With You: A Rock Star Romance (Rocked in Love Book 1)

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With You: A Rock Star Romance (Rocked in Love Book 1) Page 5

by Jessica Marlowe

  Elliot chuckled. “No, I’m fairly certain they went out of business when they stopped making those cartoons. I think he was their only client.”

  Emily laughed without humor. “I was afraid of that. I’ll have to wait for Plan B to pan out.”

  “What’s Plan B?” Buzz asked.

  Emily turned to face Buzz, smiled, and said matter-of-factly, “Execute a search on the internet for mad scientists. Check their references, of course, and forge an evil union, so he or she can design and build them for me.”

  Elliot bit back laughter. “Good plan. How would you be smarter about it than the coyote? He hid behind rocks and trees, and still the catapult backfired and the rock crushed him.”

  With a smug grin, Emily said, “Remote control.”

  Jack took a few steps toward Emily. “Come and sit over here.” He guided her to the couch opposite the chairs occupied by Elliot and Buzz. His hands felt cool on her too hot skin. “I can’t imagine that they’ll be gone long.”


  “Because, Curt has a short attention span for everything except music.”

  “And I’d imagine his hand would hurt after a while,” Elliot snickered.

  A knock on the dressing room door had Emily hoping Nicki had returned.

  Buzz yelled, “Come in.”

  The door opened and a tall, muscular man with a buzz cut stood in the doorway. “Is everything okay in here? Viv told me someone was plotting a murder.”

  Emily raised her hand. “That’d be me.”

  “You know that murder is a crime, don’t you?” He stepped in and closed the door.

  Emily smiled. “Only if you get caught. Not to worry, this time it’s my fault, anyway.”

  Jack smiled at Emily. “This is Jeff Monroe…our head of security.” Addressing Jeff, he said, “This is Emily. Her friend Nicki just ran off with Curt to get spanked. If they aren’t back in half an hour, send out a search team.”

  Jeff nodded curtly in response and left.

  Emily raised a brow. “Wow, for a straitlaced guy, he took that well. I guess working security for a rock band he’s used to seeing weird stuff.” Emily shifted uncomfortably on the couch. She took out her phone and texted Nicki: Where the fuck are you? When no response came, she thrust her phone back into her purse. Don’t overreact. Elliot had a point about the spanking. Nicki would be back soon and they could leave.

  Jack sat next to her. Too close. He must have read her expression because he shifted over to the far end of the couch.


  Elliot had been worried about Jack since his breakup with Christie. He’d never seen Jack so lost. Not even when he’d broken it off with that little bitch Erica when he’d found out she’d been cheating on him. He’d been hurt, but he’d pushed ahead. Jack always pushed forward. But Christie had totally fucked with his head; Elliot was sure Jack didn’t even realize how badly. From what he’d witnessed and what Jack had told him, Elliot’s dislike of Christie had turned to disdain. He’d never seen a person change so much. She’d been a sweet, somewhat innocent girl but had turned into another piece of self-serving dead weight. His friend deserved better. He knew Jack was better off without her, but Elliot wasn’t sure that Jack wouldn’t get back with her if she got her shit together.

  Until now.

  This girl was different. First off, she wasn’t exposing herself to get attention. She didn’t simper and wasn’t a sycophant. And she wasn’t handsy. Jack got womanhandled all the time. He was too nice to brush it off harshly; instead he would gently extricate himself. The chicks had never tried that shit with him. Of course, he was married, but that was no guarantee in this business. Even the dumb ones got that Elliot wasn’t interested in any woman except his wife. His whole body ached with missing her.

  He studied Emily. This girl was strong. Her friend bailed on her, and she wasn’t bawling or creating a scene. It obviously wasn’t planned, because her shock was genuine, and she was pissed. Elliot chuckled to himself. She was funny too. Her friend was in for it when she returned. It had been clear that Emily only came backstage because Nicki needled her into it. Jack had his work cut out for him.

  And what the hell was wrong with Jack? His interest was clear. He’d never been one to wait for things to happen, not even when they were kids. He’d always been easy and confident around people. Elliot always admired that about him. And it meant that he could bow out of a lot of the celebrity bullshit that went along with being famous. Elliot hated it. But he loved Jack, Buzz, and Curt, so he pushed himself to do it, for them.

