Personal Foul: A Quick Snap Novella

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Personal Foul: A Quick Snap Novella Page 2

by Cala Riley

She sits down and bites her lip. “Look, my life is complicated. I have work and my responsibilities at home. I don’t have time for much else, let alone dating. I’m sorry, but no. It’s nothing personal,” she says softly.

  “I’m going to wear you down.”

  “Good luck with that,” she scoffs.

  “Just keep an open mind. I’m just asking for dinner, not your hand in marriage,” I tease, making her smile.

  Reagan shakes her head. “Get out of here and shower. You smell.”

  “It was great talking to you too, reina.”

  I walk out of her office and back towards the locker room with a smile. She may have turned me down today, and she will probably do it again. But I’ll wear her down.

  There’s one thing I know for certain. I came to Seattle to start fresh and change my lifestyle. It can’t be a coincidence that the only woman who made me think twice about settling down happens to be here.

  Call it fate or destiny, but I think it was meant to be.

  On the way back to my apartment, my phone rings. I look at the dash and see madre is calling.

  “Hola, madre.”

  “Why did you have to move across the country, hijo?”

  I smile, despite the fact that my mother can’t see me.

  “I was traded, madre. I didn’t have a choice. We’ve gone over this.”

  I hear the pout in her voice. “I know, but you could have said no. Quit and stayed home. I know you love the game, but you could’ve become a coach or teacher. Eventually you’ll have to retire.”

  “I know, but we’ve been over this. I want to do this while I can. This is my dream. I want to live it as long as the football gods allow me.”

  I cringe at the string of curse words flowing from her mouth.

  “You know better than to even hint at another god. Our God may be a forgiving god, but you shouldn’t test his patience.”

  I barely hold in my chuckle. “I know, I apologize. I’ll make amends tonight.”

  “How is that silly game of yours?” She sighs.

  “It’s not silly madre, but it’s going well. So far I like my new team.”

  “It’s not real futbol and you know it,” she scoffs. “American football.” She says it like it’s a dirty word.

  “You know my bank account loves American football,” I tease.

  “Yes, but money and the game are not everything.” She pauses. “Now when can I expect babies?”

  “I really have to go, madre. I just got home and need to make some dinner. I’ll talk to you soon. I love you,” I murmur quickly.

  “If you had a woman, your dinner would already be waiting for you when you walk through the door.” I hear the smile in her voice. “I expect you to settle down soon, you’re twenty-eight. You’re not getting any younger. Love you.”

  I shut the car off and sit back in my seat, shaking my head at my mother’s antics.

  If only she knew I had my eye on a woman.

  “I wonder if Reagan’s the type to have dinner on the table and waiting,” I murmur before laughing at myself. “Nah, she’s the type who would want dinner waiting on her.”


  I don’t know what it is, but ever since Garrett got here, he hasn’t been far from my mind. Every time I walk by someone, his name is on their tongue or I turn around and there he is. It’s driving me mad. Don’t get me started on the flirting, the jokes, the winking, and the smiling.

  I step into the elevator and lean against the wall, shutting my eyes. I feel someone step in close to me. I turn my head and open my eyes and come face to face with Garrett Stone standing way too close.

  Can I catch a break? Is that asking too much? Is he like the childhood myth of Bloody Mary, say his name three times and Garrett Stone appears?

  I look away, shutting my eyes.

  “What do you want, Stone?”

  “How was your day, Ms. Kelly?” he says lightly, ignoring my question.

  “I’m glad it’s over, and yours?”

  “Considering I got to see you, I would say it’s pretty great.”

  “Does it ever get old?” I turn towards him, crossing my arms over my chest.

  To his credit, his eyes don’t drop down. “Does what ever get old?”

  “The flirting.”

  Garrett softly brushes my hair out of my face. “Don’t worry, soon enough my flirting will become such a normal part of your day you won’t bat an eye.”

  I blink, realizing how close we are. Everyone else ignoring us. I try to take a step back, only to push farther into the corner.

  “No running away from me now, reina,” he teases.

  The elevator dings and everyone makes their way out. Garrett rests his hand on the small of my back.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m walking you to your car.”


  “Because I’m a gentleman.”

  I can’t help but scoff while we walk towards my car. His hand still resting on the small of my back. I hit the unlock on the key fob and Garrett opens the door for me. I step out of his hold and instantly miss the warmth of his hand.

  Pull it together, Kelly.

  “Well, thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” Garrett leans forward and brushes a soft kiss to my cheek, lingering a bit longer. “Have a great weekend, Reagan.”

  “You too.” I slide into the car and hit the locks before turning it on. I watch Garrett tuck his hands into his pockets, walking away.

  God, that ass.

  “What the fuck is it about him?” I murmur to myself before driving home, consumed with thoughts of Garrett Stone.


  Chapter 3

  Week 3


  My phone pings and I look down. I see that my favorite taco truck is parked not far and grab my purse. “Tacos solve everything,” I mutter, walking out of the office. I hustle down to my car, hoping I can make it there before the rush.

  I click the unlock button on my key fob and go to get in when something catches my eye. I look down and see that my front tire is flat.

