The Connect Who Took My Heart Away 2

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The Connect Who Took My Heart Away 2 Page 3

by Coco Shawndé

  “I’ll see you in court. You don’t want to come home? I won’t make you. I’ll leave yo ass right here.” Ralph said being quick to get back in his car with his punk ass.

  “Yeah court! That’s the only place.” Miani snapped back. “Let’s go, Easton.”

  “Dice! Yo you good?” Someone yelled from across the way. Squinting, I noticed it was one of Murk’s cousins.

  “Dice, I’m ready to go.” Miani said, and I could tell she didn’t want me to add more heat. Biting my tongue, I said everything was fine. Ralph had pulled out of the complex fast as hell, and we drove on down to Miani´s apartment.

  Even though Miani and Easton were fine now, hearing her on the phone stayed in my head. Knowing she would have made the biggest back slide if she left with Ralph. All because he said so, I was glad I got my ass over here when I did.

  Parking, Miani and Easton were out first and into the house. Grabbing my few items out, C.J followed close behind me.

  “What happened?” My son asked, not knowing what was happening.

  “Everything will be fine.” I assured.

  Getting closer to Miani´s porch, I could hear her yelling at Easton. Taking a deep sigh, I knew Easton was crying. Walking in the house, Miani looked a total mess from the tears. When she saw me, she stepped aside trying to hold onto tears as if she wasn’t crying already. Easton was standing in the hall balling his eyes out right now. “Why was he here?” I asked her right away.

  “I don’t know!” she said swinging her arms and letting them slap against her thighs. “I just want a divorce.” she said sounding like this was taking every bit of strength from her. “Easton...don’t do that ever again. You scared me!” She yelled at her son. I wanted her to calm down. Easton looked beyond terrified. His little body was shaking, and his eyes bounced from his mother that couldn’t stop moving and me.

  “Yes ma’am.” he stammered.

  “If you didn’t see me in the car, you shouldn’t have gotten in. How can you be so damn stu-” she stopped herself from calling him stupid, and I was glad. She put her hand on her head, and went to sit down. “Easton, please. Just go to your room.” she waved off. I could tell that Ralph popping up had gotten her clustered, and there was no denying it.

  “Miani...Easton is fine. You have him. Calm down. I know you´re upset.” I said, knowing she was damn near in the car herself when we were on the phone.

  Miani got quiet, and began to dry her eyes. “He tried to take my baby.” she cried.

  “Ma-Maa, Ralph is going to try even more if that stops this divorce. Being real, he was just like me and everybody else when you said you were leaving. We didn’t believe it and thought this was another phase you were going through. We see, and most importantly he knowsssss you´re leaving him. Ralph is a business-man and baby, the way this is going to end, it’s bad for business.” I let her know, being completely honest. I didn’t want her to get sucked into thinking maybe he was willing to change now. She needed to see and know Ralph was desperate. He was running a billion-dollar company, making his family more than wealthy, and now Miani could take all that shit.

  “I don’t care. I want out. I want my life the fuck back! Being in this apartment has opened my eyes to so much. It’s not close to a lavish living, but my state of mind, I don’t want to go back to how things were. Easton scared me so bad when I saw him in that car just sitting...In that moment, I just thought I would never get away from Ralph. That, that would be my life forever. This would be my life until he died because that was the only way I could leave.” she spoke honestly. It hurt that Miani had been trapped in this marriage so long, but I was happy she was reclaiming her life back.

  “This is for you. I know you have been talking to a lawyer, but she’s top notch.” I said giving her a business card. “Go see her tomorrow. She’s been expecting you for a while, but I knew you had to get to this point.”

  “But, Dice...I can’t afford her.” she admitted.

  “But bitch you will and that’s all lawyer’s care about. And you know I ain’t letting you go without. Just go. Talk to her because she’s the one to get this done, and you can actually get your spousal support started now since he put you out of the house.” I let her know.