  Jack needed a shove. “Emily, why do you think it’s your fault?”

  Her attention snapped to Elliot. “What?”

  Jack shot Elliot a murderous look, which he ignored. Ah, that’s better. “After Curt ran off with your friend, you said it was your fault.”

  “Before we got here, I reminded Nicki that she promised we’d meet you guys and leave. I should’ve said ‘meet the band and leave together.’ You have to be specific with Nicki.” Emily huffed nervously. “I hope she doesn’t break your friend.”

  He laughed, as did Jack and Buzz.

  “I’m not kidding, this could well turn into a rescue or, worse, a recovery mission.”

  Elliot took in the serious expression on Emily’s face. Fuck. He’d been trying to lighten the mood, not make it worse. He shot Jack a sorry shrug.

  Emily pulled out her phone again and made a call. From the dirty look she gave it when no one answered, Elliot suspected she was trying to call Nicki.

  “You okay?” Jack asked.

  “Yeah, I’m all right.” She checked her watch for the third time.

  “Still thinking about ways to off your friend?” Elliot asked.

  “No,” she sighed. “I’ll probably tie her to the train tracks. It’ll be the most cost-effective.”

  “How so?” Buzz asked.

  “I only have to buy rope, a black cape, and a fake mustache.”

  Elliot laughed. He could just picture Emily standing over her friend tied to the tracks and rolling one end of the thin fake mustache between her thumb and forefinger.

  “Do your murderous plans include Curt?” Buzz asked.

  Emily seemed to consider that. “No, you still need him for the rest of the tour. Although, he volunteered fast enough, and way more information than we needed. You realize that those two will probably get married, and we’ll be invited to the wedding. If Nicki thinks I’ll be in their wedding after what she pulled here today, she’s lost her mind.”

  Elliot and Buzz laughed. Jack seemed dazed.

  She smiled. “Let’s agree now to meet at the bar and slam tequila shots. We’ll need to wipe the memory of their spank fest from our minds.”

  Elliot sat up in the chair as fury burned through him. Buzz looked down, and Jack’s mouth dropped open.

  “What?” Emily asked. After a few seconds of silence, she smiled and said, “Come on, give me a clue.”

  Buzz cleared his throat. “I’m in recovery.”

  Emily’s smile faded and she winced. She turned to Buzz. “I’m so sorry. If I’d known, I never would’ve said something so insensitive.”

  Elliot glowered. “You expect us to believe you didn’t know?”

  A blush crept along her cheeks. “Nicki only invited me to the concert this morning because the guy she was supposed—never mind. She’s a huge fan and it’s her birthday. You guys were great, but I really came to keep an eye on her. Something happened yesterday, and I’m worried about her.”

  Elliot’s anger drained away. He was distrusting of most people, but this girl was genuinely worried for her friend. He liked her.

  Buzz smiled at Emily. “No harm done. Besides, someone will have to drive your drunken butts home.”

  Emily let out the breath she’d been holding, and she stood and sat next to Buzz in the chair Curt had vacated. “This must be difficult for you. I understand touring can be grueling, not
to mention being away from your family and your support system.”

  Buzz smiled at her. “I’m not away from my support system. The guys are always there for me. In fact, this whole process would be harder without them.” Buzz looked at him and Jack. “I go to meetings every day, and my sponsor and I mapped out the tour.”

  “That’s great, planning is important.” She smiled. “How long have you been sober?”

  Buzz leaned forward and smiled. “Two hundred and sixteen days.”

  Emily extended her hand, and Buzz shook it. “Congratulations. That’s no small thing. I understand how tough it can be.”

  “Are you in recovery?” Jack asked.

  Emily shook her head. “A dear friend of mine has been in recovery for almost ten years. He still has moments of weakness, although it happens less and less.”

  “Will you celebrate his tenth anniversary?” Buzz asked.

  “Privately. No one knows his history, and he wants to keep it that way. He doesn’t want people looking at him differently or, worse, waiting for him to fall off the wagon.”

