Disciplinary Action

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Disciplinary Action Page 13

by Onley James

  Gideon shrugged. “I said a lot of things I didn’t mean when Grant was alive.”

  They fell into silence, both of them staring out into the night sky but neither really enjoying the view.

  Finally, Des said, “Hey, we’re playing at Bru’s Room in the old neighborhood on Saturday. Why don’t you come? Bring your boy.”

  “You know I don’t play anymore,” Gideon said quietly.

  “I’m not asking you to play. I’m just asking you to come out and support me…your only friend. It’s just for fun. None of us are looking to get famous. Come hang out with us. Introduce Cal to the guys. They miss you, man.”

  Gideon wanted to say no, but now, it was a challenge. He’d let Des paint him into a corner. If he was nothing like Grant there was no reason for him to say no. If he refused, he was just reinforcing Des’s ideas about him and Cal. “Fine. But I’m absolutely not singing.”

  “Yeah, I hear you. I doubt you can still sing anyway. But do me a favor and try to blend in with the old crowd?”

  Gideon gave him the finger. “I’ll leave my tuxedo at home.”

  “Thanks. That should help immensely,” Des snarked.

  “Good. Now, finish your beer and get out of my house.”

  Des chuckled and drained the last remaining bit in the bottle before standing. When they entered the loft, all the lights were out but the one beside the bed. Gideon could just make out two lumps under the blankets, which he assumed were Cal and Alexa. He should reinforce Alexa sleeping on her dog bed, but Cal had only just returned from the hospital. It couldn’t hurt to let him have what he needed for one night. Besides, Gideon felt like he needed to do something completely un-Grant-like for his own peace of mind. He and Cal were nothing like his relationship with Grant. They just weren’t. Were they?

  Gideon locked the front door once Des was gone, changing into soft black sleep shorts and quickly brushing his teeth before slipping under the covers. Cal had been spooning Alexa, but the moment he sensed Gideon, he rolled over, snuggling himself up under Gideon’s arm and rubbing his face on his chest with a contented sigh.

  Gideon dropped a kiss on Cal’s forehead, threading their fingers together. He should be sleeping, but Des’s words had burrowed under his skin like a mite, driving him to distraction. He gazed down at Cal’s face, half in shadow. He was beautiful—perfect bone structure, pouty lips, inky black lashes that threw shadows against his cheeks. He didn’t look like a child, even in sleep. He wasn’t a child. He was an adult. Fuck Des for making him doubt himself. He didn’t want Cal as a servant, as a sexual slave. He wanted him because he was mouthy and smart and could separate their playtime from reality. Cal melted into punishments; he thrived as a submissive. He wasn’t playing a role, he was finding his power.

  “You’re squeezing me like you’re a boa constrictor and I’m a towel,” Cal croaked sleepily.

  Gideon froze, realizing Cal was right. He had been squeezing him. “Sorry, little bird. I was thinking too hard.”

  “About what?” Cal asked, peeking up at him.

  He could lie but what was the point? “About us.”

  “What about us?” Cal said, tone guarded.

  “I just worry I might be taking advantage of you.”

  Cal barked out a surprised laugh, causing Alexa to stand and slip from the bed, flopping down onto the dog bed to glare at them for interrupting her sleep. “How are you taking advantage of me? I blackmailed you into having sex with me. You paid for my hospital bill, my medications, and you said you’d pay for me to live until I can afford to support myself. If anybody is taking advantage, it's me.”

  Gideon shifted until Cal was on his back and he was looking down on him. “Promise me you’ll never agree to something just because you think you’re obligated.”

  Cal stared up at him in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  “If you are hurting or stressed or you don’t like a punishment…you need to use your safe word. You need to tell me. I never want you to feel like you don’t have a say because I’m helping you financially.”

  Cal’s confusion morphed into a dreamy look, and he smiled, cupping Gideon’s face. “You really are Prince Charming.”

  Gideon gripped his wrist but didn’t pull his hand away, just kissed his palm. “No jokes. Promise me you’ll never let me take away your voice or your free will. I’ll never hold money over your head.”

