The Dragon's Mate (Shifters Series Book 7)

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The Dragon's Mate (Shifters Series Book 7) Page 10

by Elizabeth Kelly

  “No? So, you always wear makeup when you’re teaching yearlings how to fight?”

  Kaida blushed. “Shut up.”

  Sika giggled. “It’s adorable that you have a crush on a human. Are you going to sleep with him?”

  “God, no,” Kaida said. “I’d probably hurt him. Besides, you know I like to be in control and he’s a cop. Cops have control issues. They want to be in charge all the time.”

  “Maybe,” Sika said. “But Bren didn’t seem like that.”

  “Please, you hardly know him. You talked to him for five minutes, and most of that time was spent talking about his dick.”

  “Like you’re not interested in the size of his dick,” Sika said with another giggle.

  Kaida’s dragon purred in agreement, and Kaida rolled her eyes. “I’m not sleeping with the human. I’m too strong for him.”

  “He was really muscular,” Sika said. “He looked pretty strong. There’s really only one way to find out, right?”

  “He asked me out on Wednesday night.”

  Sika stared at her in delight. “Seriously? That’s so cute. You said yes, right?”

  “Of course, I didn’t. I told him I wasn’t interested.”


  “I had to. Look, I might be attracted to the human, but nothing can come of it,” Kaida said. “It’s not like we could ever have a relationship. The clan would burn me and the human to a crisp if I did.”

  “They don’t need to know.” Sika’s voice turned serious. “I want you to be happy, Kaida. I could smell how much you and your dragon liked him when the human was here. I’m not saying the clan and their needs aren’t important, but just once, maybe you could put your needs ahead of the clan.”

  “I can’t,” Kaida said.

  “You can. It isn’t being selfish. The clan loves you, but you need to live your life too. And, I don’t mean to be rude, but it’s been a long time since you got laid.”

  Kaida glared at her and Sika shrugged. “What? I’m not wrong. Unless you finally decided to bang Drago and didn’t tell me?”

  “No,” Kaida said. “I will never mate with Drago.”

  “Thank God. I mean, I’ll support your choice in mate, but that dragon is a total dink,” Sika said.

  “He really is,” Kaida said.

  “Anyway, you don’t have to mate with the human for life or anything, but why not have some fun with him? It would be kind of cool to have sex with a human, don’t you think?”

  “Cool right up until the moment I break his fragile bones or set him on fire,” Kaida said.

  Sika rolled her eyes. “You won’t set him on fire. And my God, how crazy are you when you have sex? Like, yeah, we’re strong, but you think you’re gonna break a tall and muscular human by bouncing on his dick? Humans are weak and fragile, but not that weak and fragile. You’re just using it as an excuse not to bang him.”

  “I’m not.”

  “You are.” Sika rubbed her belly again before glancing at the door. “The humans are coming.”

  Kaida could hear Bren’s vehicle as well, and her stomach twisted into knots. She jumped up and smoothed her sweaty palms over her yoga pants before helping Sika off the couch. Sika smiled at her. “You look gorgeous.”

  “I’m not trying to look gorgeous,” Kaida said.

  Her dragon purred loudly, and Sika laughed. “You might not be, but your dragon is.”

  The pregnant dragoness followed Kaida to the door, stepping out onto the porch with her as Tyler and Corey climbed out of the SUV.

  Tyler slammed his door shut before glaring at Bren who was walking around the front of the vehicle. “We don’t need babysitters, Bren.”

  “You do,” Bren said. “If Ronin hadn’t been there today, you and Corey would have been hurt.”

  “We’re learning how to fight,” Tyler said.

  “Exactly – you’re learning,” Bren said. “You don’t know enough yet to protect yourselves. Until you do, the security detail stays.”

  “But -”

  “This conversation is finished,” Bren said.

  “Fine, whatever,” Tyler said.

  Bren’s phone rang and he fished it out of his pocket. He glanced at the screen before turning away and answering the phone. “Matthews.”

  “Hey, Kaida,” Tyler bounded up the steps and grinned at her. “How’s it going.”