  Buzz nodded. “Yeah, I understand. I was lucky I got into rehab when I did. My parents always look so worried when I visit. I don’t blame them. My brothers”—he tilted his chin indicating Jack and Elliot—“don’t treat me any differently.”

  Elliot guffawed. “Why would I treat you differently? You’re still an ass-hat.” Elliot was relieved Buzz had gotten his shit together.

  Buzz flipped him off. “Your friend still has urges, even after ten years?”

  “Yeah, sometimes. He travels for work, so he prepares in advance and always knows where a meeting is. Traveling complicates matters, but he knows he’s responsible for his sobriety. He makes it his number one priority. He loves what he does, but if it ever got to where it put his sobriety in jeopardy, he’d quit. That’s how committed he is to himself.” Emily smiled at Buzz. “Surround yourself with people who understand and support you, and it’ll be you celebrating in ten years.”

  Buzz nodded. “Thank you for that. It’s been a true pleasure to meet you, Emily.” He stood. “I’m beat. Black, you coming?”

  Elliot ignored Buzz’s pointed look. “You go ahead. I’m gonna wait for Curt. I’m dying to see what happens next.”

  Buzz grabbed his bag and walked out the door.



  Jack leaned back on the couch. He was impressed with Emily’s compassion toward Buzz. Sometimes he felt like a mother hen; Jack always worried about him. Her face had been so animated when she spoke of her friend. She was beautiful, a good friend, funny, and smart. And right now, she looked upset, and he didn’t like it. “Don’t worry, a search party is on standby, remember?” Jack soothed.

  Elliot smirked. “Maybe we should upgrade it to a rescue mission. If the lovely lady here is to be believed, Curt may need immediate medical attention.”

  “Not helping, Black-heart.” Even though it would cut their time together, Jack considered having Jeff find Curt now.

  “Not trying to, Jack-off.” Elliot settled farther into his chair.

  Bastard was enjoying himself. He looked to Elliott for support, but he gave Jack his signature shrug that said “What the fuck do you want from me?” Jack scoffed. “Remind me again why we’re friends?”

  “I provide comic relief,” Elliot deadpanned, no smirk in sight.

  Emily chuckled at that.

  “I’m sure they’ll be back soon.” Jack needed to distract her, but there was no reason they couldn’t get to know each other at the same time. Thanks to Nicki’s ramblings, he knew exactly what to say. “So, you’re a writer. What do you write?”

  Emily eyed him suspiciously, but after a few seconds, she said, “Books.”

  Not the in he hoped for. She fidgeted with her purse strap, but she calmed down, so he held off on calling Jeff. It was just as well Elliot waited around for Curt, as Jack was sure she’d be more comfortable with someone else in the room.

  “What type of books?” Jack asked.

  “Romance novels,” Emily said, lifting her chin.

  “I’ve never met a romance novelist. How many novels have you written?”

  Emily’s brows drew together. “Eight. Plus, four novellas published with other authors.”

  “With Nicki?” Elliot asked.

  “Ah, no.” Emily paused. “Her stories are different.”

  Elliot leaned forward in his chair. “She doesn’t write romances?”

  “No, she does, they’re just different.”

  “Different how?” Elliot pushed, his lips curling in a wicked grin.

  “She writes contemporary whirlwind romances, set in lavish destinations. Innocent girl meets world-weary tycoon. Mild, two flames tops.”

  Jack leaned in. “What does that mean?”

  Emily smiled. “It’s a rating system our publisher uses, like for movies, you know, G, PG, R, except with flames.”

  “How many flames are there?” Elliot asked.


  “How many flames do your novels get?” he and Elliot asked simultaneously.

  Emily paused, leaned in, looked back and forth between them, and settled her gaze on Jack. “Four.” She sat back with a satisfied grin.

  Jack swallowed hard. His pulse quickened and his mouth went dry. Damn. That was unexpected. He would’ve pegged Nicki as the one on the hotter end of the scale. Glancing at Elliot, Jack let out a breath. From Elliot’s expression, Jack sensed he was thinking the same thing. Jack adjusted his position on the couch to give himself more room.