  “Are you kidding me!”

  “Everything okay, Reagan?”

  I turn around and see Garrett and another player, Finch, walking my way. “No, everything is not okay!” I cry out.

  “You have AAA?” Finch asks.

  “Of course I do, but that’s not the point!” I whine.

  “What’s the point, reina?” Stone steps up to me and starts rubbing my shoulders.

  I know I should shrug him off, but I’m so tense right now that I accept the comfort.

  “It’s been a shit day. Everything that could go wrong has. Then I find out my favorite taco truck is just down the way and I thought tacos would turn my day around, but then I walked down here and see this” —I wave my finger at my tire— “clearly I’m not getting tacos.” I growl.

  “Sounds like you’re hangry,” Finch says, making me glare and Garrett hiss.

  “How about we go get my car and we can get tacos. When we get back, I’ll change your tire for you,” Garrett offers.

  “I told you I won’t go on a date with you. Besides, I don’t have a spare.”

  He smirks. “It’s not a date, reina. It’s lunch. You can call AAA to come bring you one.”

  I look down at my tire and back at Garrett, contemplating my next move.

  Before I overthink it, I find myself saying, “Where are you parked?”

  He grabs my hand and starts pulling me towards another car. He opens the passenger side door of a Land Rover and says, “Get in.”

  I slide in without a word and set my purse on the floorboard after grabbing my phone. I pull up my roadside assistance app and file a claim.

  Garrett calls goodbye to Finch before getting in the driver’s side.

  “Where are we going?” Garrett waits for directions.

  “Corner of Century and Hawk, it’s the Taco Loco truck.”

  Garrett puts it into his GPS
and drives in silence.

  “Thank you,” I say softly.

  Garrett looks over at me and gives me a smile. “Hey, it’s all good. We all have bad days and get hangry sometimes.” He shrugs. “Who knows, maybe you’ll tell me all about it. Or maybe not. I’m happy to help.”

  Garrett parks the car, stopping me when I reach for the door. “Don’t get out.”

  He slides out of the car and walks around to my side, opening the door.

  “Thank you,” I murmur, finding the act sweet, but uncomfortable.

  This is not a date, I remind myself.

  We walk over to the truck and place our orders. Garrett pays before I can pull out my wallet, causing me to glare at him.

  “Not a date. I know. You had a bad day. Let me treat you. I’ll wait here for the food while you go grab that picnic table before someone else does.” He gestures to the table.

  My will to fight him over this leaves me, exhaustion over the events from today settling in. I nod and walk over to the table, taking a deep breath as I sit.

  Today is just one of those days where you wake up and one thing goes wrong, setting your whole day negative. Then one thing after another adds up to make your day extra shitty.

  “Here you go.” I hear the taco container slide towards me and open my eyes.

  “Thank you, again.” I manage a weak smile.

  “Seriously, it’s no problem. Besides, you said tacos. Who can turn down good tacos?”

  We both dig into our food and moan. “So good.”

  “It makes sense now.” Garrett nods.

  “What does?”

  “Why you were so upset over the idea of not getting these. These are some legit street tacos.”

  “You would be one to know,” I tease.

  “What makes you say that?”

  I quirk my brow and eye his Virgin Mary tattoo.

  “My mother’s from Spain, not Mexico.” He chuckles.

  I feel myself blush. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean...” Making him laugh harder.

  He reaches out to touch my arm. “Happens more than you know. But for the record, tacos for us are exotic, as crazy as that sounds.”

  “Tell me more?” I ask between bites.

  “What do you want to know?” He goes back to his own food.

  “Anything, everything.” I shrug.

  Garrett gasps. “Is this a date?”

  I roll my eyes, Garrett laughs again.

  “Let’s see,” he thinks. “We love paella, a rice dish cooked with vegetables and meat. Do you like sangria?”

  “Of course.”

  He nods. “That comes from Spain.”

  “Sounds like my kind of people,” I tease, making him laugh. “What else?”

  “We have flamenco, a style of dance. Futbol.” He smirks.

  “Soccer,” we say in unison, laughing.

  “I bet your family loves that you don’t play the right ‘football.’” I air quote.

  “Yes, my mother says American football like it’s a dirty word.” He smirks. “We have beaches, tapas, bullfighting.”

  “Running with the bulls!” I snap my fingers.


  “Sounds like an interesting place. Do you go often?”

  “I go during the offseason and try to spend as much time with the family as I can. My parents have dual citizenship and spend half the year there now.”

  “That’s awesome.”

  “They seem to love it.”

  “Is that something you’re interested in once you retire?”

  Garrett gives me a dirty look. “Don’t say that word out loud, you should know better.”

  “I’m sorry, please forgive me,” I roll my eyes.

  Players treat retirement as if it’s a death sentence. Until they get there and find new things to love. Usually their family.

  “You should be,” he teases. “I’m sure if my familia had their way, I would live there half the year if not year-round. I have a place there with ocean views, close to everyone.”

  “Sounds nice.”

  “It is, you should come with some time.”