  “I know what he’s worth...I know what his family is worth. Hell, the aircraft business has brought in billions to them. But I don’t want the money. I want Easton to be able to continue with the best schools, and his future to be set. For me, I just want Ralph out of my life. I don’t want the money, he can keep every damn thing. Down to the last name! Just not me and Easton.” she said crawling up on the couch.

  Seeing how down Miani was, I stayed with her for the night. It wasn’t like I had something to go home to anyway. The boys were beyond excited that they were spending another night together. Miani rested on the couch while I went to make the boys and I a plate.

  Taking my food to the living room, I got comfortable watching the Firestick. By the time Miani was up, it was past midnight and she didn’t even know that she had cried herself to sleep and I was still here.

  “Where the boys?” she asked, pushing the throw blanket I laid over her to the side.

  “They playing fortnite.” I let her know. She got up and put the food up without eating. I could tell when she got stressed, she deprived herself of food which wasn’t good. It took me cursing her ass out for her to at least make a small plate and eat that. Soon as she was done, she was back on the couch sleep. Knowing she had a great deal of stress, I let her sleep with knowing she hadn’t starved herself tonight.



  “Obasiiiii! PLEASEEEE! DON’T DO IT!!” My little sister begged, now in my face with tears streaming down. “That’s my baby´s father. Please don’t do it. I’ll leave. I’ll leave right nowww.” She cried, wrapping her forearms around mine as her chest fell and rose back up. Her pleading eyes snapped me back on what the fuck I was about to do. “You´re going to go to jail. It’s camera’s everywhurr. Brother please put it away.” Finally lowering my gun, I kept one in the chamber for Ralph´s bitch ass. With a mug on my face, I watched that nigga run his bitch ass away, and I knew I would see him again.

  Right now, a murder home invasion charge didn’t look too good to a judge with my track record. By all means, I wanted to kill this man, but I couldn’t do that shit in his home and cover my tracks at the same time. If we were anywhere else, I would have gotten down on dude for knocking my sister up and had the clean-up crew dispose of his ass.

  “Can you put it away? I’m leaving with you.” she begged with red eyes now. I pointed to the door for her to go out in front of me. I wasn’t putting up shit until she was out of the house.

  Finally getting into my car, I turned the volume up on my radio not trying to hear Aci crying or trying to explain why she was pregnant by a nigga that looked like he could be her fucking daddy. Deciding that I wasn’t going to take her back to our mother’s, I took her to one of my spots to deal with this. The spot I had was a ducked off apartment that I had never gotten rid of, and I figured she could stay until she figured out what she was going to do about this baby.

  “Basi, I don’t want you mad at me.” she voiced, when we stepped into the apartment.

  Knowing I hadn’t been here in a while, I was making sure everything worked properly, and seeing what I needed to head to the store for. Last thing me or Aci wanted was my mother knowing about her pregnancy if she wasn’t even keeping the baby. If I could handle matters on my own, I would to take the stress off Oletta.

  “You´re not going to speak to me? Okayyy.” Aci said, catching an attitude, pushing pass me. Grabbing her skinny ass up and putting my hand on her chest to keep her against the wall, she didn’t know how pissed off I was. She was my baby sister, and I never wanted this lifestyle for her. She had only been out of high school some weeks, and she was parading in some mansion with some old ass man, carrying his child. From the vibe I got, Ralph was a fucking pedophile to even be talking to
her young ass. Falling into that young of an age bracket, I couldn’t even look your way. Wasn’t shit a young lady that age could do for me or appeal to me.

  “Speak and say what?!” I hissed, seeing her eyes grow watery.

  “Anything! Say how disappointed you are in me. Tell me how I’m not going to be shit or that my baby is a statistic now...speak how you feel because you sure not holding back on your actions.” she cried to me. I could see in her eyes that she had really been in her head a lot. Shaking my head, it hurt me that she would speak of herself in that manner. It angered me that those words even came out.

  Aci was like my first mission on being a man as a kid. Getting to protect her, teach her, and guide her was one of the best jobs to me. I acted like she got on my nerves growing up, but I loved the fuck out of my sister. To know how much game I tried to teach her and put her on to, to see where she was at now, I felt as if I failed her.

