Falling for Aiden

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Falling for Aiden Page 14

by Allie Everhart

  He sets his glass down. "Because I broke up with her."

  I stare at him, thinking I must've heard him wrong. Did he just say he broke up with Celine? How is that possible? I met with her this morning and she never mentioned it. And she didn't seem sad or depressed, like most people would be after a breakup. Does she not care? Did she want the breakup as much as Aiden did?

  "You broke up with Celine," I say, confirming it.

  He nods. "Last Wednesday night."

  "Was she upset?"

  "She didn't take it well but she'll get over it." He pauses. "That's one of the reasons I came up here. To talk about this. To talk about where we go from here."

  "I don't understand. I thought you came here for work."

  He smiles, leaning toward me across the table. "When I said I had business to take care of, I didn't mean work. I was talking about you. About us."

  Chapter Fifteen


  I look back at Aiden, confused by his words. Is he telling me he came here for me?

  None of this is making sense. Before he showed up here tonight, I assumed he was still with Celine. I was trying to convince myself that being with Aiden was just a fantasy I needed to get over and put out of my head. And now he's telling me he's single and drove all the way up here to see me?

  "Sophie. Say something."

  I blink away my shock. "I don't know what to say. Are you telling me you came here because of me? That stuff about the inn wasn't true?"

  "It's true. I'm meeting with Tom tomorrow but only because I needed an excuse to explain why I wouldn't be at a sales dinner tonight for work. Roger wanted me there but I told him we were getting close with the inn deal and I needed to race up here before Tom changed his mind."

  "But you didn't really need to race up here, so why did you?"

  "Because I needed to see you." He reaches across the table and takes my hand. "I missed you, Sophie. I thought about you nonstop since we said goodbye last weekend. Pete told me you broke up with Tanner, and maybe that has nothing to do with me, but even if it doesn't, I needed to come up here and tell you how I feel."

  I swallow, my throat feeling dry, my heart beating out of my chest as I wait for him to continue.

  "I like you, Sophie, and I want us to be more than friends. When I'm with you, I'm happy. The kind of happy I haven't felt in a really long time. It's like this calmness comes over me whenever we're together. At first I thought it was because of where we're at—being out in the country, away from the stress of the city. But then I realized it's you making me feel that way. I realized it the night you showed up at the bar back in New York. I was stressed from a long of day of work and a fight I'd had with Celine, and then you walked in and I felt the stress just go away. I didn't want you to leave, and when you left with Tanner, I wasn't okay with it. I knew I had to be because you weren't mine, but I wanted to stop you. I wanted to run out the door and tell you not to go. But I couldn't. Because of Celine. Because I needed to end things with her before starting something with you."

  I'm speechless. I never thought this would happen. I knew he felt something for me but I didn't think it would ever go anywhere. I was certain he'd never break up with Celine. I was even more sure of it when he let me go out with Tanner. Aiden's the one who set us up. He invited me to the bar that night to meet his friends, knowing I was looking for a date.

  "I don't understand. Why were you trying to set me up if you wanted to date me?"

  "Because at the time, all I could think about was how to get you out of my head. I had a girlfriend, and I felt guilty when my mind kept going to you when it should've been on Celine. I thought if you were with someone else, I'd finally stop thinking about you."

  "And did it work?"

  "Not at all. It just got worse. I thought about you even more. I didn't know what would happen with you and Tanner but I knew that if it didn't work out, I couldn't just stand by and not at least tell you how I felt."

  "Is that why you broke up with Celine? Was it because of me?"

  "No, at least not completely. I think I've told you this before but Celine and I haven't worked for a long time. I was going to break up with her last summer but then decided to keep trying. It wasn't until I met you that I realized Celine and I aren't even close to being a good fit. I realized how unhappy I am with her. I was so used to feeling that way that it didn't seem wrong, but then I met you and it's like a light went off. I finally felt what I should've been feeling with Celine. So yes, you played a role in the breakup but not directly. I didn't end things with her to go out with you. It would've ended even if you were still with Tanner."

