Alien Warlord's Curvy Fated Bride: OTT Curvy Sci Fi Alien Warrior Romance (Queens of Yalania Book 2)

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Alien Warlord's Curvy Fated Bride: OTT Curvy Sci Fi Alien Warrior Romance (Queens of Yalania Book 2) Page 2

by Sara Nebula

  “I know she is here, and I’m ready for her, my Goddess. Show me the way.”

  It is a simple prayer, but I feel it’s the only one I need, especially now that I sense my Nura is here at last.

  AS WE ARRIVE AT THE circada mines, every muscle in my body tingles with anticipation. My heart pounds fiercely, and my rod becomes firm beneath my robes — so firm that it aches. There is something strange about this place today. I’ve been to the mines before, but I’ve never felt such a deep stirring within myself. It’s as if I am being brought here by the power of the Goddess herself.

  Heia has already lined the humans up. Humans are a pathetic and fragile race, but they are perfect for mining circada. They are so filled with fear that they will do anything we command them to. As I walk from one human female to the next, I smell their fear on them as I lock eyes with each one. They are not particularly attractive creatures. They are far too short, and I am utterly repulsed by their scent. Their fragile nature makes them unsuitable as soldiers. But someone must work the mines, and there is no Yalanian willing to take on such a distasteful task. So, the humans must do it, and we must constantly take them from their pathetic planet and bring them here to serve.

  “Do you see any suitable candidates to be your personal assistant, my Yalar?” Heia asks over my shoulder.

  “Patience, Heia. I must look into the souls of each of them and make a careful decision. I am searching for purity, innocence, and loyalty.”

  “Yes, my Yalar,” Heia replies.

  I move on to the next human, and immediately find myself struck by her. She is a beautiful creature, unlike the others. Her scent does not repel me. Her thick curvy body makes my rod throb at the sight of it. Her nipples are plump, pink, and firm looking. Her curly dark hair practically invites my fingers to weave their way through it. When I look into her small brown eyes, I see the Goddess herself.

  The realization is not an immediate one. But soon everything around this girl disappears from my view and only she remains. I can hear Heia’s faint voice calling to me, but that too fades completely. A name enters my mind — “Hannah”.

  “Am I the one?” she asks in a soft and pleasant voice.

  “You already know the answer to that,” I reply to her telepathically.

  “Yes, I am the one,” she says out loud. Eventually she’ll learn to send her response into my mind, but we must build our connection first. Humans are not innately capable creatures when it comes to telepathic communication.


  I knew I was to find her soon. I am surprised she is a human, but at least she is a most pleasing one. She is the most beautiful being in the universe as far as I’m concerned. Can this really be what the Goddess has in store for me? Is this some sort of a joke? A human. I know it has happened before, and every time I’ve heard of such things, I’ve laughed them off. My Nura could never be a human.

  Yet here she stands before me, and I cannot deny it is what she is.

  “Do you understand what you are to me?” I ask her, once again sending the question direct to her mind.

  “No,” she says. “I want to go home.”

  “You will never return to your planet,” I reply. “Not for as long as I live.”

  “Then I’ll find a way to kill you.”

  Her words shock me and send a ripple of excitement moving through my body. Has the small and beautiful creature really threatened to kill me? I laugh heartily.

  The world returns to my view.

  “My Yalar, have you chosen?” Heia asks.

  “I have. It will be this one. She has a spirit unlike the others. And I don’t find her entirely unappealing.”

  “As you wish, my Yalar.”

  Hannah screams and lunges at me with fists ready. I allow her to pound on my stomach. She will find it much too hard for her hands and give up soon enough, but it is amusing to watch.

  As predicted, she gives up, and backs away. She looks up at me defiantly.

  “I’m not going with you!”

  “You are the one. You have no choice,” I reply as I pick her up. She screams and kicks, but I easily sling her over my shoulder, and carry her off to the transport.