  “Good. Did you have some trouble today?”

  “Yeah.” Corey joined them on the porch, studying Sika for a moment before leaning against the porch railing. “Jeff and his friends tried to jump us a few blocks from school.”

  “But apparently my brother hired a security firm to protect us,” Tyler said. “He doesn’t think we can handle ourselves yet.”

  “You can’t,” Kaida said bluntly. “And it was my idea that he hire someone to watch out for you.”

  “Oh.” Tyler scuffed at the wood of the porch with his sneakers. “What are we learning tonight?”

  “Ty?” Bren was standing near the vehicle again. “I’m sorry, but we have to go. I need to get back to work.”

  “What? We just got here,” Tyler said.

  “I know, but I have to go. Sorry, Kaida. I’ll text you and see what will work for next week.”

  “Can’t you pick us up when you’re finished?” Tyler asked.

  “I’ll be late. Too late for you to stay here until I’m done,” Bren said. “In the car, Ty.”

  Tyler stared at Kaida with a do something expression.

  “I can drive the yearlings home after our training session,” Kaida said.

  “Awesome,” Tyler said. “Problem solved. Later, Bren.”

  “Are you sure?” Bren asked. “Tyler’s staying at my place this weekend and I don’t live close to here.”

  “It’s no problem,” she said.

  He hesitated. “Okay, well, thank you. Tyler – don’t even think about drinking the beer in the fridge.”

  Tyler raised his hand in acknowledgement before looping his arm around Corey’s neck. “See you later, Bren.”

  Bren waved distractedly and climbed into the vehicle. He drove off without looking at her and her dragon pouted angrily.

  Don’t let the human leave.

  “You ready, Kaida?” Tyler asked.

  “Yes.” Ignoring her disappointment that Bren was gone, Kaida followed Sika and the boys down the porch steps.

  * * *

  Bren shut the apartment door. Despite the cool weather, he was hot and sweaty. And despite the coveralls he’d worn over his own clothing, he could almost see the stink of garbage coming off of him in tiny little waves. He grumbled out a curse, toeing off his shoes and shrugging out of his jacket.

  Anyone who assumed that being a detective was glamorous work had never spent four hours combing through an overflowing dumpster looking for a goddamn murder weapon. He cracked his neck, tension making his shoulders and upper back stiff.

  The stupid thing was, his mood had less to do with spending the last four hours wading through garbage and more to do with missing his chance to see Kaida when she dropped Tyler off at his apartment this evening.

  Incredibly stupid considering she wasn’t interested in him.

  “Ty? I’m back. Sorry, it’s so late. I had to -”

  He stopped in the kitchen doorway, his heart knocking against his ribcage. “Kaida? What are you doing here?”

  She set down the mug of tea and stood, wiping the palms of her hands on her thighs. He could see a napkin with a few crumbs on it, sitting next to the mug. “Hello, human.”

  “Hey. Is something wrong with Tyler?”

  “No, he’s gone to bed,” she said. “He had a bit of a headache, he said.”

  “Oh, okay.” He leaned against the doorway, very aware of how bad he smelled. “So, uh, why are you still here?”

  What the fuck, man?

  Her cheeks tinged pink. “Tyler said I should stay until you got home. He said that you didn’t like him to be left alone and…” h
er cheeks went even pinker and she groaned, “and he’s seventeen years old and does not need a babysitter. Oh my God, I’m an idiot.”

  Bren couldn’t help but laugh. “Tyler can be very persuasive when he wants to be.”

  Her nose wrinkled and he took a step back. “Sorry, I spent most of the night in a garbage dumpster.”

  She smiled, and he decided the dumpster diving had been totally worth it to see her smile at him.

  “Did you find what you were looking for?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Hunting knife covered in our victim’s blood and, hopefully, the perp’s fingerprints.”

  The smile dropped from her face. “Did they survive the attack?”

  He shook his head and could almost feel the mask falling across his face. Talking about a dead body wasn’t how he imagined spending time with Kaida.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “Your job must be very difficult.”