  I take a moment to think about what he said. I'm thrilled by his words but still completely shocked. This is the last thing I ever thought would happen to end this otherwise horrible day.

  "Sophie, would you please say something? If you don't feel the same way, I understand. But even so, I don't regret telling you how I feel." He gives my hand a squeeze as he looks me in the eye. "I've never in my life felt this way about someone, and feeling it this soon, after only knowing you a few weeks? It tells me this is real. That's why I'm here. It's why I had to tell you all this. If there's even a chance you might feel the same way, I need to know."

  "I do." I look back at him. "Feel the same."

  His shoulders relax and he lets out a breath. "Okay, good, because for a minute there I thought I'd misread the situation. We've had some moments where I thought we felt the same way but I wasn't sure."

  "You didn't misread it." I lean closer to him. "Aiden I've missed you so much. I think about you all the time. About us, and what it'd be like if we could be together. Even when I was with Tanner, my mind kept wandering back to you. It wasn't fair to Tanner so I had to break up with him, even if you stayed with Celine. But now that's not an issue."

  I smile at him but he looks down.

  "Aiden? What's wrong?

  He lifts his head, his eyes returning to mine. "Celine might still be an issue."

  "Why? What happened?"

  "Nothing, but it could. Celine doesn't take rejection well."

  "Meaning what?"

  "Meaning she might try to get you fired if she finds out we're seeing each other. She'll assume you're the reason I broke up with her. She already accused me of cheating. That's the first place her mind went when I told her we were done."

  "Does she suspect it's me?"

  "No, in fact, she specifically mentioned you, saying I'd never go for a someone like you."

  "Why wouldn't you?" I ask, feeling offended.

  "Because of where you're from. She thinks you're not sophisticated enough for me, which isn't even close to being true. It just shows how little she knows about me."

  "So what are you saying? We can't be together?"

  "We can, but we need to keep it hidden, at least until you're done with the client dinner. Once you're done working with her, she can't do anything that would get you fired."

  "Except it may not end with client dinner." I take my hand from his and sit back in the chair.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Beverly met with Roger. She thinks he can bring us new clients. And it sounds like the place you work for is always doing events. Beverly wants us to be the only event company he uses."

  "And Celine oversees all the events," he says with a sigh.

  "So if she wants to get me fired, she could."

  "All the more reason to keep this hidden. Sophie, I know this isn't what you want. I don't want it either. But I'd rather see you in secret than not at all."

  "What if her father finds out? Would he fire you?"

  "I doubt it. I've been there for two years and brought in more money than guys who have been there for five. Roger knows it'd be hard to replace me. He's not going to do that just because his daughter and I broke up. But it'd still be best if he didn't know, at least until Celine's had time to calm down. She'll demand that he fire me and he doesn't want to deal with that."

  "So w
hat are we going to do? How are we going to hide this?"

  He takes my hand again. "Well, for one, I'm going to keep coming up here to see you. We both love it here and nobody from back home will see us. We can drive up on Fridays and come back on Sundays."

  "I have to work on Sundays."

  "Not if you're picking up trash. Tell your boss that's what you're doing, even if you're not."

  "I could, but Bianca won't be happy about it."

  "Why? What do you do on Sundays?"

  "Mostly just keep her company while she runs around the office."

  "She doesn't need you for that. And maybe if you're not there, she'll get used to working on her own and won't keep making you work Sundays." He smiles. "I'd like to be the one spending Sundays with you."

  "I'd like that too."

  Gus shows up, holding two big bowls of stew. "I don't mean to interrupt but these are a little hot."

  Aiden lets go of my hand and leans back. "Go ahead."

  Gus sets the bowls down. "I'll be back right with the cornbread." Moments later he returns with the bread and a bowl of whipped butter. "Anything else I can get you?"