  “This isn’t a date.” It’s a reminder for him, but I’m finding myself needing the reminder as well.

  “Just imagine if it was though.”

  I don’t have to. Last week, Garrett stopped by my office three times to say hello. Each time, my stomach flipped, and the butterflies went crazy. I brushed him off each time. But now, sitting here with him? I could see why so many women fall for him. He’s charming and funny. I don’t have to imagine being on a date with him. I feel like I already am.

  This is not a date, Reagan. Get it together.

  “Where is this place in Spain?” I ask, changing the subject.

  His smirk tells me he knows what I’m doing, but he tells me anyway. “Peñíscola, it’s off the Balearic Sea on the east side of Spain between Valencia and Barcelona. Used to be a fishing village.”

  “Sounds amazing.”

  “It is.” Garrett looks at his watch. “Come on, we better get back. Your lunch hour is almost over.”

  We stand, gathering our trash, tossing it in a garbage can.

  “Thanks for sharing your favorite food truck with me,” he says, sincerity in his voice.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Once back at the stadium, Garrett walks me to my car.

  “Will you be good?” He asks, pointing at the flat tire.

  “Yeah.” I wave my cellphone awkwardly. “I just got a notification that someone should be here within the next ten minutes, so I’m just going to sit out here and wait.”

  “Want me to wait with you?” He leans forward, brushing a stray hair from my face.

  My heart stops before beating erratically.

  “N-no. I’m good. Don’t you have something you’re supposed to be doing?” I look away from him.

  “A workout, but I can push it back.”

  “No need. I’ll be fine. Thank you again for lunch.”

  “Okay.” He stuffs his hands in his pockets. “Well, if you need anything, let me know.”

  “Will do,” I tell him, but I have no plans to take him up on it.

  “Later, mi reina.” Garrett walks away.

  “Hey Garrett,” I yell once he is several feet away.

  He turns around and looks at me.

  “Having lunch with you wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be.”

  Why did I admit that?

  He smirks. “Imagine how good dinner could be.”

  I watch him walk away.

  He’s the kind of guy a girl could lose her head over.


  I’m sitting on the bench in the locker room trying to figure out what to do next. My schedule’s pretty open since the season hasn’t started yet. I want to see Reagan, but I don’t know how to do it without coming on too strong.

  “You still interested in Reagan?” Jude Taylor asks, sitting across from me.

  “Interested would be an understatement,” I mumble. “Why do you ask?” I finish tying my sneakers.

  “Tell me, is this a hit it and quit it kind of thing or are you interested in her for the long haul?”

  “Let’s just say Reagan Kelly is the only woman who’s ever made me think about settling down and being a one-woman kind of man. Even in college,” I level with him.

  Jude nods. “That’s good.” He looks away before looking back. “About this time of day she needs a pick-me-up. She likes a white chocolate mocha from the mom and pop coffee shop down the street. She likes supporting small businesses.” He stands, turning away from me, grabbing a bag from his locker.

  “Why are you helping me?”

  “We all deserve someone who will give us as much as we give them. I think you’re the kind of guy who wouldn’t rest if Reagan was unhappy.” He shrugs, walking away.

  “Thanks Taylor. I’ll have to ask you later why you know Reagan’s coffee order, but thanks for now,” I chuckle.

  He waves over his shoulder.

  I put a hustle in my step and head to the coffee shop. After I have her coffee and some banana bread, I head back to the stadium and up to her office. I knock on her door and she looks up, heat flashing through her eyes before she can stop it. The corner of her mouth kicks up for a second.

  “What can I do for you, Stone?” She eyes the cup in my hand.

  “I was just thinking my favorite lady could use a mid-day pick-me-up, but if I’m wrong, I’m sure the lady at the desk out there would love it.” I turn to walk out of her office.

  “Don’t you dare,” she hisses, making me smile. “What is it?”

  “White chocolate mocha?” I slide it across her desk to her.

  “How did you know?” A thousand emotions flash through her eyes and she bites her lip.

  “A little birdie told me.” I lean forward and pull her lip free. Rubbing my thumb along her plump bottom lip.

  “Garrett,” she says between a whimper and a sigh.

  “Sorry, I can’t keep my hands to myself when you’re around.” I slowly pull my hand back, shoving both hands into my pockets to make sure I don’t touch her again.

  Reagan stands, walking around her desk and right up to me.

  “Thank you,” she says softly.

  “Anything for you, mi reina,” I tell her sincerely. I can tell Reagan is fighting the emotions running through her. I lean forward and kiss her cheek. “Have a good day Reagan, don’t work too hard, yeah?”

  I turn and walk towards the door.

  “Wait, you’re leaving?”

  I look back at her and see her face full of confusion. “You have a busy schedule. I don’t want to occupy all your time, I just want a little when you can give it.”

  “You’re something else, Garrett Stone.” She smiles.

  “Just wait.” I wink, making her laugh.

  “See you later?”

  “Later, reina.” I walk out with a pep in my step. Slow and steady wins the race. I won’t push Reagan into something she doesn’t want, but one thing is for sure, she wants me as much as I want her if her body language is anything to go by.

  Chapter 4


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