaps as much as she wanted it.

  The minister leaned in and whispered, “You may kiss your bride.”

  “Exactly what I was thinking.” Luke gently palmed her face and touched his lips to hers. It was sweet for only a moment before it turned possessive, then it was over. Luke had staked his claim, and Elle had never been happier.

  They faced the small crowd as the minister said, “I introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Lukas Storm.”

  Mrs. Lukas Storm. All those faded dreams came rushing back full force, overwhelming her. Biting her lip, she blinked back the tears that threatened to fall.

  As they walked past all the guests, Elle couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest woman on the planet. She was married to Lukas Storm. She remembered what Tessa had said about marrying Erik and how she hadn’t even cared what people would think about the reason behind their marriage. Elle felt that way now. Maybe it wouldn’t last, but for this moment in time, she would grab hold of that emotion and run with it.

  Kristan motioned for them to stand near the entrance to the chapel, then directed the rest of the guests to funnel past them with their congratulations. The hugs and kisses from the Storm family were all so warm and loving. These were some of the best people she knew. But when her aunt approached, Elle was surprised to find tears in her eyes.

  “I’m truly thrilled for you, Elle. I wish for you and Luke to have a perfect marriage.” Aunt Sharon gave Luke a kiss on the cheek and whispered, “I hope you treat her right. Don’t you break her heart, young man.”

  Luke visibly swallowed at the order. “I won’t. I promise.” He sounded sincere and for now he probably was. Elle could only pray that the Storm integrity was strong in her new husband.

  Once the last cousin had paraded past and given well wishes, Kristan led them to the small banquet room the reception was in. The DJ introduced them to the room, then started the music for their first dance. Luke swept her into his arms—or as close as she could get with her huge belly—and swayed to the slow beat.

  “Too late to back out now,” Luke whispered in her ear. “Thank you, Ellie, for taking a chance on me. I’ll do everything I can to make you happy.”

  He meant it, and she had to believe it. “Just be my husband and a good father to our child. That’s all I want, Luke.”r />
  “I’ll try my best.” He pressed another kiss to her lips and kept them there for a long moment. Applause from the guests brought them out of the private world they’d been in.

  The music ended and they broke apart, though Luke kept his arm encircling her shoulder. Kristan waved for them to be first in line at the buffet, and Elle’s stomach growled at the thought of food.

  Luke chuckled as he passed her a plate. “Seems Junior wants to eat, too.”

  Elle filled her plate with the delicious smelling food, remembering how incredible Molly Storm had been navigating through a two-week time frame to plan a wedding. They had a choice of Chicken Marsala and Beef Medallions, with potatoes, roasted vegetables, and green salad added to the dish. Elle took a little of each of the main meals, then made sure she had the healthy food there, too. Junior needed to be strong for when he came into this world.

  For the next few hours, Luke and Elle visited with each of the guests. She couldn’t believe the pile of gifts that rested on the table by the door. Molly had said the family would want to get them what they needed, but their generosity had boggled her mind.

  As Luke chatted with Nicole and Brad, Elle made a quick trip to the restroom. Again. Seemed she and Sara had been tag teaming all night.

  “Is this what I have to look forward to in a few months?” Gina asked, sidling over to where Elle stood near the dessert table. “Constant trips to the bathroom?”

  Sara nodded and patted her belly. Tessa appeared behind them, her gaze across the room to where Erik and Alex had the three kids. Greg and Nathaniel stood nearby with their brood, as well.

  Elle was so excited for the baby to be one of the Storm cousins. This child would always know what love was.

  “Try being pregnant while hauling around an eighteen-month-old,” Tessa said. “Kiki decided suddenly she wanted to be carried everywhere, and Matty got all clingy at times and was attached to my leg.”

  Sara smirked and grabbed hands with Elle and Tessa and nodded at Gina, who stood across from her. “I can’t tell you how excited I am to finally have all these sisters. Growing up with three older brothers was no picnic. Still, they’ve all chosen such great partners.”


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