Falling for Aiden

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Falling for Aiden Page 17

by Allie Everhart

  Aiden moves closer to the screen. "Sophie, are you crying?"

  "I guess I am," I say with a laugh as I wipe a tear from my cheek.

  "Why are you crying?"

  "Because of what you just described. I want that so much, Aiden, so to hear you say it, it makes me so happy."

  "Were you surprised that I felt that way?"

  "Well, yes. We barely know each other. We haven't even really dated. It seems a little crazy to be talking about the future."

  "When you know, you know. That's what my grandfather used to say. Tom said the same thing when he told me about meeting Lois. He said he knew from the first day they met that she was the one. Sometimes you just know."

  "I didn't. I was furious when you caused me to get that ticket. I was sure you were just some rich Wall Street guy who doesn't care about anyone but himself. And when you acted like I shouldn't be upset, I was even more furious with you."

  "So you basically hated me when we met," he says, smiling.

  "I wouldn't say hate, but I definitely wasn't imagining a future with you."

  "I wasn't either, but I knew I liked you. I wasn't sure why, but I knew I wanted to see you again."

  "When did you start imagining us together? In the future?"

  "It started the night we had dinner."

  "The first dinner?"

  "Yes. It wasn't like I consciously thought about it. I was just lying in bed that night, almost falling asleep, when these images came in my head. I could see us together, dating, living together. It might've even been a dream. I'm not sure if I was awake or not. The next day I woke up feeling guilty, knowing I was still with Celine. And then I realized I'd never dreamed of a future with Celine. I hadn't even thought about it. That was enough to convince me that even if my relationship with Celine improved, she wasn't the right girl for me." He sits back on the couch, his legs filling the camera.

  "I can't see you."

  "Sorry." He sits up again. "So when did you start imagining us together?"

  "When I started dating Tanner. I'd be out with him but thinking about you. I tried to stay focused on Tanner but my mind kept wandering back to you. I feel really bad about that. It wasn't fair to him."

  "He's fine. He's already moved on."

  "He has? With who?"

  "A woman he met at a fundraiser last week. She's a scientist. She researches how changes in climate affect ocean life."

  "She's perfect for him!"

  "I know, right? He might've found his match."

  I pick up my tablet and lay back on my bed, smiling at the tiny camera. "Tell me more about this future you imagined."

  "Well, we live together but I'm not sure where. For some reason I never see us in New York, maybe because we've never actually been together here."

  "Where do you see us?" I ask.

  "In a house somewhere, but it's not a big city."

  "Would you ever consider that? Not living in a big city?"

  "Maybe. I've never lived anywhere but big cities so it's hard to say. How about you?"

  "I don't mind a smaller town, but not where I grew up. I'd want someplace different. And a place that's affordable would be nice." I sit up. "I never gave you the tour, did I?"

  "Of what? Your apartment?"

  "Yes. Here." I turn my tablet the other way and rotate it around the tiny room. "That's it. What do you think?"

  "It's even smaller than the place I used to have. But I had roommates so we were able to afford more."

  "I can't believe what they charge for this place. I can't even pay—" I stop before I tell him about the eviction notice. I'm embarrassed to tell him, or anyone else, that I can't pay my bills. I just need to get that promotion and then everything will be fine.

  "What did you say?" he asks.

  "Nothing. Anyway, that's my apartment. Show me yours."

  He gets up, taking the tablet with him and walking around to show me each room. His apartment is big enough to actually have rooms. He shows me the bedroom and bathroom and then the kitchen, which is large enough to have a small table.

  "It's really nice," I say as he returns to the living room. "I like how you decorated."

  "Thanks, but I might've had some help from a friend."

  "A girlfriend?"

  "We went on a few dates, but it didn't go anywhere. She's an interior designer. She's actually the person who introduced me to Celine, which led to me getting the job at the investment firm."

  "Are you still friends with her?"