  Cal leaned up to kiss him softly. “I don’t know where any of this is coming from, but I promise. I wish I still had money because then I wouldn’t feel like a financial burden for you, but you’ve never taken advantage of the situation. Hell, you offered to pay me that first night for doing nothing, and that’s when I knew…” Cal trailed off, biting his lip.

  Gideon stared down at Cal’s face, trying desperately to read the truth in his expression. “Knew what?”

  “That I was where I was supposed to be. That night with you, the spanking…the sex…the submission… I had never in my life felt so…wanted, relaxed. I could just shut my mind off. I could just give into the sensation, and I knew you’d take care of me. I was nervous because it was new, but it was the first time in months I wasn’t afraid, even if it was just for a few hours.”

  Gideon pressed their lips together, his tongue teasing past the seam of Cal’s lips, tasting his spearmint toothpaste. When he pulled back, he dropped tiny kisses on his nose and cheeks and forehead before dropping back onto his pillow. Cal once more clung to him, this time throwing his leg over Gideon’s. He smiled at the tangle of their limbs. Grant had never let Gideon touch him while sleeping. The thought brought Gideon up short and he made a decision. “Go to sleep, my little octopus. I have a surprise for you in the morning.”

  “Is it dirty, Daddy?” Cal mumbled, already starting to drift.

  “Oh, very.”

  Cal gave a little moan. “Good.”

  Cal couldn’t remember a single time in his life where somebody woke him with kisses, not even the most chaste of kisses much less the kind that sent shivers along his body. But when he opened his eyes, he wasn’t dreaming. Gideon was gazing down at him with a look that told Cal kissing wasn’t the only thing on Daddy’s mind.

  “Good morning, little bird.”

  “Morning, Daddy,” Cal managed, losing himself in a big stretch that made his bones crack.

  Gideon chuckled. “You need to take your dog outside so she can use the bathroom. Don’t forget to check your sugar. When you come back, we’ll hop in the shower.”

  Cal smiled. “Promise?”



  Cal dragged himself from bed and threw on sweats and a hoodie. It was still chilly outside, the sky overhead filled with ominous gray clouds hinting at more rain later in the day. Luckily, Alexa wasn’t anymore interested in staying outside in the brisk morning air than Cal. She did what she had to do then made for the door, dragging Cal behind her.

  Once back upstairs, Cal checked his glucose on his phone then headed back towards the bathroom where he heard the water already running. Gideon was scrubbing himself down with a washcloth, and Cal let himself stare as water sluiced along the scarred muscles of Gideon’s back, rolling down the generous swell of his ass to his sculpted legs. Even Gideon’s feet seemed perfect. Cal shook his head, biting his lip at the thought.

  “You going to keep gawking at me, or are you going to get in here so I can wash you?”

  Cal didn’t answer, just stripped so fast he almost tripped, before letting himself in the shower, wrapping his arms around Gideon from behind as his mouth traced a jagged scar on his shoulder. Gideon turned suddenly, pulling Cal in front of him so he could step beneath the spray. It was hot enough to steal his breath after the cool air outside, or maybe it was the feel of Gideon’s already erect cock pressed against his lower back or the soapy hands currently washing his chest and torso with a maddeningly slow rhythm that made him breathless. “Are you sure washing me was the reason you wanted me in here, Daddy?” />
  “Mm,” Gideon murmured, his hands massaging soap along the deep cut of his hip bones, teasing at Cal’s cock but not touching it just yet. “Why do you ask?”

  Cal grinned, rubbing himself against Gideon’s length. “I don’t know. It just seems like you’re washing me awfully slowly.”

  Gideon bit Cal’s ear. “That’s ‘cause you’re a very, very, dirty boy, aren’t you?”

  Cal moaned. “Yes, Daddy.”

  At this rate, they were both going to be late for school, but Cal didn’t care. There was no safer place in the world than Gideon’s arms as far as Cal was concerned. When Gideon’s hand wrapped around Cal’s cock, he sucked in a surprised breath.

  “You can come whenever you want,” Gideon said.

  Cal couldn’t even speak. Gideon’s one hand began working Cal’s cock in his slick fist as the other played with his nipples. He could hear himself whining and moaning, but he couldn’t stop. Gideon had never given him permission to just come whenever. It made Cal feel shivery and on edge, but Gideon’s hand felt too good to fight it. “Daddy,” he whispered, sounding lost.