  "I think we're good," Aiden says. "Thanks."

  I pick up my spoon and stir it around the stew. "This smells delicious but I'm not really hungry."

  "Did you already eat?"

  "No. I haven't eaten since lunch. I'm just excited, and when I'm excited I lose my appetite."

  His brows rise. "Excited about us?"

  "And about the future. I know we just met but I feel like this is it. Like I've been waiting my whole life for you and now here you are."

  "I know what you mean. I really wish we didn't have to hide. I want to take you out and be like a real couple."

  "How long do you think we'll have to do this?"

  "I don't know. I was hoping it would end once you were done working with Celine but if that's going to continue then I think it'll depend on how fast Celine moves on."

  "By move on, you mean find someone else?"

  "Yes, which shouldn't take long. She goes out a lot and she's attractive so she'll definitely get asked out. I'm just worried she's holding out hope we'll get back together. If she is, she won't start dating again."

  "You think she'll try to get back together with you? Has she already tried?"

  "She called me a couple times but I didn't pick up. She left a message saying she wanted to talk.”

  “About getting back with you?”

  “That’s what I assume, but there’s nothing to talk about. It’s over. Nothing she says will change that. We’re just not good together.”

  “Has she called you today?”

  “No, and she hasn’t sent me any texts.”

  "Maybe she's accepted it's over."

  "I doubt it. It doesn't work that way with Celine. She holds a grudge and doesn't let go of it until she either gets revenge or gets distracted by something else."

  "Like what?"

  "A new guy." He takes a piece of cornbread. "Let's not talk about Celine. This is our first real date and I want to enjoy it, not talk about my ex."

  I smile. "This is a date?"

  "The first of many."

  I can't believe this is happening. I've been dreaming about this guy, thinking about him constantly, wishing he were mine, and somehow my wish came true. I never get that lucky, but maybe things are finally turning around for me. I've got Aiden, and soon I'll get my promotion. I'll be able to pay my rent, stay in New York, and prove to my parents that I can make it in the city.

  As we're finishing dessert, Tom comes over to our table, smiling as he glances down at Aiden's hand wrapped around mine. "How's the happy couple?"

  "Very happy," I say, smiling back. "But we can't tell anyone so we need you to keep it a secret."

  "Why can't you tell anyone?" Tom asks.

  "Long story," Aiden says, getting out his wallet. "It really only applies to people we know. If Roger calls you about the deal, or anyone else at the firm, I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention me being here with Sophie."

  Tom's brows draw together. "I don't like the sound of this. Why does your boss care who you date?"

  "He used to date the boss' daughter," I explain. "It's a recent breakup."

  "But one that was long overdue," Aiden adds, setting his credit card on the bill.

  "Sounds complicated," Tom says. "Back in my day, when you got a girl you showed her off around town. When Lois and I were going steady, I paraded her around to anyone who'd pay attention." He laughs a little, his face beaming. "I couldn't believe a girl like her would go out with a guy like me. I about fell over when she agreed to marry me. And for some reason, she stuck with me all these years." He leans down to me. "This may sound hard to believe, but I'm not the easiest guy to live with."

  I laugh. "I bet you're not that bad. Tell Lois dinner was wonderful."

  "Will do." He takes off with the bill, then comes back moments later, handing Aiden his credit card. "You two have a good night."

  "It's straight to bed for me," I say. "I have an early morning."

  "Hope to see you back for dinner tomorrow."

  "I can't," I tell him. "I need to head back."

  "You sure you can't stay?" Aiden asks in the tone I used to think was flirtatious. Now it's confirmed. He was definitely flirting all those times he made comments in that tone. He just couldn't act on his feelings, but now he can.

  "I'd consider sticking around." I say it with the same flirty tone.

  "Goodnight, you two," Tom says as he leaves.

  "Can I walk you to your room?" Aiden asks.

  "I'd like that."