  "I was, but I won't be after Celine tells her about the breakup. I need to stop talking about Celine. Let's talk about something else."

  I smile. “I want to know more about this future you see for us."

  We spend the next two hours imagining what our apartment would look like, and then our house, assuming we had one. We talk about how we'd spend our time, what shows we'd watch on TV, what we'd make for dinner. It's all imaginary but still fun to talk about, and it makes me feel closer to him.

  It's almost midnight now and I need to go to sleep. The client dinner is the day after tomorrow and I have a million things to finish up to make sure the event exceeds any and all of Celine's expectations. I've never worked this hard on an event. I'm determined to get that promotion.

  "I wish I could hold you right now," Aiden says.

  "I do too." I look back at him on the screen, wanting to be with him more than anything.

  "A week from tomorrow, we'll be back in Vermont. It's really not that far away if you think about it."

  "Seems like forever."

  He sighs. "You're right. It does."

  "Aiden, I'd love to keep talking but I really need to get to bed. I need to be at work in a few hours."

  "Yeah, I should be going too."

  "I'll be working late tomorrow night and all day Saturday so I probably won't talk to you again until the dinner."

  "About that. There's a chance Celine will try to act like she and I are still together."

  "Meaning what? She'll be kissing you?"

  "She might try. Or she'll put her arm around me or try to get me to say something to prove we're still together. But whatever happens, none of it is real. I'm just playing along until this is over. I know it might upset you but try not to react. If you do, Celine might suspect something's going on between us, which could put your job in jeapardy."

  "I know." I hear the anger in my voice. I can't help it. I get angry whenever I even think of Celine. She's made my life at work unbearable and kept me from being with Aiden. I just want this to be over.

  We end the call and I go to bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep because I'm so anxious about this dinner. Just two more days. In two days it'll be over. I'll still have to wait to be with Aiden but at least I'll be done with this horrible event.

  It's Saturday night and soon the guests will arrive for the client dinner. Everything's ready but I'm more exhausted than I've ever been in my entire life. I stayed up all night making little chocolates shaped like a star, the symbol that's in the logo for the investment firm. The chocolate shop I hired to make them bailed on me at the last minute because of a water leak in the ceiling that forced them to shut down. I convinced them to sell me the chocolate molds, along with the chocolate, so I could make them myself. My mom and I made chocolates for my cousin's wedding a few years ago so I've done it before but I'm not an expert.

  After the chocolate set, I had to wrap each star in a little bag and tie it with a ribbon. It took forever because Celine wanted extras for people to take home. By the time I was done, it was five in the morning and time to get ready for another long day of work.

  Celine called at noon to check how things were going. I didn't tell her about the chocolates and don't plan to. I'm hoping she doesn't notice any imperfections, but if she does, there's nothing I can do about it.

  The dinner is now less than an hour away and I'm counting the minutes until it's over.

  "It looks as though you might just pull this off," Beve
rly says, running her hand over the back of the chairs as she inspects the table.

  Beverly wouldn't normally show up before an event, but since this is the first one I'm doing on my own, she insisted on stopping by to check my work to see if I'm worthy of the promotion. I don't know why she wouldn't give it to me. I've done everything Celine asked and more. I've gone above and beyond to make this event as perfect as it could be.

  The dinner is at a historic hotel in a room that looks like it belongs in a castle. Hand-carved dark wood panels line the walls, large brass sconces provide light, and there's a massive fireplace with a marble mantel. The investment firm bought the hotel a few years ago to save it from being torn down. They restored it, then sold it to a small hotel chain. It's a gorgeous building, and perfect for this event.

  "Nice job on the centerpieces," Beverly says. "Was that Celine's direction?"

  "She directed me on the idea but I made it come to life," I say with confidence. This is not the time to be humble and downplay my work. I need her to know how much of myself I put into this project, and how hard I worked to make it a success.

  "I need to get going." Beverly comes up to me, her thin red lips curling up just enough to let me know she's pleased. "Best of luck tonight. I hope to hear great things from the client on Monday."