  “Put me down!” she cries out.

  “My Yalar, shall we return to the camp now?” Janki asks.

  “No, Janki. I want you to recall the army. We are going home to Incare. A more pressing matter has arisen.”

  “More pressing than war, my Yalar?”

  “Love is more pressing than war, friend,” I reply.

  “Are you alright, my Yalar?” He asks.

  Hannah continues screaming and cursing me with the foulest human language she can conjure. But I feel more powerful than I ever have before. Everything seems clear now, and I know the path forward.

  I must unite with my Nura and implant my seed deep within her. Then she shall give me many children, and my power shall rise. I will destroy that demon Vekshi once and for all and make Yalania my own.



  I am carried onboard an alien craft of some sort and chained to the wall. Every time I scream or shout obscenities at him, the large red alien I now belong to just laughs. I still feel an odd connection to him that I don’t understand at all. I’m filled with a deep hatred for him, but an even deeper longing. Still, I’m proud of myself for threatening to kill him, and at least trying to hurt him. It’s about time I learned to stand up for myself.

  It’s not long before we arrive at our destination. My captor carries me through a massive city filled with large red humanoid aliens just like him. The buildings are not technologically advanced at all. Everything is made from the rock and sand all around us. This planet seems to have a weird mix of technology and buildings that wouldn’t be out of place in the middle ages section of a history textbook back on Earth.

  Naturally, I am hauled into the palace, which is like the rest of the buildings, only much bigger.

  “Janki, make the preparations for the Nurani ceremony,” my captor says to one of his fellow aliens. This one is shorter and wears black robes with a golden trim, perhaps to signify his position within the household.

  “Nurani ceremony, my Yalar?” the other one says. “Are you certain this is her?”

  “I have never been more certain of anything in my existence,”

  I don’t understand any of what’s going on. To me they speak English sprinkled with strange words. Maybe they implanted some kind of translation chip in me or something. I have no idea. But for some reason it fails to translate words like “Yalar”, “Nura”, and “Nurani”. But I’m fairly sure Yalar must mean something like king, prince, or lord. As for the rest of it? No clue.

  I am brought before a large steel door which my captor shoves open with his free shoulder while still leaving me slung over the other one. These aliens are large and powerful, and I’m helpless to fight them, so I’m clearly going to have to think of a different escape strategy.

  He sets me down inside of a cavernous stone chamber. There is a giant bed in the center of the room, and a circular pool off to the side. A small waterfall provides a soothing background. This must be where he sleeps and devours his human victims. But first he lets them go for a relaxing final swim. How kind of him.

  “Do not move,” the beastly man commands me.

  He shoves the door closed and it slams shut. The sound reverberates through the chamber.

  “You don’t have automatic doors here, huh?” I say mostly to tease him.

  “Automatic doors are for the weak,” he replies.

  Well, ok then. I get a feeling this guy loves to show off. If these aliens have testosterone, the one I’m stuck with definitely has way too much of it.

  “Get in the pool,” he says sternly. Great. Another command. But I obediently go to the pool and dip my toe into it to test the water. I’m not getting in some alien pool without at least trying it out first. Thankfully, my foot doesn’t evaporate or explode upon touching the water. The temperat
ure is warm and inviting. In fact, my entire foot experiences a pleasant warmth that then shoots straight up my leg and moves on to every other part of me. It’s like instant relaxation. But I don’t want to simply comply with his orders. He must learn to ask nicely. I pull my foot back onto the floor.

  “I told you to get in. You are mine now, Hannah, and you will do as I say. Do you understand?”

  I cross my arms over my chest. I’ve been kept naked for some reason, but he doesn’t deserve to see me this way. I must try to at least cover my breasts around him...

  “A defiant one,” he says. “It seems the Goddess has cursed me with you. You will uncross your arms and get in the pool now, or I will throw you in.”

  “How do you know my name?”

  “All I had to do was look into your eyes, and I know everything about you.”

