by Jeff Seats
She leaned into Paul letting him get a good look down her open blouse. He couldn't help himself and got an eyeful of some very lovely scenery. She leaned in to whisper into his ear. “My name is Countess Marietta von Strozzi, but I prefer Marie. So much more informal. Yes?” Paul shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “Please forgive me for being so forward but I find you to be incredibly fascinating. Are you a military man?”
He felt himself slipping into a stupor, but he couldn't stop it. The Countess spoke a few quiet words warmly into Paul’s ear. Her soft breath sent a chill cascading down his spine. She swirled her fingers around his neck loosening his collar. Paul’s heart raced, and his cheeks flushed. Blood was being pumped through his body at full throttle.
Then, abruptly, she stopped. The Countess stopped touching Paul as though she discovered that he had the plague. She pushed her chair back and stood, tipping it over. Without looking back she stormed over to the bar and drained a drink. Angrily she told the others standing near her about that jerk at the table over there, like he had said something, done something, wrong.
Paul began to regain his composure the instant that the Countess stormed away. More importantly could feel that he was regaining his sense of self-control. He bent down to pick up the chair, and a chain slipped out from his unbuttoned collar. Paul sat back and looked at all the locals who were giving him the stink eye. Paul touched the chain as he awkwardly tried to ignore the whole bar of locals who were all glaring at him now like he was some a weirdo. Idly fingering the silver chain and the crucifix that hung from it, he stared back at them, unafraid.
Ellie had left the table where she and Dick were sitting when it became apparent that he was more concerned about Steph’s dancing partner than his girlfriend. Since then she had been standing out of the way in a corner leaning against the wall.
She watched as, first, Jenna and Kelvin met their new “friends” and, then, as that very attractive woman had gone over and sat with Paul. Ellie was surprised by how forward she was with him, almost falling out of her blouse as she did. Ellie did have to admit that the woman possessed a very nice set of breasts, but really? Did she need to be that flagrant about showing them off? Ellie knew that she was a bit naive concerning men but, as far as she knew, they didn't need that much bait to get hooked. And that dumb ass was letting her rub up against him and unbutton his shirt! I had a different opinion of that one, she thought with disappointment.
Then all of a sudden the local woman stood and slammed her chair to the ground; like it was a definitive statement with an exclamation point. Then the woman stormed away from Paul as if he were a perv.
Perhaps out of boredom, but more likely as a way to make Richard jealous--as if anything could at this point--she wandered over to where Paul was sitting staring playing with the chain around his neck.
“Wow, she’s hot,” Ellie said to Paul sitting down next to him. “What did you say to turn her off?”
Holding the crucifix between his thumb and forefinger, Paul still stared after the woman. “Shit, I didn’t say squat.”
Paul focused on Ellie. “Have you noticed anything, oh, strange going on?”
“You mean before or after we found the bus driver's bloody hat?”
“After we crawled under that fence nothing has seemed right. The way this town is laid out, finding no one until after sunset and then the old army rations. And look at those two love sick idiots.” Paul nodded towards Jenna and Kelvin. “Those two locals sashayed up to them and have had them eating out of their hands ever since.”
“Yeah, and what about that hottie who seemed to have your number?”
Paul continued to touch the crucifix feeling the smoothness of the silver. “Yeah...what about that? It was like I had no control. Like she was manipulating me. I couldn't move or speak. I couldn’t break free...”
“And I saw the orbs she used to hypnotize you with.”
“No, it wasn't like that.” Paul said defensively.
Ellie smiled at him. “Really?” Ellie and Paul were now facing each other.
“And Steph? That tall dude, Vlad? From the first moment he came in he targeted her and she hasn't been off the dance floor ever since. She even dances when there’s no music. I swear it looks like he wills her to move one way and then another without talking or even touching her.”
Ellie looked out to the floor where Steph and Vladimir continued to dance. Steph’s eyes were closed. Her face was unreadable yet she seemed lost in a state of bliss just like Jenna and Kelvin. Then she shifted her eyes over to Dick. There was no bliss on his face, only anger and jealousy as he watched Vladimir and Steph dance like Astaire and Rodgers around the room.