  “Difficult but rewarding when we catch the bad guy.” He waited for her to say she had to leave and as the seconds turned into a minute, he finally blurted, “Did you want something a little stronger to drink than tea?”

  She didn’t reply, and he was berating himself for his stupidity when she said, “I could stay for one drink.”

  “Great.” He pushed away from the doorway, a little embarrassed by how eager he sounded. “I’ll have a quick shower and I’ll be back. Make yourself comfortable. Are you hungry? There’s fruit in the fridge or I think there might be some cookies in the pantry that Ty hasn’t eaten yet.”

  “I’m good. Tyler gave me a muffin,” she said.

  “Great. Perfect. Be right back.” He started down the hallway and turned around, sticking his head back into the kitchen. “Don’t leave, okay?”

  “I won’t.”

  “Okay. Good. Right. I’ll be back.” He practically sprinted to his bedroom, locking his gun away in the gun safe in his room before tearing off his clothes and quickly brushing his teeth. He showered in record time, afraid that if he took too long, Kaida would leave despite what she’d told him.

  He yanked on his boxer briefs and jeans before brushing his hair. He hesitated and then grabbed his cologne off the counter and spritzed his chest with it before pulling on a t-shirt.

  He smoothed his wet hair down and left the bedroom. He stopped in front of the guest room and eased the door open. Tyler was sprawled out on the bed with his earphones on. The faint music coming from his earphones competed with the loud snores emanating from his open mouth. Bren shut the door quietly and headed toward the kitchen. Tyler was a heavy sleeper and with the earphones, he wouldn’t hear anything.

  What exactly is it you think he’s going to hear?

  He ignored his inner voice. Nothing was going to happen between him and Kaida. He’d asked her out, she turned him down. That was that.

  * * *

  She was too warm. Much too warm.

  She pulled at the collar of her t-shirt, pacing the kitchen back and forth as her dragon growled at her. I want the human. Give him to me.

  Stop it. What is wrong with you? She had no idea what was wrong with her dragon, but she was starting to think that agreeing to stay for a drink had been a very bad – oh God, why was it so hot? She knew humans were fragile, but did they really need to turn the heat this high in their homes? It wasn’t even winter yet.

  She wiped the sweat from her forehead and glanced at the doorway before blowing out a small puff of flame. The air shimmered in front of her and she waved away the smoke that drifted from her nostrils.

  She was marginally cooler, and she fanned herself with her hand before grabbing a glass from the cupboard and pouring herself some water. She drank it in three swallows and wiped the sweat from her forehead again.

  The human, her dragon whined, give him to me.

  “Knock it off,” she muttered.

  Join him in the shower. Suck his cock. Fuck him.

  Her eyes widened and she backed up until her ass hit the edge of the counter. What the hell was going on? She was attracted to the human just like her dragon, but she couldn’t fuck him. Forgetting that she’d be banished from the clan if they found out she fucked a human, like she’d told Sika earlier - Bren wasn’t the type to give up control in the bedroom.

  Only one way to find out.

  Shut up, she snapped at her dragon. Are you trying to get us banished?

  I need him. I need his cock.

  She closed her eyes as lust flooded her body. Just thinking about Bren’s dick was getting her going. She palmed her own breast through her t-shirt, flicking at her nipple with her thumb as new desire made her growl deep in her throat. God, she wanted to see his cock.

  She wanted to touch it. Taste it. Slide it into her pussy and ease this deep and maddening ache inside of her.

  She closed her eyes, her other hand slipping between her legs to rub as she pictured pushing a naked Bren onto his bed, climbing on top of him, impaling herself on his cock and riding him until she’d taken what she wanted. Until he’d made her come repeatedly and she was finally sated.

  She would take the human as her mate and he would fill her belly with his seed. When she was pregnant, she would –

  What the fuck?

  She pulled her hands away from her breast and her crotch, her heart hammering in her chest and little wisps of smoke puffing out of her nostrils with every breath she released.

  He is our mate, her dragon said. We love him.

  Her body jerked all over and this time flames shot from her mouth. She clapped her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide as she heard her mate’s footsteps moving down the hallway toward the kitchen.

