Pure Seduction

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Pure Seduction Page 8

by Frank, Ella

  His thick hair was swept back from his face and his tempting lips pulled into a smug smile. His eyes zeroed in on me and he walked in my direction.

  Breathe, I reminded myself as my thighs clenched under the slow perusal he was giving me. Breathe and remember that he is the new one here today, not you.

  “You’re late,” he said, coming to a stop in front of me. “What happened? Did you catch all the red lights on your way over here?”

  There were exactly two traffic lights in downtown Chamberlin, so Noah knew very well that that had not been the case.

  “Actually, I forgot something on my way out the door this morning and had to run back to get it.”

  Noah slipped his hands into his pockets and grinned. “Oh? And what might that be? I only see heels, a skirt, and a shirt. I can’t imagine you’d forget a handbag quite that large, so what could you have possibly forgotten?”

  Smart ass. “A Pop-Tart.”

  “A Pop-Tart?”

  “Mhmm. A—”

  “Strawberry frosted with sprinkles?”

  “Yes. How did you know that?”

  Noah chuckled and reached out to me, and when I immediately reared back, he arched a brow. “Whoa, easy there. I was just going to do this.”

  He brushed his thumb over my cheek and then held it up to show a sprinkle, and I felt my face heat with embarrassment.

  “They used to be your favorite, and, well, this was a dead giveaway.”

  When he sucked the sprinkle off his thumb and laughed at my horrified expression, I gritted my teeth and walked on by him. This was off to a fantastic start.

  I headed down the hall to where my office was, and with every step I took, I was aware of Noah behind me. His attention was like a tangible thing. It was as though I could feel his eyes as they lowered over me, and I was suddenly glad I’d spent the extra time picking out what to wear today.

  “I assume you’ll be working out of Harry’s old office?”

  I placed my bag on the bottom shelf of the bookcase behind my desk, then reached around the computer to switch it on. When I still got no response, I looked up to see Noah watching me with a heat and potency that made my nipples tighten and my entire body ache with need.


  “I know you asked me something about work just now, and in a minute, I’ll pay attention and answer it. But first, I have to say this: you grew into one sexy woman, Laurel. Jesus. It’s hard to concentrate around you.”

  At the blunt honesty in his words, I found myself smiling. Up until this moment, I’d felt like a teenager back in high school every time I ran into this man. But as I stood there in front of him now, I felt nothing but confident in the woman I’d become.

  “Thank you.”

  Noah let out one of those low chuckles, and this time, it made me…want.

  “Thank you?”

  “Yes. Thank you. And now that you have that off your chest, are you ready to get to work?”

  His lips kicked up at one side in a grin, and the dangerous glint that entered his eyes belied his submissive tone when he said, “Yes, ma’am. Just tell me what you want me to do.”



  ABOUT AN HOUR into my tour with Laurel, I knew I’d need to get Ryan to run over things with me again at a later date. I was doing my best to pay attention to what she was telling me about the business, but my mind was too busy documenting every little nuance about her instead.

  From the mile-high black heels to the A-line skirt that hugged her curves like a lover, I was having a difficult time concentrating on anything other than the tempting picture she made.

  She wore a prim white button-up blouse tucked in at her waist, but she’d left the top couple of buttons free, so I kept getting glimpses of the smooth skin beneath. Every now and then she’d glance over her shoulder to make sure I was paying attention, and when her soft blonde curls brushed against the upturned collar, it made me want to pull it aside and kiss my way up her elegant neck.

  It was difficult to reconcile this beautiful, sexy woman with the girl I’d left behind. But what had I expected? The last time I’d seen Laurel, we were teenagers. We’d just graduated and had our whole lives ahead of us, or so we’d thought.


  “Sorry, what?”

  We’d just made our way into the kitchen’s wine cellar, where we’d first reunited, and when Laurel crossed her arms and eyed me, I knew I’d missed a question somewhere along the way.

  “I asked if you planned to make any changes to the menus as the new CEO. We serve a picnic or light meal as a lunch option, a full menu for dinner reservations, or the usual appetizers that accompany the tastings.”

  “Honestly, I haven’t thought that far ahead. I’m still working on the logistics of moving my life back here. But maybe we can go over the meals and their pairings throughout the week and you can bring me up to speed. If I feel it needs some updates—or you do—we can look into making them then.”

  Laurel smiled, and I couldn’t help but think I’d just passed some kind of test.

  “That works for me.”


  She turned away and rose on her toes to reach for one of the bottles in the highest rack. But when she began to sway, I quickly moved in beside her and placed a hand at her waist to hold her steady.

  “Careful there.”

  She sucked in a breath and then licked at her lower lip. “It’s these heels. They’re dangerous.”

  She tried for a laugh, but it came out more a breathy sigh that made my cock throb. Shit, I’d barely touched her and all I could think about was backing her up against the cool brick wall and tearing the buttons off that very proper shirt of hers.

  Instead, I let my gaze wander down to the shoes under discussion. “Hmm, dangerous is the perfect word for them.” The air in the cellar all but crackled with tension.

