Book Read Free

Disciplinary Action

Page 15

by Onley James

  Gideon had ordered Cal an Uber after school so they weren’t seen leaving together, but he’d given Cal specific instructions for when he got home. Check his blood sugar numbers then get naked. Get on the bed. Be on his knees waiting when Daddy got home. Cal couldn’t wait to do as Gideon commanded, but he had to. He had to walk Alexa. Feed her dinner. Make sure she was taken care of. Those were Gideon’s rules, and if punishments happened daily regardless of following said rules, Cal could only imagine what an escalation punishment entailed. Part of him couldn’t wait to find out, but he told himself it was better to wait, to work up to it.

  As soon as he was naked and on the bed his tension melted away. Even with his belly full and his ass plugged, there was something freeing about not having to think of anything but that. Cal pushed his hands through his hair, examining himself in the mirror behind the bed. His bottom lip had swelled a bit more, and Cal couldn’t keep himself from tonguing at the cut there in the center. The scrape near his eye was less prominent now that the redness had passed. He ran his hands along his chest, teasing at his own nipples and down his torso. He was already hard just thinking of Gideon’s hands on him for the fourth time in just one day.

  When the handle turned on the front door, Cal’s pulse raced. He put his hands behind his back, staying on his knees as instructed. Gideon entered, removing his shoes and dropping his bag by the door before removing his jacket and hanging it on the coat rack. He walked to the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water and giving Alexa head scratches. He didn’t acknowledge Cal at all, just disappeared into the bathroom.

  Cal chewed on the inside of his cheek as the minutes ticked by. Was Gideon mad at him? Had he done something wrong? Had he done this wrong? Fifteen minutes passed before Gideon returned, his collar open, sleeves rolled up, as he crossed the room barefoot, dark framed glasses perched on his nose. He must have taken out his contacts, Cal thought. His cock twitched as Gideon crossed the loft to where Cal still kneeled. Gideon looked so sexy in his glasses. He looked sexy in everything. Cal couldn’t believe how lucky he was.

  Gideon had something in his hand… The pink collar. Gideon sat on the edge of the mattress. “Come here, little bird.”

  Cal crawled to the edge and sat back on his heels. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Gideon placed the collar on, jostling Cal as he fastened it, before gently tugging until Cal was laid out over Gideon’s knees. Cal braced himself for the first blow but nothing happened. Gideon trailed a finger over Cal’s spine, following it all the way down to the plug still in place.

  “Do you know why you’re to be punished daily?” Gideon asked, voice cool and in direct conflict with the way his fingers danced over Cal’s bare skin.

  “‘Cause I’m bad, Daddy?” Cal asked.

  “No,” Gideon said, voice stern. “You’re being punished as a reminder that I’m the head of this household.”


  Cal sucked in a startled breath, the air escaping his lungs in a whoosh, the sting of Gideon’s slap disappearing almost as quickly as it came.

  Smack. “That you belong to me and only me.”

  Cal’s body flushed from his toes to the tips of his ears, both his ass cheeks burning now. Why was that so hot? Was he bright red? Were Gideon’s handprints visible? Could he feel how rock hard Cal was?

  Smack. “That I make the rules.”

  Cal moaned long and low as the blow drove the toy deeper into him. His toes curled, and he wiggled, equal parts horny and uncomfortable.

  “Hold still,” Gideon growled.

  Cal was so horny he was sure if Gideon said one more thing he would come right there, messing up Gideon’s fancy work pants.

  Smack. “That I decide the consequences.”

  The blow had bite. “Ow,” Cal whimpered.

  His skin was on fire now, endorphins flooding his system. Cal felt himself slipping, slipping into that perfect quiet place between pain and pleasure, heaven and hell.

  Smack. Cal’s back arched, hissing as his skin flamed. “I decide what you can take.”

  Smack. “I decide what you can handle.”

  Smack. “I decide what you need.”

  Smack. “I decide what you deserve.”

  A sob escaped Cal, tears welling in his eyes before falling to the floor at Gideon’s feet. He didn’t know why he was crying. The pain was more than tolerable. Gideon had spanked him harder before, but despite all that, the tears wouldn’t stop falling.

  Smack. “Who do you belong to?” Gideon asked, his stern inflection unwavering.

