The Fairy Berylune's Palace stood at the top of a very high mountain,on the way to the moon. It was so near that, on summer nights, whenthe sky was clear, you could plainly see the moon's mountains andvalleys, lakes and seas from the terrace of the palace. Here the Fairystudied the stars and read their secrets, for it was long since theEarth had had anything to teach her.
"This old planet no longer interests me!" she used to say to herfriends, the giants of the mountain. "The men upon it still live withtheir eyes shut! Poor things, I pity them! I go down among them nowand then, but it is out of charity, to try and save the littlechildren from the fatal misfortune that awaits them in the darkness."
This explains why she had come and knocked at the door of Daddy Tyl'scottage on Christmas Eve.
And now to return to our travellers. They had hardly reached thehigh-road, when the Fairy remembered that they could not walk likethat through the village, which was still lit up because of thefeast. But her store of knowledge was so great that all her wisheswere fulfilled at once. She pressed lightly on Tyltyl's head andwilled that they should all be carried by magic to her palace. Thenand there, a cloud of fireflies surrounded our companions and waftedthem gently towards the sky. They were at the Fairy's palace beforethey had recovered from their surprise.
"Follow me," she said and led them through chambers and passages allin gold and silver.
They stopped in a large room surrounded with mirrors on every side andcontaining an enormous wardrobe with light creeping through itschinks. The Fairy Berylune took a diamond key from her pocket andopened the wardrobe. One cry of amazement burst from every throat.Precious stuffs were seen piled one on the top of the other: mantlescovered with gems, dresses of every sort and every country, pearlcoronets, emerald necklaces, ruby bracelets.... Never had the Childrenbeheld such riches! As for the Things, their state was rather one ofutter bewilderment; and this was only natural, when you think thatthey were seeing the world for the first time and that it showeditself to them in such a queer way.
The Fairy helped them make their choice. Fire, Sugar and the Catdisplayed a certain decision of taste. Fire, who only cared for red,at once chose a splendid bright red dress, with gold spangles. He putnothing on his head, for his head was always very hot. Sugar could notstand anything except white and pale blue: bright colors jarred on hissweet nature. The long blue and white dress which he selected and thepointed hat, like a candle extinguisher, which he wore on his headmade him look perfectly ridiculous; but he was too silly to notice itand kept spinning before the glass like a top and admiring himself inblissful ignorance.
The Cat, who was always a lady and who was used to her dusky garments,reflected that black always looks well, in any circumstance,particularly now, when they were travelling without luggage. Shetherefore put on a suit of black tights, with jet embroidery, hung along velvet cloak from her shoulders and perched a large cavalier hat,with a long feather, on her neat little head. She next asked for apair of soft kid boots, in memory of Puss-in-Boots, her distinguishedancestor, and put a pair of gloves on her fore-paws, to protect themfrom the dust of the roads.
Thus attired, she took a satisfied glance at the mirror. Then, alittle nervously, with an anxious eye and a quivering pink nose, shehastily invited Sugar and Fire to take the air with her. So they allthree walked out, while the others went on dressing. Let us followthem for a moment, for we have already grown to like our brave littleTyltyl and we shall want to hear anything that is likely to help ordelay his undertaking.
After passing through several splendid galleries, hung like balconiesin the sky, our three cronies stopped in the hall; and the Cat at onceaddressed the meeting in a hushed voice:
"I have brought you here," she said, "in order to discuss the positionin which we are placed. Let us make the most of our last moment ofliberty...."
But she was interrupted by a furious uproar:
"Bow, wow, wow!"
"There now!" cried the Cat. "There's that idiot of a Dog! He hasscented us out! We can't get a minute's peace. Let us hide behind thebalustrade. He had better not hear what I have to say to you."
"It's too late," said Sugar, who was standing by the door.
And, sure enough, Tylo was coming up, jumping, barking, panting anddelighted.
The Cat, when she saw him, turned away in disgust:
"He has put on the livery of one of the footmen of Cinderella'scoach.... It is just the thing for him: he has the soul of aflunkey!"
She ended these words with a "Fft! Fft!" and, stroking her whiskers,took up her stand, with a defiant air, between Sugar and Fire. Thegood Dog did not see her little game. He was wholly wrapped up in thepleasure of being gorgeously arrayed; and he danced round and round.It was really funny to see his velvet coat whirling like amerry-go-round, with the skirts opening every now and then and showinghis little stumpy tail, which was all the more expressive as it had toexpress itself very briefly. For I need hardly tell you that Tylo,like every well-bred bull-dog, had had his tail and his ears croppedas a puppy.
Poor fellow, he had long envied the tails of his brother dogs, whichallowed them to use a much larger and more varied vocabulary. Butphysical deficiencies and the hardships of fortune strengthen ourinnermost qualities. Tylo's soul, having no outward means ofexpressing itself, had only gained through silence; and his look,which was always filled with love, had become very eloquent.
To-day his big dark eyes glistened with delight; he had suddenlychanged into a man! He was all over magnificent clothes; and he wasabout to perform a grand errand across the world in company with thegods!