  We leave the restaurant and go up the stairs to my room.

  "Thank you," I say, smiling at Aiden. "I think I've got it from here."

  "You sure you don't want help with the key?"

  I laugh, remembering back to that night. I was so nervous around him I couldn't even get the key in the lock.

  "I've got it figured out now." I turn toward the door.

  "Sophie." Aiden's hand wraps around mine, gently pulling it away from the door and turning me toward him.

  "What is it?" My voice is breathy, my heart racing so fast I feel like it's about to leap from my chest.

  "Stay with me."

  My eyes lift to his. "We haven't even gone out yet, other than tonight."

  "I realize that, but I don't want to be without you tonight. If we can't see each other in New York, we have to make the most of the time we have when we're here."

  I take a breath. "Aiden, I want to. I really do. I'm just not someone who moves that fast. I want to get to know you more."

  His lips rise to a slight smile. "That's not what I meant when I asked you to stay. I just want to spend the night with you. We can talk. Watch a movie. Or I can just hold you in my arms." His hand lifts to my face, cupping the side of my face. "Please. Stay with me."

  I gaze into his eyes, trying to decide what to do. My brain is telling me we're moving too fast but my heart is all in. I've been waiting for this moment, never thinking it would actually happen, and now that it has, I'm torn about what to do.

  Aiden tilts my face up to his, then leans down and presses his lips to mine. It's just like I imagined and more. His slow gentle kiss has my body coming alive with need, heat surging inside me.

  He pulls back just enough for our eyes to meet. "Please tell me you'll stay."

  "Where's your room?"

  He steps back, getting his key out. "Right next to yours."

  I watch as he hurries to unlock the door, probably assuming even a second of delay could make me change my mind. And maybe I should, but I can't. I want to be with him, even if all we do is sleep.

  Aiden's right. We don't have much time together, so why waste it being apart?

  Chapter Sixteen


  "How'd you get a room this late with all the tourists?" I ask as we go in his room. It's just like mine but with a dark blue quilt on the bed and a s
mall chair by the window.

  "Tom had a cancellation," he says, going over to the bed to move the clothes off it.

  "Who would cancel this late? Didn't you just make your reservation?"

  "I made it Thursday night, when I decided to come here. Tom said a room was available so I took it." Aiden comes over to me, taking both my hands in his. "I get the feeling he already had it reserved for me."

  "Why would he do that? He didn't know you'd be coming back this weekend."

  "No, but he knew you'd be coming back, which meant there was a good chance I'd be back."

  "Are you saying Tom is playing matchmaker?" I look up at Aiden, wanting more than ever for him to kiss me again.

  "I'm saying Tom knows a good thing when he sees it. He knew we were right for each other even before we did."

  "But he didn't know you broke up with Celine. Why would he set us up, knowing you had a girlfriend?"

  "I told him about Celine. Even before I broke up with her, I told Tom I didn't see a future with her."

  "Why would you tell Tom that?"

  "Because he asked. He knew I had a girlfriend and asked me about her. I could've lied and said things were great between us but I knew he'd see through it so I told him the truth."

  "Has he been trying to get us together this whole time?"

  "I'm not sure, but it kind of seems like it. He keeps putting us together at dinner. Giving us adjacent rooms."

  "Well, it worked. Here we are. Together."

  Aiden gazes at me and I get that feeling again. That stir in my stomach. I suppose some would call it butterflies, although I never thought was a real thing. I'd never felt it before. Until now.

  He leans down to me, his hand cradling the back of my head, his fingers threading through my hair, and whispers over my mouth. "I promise we'll only take this as far as you want."

  "What if I don't know what that is?"

  "Then we'll figure it out as we go." His lips brush against mine as he says it. Then he kisses me, his tongue finding its way past my lips as he pulls me closer.

  When we're together like this, when he's touching me, kissing me...I feel like a current's running through me, lighting me up inside, sparking sensations up and down my body.


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