  Cal sniffled. “You, Daddy.”

  Smack. “That’s right. Just me. Only me.”

  “Yes, Daddy. Just you. Only you. Only ever you,” Cal babbled, the words falling from him lips like a vow.

  “So good for me. My very good boy. My little bird. Your bottom is so pretty this color,” Gideon remarked, rubbing Cal’s abused bottom. Cal just lay there, pulling in deep breaths, every nerve ending on high alert. Was it over? Would Gideon fuck him again? Four times in one day? Could Cal even handle anymore cum inside him?

  Smack. “Say ‘thank you for my spanking, Daddy.’”

  Cal’s cock oozed precum at Gideon’s command. “Thank you, Daddy,” Cal murmured, voice thick.

  “Get on your knees.”

  It took a moment for Cal to process Gideon’s request. He stood on shaky legs before moving to kneel before Gideon. Cal loved being on his knees for his Daddy.

  Gideon opened his belt and zipper, releasing his cock, smacking the heavy weight of it against Cal’s face a couple of times, before rubbing the head across his lips. “Show Daddy how grateful you are that he cares enough to punish you.”

  Cal lifted a hand to grip Gideon’s cock. “Uh-uh. No hands. Just that pretty fucking mouth.”

  Cal’s heartbeat tripped at Gideon’s words, but he opened his mouth, dipping his head to capture Gideon’s thick cock between his swollen lips. It took him a minute to find a rhythm. His head bobbing as he sucked Gideon with sloppy enthusiasm. “That’s it. Suck Daddy’s cock. Show me how grateful you are that I take care of you.”

  Cal was grateful, so grateful. He took Gideon deeper with each pass, but Gideon grew impatient, gripping Cal’s hair in his fist, forcing his cock into Cal’s throat just as he had earlier until Cal could feel the kinky curls of Gideon’s pubic hair against his lips. Cal’s throat convulsed around Gideon’s cock. He breathed through his nose, fighting his gag reflex, his fingers spastically gripping at Gideon’s pant legs as his head swam from lack of oxygen. When Gideon released him, Cal fell backwards, saliva coating his chin as fresh tears streamed down his face.

  Cal pushed back up on his knees, trying to take Gideon’s cock back into his mouth. “Uh-uh. Open your mouth, stick out your tongue.”

  Cal did as Gideon instructed, staring up at Gideon through his lashes. Gideon fisted his cock, working himself hard and fast, his chest rising and falling, muscles of his forearms straining. Cal’s pulse raced. Gideon’s gaze could have melted solid steel. He looked at Cal like he was a sheep and Gideon was a wolf. He looked feral, predatory, bestial. “Fuck, you were born to kneel. You’re so fucking beautiful. So perfect. My good boy.”

  Gideon groaned, gripping Cal’s hair as he found his release, cum falling on his face and tongue, before he slipped his cock back in the boy’s mouth. Cal sucked obediently. When Gideon pulled free once more, he smeared his cum over Cal’s skin with his cock. “So pretty,” Gideon murmured.

  Cal beamed at Gideon. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  “On the bed, hands and knees.” Cal shivered, knowing what came next. Gideon left Cal there to retrieve a towel, placing it between his knees. “Ready, baby?”

  Cal nodded, canting his hips towards Gideon. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Gideon didn’t work the plug free right away, instead he reached between Cal’s legs, jerking his hard cock just enough to have Cal breathless and moaning. Gideon freed the plug, tossing it to the floor. Cal felt odd, cold and exposed, loo
se and vulnerable. He could feel Gideon’s cum trickling from his body onto the towel. It was so dirty, and yet, Cal loved it—loved feeling owned and used by Gideon. His boy. His perfect boy.

  He cried out as Gideon pushed three fingers into him. “So sloppy. Such a dirty little whore for Daddy. You like being full of my cum? You like when Daddy breeds this slutty little hole?”

  Cal’s moan was obscene, and he spread his legs, canting his hips back to fuck himself on Gideon’s fingers. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Gideon’s fingers made a filthy squelching noise as they moved in and out of him, his knuckles brushing against Cal’s prostate and sending little bursts of ecstasy throughout his body.