  “I’m sorry, Basi.” she said with pleading eyes as if my approval was all she needed.

  “I’m sorry too sis.” I said seeing that she didn’t need the monstrous brother right now. She needed some love, and I would always have it for her. I could run the streets like a goon, but to the ladies in my life, I kept that side away. That was an ugly man, and he had no emotion to showcase.

  “You´re going to tell mom and Konvict?” She asked with her head tilted. She read my eyes, and she sighed deeply. “I am, huh? Okay.” she nodded. “Just on my time.”

  “You just have to tell them what you feel is necessary. They have been worried and don’t know what’s been going on with you. I mean, they know something is up with you already.” I let her know.

  “Thank you for coming to get me.” she said, and how the words flowed out her mouth, it shifted my soul. It was like she was locked in a castle, and I was her rescuer. “I know what you wanted to do back there. I’m glad you didn’t.” she said, looking at the side of my face since my eyes were zoned out. “He had been gone all day and came back bickering about his son that his baby mother wasn’t allowing him to. I’m sure that’s what had him so ready to come at you, but that’s not his lane at all. He’s not about that life. I could see in your eyes that look.”

  “I got you forever lil sis.” I assured her. “You can stay hurr until you get your next move together. I don’t want no people in my crib. You just need to focus on the situation you got.” I said pointing at her belly.

  Aci agreed, and we ended up making a trip to the store and to the mall together. Aci didn’t have shit with her, so I had to buy her everything. Going back to Ralph´s wasn’t happening, and my mother would ask too many questions if I came grabbing her clothes out of her room. By the time she had everything she needed, and the apartment was stocked, we headed on back.

  “How can you be with someone like him?” I implored, not knowing how a man Ralph’s age could interest her.

  “That’s the’s was out of the ordinary. Like when you came, he had been gone all day. I don’t have to deal with him like you think, but at the same time I do. It’s complicated, Obasi.” She said, speaking in her truth. To me, it sounded like he had it made with her and she accepted the shit.

  “What do you want?”

  “I never wanted this baby. I’m not ready..” she said, with her voice cracking. “I’m showing though...I don’t know if terminating the pregnancy is an option.”

  “Give me some time in this but I need you to understand the decision your making.” I said strongly, gazing over at her.

  Talking some more on the ride back, I eventually got off the subject. Making it to the apartment, I made it my business to stay with Aci for the night. We chilled back like old times, and I got to talk to her some more. I could tell how disappointed in herself she was, but now wasn’t the time to sit in sorrow. She had to make a move.



  Miani had gotten up with a whole new attitude the day after Ralph pulled his mess on her. Luckily, it rubbed off on her son too, and he wasn’t showing signs that he was still taking in yesterday’s events. Miani was the last to wake up, but she jumped right in the kitchen to make a huge breakfast. I didn’t know what that sleep did to her, but it damn sure worked in her favor. She thanked me for coming through yesterday, and we both knew she would have gotten into the car to get her son back. I was glad I was there for her to not have to go that route.

  “Who he on the phone with?” Ma-Maa asked me, as she whipped the waffle batter.

  “His sister.” I said peeping my head back around the corner. C.J had been on the phone with Charli all morning. I was supposed to get her yesterday, but the way things had transpired, I told her to have Murk drop her off once I got here today. He already had heat with me, so I knew he was coming to speak on the fact that I ended the deal he was about to set with Hosea. I was still waiting on them to attempt to move around me again, but so far, they were at a standstill. Bad thing was, those routes still needed to be secured, so they would have to come to me with a new plan soon enough. The little I did gather, Hosea and Obasi were who needed to be our first option. From stepping into their warehouse, it was no doubt that they could service us properly.

  “He loves his sister.” I said leaning against the counter, and folding my arms.

  “Have you spoke to Murk again?” she probed.