  Laurel bit down into her soft, pillowy lip. “I think you should, um…” Distracted, she looked at my mouth, and it was all I could do not to crush my lips against hers.

  “You think I should what?”

  She blinked as though snapping herself out of whatever fantasy she’d just been indulging in. Then, clearing her throat, she reached for my wrist and gently pulled it from her waist.

  “I think you should try that wine up there.”

  She took a step away from me and then pointed to the bottle she’d originally been reaching for.

  “It’s the 2016 Cabernet Sauvignon. It’s one of our best sellers. It has those lush, opulent flavors you get when the wine is dominated by the fruit. The savory aromas of the allspice and blackberry compote meld on the palate into a final ripe plum flavor with hints of tobacco and clove spice. It’s exquisite, and right now, we pair it with the Hawaiian rib-eye steak that’s on the dinner menu.”

  She walked a little further down the aisle and took out a second bottle.

  “This is our oaked 2018 Chardonnay. It’s a rich, full-bodied wine that combines citrus notes with those additional oak-aged flavors like vanilla and baking spices. This one in particular has hints of marshmallow. It pairs beautifully with Pete’s linguine vongole, and for tastings the obvious Brie-style cheeses are a classic go-to.”

  I took the second bottle she held out to me and ran my thumb over the label. The golden logo with the grapes and wine glasses embossed on it was as familiar to me as my own name at the top. It was also the emblem on the wrought-iron gate at the entrance of the property. An image I’d drawn as a child and Harry had used to create the family…empire.

  How ironic, that he’d ended up driving away the son he’d always imagined would one day run it.

  Not wanting to head down that particular path, I focused instead on the woman in front of me. “You know your stuff.”

  Laurel’s spine straightened as she angled her dainty chin upward. “I do. You can ask me anything you want to know pertaining to the business. Whether it be in reference to the finished product or how it’s made
. I’m well versed on everything that Ryan and his team produces and everything he’s thinking of producing. It’s imperative, considering these things are planned out years in advance.”

  “Agreed. And I have no doubt you are at the top of your game, otherwise Harry never would’ve hired you. Your knowledge is impressive and, honestly, a surprise. I had no idea you were interested in the business.”

  Laurel lowered her eyes to the bottle I held, and for the first time since she’d arrived this morning, she looked uncomfortable.

  “I didn’t either, really. But after graduation…” She frowned. “I got a job here, and, well, it all just kind of fell into place after that.”

  When her words faded and we were standing in the silence they left behind, I couldn’t help but think I was missing something. But before I could ask, or press her for more details, Laurel spoke again.

  “Would you like me to take you over to the property’s main cellars? I could get Ryan to meet us there.”

  “No. That’s okay. I think I’m going to focus on one thing at a time. Today I’ll stick to the villa. Get a feel for the inner workings of the place and take a look at the books.”

  Laurel smiled, and then gestured to the Cabernet. “Well, take that with you. Later on, I’ll have Pete prepare the rib-eye for you to try.”

  She walked by me, and the intoxicating scent of her perfume beckoned me to follow, which was just fine by me. I had no problem whatsoever walking behind Laurel, especially in those heels and that skirt.

  We exited the cellar. Several staff members were gathered around the counter in the center of the kitchen, and when they spotted us, all talking ceased. As their eyes ping-ponged between us, Laurel stopped and smiled.

  “Good morning, everyone. Mr. Chamberlin here—”

  “Noah.” Laurel glanced at me, and when I winked, her eyes widened. Then I turned back to the staff members. “You can call me Noah.”

  Laurel cleared her throat. “Well then, Noah is going to need your help around here for a few days while he learns the ins and outs of how we run things. Also, try to be on your best behavior. We want to impress him.” They all chuckled but nodded. “Okay, get to it, and Pete?”

  The stocky guy with the shaved head and apron standing over by the oven turned our way.

  “Let’s serve him up the rib-eye for dinner tonight.”

  “You got it, boss lady.”

  “Very good. If any of you need me, I’ll be around.”

  I followed Laurel out of the kitchen and down the hall to our offices, and once we reached them, she said, “I have to go and check in on something with Ryan. Will you be all right here for a bit?”

  Truth be told, I didn’t want to let her out of my sight. I was enjoying watching her in her element. Knowing I couldn’t trail her all day, however, I gave a clipped nod and gestured to my office.

  “I’m sure I’ll manage. I’ve got some books to look over, and if they stress me out”—I held up the bottle—“some good wine to drink.”

  “Great wine to drink.”

  “If that’s the case, why don’t you join me for dinner tonight and we can enjoy it together?”

  Laurel grinned, and I wanted to kiss her so badly I ached, but she took a step back and shook her head. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.”

  “But I need to taste the food with the wine. We need to go over the pairings.”

  She nodded and bit down into her lower lip. I had her, and she knew it. “That’s true, and we definitely will. But you have enough to go over today. We’ll work on the menu throughout the week and have Pete join us so we can add or take away foods.”

  Ah, she wanted to bring along a safety net. I wasn’t upset by that. It just meant she was feeling the same things I was, and that was going to make things over the next year very interesting indeed.



  “IF THERE WAS anything I could do to change this, I would. But once again, Harry has gone and fucked us all.”