  We love him, her dragon whispered.

  She dropped her hand, a slow smile crossing her face as a new burning began in her belly. How could she have been so stupid? How could she even think of denying her dragon what they both wanted?

  The human was her mate. She loved him, and it was time to take what was hers.

  * * *

  Bren stepped into the kitchen. “Okay, so I don’t have much in the way of hard liquor, but there’s beer in the fridge and I think maybe a bottle of wine in the…”

  He paused with his hand on the fridge door, inhaling deeply. “Were you lighting matches in here? It smells like –”

  He grunted in surprise when Kaida’s hand gripped his arm and, with surprising ease, whipped him around and slammed him back against the fridge.

  “Kaida? What are you doing?” Every muscle in his stomach tensed and his cock hardened when Kaida traced one finger down his stomach.

  “I want you, human.” She grinned at him and he swallowed hard when he saw her sharp fangs.

  “Um, maybe you should…oh fuck.” His back arched, and a groan slipped out when she licked the side of his throat before sucking on his earlobe.

  “You want me too,” she whispered. “I can smell it.” Her hand reached down and cupped his cock.

  “Hey.” He grabbed her wrist and yanked her hand away. “Kaida, wait, just a second.”

  She nipped his neck and then leaned back, pouting at him. “What’s wrong, human? You want to fuck me. I know you do.”

  The usual golden colour of her eyes seemed weirdly dull and the blue flecks had all but disappeared. Her pupils were blown out and she had a look on her face that reminded Bren of the drug addicts that were always in lock up at the precinct.

  “Kaida, what did you take?”

  She frowned at him before taking both his hands and pressing them against her breasts. Shit, her tits were amazing, soft and firm and… fuck.

  He yanked his hands away and she growled at him before reaching around and cupping his ass. “Do not deny me, human. You belong to me and I will take what I want.”

  “What are you on?” he asked again. “What drugs did you take?”

  “I do not take drugs.” She squeezed his ass. “I love your ass.”

  “Thank you.” He pulled her hands away and held them in his. “Are you sure you didn’t tak
e any medication today?”

  “Of course not. I don’t need medication, human.” She brought his hand around her body and pressed it against one firm ass cheek. “Do you like my ass?”

  “Yes, it’s great.”

  “Good. Let’s fuck.”

  She pressed her mouth against his, pushing him up against the fridge again. Her tongue invaded his mouth, and he groaned and returned her kiss. She nipped his lower lip before kissing him again. He sucked on her tongue, her soft moan sending ripples of need straight to his aching cock.

  “I want you, human,” she breathed against his mouth. He could smell the mint tea she’d been drinking on her breath and, weirdly, the faintest scent of smoke.

  “I want you too,” he replied.

  “I know. I can smell how much you want me.” She grinned at him before giving him a sharp nip on his throat. “When we fuck, I want to be on top.”

  “Sure, whatever you want,” he panted.

  “Good mate,” she said. She kissed his throat and he lifted his head to give her better access.

  Bren! Something is wrong. You need to stop.

  Yeah, something was off, but fuck Kaida’s lips were so soft and her body pressed against his felt amazing after months of celibacy. She wanted him, he wanted her, what was the harm? They were two consenting adults.

  Something is wrong with her. Very wrong.

  He ignored his inner voice as Kaida kissed up his throat. He groaned when she licked his jaw and then sucked on his earlobe.

  “I love you, my mate,” she whispered into his ear.

  He froze, his hands tightening on her waist. What the fuck?

  “Do you love me?” She traced his stomach muscles through his t-shirt. “Say you love me. Right now.”

  With a loud grunt, he pushed her away. She scowled at him. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Me? What’s wrong with you?” he said. “I know you took something. What was it?”

  “I told you, human, I do not take drugs.” Her eyes were glowing, and he was pretty certain she was about to shift into her bear form at any moment.

  Fear trickled into his belly and she sniffed the air. “Do not be afraid of me, my mate. I won’t hurt you. But I want what’s mine. Will you give it to me?”


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