  “You like that, baby? You like fucking Daddy’s fist? Such a dirty boy,” Gideon crooned into his ear.

  It almost didn’t matter what Gideon said. It was the tone, the warmth of his body, and the way he tightened his grip so Cal could thrust into it. It shouldn’t be hot but it was.

  “That’s it, baby. Get yourself off. Daddy wants you nice and relaxed for what I’m gonna do to you.”

  Cal whined. “I’m so close.”

  It wasn’t a lie. Cal was nineteen, after all. It wasn’t like he had any stamina. He could probably get off another five times without even breaking his record.

  “Then come for me, dirty boy.”

  Two more thrusts, and Cal was coming hard enough to weaken his knees. Gideon wrapped an arm around his waist even as he continued to jerk Cal until he cried out from the sensitivity.

  Gideon rinsed them both off and then stepped out of the shower. He walked Cal to the mirror, which was slightly streaked from the steam but not so much they couldn’t see themselves. Gideon was staring at Cal with an intensity that would have scared him a week ago.

  “I bought you a present. Would you like to see it?” Gideon asked.

  Cal shook his head. “You’ve already given me too much.”

  Gideon’s hand cracked across Cal’s wet ass cheek, the sting startling a gasp from him as Gideon asked, “Is that how you respond when Daddy gives you something?”

  “No, Daddy,” Cal said, contrite.

  “Then try again. I bought you a gift.”

  Cal met Gideon’s gaze in the mirror. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  “Good boy.” Gideon opened a drawer in the vanity and pulled free a velvet box the size of a watch. “Open it.”

  Cal did as instructed, taking a moment to stare at the object before realizing what it was. It wasn’t a watch. It was a plug. A butt plug. It was purple with a jewel on the end. It wasn’t huge, but it wasn’t small, either. Cal shivered. Still, he managed to say, “Thank you, Daddy.”

  Gideon fisted Cal’s wet hair, dragging him back against him, pressing his lips to his ear. “I’m gonna fuck you right here and fill you up with my cum, then I’m going to plug you up so you can feel it inside you all day, through each class, and when school is over and you come to my office for detention, I’m going to fuck you again right on my desk. Understand?”

  Cal wondered if anybody had ever fainted from dirty talk. His knees were shaking, and every nerve ending stood at attention. He understood perfectly. “Yes, Daddy,” he whispered.


  “Green. So green. Fuck me, Daddy. Fill me up,” he begged.

  Gideon growled, his teeth biting at Cal’s shoulder.

  Gideon must have had the lube ready because two slick fingers pressed against his entrance. Cal sucked in a breath as Gideon fucked into him with his fingers, his ass still sore from riding Gideon the day before, but it was a good ache, the best possible ache, the ache that came from knowing Gideon wanted him, just him. Cal worked himself back on Gideon’s fingers, moaning when he slid in a third.

  “I love it when you moan like a little whore for me,” Gideon murmured, pulling his fingers free and replacing them with his cock.

  Like always, Cal’s body locked up as soon as the head of Gideon’s thick cock pushed past that first ring of muscle. Cal’s hands went to Gideon’s thighs without thought, afraid he’d force himself past his body’s resistance.

  “Put your hands down,” Gideon ordered.

  Cal dropped them back to the counter, his body shaking. Gideon’s hands gripped Cal’s hips, not thrusting forward but easing Cal backward until he was flush against him. He couldn’t help the hiss that escaped his lips, but the familiar burning was already starting to fade, like his body remembered Gideon and relented only for him.

  “There you go. See? Your body knows what to do. It knows who you belong to,” Gideon said, almost like he could read his mind.

  “You, Daddy,” Cal sighed, his whole body giving itself over to Gideon at once.

  “That’s right. You’re mine,” Gideon growled, pulling Cal upright, wrapping his arms around him as he drove his cock into him hard and fast, just like when he’d jerked Cal off. It was like the sex itself was foreplay, not the main event. The main event would be Cal wearing that plug with Gideon’s load inside him all day. A secret only the two of them shared. If Cal could have gotten hard again, he would have. The idea of it set his blood on fire.

  “Yours, Daddy. Just yours,” Cal whined.