  "You will." I give her a confident smile. "Thank you, Beverly, for stopping by."

  As she leaves, Bianca and Celine appear. They must have walked in together because they're in the middle of a conversation.

  "We totally need to do that," Bianca says, flipping her hair. "I've wanted to try that spa for months now."

  Celine grabs her arm. "Let's go tomorrow afternoon. We're going to need a long massage after this dinner. It's been so much work. I'm exhausted."

  She's exhausted? From what? She didn't do anything except order me around. I haven't even seen her since Thursday. She's just been phoning me with her demands. She said she'd be here today to help but then she didn't show up.

  "That sounds fabulous!" Bianca squeals. "You think you could get us in?"

  "Are you kidding?" Celine says with a laugh. "They love me there. They'll do anything I ask."

  Celine and Bianca have become best friends. They go shopping together, go out for drinks, and meet for dinner at least once a week. I can't tell if Bianca actually likes Celine or if she's only being her friend to get her business. It's probably a little of both.

  I walk up to them. "Everything is ready." I look at Bianca. "Beverly was here. She was very impressed."

  Celine smirks. "Unfortunately she's not the one you need to impress." She walks over to the table. "It looks just like the photos you sent."

  "Yes. You told me not to change anything."

  Bianca rushes up to her. "But if you'd like to make a change, it's not too late."

  Actually, it is. The guests will be here in a half hour.

  Celine walks around the table, looking for something to criticize or change. I hold my breath, waiting for it. "It's acceptable."

  That's it? Acceptable? After all the hours I spent planning and re-planning how to set up the table, the only word she can find to describe it is acceptable? I guess that's better than having her complain about it.

  Bianca and Celine continue to talk while I go to the kitchen to check on the caterers. Everything's good, so I return to the dining room. Bianca isn't staying but I'm glad she showed up. She's keeping Celine occupied so she's not walking around looking for problems.

  At seven, the guests start to arrive. They're all older couples. The women are dressed in long gowns and the men in dark suits. The last person to arrive is Aiden. My heart nearly stops when I see him. He's wearing a tailored black suit, white shirt, and gray-striped tie. His dark hair is styled without a single strand out of place and his face lacks even a trace of stubble, like he shaved right before he left. He sees me across the room and gives me just the slightest smile, which I find so incredibly sexy that I nearly drop the tray I'm holding.

  "I'll take it," Katy says, grabbing the tray from me. She's one of the servers. She follows my gaze to Aiden. "Wow. Who's the guy?"

  I almost say he's my boyfriend but stop myself before I do.

  "Oh, he's with her," Katy says, noticing Aiden with Celine. "Figures. Rich girls always get the hot guys."

  Celine raced up to Aiden the moment he walked in, wrapping her arm around him and giving him a kiss on the cheek, letting everyone know that he's hers.

  My anger rises as I watch Celine walk Aiden over to an older couple, introducing him as her boyfriend. It makes my stomach turn.

  I look away and walk over to the bar set up in the back of the room.

  "Everything good over here?" I ask the bartender.

  She gives me a funny look. "You just asked me that. Like five minutes ago."

  "Oh, yes, well, I just wanted to make sure."

  I've done such a good job with this party that there's nothing to check on and nothing to fix. I have nothing to distract me from watching Aiden with Celine. They spend the cocktail hour going around to each of the guests. Celine never lets go of Aiden's arm and she keeps looking at him like she's in love.

  She keeps it up during dinner, leaning over to Aiden, whispering in his ear, rubbing his arm. I tell myself to look away but my gaze keeps going back to them.

  The dinner itself is a huge success. The guests compliment the food, the decor, the location. Celine takes all the credit, of course, but I really don't care. All that matters is that I get the promotion, which I should because absolutely nothing has gone wrong.