  “Is that so?”

  He joins me by the pool and removes his robes. I keep my head up. I don’t want to look at his naked body and give him the impression that I like what I see.

  Except, I do like what I see. Too much for my own good, I’m sure. The sight of his enormous muscular body makes my pussy tingle and throb. I can feel the wetness between my legs grow as I stare at his massive red pecs. He examines me with a cold expression in his green eyes.

  “You are my Nura, and I may do whatever I wish with you. I may command you around as I please. You exist to serve me and me alone. Now get in the pool, or I will throw you in. I will not tell you this a third time.”

  “Ok, sir,” I reply.

  “What is sir? Do not call me that,” he says.

  “Well, you haven’t told me your name,” I say as I inch away from him and find the stairs leading down into the pool. I climb all the way in, and the feeling of intense relaxation overwhelms me. When I close my eyes all I can hear is the sound of the rushing waterfall. It’s like I’m being transported to the most comfortable spot in the entire universe. I may never leave this pool.

  “You may address me as Yalar.”

  “So that’s your name?”

  “No, it is not. It is what your people call a title. I believe your closest word is prince.”

  “Ahh, I guessed correctly then, Prince,” I reply. “But Prince what? Surely you must have a name to go with that title.”

  There is a large splash. I assume he has entered the pool. Soon I can feel him towering over me. I open my eyes and look up into his.

  “My name is Meki,” he says. “But you must not call me that without my title. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Prince Meki. I get it. You’ve got a giant ego and everyone around here bows down before you. That’s what you expect from me too, right?”

  “Now you understand,” he says as he places a warm hand on my shoulder. Now his other hand goes to my other shoulder.

  “Please take your hands off me,” I say. I remember to cup my own hands over my breasts. The pool made me relax too much and drop my guard momentarily.

  “I will put my hands on you anywhere I wish.”

  “Is that how all princes of your people act? Back on Earth we have something called consent. I choose when and if you touch me.”

  I should be trembling before him and obeying his every order. But I just can’t. Something deep within me tells me to stand up to him and make him earn the right to lay a hand on me.

  “The Goddess has blessed you with a fiery spirit, little one,” he says. “But if you don’t learn to listen to your superiors, you are going to get yourself in big trouble around here.”

  His hands move from my shoulders to the back of my head. It seems my defiance is not enough to keep him from doing whatever he wants to me. His fingers slowly weave into my hair, and soon he’s massaging my scalp. My eyes close once more and I again drop my hands from my breasts. This strange and demanding man has a power over me that I can’t explain.

  “You’re getting inside my mind and forcing me to enjoy this,” I whisper.

  “Our thoughts are connected. Our souls will soon be entwined. Our union will be complete, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. So, you might as well let it happen.”

  “Stop it!” I scream as I find the will to break free of him — at least this one time. Who knows how much longer I may be able to free myself...

  Meki takes his hands off me. “You will learn to respect me,” he growls.

  “Or what?” I ask.

  I swear his eyes turn red as he looks at me now. But they soon return to their original deep green.

  “I wonder why the Goddess has brought such a disobedient Nura to me. But if it is you that she wants at my side then I must accept it, and you must do the same. You are to be my Yalara Han’shi. I believe that is High Queen in your language.”

  I swear my heart stops. Did he just say I’m going to be his High Queen? Holy...

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. I’m not going to marry you.”

  “As soon as you are thoroughly purified by these waters, I am taking you to the temple for our Nurani ceremony. We will be joined together before the Goddess herself!” he roars.

  “If you want to marry me then you need to earn it,” I reply.

  “Hannah, I have earned it. I did so long before either of us was born into our current form. Our souls chose each other. We made a pact before the Goddess that we would find each other no matter how far we had to travel across the universe. This is your destiny. You cannot turn away from it.”