  “Touch yourself. Jerk yourself off while you fuck yourself on my fingers. Show Daddy what a good little whore you can be for me.”

  Cal needed little other incentive. He licked his hand, eyes rolling with pleasure as he jerked himself, rocking himself back on Gideon’s fingers. “Daddy,” he whined, thrusting back harder. “Fuck, Daddy. You feel so good. So good. It’s like you’re still inside me.”

  Cal was babbling but he didn’t care. He was lost in a tide of bliss, waves of euphoria threatening to pull him under.

  “Mm, that’s it, dirty boy. That’s it. If you want to come, you’ll have to do it yourself. Come on. Show Daddy how bad you want it.”

  Cal made a noise of frustration, his fingers curling into the comforter, working himself faster until it was just this side of painful. “Can I come Daddy? Please? Please? Please?” he cried, not caring if he sounded desperate or stupid, too close to be embarrassed.

  “Yes, baby. Come for me.”

  Cal sobbed in relief, pumping three more times, before his orgasm slammed into him and everything went dark. When he opened his eyes again, his head rested on Gideon’s thigh. He blinked heavy lids at him. “What happened?”

  “You blacked out for a minute,” Gideon said, amused.

  Cal’s answering smile quickly morphed into a jaw-cracking yawn. “Wow. That was hot.”

  “So hot you’re yawning,” Gideon said around a chuckle. “Come on, let’s take a bath and then I’ll teach you how to cook something simple and healthy for dinner.”

  “I can’t move. You have ruined me. Go on without me,” Cal cried dramatically. Gideon rolled his eyes, dragging Cal closer by the ankle before scooping him up into a bridal carry. “I could get used to this.”

  “Get used to what?”

  “You carrying me everywhere,” Cal sighed, dropping his head to Gideon’s shoulder.

  Gideon shook his head. “You are cum drunk.”

  “Whose fault is that?” Cal asked.

  “You won’t always get to come after punishment, you know.” Gideon said.

  Cal hadn’t known. He didn’t really understand the rules. But he didn’t care. It wasn’t about the orgasms… Okay, it wasn’t just about the orgasms. “I don’t care about that. It’s not about that.”

  Gideon smiled down at Cal like he’d passed some kind of test. He set Cal on the side of the tub, turning on the faucet and unbuttoning his shirt.

  Cal stood. “May I, Daddy?”

  Gideon’s hands dropped. “Yes, thank you.”

  Cal stripped Gideon, placing kisses on the skin as it was bared to him. Once they were both naked, they slipped into the tub, Gideon sliding his arms around Cal from behind as they soaked. “Will every night be like this?”

  “Like what?”

  “Sex and punishment and games.”

  Gideon ran a finger along Cal’s belly. “No, of course not. There are some days I’m so tired I have to force myself to brush my teeth before bed. There will be nights where you have to study or I have to grade papers. After dinner tonight, we’ll watch a movie and go to bed.”

  That sounded so blissfully normal. It sounded like a relationship… It sounded like family. And Cal desperately wished that Gideon could be his family.

  Thunder rumbled outside, rain pelting the windows of the balcony and the skylights above with enough force to create a sort of white noise effect that had lulled Gideon into a sleepy, relaxed state. Not dozing but close. He lay on the comforter, face half buried in his pillow, watching the flames jump in the fireplace beside the bed to ward off the uncharacteristic chill outside. Cal straddled Gideon’s hips in his underwear, tracing the scars that criss-crossed Gideon’s back.

  “Will you tell me how you got these?” Cal asked, leaning down to kiss the scar closest to his shoulder.

  Gideon sighed. He didn’t know if he wanted to open that can of worms. It had happened so long ago, it seemed almost like it had happened to somebody else. Gideon was a whole other person back then, somebody who was desperate to hurt, to punish himself. He wasn’t sure he wanted to admit that out loud to anybody, especially Cal. He needed Gideon to be the strong one, needed to know he was capable of taking care of Cal when he couldn’t take care of himself. Vulnerability was weakness. The thought stopped Gideon in his tracks. That was something his father would have said…and Grant.

  “If you tell me why you have that little bird tattooed on your shoulder,” Gideon countered, rattled by the thought still echoing in his head.

