Pure Seduction

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Pure Seduction Page 21

by Frank, Ella

  I lowered my head and brushed a teasing, tentative kiss against her mouth. I slid my hands into her soft hair to hold her still and took from her the kiss she was offering. It was tender, heartfelt, and stirred me to my very soul, and it made that missing piece inside me finally click into place.

  It was her. It had always been her. I’d known it at seventeen, and I knew it right now. Laurel was my end game.

  I closed my eyes and sank into to the feeling of finally having the one I’d always wanted. She was here, in my arms, and I’d do everything possible to keep it that way.

  “Laurel, I—”

  “Shh,” she whispered, and took my hand, then she turned and led me down the hall and into a room.

  We stepped inside, and when it was clear we were now standing in her bedroom, I chuckled. “Did you just bring me to your bedroom, Miss Anderson?”

  I leaned back against the door as she took a step away from me. When she reached for the buttons of her summer dress, I was thankful for the wood supporting me.

  “I did. It’s something I never got to do with you in high school. I was too embarrassed to take you to my place.”


  “What? It’s the truth.”

  It might’ve been, but I hated finding out she felt that way. I’d been so enamored with her that I wouldn’t have cared where she lived. I just wanted to be with her.

  “Well, I never brought you home because I was embarrassed of Harry.”

  “If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not talk about him right now.”

  “Agreed. So how about we get back to things we never got to do together in high school?”

  Her lips curved as she started on the buttons again. “That’s a pretty short list.”

  “It is, isn’t it?”

  “Mhmm.” When she reached the final button, she slipped the straps of her dress down her arms and then let it fall to the floor.

  Damn, she was stunning. Barefoot in a white chemise and bra, she looked like my every fantasy come to life.

  I crossed over to her, tipped her chin up with my index finger, then ghosted my lips over the top of hers. This woman was everything I’d ever wanted, and to have this second chance with her was more than I could ever have dreamed of.

  “Is it my fault you were so hard to resist?”

  Laurel wrapped her arms around my neck. “No. Just like it’s not my fault you were a charmer—then and now. How was I ever supposed to resist?”

  I smiled against her mouth as I wound my arms around her waist. “You weren’t. That’s the whole point.”

  My lips were on hers before she could say another word, and there was no stopping us after that. She pushed my shirt up as I slid my hand under her silky white chemise, and the soft whimper she made had my erection throbbing.

  Her hard nipples pressed up against my chest as I nipped and sucked at her lips. Then she trailed her fingers down over my abs and looked up at me from beneath her thick lashes.

  “You know something I’ve never done with you before?”

  “What’s that?”

  She took the hem of my shirt, drew the material up my body, and dropped it to the floor. Then she moved to her toes and placed her mouth by my ear. “I’ve never undressed you before.”

  First, she was right, and second, I really fucking wanted that.

  My desire was clearly written on my face, because a siren’s smile curved her lips as Laurel reached between us to unfasten the button of my jeans.

  “I think that’s something I should rectify, don’t you?”

  “You won’t hear me complain unless you don’t hurry up and do it.”

  She chuckled, and the sound was so sexy I wanted to toss her down on her bed. But now that she’d mentioned it, I realized just how much I wanted this. So if she wanted to undress me, I wasn’t about to rush her.

  I glanced down to where her fingers were flirting with my zipper, and when she pulled it down, I took in a sharp breath. I needed to get a hold of myself, and watching Laurel free my stiff cock wasn’t helping.

  I counted back from twenty and was just about in control when Laurel took either side of my jeans and began to pull them down my hips. My eyes snapped open as the cool air hit my heated skin, and when I saw her down on her knees in front of me, my legs almost gave way.

  “Jesus, Laurel.”

  She looked at me from under her lashes, and the picture she made was as pure as it was sinful. With her light hair and creamy complexion, she looked like an angel kneeling at my feet. But when you added in her kiss-swollen lips and dilated pupils, it was easy to see just how aroused she was.

  My dick ached confined in my black boxer briefs. Laurel moved back up to her knees and slipped her thumbs behind the elastic, and I smoothed a hand over her hair and gripped it at the back of her neck.


  “Hmm?” She inched my boxers down. My cock sprang free, and seeing it that close to her lips and mouth made my balls tighten.

  “You don’t have to—”

  Laurel licked her lips, making me groan. “You’re kidding, right?”

  I was about to tell her no, that she didn’t have to do that, when she took me in one hand and flicked her tongue over my swollen head.

  “Fuck,” I said, and tightened my fingers in her hair. As Laurel sucked my tip between her lips, I took in a seriously shaky breath. The vision of her kneeling before me and pleasuring me this way was almost too much for me to stand.

  Laurel paused and glanced up my body. I was watching her like a fucking hawk, and as she began to draw her lips off me, my balls began to tingle.

  “God, your mouth…” When her lips popped free and she stroked a firm hand up my length, I clenched my jaw and prayed for patience. Then she lowered her head and did it again. She flicked, sucked, and tugged at me until I was a hair trigger away from embarrassing myself, and when she swallowed me inside the hot, wet heat of her mouth again, I was done.