"There!" he said. "There! Aren't we fine!... Just look at this laceand embroidery!... It's real gold and no mistake!"
He did not see that the others were laughing at him, for, to tell thetruth, he did look very comical; but, like all simple creatures, hehad no sense of humour. He was so proud of his natural garment ofyellow hair that he had put on no waistcoat, in order that no onemight have a doubt as to where he sprang from. For the same reason, hehad kept his collar, with his address on it. A big red velvet coat,heavily braided with gold-lace, reached to his knees; and the largepockets on either side would enable him, he thought, always to carry afew provisions; for Tylo was very greedy. On his left ear, he wore alittle round cap with an osprey-feather in it and he kept it on hisbig square head by means of an elastic which cut his fat, loose cheeksin two. His other ear remained free. Cropped close to his head in theshape of a little paper screw-bag, this ear was the watchful receiverinto which all the sounds of life fell, like pebbles disturbing itsrest.
He had also encased his hind-legs in a pair of patent-leatherriding-boots, with white tops; but his fore-paws he considered of suchuse that nothing would have induced him to put them into gloves. Tylohad too natural a character to change his little ways all in a day;and, in spite of his new-blown honours, he allowed himself to doundignified things. He was at the present moment lying on the steps ofthe hall, scratching the ground and sniffing at the wall, whensuddenly he gave a start and began to whine and whimper! His lower lipshook nervously as though he were going to cry.
"What's the matter with the idiot now?" asked the Cat, who waswatching him out of the corner of her eye.
But she at once understood. A very sweet song came from the distance;and Tylo could not endure music. The song drew nearer, a girl's freshvoice filled the shadows of the lofty arches and Water appeared. Tall,slender and white as a pearl, she seemed to glide rather than to walk.Her movements were so soft and graceful that they were suspectedrather than seen. A beautiful silvery dress waved and floated aroundher; and her hair decked with corals flowed below her knees.
When Fire caught sight of her, like the rude and spiteful fellow thathe was, he sneered:
"She's not brought her umbrella!"
But Water, who was really quite witty and who knew that she was thestronger of the two, chaffed him pleasantly and said, with a glance athis
glowing nose:
"I beg your pardon?... I thought you might be speaking of a great rednose I saw the other day!..."
The others began to laugh and poke fun at Fire, whose face was alwayslike a red-hot coal. Fire angrily jumped to the ceiling, keeping hisrevenge for later. Meanwhile, the Cat went up to Water, verycautiously, and paid her ever so many compliments on her dress. I needhardly tell you that she did not mean a word of it; but she wished tobe friendly with everybody, for she wanted their votes, to carry outher plan; and she was anxious at not seeing Bread, because she did notwant to speak before the meeting was complete:
"What can he be doing?" she mewed, time after time.
"He was making an endless fuss about choosing his dress," said theDog. "At last, he decided in favour of a Turkish robe, with a scimitarand a turban."
They all looked at her with a bewildered air. Theyunderstood that it was a solemn moment.]
The words were not out of his mouth, when a shapeless and ridiculousbulk, clad in all the colours of the rainbow, came and blocked thenarrow door of the hall. It was the enormous stomach of Bread, whofilled the whole opening. He kept on knocking himself, without knowingwhy; for he was not very clever and, besides, he was not yet used tomoving about in human beings' houses. At last, it occurred to himto stoop; and, by squeezing through sideways, he managed to make hisway into the hall.
It was certainly not a triumphal entry, but he was pleased with it allthe same:
"Here I am!" he said. "Here I am! I have put on Blue-beard's finestdress.... What do you think of this?"
The Dog began to frisk around him: he thought Bread magnificent! Thatyellow velvet costume, covered all over with silver crescents,reminded Tylo of the delicious horse-shoe rolls which he loved; andthe huge, gaudy turban on Bread's head was really very like a fairybun!
"How nice he looks!" he cried. "How nice he looks!"
Bread was shyly followed by Milk. Her simple mind had made her preferher cream dress to all the finery which the Fairy suggested to her.She was really a model of humility.
Bread was beginning to talk about the dresses of Tyltyl, Light andMytyl, when the Cat cut him short in a masterful voice:
"We shall see them in good time," she said. "Stop chattering, listento me, time presses: our future is at stake...."
They all looked at her with a bewildered air. They understood that itwas a solemn moment, but the human language was still full of mysteryto them. Sugar wriggled his long fingers as a sign of distress; Breadpatted his huge stomach; Water lay on the floor and seemed to sufferfrom the most profound despair; and Milk only had eyes for Bread, whohad been her friend for ages and ages.
The Cat, becoming impatient, continued her speech:
"The Fairy has just said it, the end of this journey will, at the sametime, mark the end of our lives. It is our business, therefore, tospin the journey out as long as possible and by every means in ourpower...."