  “That’s right. Nobody else’s. Nobody,” Gideon muttered as if he was talking to himself.

  He fucked Cal hard, driving the air from his lungs with each thrust, until the only sounds were Cal’s breathy panting and Gideon’s animalistic grunts and their skin slapping together. It was the single most erotic thing Cal had ever done. He couldn’t tear his eyes from their reflection. Gideon was so fucking hot, never more so than now, his muscles straining, his fingers biting into Cal’s flesh as he drove himself into Cal’s body, intent on breeding him.

  “Fuck me, Daddy. Hard. Fill me up,” Cal begged, too turned on to be embarrassed.

  Gideon’s hand suddenly clamped around Cal’s throat, driving into him hard enough to send Cal up onto his toes, and then Gideon was snarling against Cal’s ear, his cock throbbing inside him as he came, emptying himself inside Cal.

  He was still holding Cal tight when he reached for the plug. “Open up,” he whispered, pressing the plug to Cal’s lips. He did as Gideon commanded, letting Gideon fuck the silicone toy into his mouth. It was both hard and soft. “That’s a good boy. Suck it. Get it nice and wet for Daddy.” Cal watched Gideon’s reflection as he sucked on the toy, the almost feral look in his eye making Cal’s cock attempt to rally.

  When Gideon pulled it free, he pressed a hand between Cal’s shoulders until he was bent over the sink. He whimpered as Gideon pulled his cock free, breath hitching as the plug quickly replaced it. It felt weird but not uncomfortable.

  “You look so pretty,” Gideon murmured, pressing down on the jeweled part still on the outside of Cal’s body. It must have pressed against Cal’s prostate because sparks of pleasure danced along his spine.

  “Oh, wow,” he muttered, blushing at the lame statement.

  “Wow, indeed,” Gideon confirmed. “Brush your teeth and get ready for school. I’ll make us breakfast.”

  Gideon was already gone when Cal said, “Yes, Daddy.”

  It was raining when Cal took his seat in first period, biting down on his cheek as the plug shifted, sending a full-body shiver over his body. He was grateful his jacket covered the way his nipples hardened and his cock pressed against his zipper.

  Cal had hoped to see Bastian, but they didn’t have a class together until the afternoon. Unfortunately, he did share a class with Matteo and his band of followers. He locked eyes on Cal immediately, plopping into the seat b
eside him even though his assigned seat was across the room. “‘Sup, faggot. I thought you died or something. Somebody said you were, like, found on the side of the road with no shoes on.”

  Cal didn’t answer, just pulled his phone free to text Bastian that he was back in school.

  “Where’d your burner phone go? Finally give enough blowjobs to afford a real phone? Oh, an iPhone. That’s a lot of dick sucking. Is that why you’re so quiet? Your jaw hurt, bitch?”

  The others in the class laughed, but Cal did his best to ignore Matteo’s taunts. He knew the other boy was at least bicurious. They had made out the night of the dance, whether anybody believed it or not. Still, it made his stomach churn to be at the center of so much attention.

  “Oh, come on. Talk to us. We were all so worried about you. We thought you might have been in jail with your daddy…or even dead like your whore mom.”

  Callum’s fury struck from nowhere, and he lunged from his seat just as the teacher walked in. No, not the teacher. Gideon. Holy shit. “That’s enough. Both of you take your seats.”

  Gideon’s gaze held Cal’s long enough for Cal to know Gideon saw what went down. It settled his nerves a bit. He dropped back into his chair with more force than necessary, his breath ripping from his body as he drove the plug deeper inside him. The whole class turned to gape at him, but Cal’s eyes went straight to Gideon, who smirked as he took a sip of his coffee. The coffee Cal had watched Gideon make that morning while standing naked in the kitchen.

  “Ms. Peterson is sick today, so I’m going to stand in for her. She said you were on page five seventy-three, so we’ll start there.”

  Gideon shed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves the moment the class opened their textbooks. For the next forty-five minutes, Cal felt like he was in the beginning of a porn movie. Gideon taught Cal’s Individuals and Societies class like he’d been studying it his whole life. He paced the front of the class in pants that hugged his ass and thighs, his hands playing with a pen he’d found on the desk as he spoke.


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