  At the end of the night, Celine and Aiden tell the guests goodbye as they leave. The caterers begin their cleanup as I stand by the bar in a fog, so tired I can barely stand up.

  "Sophie." Celine appears and I force myself to wake up. I notice Aiden coming up behind her. "You remember my boyfriend Aiden, don't you?"

  "Yes, I remember." I lock eyes with Aiden, suddenly feeling very awake. "Good to see you again," I say, shaking his hand. My heart's pounding, thinking I'll do or say something to give us away.

  Celine has no idea I've seen Aiden since that night at the bar. She knows about our littering fiasco in Vermont but she thinks we parted ways after getting our citations. As far as she knows, the only other time we've seen each other is at the bar that night, but all my attention was on Tanner, not Aiden. She has no reason to suspect there's anything going on between us.

  "Great job tonight," Aiden says, smiling at me. "Couldn't have gone better."

  "Thank you. I hope it will bring in new business."

  "It already has," he says. "We might have just sold a building downtown we've been trying to sell for over a year."

  Celine takes his arm. "Sweetie, you shouldn't tell her that. It's confidential."

  He smiles at her. "I doubt we need to worry about the event planner telling our secrets."

  "Certainly not," I say. "I know nothing about property investment."

  I'm trying to keep my eyes off Aiden but he's so incredibly handsome it's hard not to look. Aiden's doing a better job of pretending we're just acquaintances. Calling me the 'event planner' instead of using my name was a brilliant move. It's impersonal and shows he has zero interest in me. I'm just someone he met in Vermont who ended up being hired by his girlfriend for a job.

  Celine turns back to me. "I must admit it went quite well. A few of the guests thought the coffee was a bit strong but other than that, I thought the caterers did a better-than-average job."

  Aiden laughs a little and says to me, "She struggles with compliments."

  Celine nudges his side. "Sweetie, if I shower her with compliments, she'll have nothing to work towards. Everyone has room for improvement." She checks her diamond-studded watch. "I didn't realize it's so late. Aiden, would you go get my coat? I'll meet you by the elevator."

  Aiden leaves and I force myself not to watch him walk out.

  "He's gorgeous, isn't he?" Celine says, following my eyes to Aiden. I just did a q
uick glance at him but Celine caught me. "We've been together for over a year." She turns back to me. "So how's it going with Tanner? You're still seeing him, aren't you?"

  "No. It didn't work out."

  "I'm sure you'll find someone. But in the meantime, keep your eyes off my man." She says it like she's joking but the look in her eyes tells me she's not. I hate that she's acting like she owns him. It makes me wonder if she's going to fight to keep him, or convince her father to manipulate Aiden into going to more than the two remaining events he agreed to.

  "I need to help clean up." I smile at her. "Have a good night."

  I race off before she can say anything else. When she's gone, I finally relax, counting the minutes until I can go home and go to bed.

  It's after midnight when I get back to my apartment. I thought I might have a text or two from Aiden but I haven't heard from him since this morning. For a moment I imagine him with Celine, at her apartment, in her bedroom. I quickly wipe away that thought, knowing he'd never do that to me. Even thinking he would shows how exhausted I am. My mind goes strange places when I'm tired.

  I breathe a sigh of relief as I get into bed. The event is finally over and it was a huge success. I'm definitely getting that promotion. I'll be able to pay my rent and won't have to leave New York. Things are finally turning around. I knew if I worked hard enough, I'd survive in this city. Finding the man of my dreams is an added bonus. A big one.

  And on that happy thought, I fall asleep.

  Chapter Nineteen


  It's been a long week, with highs and lows that have left me actually looking forward to a weekend of picking up trash. The highs were the compliments I got from Bianca for doing a great job with the dinner last Saturday. It was followed by getting the promotion I so desperately wanted. Bianca took me to lunch on Wednesday to tell me, then we went for drinks that night to celebrate. It's not official yet. I'm waiting for Beverly to sign the paperwork. She's out of the country this week so I have to wait until she gets back.


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