“He really is a good boyfriend.” Ellie said when she saw that Paul was looking at Dick too.
“Save it. You just keep making up reasons not to dump him.” Paul exhaled a calming breath before perusing the next words. “You seem so much better and smarter than that. I'm sorry, but it’s true.”
Ellie blushed and started to speak, “Well...I...”
Then Dick stood abruptly pushing his chair back violently and walked over to Steph and Vladimir. He tapped Vladimir on the shoulder.
“Hey, pal. Mind if I cut in?”
Vladimir stopped dancing. Steph continued moving, circling around the two men.
Vladimir held out his hand to shake. “I do not believe we have met. I am Vladimir. And you are...?
“An annoyance. Vladimir sneered, now go on over to your girlfriend Mister ‘officially the boss.'”
For a moment Dick was back in the barn picking up the bus driver's hat and putting it on. Blood oozed out around his forehead. In the shadows there was motion. Tendrils of black vapor intertwined and laced together forming a human shape and then out of the fog a face materialized. Dick's eyes opened wide in horrifying recognition. It was Vladimir. Impossible! He's fucking with me, Dick thought.
The momentary shock of this realization sent the blood rushing down from his head to his feet. He became dizzy and lightheaded. He staggered back and connected with the bar holding onto it for support. His mind was swimming with the image of the black vapor forming into Vlad's face. Dick turned away from Vladimir and Steph trying to clear his head. As he faced the bar, the bartender arrived with a glass and a bottle of vodka
“You're lookin' a bit peeked, lad. A shot o' this should set you straight.” The bartender poured Dick a healthy amount of the clear booze which he downed without difficulty. A second shot was poured and downed. Now Dick could feel the flush of warmth return to his cheeks, and he began to feel more like his old self. A third shot was poured. Dick grabbed it and turned back to watch Steph cavorting with that guy.
He slugged down the drink and stepped away from the bar. That additional drink inflamed a desire not to let this yokel get the best of him. He puffed up like a strutting cock flaunting his plumage, projecting a willingness to do battle with his usurper. He was going to do something about that Vlad guy; really do something. Now, however, wasn't the right time to act. There were too many locals in the bar to come to his defense. He'd bide his time and wait for the appropriate moment.
Dick turned to go back to his table but stopped and swung around and pointed a menacing finger at Vladimir. “I’m not done with you!”
Vladimir flashed Dick a condescending smile. “Nor I you.” Then he spun Steph across the floor and continued in his dance of seduction.
Ellie gave Paul a weak apologetic smile. She stood and moved to do her job, one she had been doing for years, and went over to join Dick who sat fuming at how Vladimir brushed him aside as if he were a nobody. She took up her usual position next to him and sat quietly whispering trying to calm him down.
Paul sat back in his chair disappointed. He thought that maybe she was listening to him. Obviously not. Nothing more to do now than watch this slowly evolving situation. Something just wasn't right around here and all this activity revolving around nine lost bus passengers
could not be considered ordinary even for the middle of Eastern Oregon. Especially here.
Ellie put her hand on Dick's knee softly stroking it as she continued to speak soothing platitudes into his hear. He abruptly pulled away from her. “Leave me the fuck alone!” She tried again. Dick gave her a shove and she tipped over backward in her chair. Ignoring Ellie on the floor, he stomped to the bar and ordered another drink.
Dick's sudden, explosive reaction to Ellie's attempt at calming him down surprised Paul, though it really shouldn't have. He jumped up and limped the few paces over to her, holding out his hand to help Ellie to her feet. She accepted and they returned to his table.
As Paul sat, he scanned the room. After such a major public blowup all eyes should have been on Ellie sitting ass on the floor, but no one was paying attention. The locals were either watching Vladimir or continued to party and the remaining passengers, other than Ellie and himself, were lost in la-la land.
Then the two locals sitting with Jenna and Kelvin stood and extended their hands to their conquests, which Jenna and Kelvin took and stood. The woman put her arm around Jenna’s shoulder and walked her to the door. The male whispered something into Kelvin’s ear. They giggled and followed.