  The sound of the large door opening startles me, and I cup my hands over my breasts yet again. The gray alien in the black robe with golden trim enters. Two red skinned alien women enter behind him. They place something on the bed and leave. The gray alien comes closer to the pool.

  “My Yalar, we have brought your Nura her robes for the Nurani ceremony. The temple has been prepared. We are ready whenever you are.”

  “I will dress her, Janki. Leave now and we will join you at the temple shortly.”

  “As you wish, my Yalar,” says the gray alien. He takes a bow and leaves.

  I climb out of the pool and sit on the edge of it with my head in my hands. I can’t marry this man. I need to go home. I’ve always wanted to fall in love with someone who loves me just as intensely. But Meki seems incapable of love. He just wishes to force his will upon me and turn me into the perfect obedient wife.

  I feel his hand on the back of my head. My entire head throbs with a warm and pleasant sensation. I can’t help but feel renewed by it.

  “You will get dressed now and come with me to the temple. The Goddess will be waiting there to join us together. Once joined nothing will tear us apart and I will become unstoppable. All of our enemies will fall before us.”

  “I don’t have enemies,” I say. “Except maybe you. You’re my first and only.”

  “It pains me to hear you say such a thing, Hannah,” he replies in his deep and soothing voice. “You were made for me. Why is that so difficult for you to understand? You were kept pure and untouched your entire life so that our union would be perfect. The Goddess ordained it and it was so.”

  “Is that why I couldn’t find a boyfriend on Earth?” I ask, half-jokingly. This whole thing has gotten ridiculous. There’s no way I was made for this arrogant alien prince...

  “It is exactly why. Now I will come out and help you into your Nurani robes.”

  I close my eyes, so I don’t see his naked body. I fear that I might be horrified by what I see if I dare look down. He seems to be a man, but there’s no telling what alien genitalia are like, and I’m not ready to find out.

  “Please leave the room while I get dressed,” I say.

  “I have already seen you naked, and soon enough I will be inside of you. There is no reason for us to hide from each other.”

  “Meki, I will not leave this pool to get dressed until you are out of this room. I just need a moment to myself to let this all sink in, ok?”

  He sighs heavily. “Goddess, give me strength,” he mutters. “Fine. I will return in
five minutes.”

  After I’m certain that Meki has left the room, I open my eyes and climb out of the pool. I move to the bed where the alien women left my robe. I have to stand on the tops of my toes in order to pull them down. I examine the black and violet robe. It’s remarkably simple, and it is certainly not what I imagined I’d wear on my wedding day, but I guess this is my fate and I have to go through with it. Meki is not a kind man by any stretch, and I shudder as I imagine what he’d do to me if I refuse to take part in this “Nurani ceremony”.

  I pull the robe over my head and then wander over to a large mirror in the corner of the room. The robe is very flowy and a bit big on me, but I don’t look half bad in it. I pull my hair up and try out various hair styles when I notice the door opening once again. Meki doesn’t bother closing it this time. He just comes over and stands behind me.

  “You will wear your hair down,” he says as he pulls my hands away from my hair.

  “What is a Nura anyway?” I ask. “Is that like a soulmate?”

  “It is deeper than that, but I suppose that would be the closest word in your language. Still, your people have no true understanding of it.”

  “Well, if I’m your soulmate then it means I’m your equal.”

  I shiver as he places a hand on the back of my neck.

  “Equal? Yes. But that doesn’t mean you have equal rights.”

  “That’s not how that’s supposed to work,” I reply.

  “It is the way things are. You will get used to it.”

  Several minutes pass before the mirror where the only sound is that of our breath. It seems to me that our breathing has synchronized. Maybe I’m just imagining it. Or maybe we really are made for each other.

  “You look beautiful in your Nurani robe, my Queen,” he says at long last. “Forgive me if all I can do is stare at you. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you. I have lied awake at night listening for your voice among the stars, but nothing could prepare me for our reunion. Soon we will never be apart again. I couldn’t bear another second away from you.”


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