  “Laurel,” I growled, tugging on her hair. “You’re fucking killing me here.”

  Her laugh was wicked and her smile sinful. I urged her to her feet then grabbed her ass and pulled her in close.

  “I want you,” I said.

  “You have me.”

  “For more than just a night?”

  “For however many nights you want.”

  I kissed my way along her jaw to her ear then whispered, “What if I want them all?”



  WHAT IF I want them all?

  What did that mean? A month, a year, possibly more? I wasn’t sure, but I wasn’t about to stop to ask. Noah was smoothing his hands around my ass to the back of my skirt, and then he reached my lacy white thong.

  “I have to say, I am a fan of your clothing choices. These prim little sundresses, your work skirts and heels, those tailored pants and blouses—you always look so professional and yet one hundred percent woman. It makes it difficult to concentrate. Especially when I know something like this—”

  He massaged down the strip of lace bisecting my cheeks and growled.

  “—is waiting for me underneath. Flawless. You’re absolutely flawless.”

  He let me go and reached for the lace edge of my chemise, then drew it slowly up my body and tossed it over the reading chair by my window.

  With a flick of his fingers, he unclipped my bra and then drew the straps down my arms. The cool air against my breasts made my nipples tighten to hard nubs. As Noah dropped the bra to his feet, his eyes locked on me with carnal intent. He drew a line with his fingertip down the center of my body to my panties, and then slipped them inside.

  “Ah…” I gripped his forearm as his hand wandered lower. When his fingertips grazed my throbbing clit, my eyes slammed shut.

  “Mmm, you’re so wet.”

  And I was getting wetter by the second. I rocked my hips forward, causing his fingers to slip between my folds. He dragged them back out and rubbed them over my clit, and I shu

  “Bed…” I said against his lips. “Take me to bed, Noah.”

  He kissed me hard and then removed his hand, before sweeping me up in his arms and heading for my bed. After he laid me down in the center of the mattress, he tossed aside several pillows and then moved over me.

  I spread my legs wide, wanting him as close as possible. When he moved in between them, I bowed up to rub against his hard-on. Noah brushed my hair from the side of my face and rested on his forearms by my head, and the feeling of having him so close, so connected with me, was almost more than I could bear.

  “You feel so good under me. Fit me so well.”

  I wound my legs around his and rubbed my wet panties against his naked cock. “You do too. Now get these off me so I can feel you inside me.”

  “Bossy.” Noah nipped at my lip and then moved to kneel on the mattress, then he brought my legs together, propped my heels on his shoulder, and drew the scrap of lace down my legs.

  Once that was gone, he shifted again until he was lying over me. The second our skin met, the breath left me, the feeling so sensual, the emotions so powerful—being this open and vulnerable with him made me more alive than ever before.

  He was right, his body fit perfectly with mine. His erection nudged up against my aching core, and I sank into the delicious sensations coursing through me.

  “You’re so beautiful. I swear, I could look at you all day.” He brushed his lips over mine. “All day, all night, every day of my life.”

  His words filled my heart, his expression filled my soul, and the kiss he so gently gave me made my stomach flutter. Then he moved a little to the side and smoothed his hand down my neck to my breast, where he circled my nipple with his thumb, winked at me, and then moved right along. He continued on down my torso, along the curving line to my waist, then slid his palm over my abdomen and rested it on my stomach.

  He paused and looked down between us where his hand rested and then back up to me, and the emotion filling his eyes nearly made my heart stop.

  “Thank you,” he said. “Thank you for having my child, for raising him to be an incredible man, and for giving me the opportunity to now be part of his life. You’ll never understand how much that means to me.”

  Noah brought his fingers to his mouth, kissed them, and placed them back on my stomach.

  “You’re an incredible woman, Laurel. God knows I’ll never be able to repay you for what you’ve given me. But I’m damn well gonna try.”

  Tears fell down my face. When he looked up at me, I took his cheeks between my hands and drew him up so I could kiss him. As the exquisite weight of his body pressed me down into the covers, I enjoyed the feel of being cocooned by him and the soft duvet.

  I felt safe.

  I felt loved.

  And when he began to move over the top of me, I felt alive.

  I slid my fingers into the back of his hair and arched up into his body. Noah ran his fingers down the outside of my thigh to my knee and hooked his fingers around under it. He then lifted it until I wrapped my leg around him, and he rolled his hips over me in a sensual massage.

  I pressed my head back into the pillow and reveled in the slow build rising in me. My nerve endings were tingling, my thighs clenching, and that erotic throb between my thighs ached for him.

  “Noah,” I said, and he moved so we were again face to face.

  “Right here, Bonnie.”

  The nickname made me smile, and he traced my lips with the tip of his finger. “I need you.”

  He groaned and dropped his forehead to mine.


  Noah raised his head and swept his thumb across my cheek. Then he shifted so the head of his erection was pushing at my wet center.


