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Falling for Aiden

Page 20

by Allie Everhart

  "He says he doesn't want to risk it. Celine knows a ton of people and so does Aiden."

  "And if someone saw you guys, he thinks it'll ruin this deal he's doing at work?"

  "Yes, because her dad owns the firm."

  "Sophie, I know you really like this guy but maybe take a break from him until you figure out what's going on."

  "I've thought about that but I can't stand the idea of not seeing him. I look forward to our weekends in Vermont. I don't want those to end."

  "Would you want them to end if you found out you're the other woman?"

  I pause, realizing how bad that sounds. What if it's true? What if I'm the other woman? I'd feel awful. That is not what I want.

  "Sophie, are you still there?"

  "Maybe you're right. Maybe we should take some time apart." I let out a sigh. "Now to the other bad news."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I got an eviction notice."

  "When?" she asks, sounding panicked.

  "Over a week ago. I paid part of the rent but I don't have enough to pay the rest."

  "When does your promotion start?"

  "Not for another week, but because of how they pay I won't see the extra money in my check for a month."

  "I thought you were going to ask your parents for money."

  "I was, until I found out their fridge and furnace both died, along with my dad's truck."

  "So you didn't ask them for money."

  "I couldn't. They don't have it."

  She gets quiet, then says, "Sophie, I know you're determined to stay in New York but is there any way you'd consider moving back?"

  "Macie, you know I don't want to go back there."

  "You may not have a choice. You're already behind on rent and you'll be even more behind if you can't pay next month's rent."

  "If I don't pay this month's, I'll be out on the street by next month."

  "Exactly, so wouldn't you want to at least have a backup plan?"

  I sigh. "Okay, what are you thinking?”

  "Remember Jenny Mitchel?"

  "From high school?"

  "Yeah. Her aunt started a catering business here and it's doing really well. She's getting orders from all over, not just here in town. She's doing weddings, parties, business events. She can barely keep up."

  "And? What does this have to do with me?"

  "She wants to expand the business to not just catering, but event planning. She's looking to hire someone."

  "Has she posted the job?" I ask out of pure curiosity, not because I plan to apply.

  "Not yet. I only know about it because I saw Jenny at the store last week. She asked about you, and when I said what you were doing, she told me about her aunt's business and said you'd be perfect for the event planning job. I told her you'd never leave New York but she wanted me to mention it to you anyway. She said her aunt would even consider doing a co-ownership agreement if she found the right person. It'd be a great opportunity if you ever want to move back. You could own your own event planning business."

  "Co-own," I point out. "And yes, it'd be great if I lived there, but I can't do it. I can't move back. I told myself I never would."

  "Why? So you could prove to your parents you're stronger than they think? Sophie, they know you're strong. They know you can do anything you set your mind to. You said you'd move to New York someday and you did. You don't have to keep trying to prove something they already know."

  "I can't do it. I can't move back there."

  "Well, if you change your mind, let me know. Jenny sent me the application for the job but she said it'd probably be better if you just called her aunt and talked to her. She thinks you'd easily get the job. There's no one around here with as much experience as you."

  There's a knock on the door.

  "I have to go," I whisper. "I think my landlord's at the door. I don't want him knowing I'm here."

  "Okay, bye."

  "Sophie?" a voice says. It's a girl's voice. "Sophie, are you in there?"

  Did my landlord send a woman over, thinking I'd answer? I keep quiet and don't move, hoping she'll go away.

  "I'm a friend of Celine's. I live in the building."

  I go to the door and look through the peephole. The woman has short blond hair and is dressed in a suit, like she just got home from work.

  Why is she at my apartment? Did Celine send her over?

  I open the door. "Hi. Sorry I didn't answer. I was just being safe."

  "I totally understand. I do the same thing. That's why I tried to explain who I am. Celine mentioned you lived in my building so I thought I'd stop by and introduce myself. I'm Anna." She shakes my hand. "I've seen you coming and going from the building but wasn't able to catch you to introduce myself. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. Maybe you can join us for happy hour sometime."

  "You and Celine?"

  "And the other girls. We have a whole group that goes."

  "Yeah, maybe."

  "Okay, well, see you around!"

  I shut the door, confused why Celine would send her friend here. Celine doesn't want me going to happy hour. She and I aren't even close to being friends. I have nothing in common with her, other than my attraction to Aiden. When I was working with her, she went out almost every night and never once invited me to come along.

  I eat dinner and try to forget about it, but my mind keeps trying to figure out why that girl would stop by. Celine had to have had a reason for sending her over here.

  My phone rings and I see Aiden's name on the screen. I decide to ignore the call, not ready to talk to him.

  A few minutes later, he calls back. He'll probably keep calling so I decide to answer.

  "Hi, Aiden."

  "Sophie, what's going on? Why haven't you answered my calls?"

  "I've been busy at work. With the new promotion, I have more to do."

  "That's all it is? You've just been busy at work?"

  I don't answer, not sure what to say. I want to tell him how I feel but I don't know if I should. I don't want to accuse him of lying to me when I don't know if it's true.