  I leaned back in my chair and looked out the window as the sun began to set. It was Saturday afternoon here—nearly a week since I’d been back in Chamberlin—and late Saturday night in Italy. But knowing Sergio as the night owl he was, I’d taken the opportunity to give him a call and see how this all sat with him now that he’d had time to process the news.

  “He’s put us in a difficult position for sure. But it’s your family, Noah. I’m not going to issue some ultimatum that will make you the one responsible for losing part of the business.”

  Sergio paused, and I could hear the distinct sound of wine pouring out of a bottle.

  “We can hire on a manager while you’re gone. They can pick up your share of the work, and when your obligation there is through, you come back. What else can we do?”

  Nothing. There was nothing I could do unless I sold off my half of the partnership, and I wasn’t about to do that. As far as I was concerned, the only option was to put in the year required of me here, and once I was done, I’d return to Italy.

  “I hate this. I hate that he’s controlling me again.”

  If anyone understood how I was feeling right now, it was Sergio. When I’d arrived at his winery as a twenty-something-year-old, I’d been a bitter, surly pain in the ass. But after graduating with top grades for my viticulture and enology degree, he’d taken me under his wing anyway.

  Over the years he’d become my surrogate family, and I his, after he lost his wife in a car accident. He knew all of the ugly details about Harry, and all of my misgivings on having to return. The one thing neither of us had counted on was Harry pulling a last-minute coup to trap me into staying.

  “Look, it’s one year. And this is for your mother, not him. You always spoke of how you regretted the distance between you and the rest of your family because of Harry. Maybe this is a chance to rectify that. To heal those relationships.”

  I thought about Justin and how angry he was, and the way my mom had held my hand the day of the wake. It was a small gesture, but in that moment it had meant everything to me. It had been a symbol of solidarity that I hadn’t expected upon my return, and one I hadn’t realized I’d missed.

  “You’re right. I need to stop thinking about Harry and focus on the good.”

  “There you go. Now go out and do something that makes you happy for a change. You’re too young to be so serious all the time.”

  “You think so, old man?”

  “I know so, and because I’m old, I’m gonna go to bed now. I’ll send you some resumés for your replacement over the next week or two.”

  “Send away. I’ll try not to be too picky.”

  “Just get me someone who knows what they’re doing. I don’t have time to teach a newbie anything other than where things are.”

  “Got it. Now go and get your beauty sleep.”

  We ended the call, and I tossed my phone down on the desk and thought about what Sergio had said: Go out and do something that makes you happy. My mind immediately went to Laurel and the fantastic dress she’d worn today. If I didn’t know better, I would’ve sworn she was dressing to torment me with her penchant for sexy heels and those designer outfits that molded to every curve of her body.

  But I did know better, and considering she’d done everything possible to avoid me this week, I’d had to be content with watching from afar whenever she came into a room.

  It was probably for the best anyway—I’d been so busy trying to learn how Harry ran things that I’d barely had time to think beyond what had to be done next. But one thing I’d been acutely aware of was where and when Laurel was nearby. I’d kept my distance for the most part, only bothering her if I needed to know something.

  She was good, too. She knew her job inside out, and the staff clearly adored her. Laurel ran the inner workings of the winery like a well-oiled machine, and I suddenly wondered if she was still here or if she’d gone home for the night.

  I was about to get up and check, maybe see if I could finally con
vince her to go to dinner, when my office door opened and Ryan stuck his head inside.

  “Hey, you done for the night? Want to hit Gallagher’s with me?”

  I thought about my plan to track down Laurel.

  “She’s already left for the night. It’s her Saturday off.” When I frowned, Ryan shook his head. “You know, the better option you’re thinking about? She’s gone.”

  I got to my feet and scooped up my phone up. “I wasn’t thinking about anyone.”

  “Uh huh.” Ryan leaned against the door. “That why you’re still looking over my shoulder after I already told you she left?”

  “I’m not looking anywhere.” I grabbed my suit jacket off the coat rack in the corner and shrugged into it.

  “You do know you don’t have to wear a suit every day now, right?”

  I looked down at my clothes and then back to my jeans-and flannel-wearing brother. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

  “Nothing.” Ryan pushed off the door and moved out of the way so I could walk through. “Just seems a little formal for around here, don’t you think?”

  “Hey, you don’t see me giving you shit about your one-stop shopping, do you?” Ryan shook his head. “Then keep your opinions about my suits to yourself.”

  Ryan chuckled as we walked across the back deck. “My mistake. Didn’t realize you were so touchy about it.”

  When we reached his truck and he popped the locks, I climbed inside. “I’m not touchy.”

  “Sure seems that way. But maybe you have a point—the women in town haven’t shut up about you since you got back. So you must be doing something right.”

  I wondered if that included Laurel. And if it did, would Ryan tell me? Not about to ask and look like some kind of dopey-eyed moron with a crush, I focused instead on where we were going. “This place Gallagher’s, it’s new?”

  Ryan nodded. “Yeah. When Marty passed, the Gallaghers bought the place and gave it a bit of a facelift. It needed it, so no one was complaining too hard.”


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