  “My feelings hurt by everybody involved. But the main person isn’t even here for me to even put in question.” I said just imagining if Chaunce was alive. Would I have found out? Would I have accepted Charli like I am now if this would have came out with Chaunce still here? All those questions flooded me, and I had not a single answer to one.

  “It’s nothing to question at this point since she’s here now, and Chaunce isn’t. I know you want to address the deeper details, but is it worth it? Chaunce is gone. I feel that’s only going to give you more hurt, and more for you to hold onto. You can’t burden your soul with all that. I held onto a dead-end marriage for too long, and the taste of freedom has gone a mighty long way.” she added.

  “I have been harboring my feelings by holding on to something that’s over. I always said Chaunce would forever reign supreme.” I said thinking about all the promises I made to him and the ones I received. An outside child was something I never seen coming.

  “Dice you´re not doing yourself any good by withholding yourself of a life. When are you going to let yourself be happy, because you´re not. I’m not saying Hosea is the one, because who knows what’s in store? You´ve been depriving yourself of even the thought of being someone else’s, and deep down, you want to feel loved again by a man. I don’t see a problem with it, and fuck whoever don’t think you deserve love after death.” She declared, pouring the batter in the waffle griddles, and taking out glass plates. Going to the fridge, I pulled out the orange and apple juice.

  “For years I had rather been alone if it wasn’t with Chaunce...Then Hosea comes spinning my world around with ease, and I feel like I fucked it all up. I can’t even commit to the small shit. It’s like I’m stuck between putting too many emotions out there, and then not showing enough feelings….I just don’t know what’s on the other side of the door for me and Hosea. I can’t suffer another heartbreak though. Hell, I feel my heart been on ice since Chaunce passed.” I said gazing at the white wall before me.

  “Stop pretending with yourself.” Miani said, and I felt that shit all the way. “From what you tell me about Hosea, he doesn't seem bad. Y’all just had verbal terms, and sometimes it doesn’t pan out like we all want. The moment you caught feelings, you should have opened your mouth.”

  “So, when are you going to open your mouth and say you want Obasi?” I said trying to take the heat off me.

  “When the judge declares me a free bitchhh!” she said smiling, and I cracked up laughing too, knowing this bitch was not that damn bold. “I’m just playing though. Basi is my best friend. And when I came onto him, it just came out like all red flags being thrown in the air.”
r />   “Probably because it was the wrong time. We all know Basi got some bitches tucked away, and you are still legally married. Respect the timing. I can’t wait until a nigga come blow yo back out for you.” I winked. “Everything happens for a reason.” I sang.

  We continued with breakfast, and everyone had to take a nap afterwards. That was how good and full our asses were. When I woke up, I got C.J up, so he could spend time with his sister. Heading home, Murk was calling me, and I knew he was probably outside of my house.

  “I be pulling up in about twenty minutes.” I let him know.

  “A’ight cool. We hurr.” he answered. Trying to end the call, so I didn’t have to talk to him, C.J, was butting in.

  “Hey Uncle Montreal! You got my sister?” he probed.

  “Yeah, she right hurr.” he answered in a chuckle.

  “Okay, we’ll be pulling up soon.” I said hanging up. C. J looked at me, but he had his own phone if he wanted to talk to his sister or uncle. “Stop looking at me like that.” Laughing because he looked like his father with that face.

  By the time we arrived, and was getting out of the car, C.J was sleep. I woke him up letting him know he needed to go shower before he started playing with his sister. He hopped out of my car racing over to Murk’s Charger.

  As the kids went in the house, I lingered back knowing Murk wanted to talk. “We can go in.” I let him know.

  Once I got settled and took some meat out to cook for later, he sat at the table island. Joining him, he knew to speak before me because ain´t no telling what would come out of my mouth. “I’on want you mad at yo big bro no more.” he said straight up. “Nothing I did was to make you like this.”

  Hearing Murk out, I let him continue to put everything out on the table. Never having fallen out with him or Hyatt, this was all new. Like said before, they were loyal to the bone, and Chaunce being gone made not one damn difference. Only this time, the position Charli´s mother was in revealed the secret.


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