Paul quickly stood and reached out putting his hand on Kelvin's shoulder stopping him. Kelvin looked down at it like a fly had just landed there. Paul tried to say something to keep them from leaving, but the Samoan placed a finger in the middle of his chest and stopped him shaking his head. “Not you. Just them.” Paul attempted to step around the obstacle, but Apelu had several pounds on him, and it was all muscle.
Paul watched the four walk out of the bar; the bell jingled as Apelu closed it. The loud click of the lock emphasized the fact that the remaining passengers were being held captive.
By now Dick had knocked back a couple more vodkas. Primed, he took a deep breath and stormed onto the dance floor.
Dick tapped Vladimir on the shoulder again. “Hey! Vladdy. I don’t know what you’re doing or what’s going on around here but it stops now! Da?”
Vladimir flashed his fangs. “Oh very much, da!” Vladimir lunged at Dick. In one swift, smooth motion he grabbed Dick by the shoulders and flopped his head back to expose his throat. Opening his mouth wide, Vladimir bit into Dick's throat and tore a big chunk out of it. His lips and chin were painted in a shiny coat of Dick’s dark red blood.
Stunned, in shock, not sure what just happened, Dick grabbed his neck and felt the bleeding gash. He looked at Vladimir who still held him up by the shoulders, gloating over his kill.
As he looked around the room, perhaps for the last time, Dick saw the shocked face of Ellie. Even that fuckwad Paul was staring at him, mouth almost to his knees. The locals stood frozen, wound up in a blood frenzy but trying to hold back their urges, waiting until they were given permission to let loose.
Dick could feel the life drain out of him but, aside from the initial chunk of neck being torn out, he felt no pain. In fact, he was light-headed and couldn't remember the last time he felt so good. In his final survey of the bar, his eyelids drooping as the last of his blood burbled up from his neck wound, he saw the reflective surface of a brass fixture on the back of the bar. Focusing in on the reflection, he saw himself and the blood spurting out. Reality hit. He screamed in horror at the gaping wound. In the reflection he saw Steph still dancing, oblivious to the world around her. There was Ellie, fear and panic oozed from her like the blood from his neck. There was that asshole...but, where was everyone else? Awareness began to fade as his life poured out onto the floor. Where was Vladimir? Dick looked down and saw Vladimir's bloody hands holding him upright. He looked at the reflection again. No Vladimir. No bartender. No locals. Dick's knees buckled, his head flopped back forcing him to look up into Vladimir's triumphant eyes who was watching the life fade from his.
Vladimir spoke softly to the dying Dick. “Do not die too fast my friend you are the guest of honor.”
Vladimir turned to the bartender. “Sean, who says you never serve dinner here?” He held Dick's body out to the locals. “Better hurry before your food gets cold.” He let go of Dick, and his body slumped to the floor; a marionette whose strings had been cut. In the background the jukebox was playing the syncopated music of Cab Calloway's, Everybody Eats When They Come To My House as the theme song for this dinner party.
The locals rushed in a frenzy to the fresh blood seeping out of Dick's neck. The Samoan guarding the door saw the others going for the bloody mess that was Dick and licked his lips. The intoxicating aroma of fresh blood overpowered him, and he bolted from his post to make sure he got his share.
Dick’s body was descended upon by the bloodthirsty locals. A school of piranha would have been put to shame at their speed and ferocity. If any last screams came from his mouth, they were muted by the sounds of the locals tearing him apart as he was being devoured.
The locals didn’t take long parting out the body. There seemed to be plenty to go around. Arms and legs, hands, no matter; every piece of Dick that had any blood in it was not going to go to waste. The initial scramble for their fair share over, every one of the vampires was now focused on sucking the last drop of warm liquid out of whatever scrap of Dick they could before it cooled. Warm fresh blood was always the best and tasted the sweetest and, frankly, it had been a very long time since any of them had done this... with a human.