  He began to ease inside me. He was slow, sensual, and moved without hesitation, and when he finally bottomed out and stilled, I let the blissful feeling of fulfillment envelop me.

  I touched my thumb to his lip and whispered, “Take me.”

  Noah nipped at my thumb and nodded, then he began to move in a way that left me breathless. Slow, passionate, and hypnotic, he erased everything bad and replaced it with the sublime.

  I writhed under him, searching out that elusive high I knew only he could give, and when goosebumps broke out over my skin, I knew I was there. My arms and legs began to tremble, and I held on tight as my world began to spin out of control and that final explosion hit.

  Noah stiffened in my arms, straining as he too plunged over the edge of sanity and into that joyous state of euphoria. We clung to each other as we plummeted back to earth, and this time when we fell, we did it in each other’s arms.

  He moved to my side and pulled me in close, and a sense of peace that I’d never felt before settled around me. My body relaxed, all my troubles eased, and as I slowly began to drift off into dreamland, I heard Noah say, “This…this is where I belong.”



  THE DISTANT SOUND of birds enjoying a spring afternoon was what I woke to several hours later. I stretched out on my soft mattress and reached for Noah. But when I came up empty, my heart stopped.

  I clutched at the sheet and jackknifed up as memories of another time and place haunted me. But then the familiar sounds of my home instantly calmed me, and I looked out the window to see the large branches of a tree swaying in the breeze.

  I smiled to myself as I remembered exactly where I was and whom I was with, and then I reached for my dress and climbed out of bed.

  After slipping it on, I padded out to the kitchen to see if I could track down Noah. That was when I spotted the notepad and pen. My heart thumped, but when I picked it up and read, I’m in our spot. Come find me, Bonnie, I knew immediately where he’d gone.

  I rushed to the back door and pulled it open, then hurried around the balcony to the very back of the house. When I spotted Noah sitting beneath the large red oak, my feet froze in place and my heart soared.

  He looked perfect there, exactly how I always remembered him. When he picked up my book and patted the grass beside him, nothing in the world could’ve stopped me from going to him. I ran down the stairs and across the backyard.

  Noah held a hand out to me. “Hey, sleepyhead.”

  “Hey.” I slipped my hand into his and moved down to my knees. As I settled back on my heels, I looked to the oak, where little daisies still flowered around it.

  There on the trunk, where it had been all these years, was my promise to him, and I reached out and traced its jagged lines.

  Bonnie & Clyde

  Together Forever

  My eyes blurred as I turned to face him, but when he held out my book, I smiled.

  “You want me to read?”

  “That was always your favorite thing to do when we came here.”

  “Not always.” I took the book.

  “Oh yeah?”


  He reached for me and tugged me onto his lap, and as I settled into him the way I had too many times to count, I let all of the memories I’d locked up rush back in and fill me with hope. “This is nice.”

  Noah wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. “It is. I can’t believe you bought this place.”

  “Really?” I rested my head on his shoulder and looked up at him. “I figured if I was going to stay here, I wanted to be somewhere I loved. This place felt like home. A place for me and Jake. It reminded me of you—even if you weren’t here with us.”

  Noah cupped my cheek and gently kissed my lips. “I love you. I don’t think I ever actually stopped. The second I saw you again, I knew.”

  I placed my hand over his and drew it down to cover my heart. “I love you too. I always have. And when I found out about Jake, I was happy. Scared but so happy, because I knew I’d always have a piece of you forever. It just happened to turn out that he’s one hell of an awesome piece.”

  Noah chuckled but then sobered and ran a hand over the back of my
hair. “We’ve lost so much time—”

  “But at least we have today and tomorrow.”

  “And every day after that.”

  “What about Italy?”

  “What about Italy? It’s not going anywhere, and we have a year to work out how I can make that work. However, maybe this summer I could take my head sommelier over there for a tasting. We have all the time in the world. But right now, I can’t think of one place I’d rather be than sitting here with you under this tree, watching you read the afternoon away.”

  I tossed the book down beside him and moved to straddle his lap. Then I wound my arms around his neck and nipped at his lower lip. “Liar. You hate sitting still. You always have.”

  Noah smiled and pulled me in tight. “Maybe I’ve changed.”

  “I sure hope not, because I had another favorite thing I loved doing down here with you.”

  Noah rolled me to my back and hovered over the top of me. “Why don’t you show me, just in case.”

  I threaded my fingers through his hair, and when he leaned down to kiss me in the afternoon sun, I knew this was it. We had so much to catch up on, so many years to fill in. Noah had a son to get to know, and I wanted to learn everything I could about the man I’d fallen in love with.

  This was our time, and I wasn’t about to let any more of it slip away. Noah was my past, my present, my forever, and I knew I would love him—always.

  Thank You

  Thank you for reading PURE SEDUCTION. I hope you enjoyed Noah & Laurel’s love story, and visiting Chamberlin, CA.

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  Also by Ella Frank


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