  Cal sat back up, his finger changing from tracing the raised tissue along Gideon’s back to drawing indiscernible patterns on his skin. Cal’s touch was nice, just contact—comfort without expectation of anything more. Neither of them had any strength left for anything more. Cal was quiet for a long time, leaving Gideon to wonder if he’d struck a nerve.

  Cal sighed. “It’s not a very interesting story. It’s for my mom. Her name was Aviana. It means bird. I got it to feel like she was still with me in some way, I guess,” he finally said, sadness seeping into his tone.

  “Do you remember her?” Gideon asked. “You were six when she died, right?”

  Cal’s finger froze. “Yeah. How did you know that?”

  “The hag told me.”

  “Of course, she did,” Cal muttered. “She’s the literal worst.”

  Gideon agreed, but he didn’t want to talk about Abernathy. “How did she die? Your mom?” Gideon asked, unsure if it was best to pick at the scab of a wound that may not have healed.

  Once more, Cal touched Gideon’s back, this time both hands working the muscles there, like he needed a distraction from the words, a way to distance himself from it. “Brain aneurysm. One minute she was there, the next…gone.”

  “I’m sorry,” Gideon said, reaching a hand back to stroke Cal’s knee. “That’s when you and your father returned from Japan.”

  “Abernathy’s got a big mouth.”

  “She was trying to convince me that you were too old to stay in our school. She said you were held back when you returned home to the States. She said you had trouble acclimating.”

  “Yeah, my dad loved to tell people that I was struggling with speaking English full-time after speaking Japanese exclusively for so many years. It was all bullshit. I stopped speaking after my mom died. English and Japanese. I just shut down. My father took me to specialists in Japan who said it was the trauma of watching my mother die and that I needed time and a therapeutic outlet.”

  “You watched your mother die?”

  “Yeah. She was playing her violin in the garden and I was playing in the sandbox, then she was on the ground. I guess I started screaming because my nanny came running. I don’t remember much after that.”

  “I’m sorry, baby,” Gideon said, wishing he could think of something more profound to say but knowing that there really wasn’t anything that would make it better.

  “It was a long time ago,” Cal said, voice stony.

  “I don’t think losing a parent ever stops hurting.”

  “Depends on the parent,” Cal shot back.

  Gideon shook his head. “Up,” he commanded.

  Cal fell onto the mattress beside Gideon who sat up, leaning his back against the pillows, before gripping Cal’s wrist and tugging him back into his lap until they were face to face. “Tha
t’s better,” Gideon said, taking Cal’s hands in his. “Your father isn’t dead, he’s locked up. I know you’re pissed at him and you think you hate him, and maybe you do. Maybe you hate him, but…believe me, even when your father is the biggest bastard on the planet, when he’s gone, there’s still an…emptiness. Sadness, frustration, anger. There’s shit you wanted to ask and things you wanted to say, and secretly, you always hoped there would be time to somehow make things better.”

  Cal searched his face. “Was your dad a bad guy?”

  Gideon thought about it. “Not always. When my father was sober, he was a great guy. He’d take me to ball games and street fairs and the science museum. But when he was drinking, which was often, he was violent, mean, and unpredictable. He took it out on my mom, and when she left, he turned his attention to me by default.”

  The look of pity on Cal’s face was almost enough to make Gideon stop talking. “Your mom left you with your dad? How could she do that?”

  “My parents got married because my mom got pregnant and my dad had a good job building cars at the factory. They tried to make it work, and for a while, it did. But when he lost his job, he started drinking, and the more he drank, the harder it was to find a job until he just stopped looking. My mom paid the bills, and he resented her for it. She worked as an executive assistant for an advertising firm. It wasn’t the highest paying job in the world, but it kept us in mac and cheese and my dad in cases of Old Milwaukee.

  “Some of my earliest memories are of me sitting on her bed while she would put makeup on, trying to hide her bruises, her black eyes, her swollen lips. Always wearing long sleeves, even in the summer, trying to hide his fingerprint marks on her arms, scarves to hide the bruises on her throat. One time, he even broke her arm. The last night I saw her, my dad beat her so bad, she ended up in the hospital. That was the last time I saw her. She just unhooked herself from the machines and walked away from him…from us…and never came back.”


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