Bread, who was afraid of being eaten as soon as he was no longer aman, hastened to express approval; but the Dog, who was standing alittle way off, pretending not to hear, began to growl deep down inhis soul. He well knew what the Cat was driving at; and, when Tyletteended her speech with the words, "We must at all costs prolong thejourney and prevent Blue Bird from being found, even if it meansendangering the lives of the Children," the good Dog, obeying only thepromptings of his heart, leapt at the Cat to bite her. Sugar, Breadand Fire flung themselves between them:
"Order! Order!" said Bread pompously. "I'm in the chair at thismeeting."
"Who made you chairman?" stormed Fire.
"Who asked you to interfere?" asked Water, whirling her wet hair overFire.
"Excuse me," said Sugar, shaking all over, in conciliatory tones."Excuse me.... This is a serious moment.... Let us talk things over ina friendly way."
"I quite agree with Sugar and the Cat," said Bread, as though thatended the matter.
"This is ridiculous!" said the Dog, barking and showing his teeth."There is Man and that's all!... We have to obey him and do as hetells us!... I recognise no one but him!... Hurrah for Man!... Man forever!... In life or death, all for Man!... Man is everything!..."
But the Cat's shrill voice rose above all the others. She was full ofgrudges against Man and she wanted to make use of the short spell ofhumanity which she now enjoyed to avenge her whole race:
"All of us here present," she cried, "Animals, Things and Elements,possess a soul which Man does not yet know. That is why we retain aremnant of independence; but, if he finds the Blue Bird, he will knowall, he will see all and we shall be completely at his mercy....Remember the time when we wandered at liberty upon the face of theearth!..." But, suddenly her face changed, her voice sank to a whisperand she hissed, "Look out! I hear the Fairy and Light coming. I needhardly tell you that Light has taken sides with Man and means to standby him; she is our worst enemy.... Be careful!"
But our friends had had no practice in trickery and, feelingthemselves in the wrong, took up such ridiculous and uncomfortableattitudes that the Fairy, the moment she appeared upon the threshold,exclaimed:
"What are you doing in that corner?... You look like a pack ofconspirators!"
Quite scared and thinking that the Fairy had already guessed theirwicked intentions, they fell upon their knees before her. Luckily forthem, the Fairy hardly gave a thought to what was passing throughtheir little minds. She had come to explain the first part of thejourney to the Children and to tell each of the others what to do.Tyltyl and Mytyl stood hand in hand in front of her, looking a littlefrightened and a little awkward in their fine clothes. They stared ateach other in childish admiration.
The little girl was wearing a yellow silk frock embroidered with pinkposies and covered with gold spangles. On her head was a lovely orangevelvet cap; and a starched muslin tucker covered her little arms.Tyltyl was dressed in a red jacket and blue knickerbockers, both ofvelvet; and of course he wore the wonderful little hat on his head.
Delighted with the importance of his duty, undid thetop of his robe, drew his scimitar and cut two slices out of hisstomach]
The Fairy said to them:
"It is just possible that the Blue Bird is hiding at yourgrandparents' in the Land of Memory; so you will go there first."
"But how shall we see them, if they are dead?" asked Tyltyl.
Then the good Fairy explained that they would not be really dead untiltheir grandchildren ceased to think of them:
"Men do not know this secret," she added. "But, thanks to the diamond,you, Tyltyl, will see that the dead whom we remember live as happilyas though they were not dead."
"Are you coming with us?" asked the boy, turning to Light, who stoodin the doorway and lit up all the hall.
"No," said the Fairy. "Light must not look at the past. Her energiesmust be devoted to the future!"
The two Children were starting on their way, when they discovered thatthey were very hungry. The Fairy at once ordered Bread to give themsomething to eat; and that big, fat fellow, delighted with theimportance of his duty, undid the top of his robe, drew his scimitarand cut two slices out of his stomach. The Children screamed withlaughter. Tylo dropped his gloomy thoughts for a moment and beggedfor a bit of bread; and everybody struck up the farewell chorus.Sugar, who was very full of himself, also wanted to impress thecompany and, breaking off two of his fingers, handed them to theastonished Children.
As they were all moving towards the door, the Fairy Berylune stoppedthem:
"Not to-day," she said. "The children must go alone. It would beindiscreet to accompany them; they are going to spend the evening withtheir late family. Come, be off! Good-bye, dear children, and mindthat you are back in good time: it is extremely important!"
Sugar also wanted to impress the company and, breakingoff two of his fingers, handed them to the astonished Children]
The two Children took each other by the hand and, carrying the bigcage, passed out of the hall; and their companions, at a sign from theFairy, filed in fr
ont of her to return to the palace. Our friend Tylowas the only one who did not answer to his name. The moment he heardthe Fairy say that the Children were to go alone, he had made up hismind to go and look after them, whatever happened; and, while theothers were saying good-bye, he hid behind the door. But the poorfellow had reckoned without the all-seeing eyes of the Fairy Berylune.
"Tylo!" she cried. "Tylo! Here!"
And the poor Dog, who had so long been used to obey, dared not resistthe command and came, with his tail between his legs, to take hisplace among the others. He howled with despair when he saw his littlemaster and mistress swallowed up in the great gold staircase.
The Blue Bird for Children Page 5