  The wicked gleam in her eyes told him she was enjoying this.

  “With no frame of reference, how hot is four flames?” Elliot asked.

  “One is low intimacy, kissing, hand holding, nothing graphic. Five is explicit sex scenes, profanity, possibly including BDSM or multiple partners.” She smirked and her eyes danced with wicked delight.

  For the second time tonight, Jack forgot how to breathe. Elliot was struck with a sudden coughing fit, but he recovered first. “Like those Fifty Shades books?”

  Jack drew in a ragged breath. He hadn’t even kissed her yet, and she left him breathless. He couldn’t wait to, but he wasn’t about to let Elliot off the hook. “Whoa, you read those books, buddy?”

  Elliot flipped him off. “Not me, Jack-ass, Siobhan.”

  “Siobhan is Black-balls’ wife. She’s a sweetheart. Don’t know what she sees in him.”

  Elliot snickered. “Buddy, she chose me over you, which proves her refined taste in men.”

  Jack snorted. “Dude, seriously, she dated me first, but we realized we’d be better off as friends, and I suggested she go out with you, hoped she could teach your lips to smile instead of smirk.” Jack turned his attention back to Emily, and the expression on her face was priceless. Her eyes widened, and her lips parted into a soft “O.” I have something that could fill that “O.” Shit, not the time. Unfortunately, his reaction was instantaneous.

  “You dated Elliot’s wife?” Emily asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, when we were sixteen. Siobhan’s family had just moved into town. All the guys drooled over her. She’s beautiful, red hair, green eyes, classic Irish lass. She was shy, and since she was new, I asked her to the back-to-school dance. She said yes, and we dated for a few weeks, but the chemistry wasn’t there, so we became friends.” Jack finally had Emily’s full attention, and it warmed him in a very pleasant way.

  “I felt sorry for Black-balls here,” Jack said, tilting his head in Elliot’s direction. “Always a stick in the mud, so I suggested to Siobhan that maybe she could ask him out. She didn’t vomit at the idea, which was shocking. He wasn’t charming, same as now. So, she bit the bullet and asked him out, and the rest is history.” Jack shot Elliot a pointed look. “You’re welcome.”

  “Ha.” Elliot roared with laughter. “That’s not how I remember it. Jack-off has a faulty memory. He was so busy being
Mr. Nice Guy that he didn’t realize the whole time Siobhan dated him, it was to be around me. We’d get together and jam at Jack’s house.” Elliot grinned. “We called ourselves McBlack. Siobhan was always over ’cause she and Jack were dating.” Elliot air quoted dating.

  “Anyhow, she was really there to see me; she always talked to me, and we had a definite chemistry. She did the right thing, dumped his sorry ass, and, as Jack pointed out, asked me out.” Elliot leaned back with a triumphant expression on his face.

  “Dude, she only talked to you because she was being polite.” Jack looked at Emily. “I told you she was sweet. She took pity on this sad sack.”

  “I’m not a sad sack. I brood. The chicks dig it. They think I’m deep and shit. I’m just thinking about”—Elliot stopped and cleared his throat—“never mind.”

  Jack poked the grizzly with a stick. “How’s your wife, Black? Talk to her lately?”


  Emily was surprised when Elliot’s face flushed with fury.

  “Fuck you, Jack.” His dark eyes turned black.

  “Why are you pissed at Jack?” Emily asked.

  “Yeah, Black, why are you pissed at me?”

  Elliot let his middle finger answer for him.

  Emily sat forward and drew her left leg under her. Observing men in their natural habitat, fascinating. She could use this.

  “He hasn’t spoken to his wife in weeks.”

  Emily’s brows lifted. Elliot just scowled.

  “Elliot and Siobhan are separated. Dumbass here won’t call her. She’s less than forty miles away. He could go see her, but he’s being stubborn.”

  Elliot exploded. “She doesn’t want to talk. Last time I called her, it ended in a fight, said she needed space, so I’m giving her space.”

  “Almost a month’s worth of space, Black? Don’t you think she’ll be hurt you didn’t reach out to her? You know how stubborn she can be. Trying to out stubborn her will end in divorce. Call her.”


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