  "Sophie, what's going on? I know work isn't the only reason you haven't answered my calls. I know you've been avoiding me."

  "I'm just giving you time to deal with all the stuff you have going on. We're both busy. It's hard to find time to talk."

  "Not when you really want to talk to someone." He pauses. "I'm sorry I had to leave last Saturday. Roger called me and demanded I get back there for a meeting about this deal I thought was already done. The buyer of the property was going to back out at the last minute unless we explained some of the stuff we found during the inspection. If I hadn't gone back we might've lost the deal, and I might've lost my job."

  "I get it, Aiden. Don't worry about it."

  "Of course I'm worried about it. I let you down. I told you we'd have two nights together and we didn't. I felt horrible leaving you like that."

  "I was fine. I just went to bed early."

  "I wasn't fine. I barely slept. I wanted to be back there with you. I missed you. I still do."

  If that were true, he'd find a way to be with me, and not just in Vermont but here, in New York. He'd stop worrying about Celine and just let us be a couple.

  "Have you seen Celine since you got back?" I ask.

  "No. Why would I see Celine?"

  "I thought maybe she talked you into going to more events with her."

  "She didn't. And she won't. I'm done going places with her."

  "She's acting like you two are still together. She talks about you with Bianca like you two are still a couple."

  "We're not. If she's saying that we are, she's lying. Is that why you've been avoiding me? Because you think I'm still with Celine?"

  I don't answer him.

  "Sophie, I am not with Celine. I don't know why you're believing her and not me. Don't you trust me?"

  "I want to, but...I don't know."

  "What do you want me to do? How do I prove to yo
u it's over with her?"

  "You let us be a couple. Here. In New York."

  "Sophie, I told you I can't do that until this deal with the inn is done. I can't risk Roger taking it from me."

  "Why? Isn't our relationship worth more than some deal? Is this about money? Your status at the firm? What?"

  "Sophie, please, just give me more time."

  "Then I want time too."

  "Meaning what?"

  "I think we should take a break from each other. It hurts too much to be with you, but not actually with you. I think we should stop seeing each other until we actually can."

  "What are you saying? You don't want me going to Vermont?"

  "No." A tear slips down my cheek because this isn't what I want. What I want is for him to agree to be with me, all the time, not just on weekends. I want him to stop trying to hide our relationship and stand up to Celine and her father.

  "I don't want to agree to that," he says. "I still want to see you. I need to."

  "I'm sorry, Aiden, but I think this is how it has to be, at least for now."

  The phone goes silent, then I hear him let out a breath. "Goodbye, Sophie."

  "Bye, Aiden."

  I end the call and break down crying. Why didn't he fight for us? Why did he pick his job and this stupid deal over us? Why is he letting Celine have all the control?

  The rest of the night I lay in bed, crying, feeling like we just broke up. I don't know how we come back from this. I feel like too much damage has been done. Too many words have been spoken. Too much trust has been broken.

  I thought Aiden was the one. But he's just another guy who broke my heart.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I'm back in Vermont, alone this time. I haven't talked to Aiden since I suggested we take a break. I'm now regretting that break because I miss him more than I can describe. It's even worse when I'm here. Everything reminds me of him. And staying in this room? The one we shared? The one where we first made love? It's almost unbearable.

  When I arrived here last night I asked Tom for another room but they were all booked. It's near the peak of fall color and tourists have taken over the inn and the town. Every tree is bursting with color—orange, red, and yellow dotting the landscape in a way that has to be seen to be believed.

  It's sad being surrounded by all this beauty without being able to share it with someone. I would love for Aiden to be here right now, but another romantic weekend with him would just make it harder when we go back to New York. My heart can't take this constant back and forth, especially when I'm not sure I can trust Aiden.

  It's been a long day of trash pickup so after a quick shower, I head down to the bar for a drink. I should probably eat, not drink, since I've barely eaten all day, but food doesn't sound good right now. Plus, a tourist bus arrived a few minutes ago and filled the entire dining room.

  "Manhattan?" Charlie asks, smiling as he sets a coaster in front of me.

  "You have anything cheaper?" I ask, picking up the drink menu. "I'm kind of short on funds right now."

  That's an understatement. I shouldn't even be having a drink but I really need one right now.

  "Don't worry about it," Charlie says. "It's on Aiden."

  "What do you mean?" I ask, my heart racing as I check around the bar to see if he's here.

  "It goes on his credit card," Charlie explains. "He told Tom any and all charges are to go on his card."

  "When did he say that?"

  Charlie shrugs. "A couple days ago? I'm not sure. All I know is you're not supposed to pay."

  Is this Aiden's way of trying to get me back? If so, it's going to take more than that. I want us to be together in New York, like a real couple. Why can't he just agree to that? What is he not telling me?

  "What do you think?" Charlie asks. "Manhattan or something else?"

  "I'll have the Manhattan," I say, deciding to just get it and let Aiden pay for the charges. I might as well. He's the reason I'm stuck up here, missing work.