Apelu’s late arrival to the fray netted him the greatest prize. The Samoan felt something at his feet before he dove into the frenzy and looked down to see Dick’ surprised face looking up at him. Like it was a fumbled football he scooped up the severed head and protectively carried the prize over to the wall where he sat and happily imbibed on the choicest blood from the kill.
Steph, unaware, unconcerned, uncaring, smiled in her hypnotic state swaying to the music. The Cab Calloway record had clicked off and the Sinatra version of Strangers In The Night began to play. Steph tracked sticky, red footprints across the bar room floor dancing circles around the wallowing locals.
««« ‡ »»»
WITH A SENSE of panic so acute that she was frozen into silence, Ellie could only stare at the carnage. She had just watched Vladimir tear into Richard's throat. Fear kept her glued to the chair. She couldn't move even if she wanted to; her eyes were fixed on the feeding frenzy as the locals got their pieces and chunks of what was left of her boyfriend. There was no way to comprehend what she was witnessing. The only thought in her head was, How will I tell his mother?
Paul had watched Dick acting like a jerk in disbelief. Vladimir obviously had the upper hand, and Dick shouldn't have gone after him like that and on his own turf. What the hell was Dick doing not staying with Ellie and protecting her? Steph had made her bed but Dick seemed to have abandoned her. Too bad...OH SHIT! What just happened? Vlad just bit into Dick's throat! Jesus!
Paul looked over to Ellie who was sitting next to him, frozen with shock. He looked around the barroom. All the locals were occupied, and Apelu had left the door unguarded to join in with...eating Dick, but there was a clear path to the door. Paul’s military training had taught him to seize the advantage when given the opportunity and think about it later. He hopped up and grabbed his walking stick.
“Ellie. Come on we gotta get out of here!”
She didn’t respond. Paul grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up out of her chair and dragged her to the entrance. He turned the bolt with a loud thwack and threw the door open. Again he grabbed hold of her coat and proceeded outside, but Ellie was incapacitated by what she had just seen and stood rooted to the floor.
Paul gave her a quick sharp slap to the cheek bringing her back to the reality of the situation. Her eyes flared with anger at the hit.
“What the fuck...” Then she recognized Paul and the world came back into focus.
“We gotta get outta here!” Ellie grabbed Paul's arm and together they ran out of the slaughterhouse and into the night.
The door closed shut as they left, the bell happily wishing them to have a good night.
Vladimir eyed Paul and Ellie fleeing the bar unconcerned at their escape. Instead, he focused his attention back onto Steph. First things first. Always time for a little hide and seek later. The bleeders won't get far. Vladimir placed his left hand on Steph's hip and took her left hand into his right as he led, gliding her across the floor.
The locals were heady with fresh blood from the first kill they had shared in many years. They writhed around sucking and slurping all the blood that they could find in orgiastic splendor, not content to let one drop be wasted. Their appetites sated for the moment they luxuriated in the warm stickiness of the fresh human blood; it had been so very long.
In a fog of exhalation, Steph wondered what all these people were doing rolling on the floor? Why was there raspberry syrup everywhere? And here was Vladimir spinning her around the room. What was he doing to her? His gaze was fixed on her. His eyes mesmerized her. Vladimir raised his hand and caressed her cheek. He brushed back her hair. Oh, how that feels! His mouth moved to her neck. He kissed it, and she moaned with expectation; her heart raced at a frantic pace. She closed her eyes in near ecstasy then she felt it. The puncture. But there was no pain only euphoria such as she had never felt before.
His fangs connected with her artery and as he bit in deeper she let out a gasp. His lips formed a seal onto her skin, and he sucked in her blood. Then he stopped and gently withdrew his teeth form her neck. She opened her eyes, and Vladimir was looking into them, into her soul. He smiled, blood dripping down from his fangs and lips. Her blood.
Still staring into her eyes, Vladimir bit into his own wrist opening up a vein. The red force of his life flowed out, and he offered his bleeding wrist to her. Steph looked at it, at the blood dripping from the bite and then into his eyes. Hesitantly she placed her lips over his bleeding wrist and, slowly and then with increasing vigor, drank in the warmth from Vladimir’s beating heart.