  There's a big event tonight and Bianca said Beverly was furious when she found out I wouldn't be there. It's not even my event but I helped with it and apparently wasn't supposed to miss it. Bianca didn't tell me this until today. She called when I was picking up trash. She sounded frantic, like she always does before a big event, then told me Beverly wants to talk to me when I get back, hinting I'm in trouble.

  I swear Bianca did it on purpose. She didn't tell me I had to be there until it was too late. I used to think Bianca was my friend but now I'm starting to think she's threatened by me and wants me to fail. She didn't have to tell Beverly I wouldn't be there, and she wouldn't have done it if I was still her assistant. But now that we're equals, she's doing stuff to make me look bad. She doesn't want Beverly thinking I'm better than her.

  Charlie sets my drink down. "Can I get you anything else?"

  "No, I'm good. Thanks."

  I take a big drink, feeling the bourbon warm me as it slides down my throat. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to relax and enjoy my drink without my thoughts going to Aiden. They do anyway, my heart missing him so much it hurts.

  "How was road duty today?"

  I look over and see Tom sitting next to me.

  "Hey, Tom." I force out a smile. "Today was okay. There was a lot to clean up so the time went quickly."

  "You make any new friends?"

  "I'm friends with Bess. She lives here in town. She works during the week so she gets weekend shifts like me."

  He waves at Charlie at the end of the bar. "Seltzer water with a lime."

  "Got it!" Charlie goes to get the drink.

  "Can't do the hard stuff when I'm working," Tom says. "But I could sure use one."

  I'm not sure if I should ask what he means by that, so I don't, assuming he'll tell me if wants to.

  "Aiden have to work this weekend?" Tom asks as Charlie brings him his seltzer water.

  "Yeah," I say, not wanting to tell Tom the truth.

  "That's too bad. It's a beautiful time to be up here. Very romantic. They had a couple weddings at the church today. I hear they got another one tomorrow." He nudges me. "Might want to consider it when it's your time to tie the knot. I know the minister. I could get you a deal." He smiles.

  "Thanks, but I don't think I'll be getting married anytime soon."

  Or ever, given my luck with men. But I agree that getting married here during the fall would be perfect. I always wanted to get married in the fall, and I pictured doing it in a town just like this, at a white steepled church like the kind that's just down the street. I'd have the reception here at the inn and hire Lois to make all the food.

  "What's on the menu tonight?" I ask.

  "The special is pot roast with mashed potatoes and roasted green beans."

  "That sounds delicious. I've missed your wife's cooking."

  "Lois isn't cooking today. She's taking some time off." He takes a sip of his drink, then sets it down.

  "Is she still sick?"

  He looks at me, like he's not sure what I mean.

  "Last weekend," I explain. "You said she wasn't feeling well so she was taking some time off."

  He nods. "Yes. She's still a little under the weather."

  Charlie walks by, his eyes pausing on Tom a moment before continuing to the other end of the bar.

  Tom glances at him, then back at me. "I could reserve you a place at dinner but it'll be late. I'm booked solid until nine."

  "That's okay. I'll just bring something back to my room." I finish my drink, then catch Charlie's eye. "Could I get another?"

  He goes to get it.

  "Trying to get your mind off something?" Tom asks.

  "With alcohol?" I laugh. "I'm trying but it's not working. This will be my last one."

  "You want to talk about it?"

  "Not really." I watch as Charlie sets my drink down. "So do you think Lois will be back in the kitchen next week? I really miss her cooking.”

p; Charlie stands there, waiting for Tom to answer.

  "Don't you have some drinks to make?" Tom asks. "For our dining room guests?"

  Charlie nods. "Yeah, boss."

  Tom waits for him to leave, then stares down at the bar, seeming lost in thought as he grips his water glass.

  "Tom, is something wrong?"

  He shrugs. "Nothing you need to concern yourself with."

  I turn to him. "Is this about Lois?"

  He looks over at me with so much sadness I feel it as though it were my own. I was already sad, but seeing Tom this way, his normally happy face now covered with sorrow, makes my heart ache.

  "She's sick," I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

  He slowly nods.

  "What does she—" I shake my head. "Sorry. You don't have to tell me. It's none of my business."

  "It's cancer," he says.

  "Oh, Tom, I'm so sorry." I grip his arm. "When did she find out?"

  "A while ago. She was first diagnosed last year. She went through treatment and we thought it was gone, but now it's back." He lets out a breath. "She started treatment last week. I doubt she'll be coming back to work."

  What does he mean? She won't return to work because she'll be...dead? That can't happen. She can't die. They love each other. They need to be together.

  "Tom." I relax my grip on his arm, but keep my hand there. "I don't know what to say."

  He looks at me and his smile returns. "Say you'll keep coming back. Lois and I always wanted this place to be one that people wanted to come back to. We wanted it to be a place where people had memories that lasted a lifetime."

  Like the inn Aiden went to when he was a kid. His grandfather's inn. The memories he made there never left him, and it sounds like they're some of the best memories of his life.

  "I'll be back," I assure Tom. "How could I not? I love this inn. I love the town. I love everything about this place."

  It's true, but not this weekend. Being alone here and missing Aiden is not a memory I want to keep. But all the other memories? The ones with Aiden? They'll always have a special place in my heart.


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