The Virgins Double Bosses: A MFM Billionaire Menage Romance

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The Virgins Double Bosses: A MFM Billionaire Menage Romance Page 9

by Sullivan, Shae

I blushed and turned my face away, eying myself in the mirror. I guess I did look pretty good. When they came in to embrace me, I welcomed them just as easily as I would have any old friends that I haven't seen in a while. And that familiarity rose once again, the same connection I'd felt almost a week ago when I had gone out and sought the affection of others.

  And then it dawned on me:

  These are the guys from the club.

  * * *

  There were more stores lining the sidewalk than I had ever seen in my life. Sure, I lived in cities before and had been exposed to this sort of high-style of living, but this seemed excessive. There were blouses on nearly every rack that were more than I made in a month and I honestly couldn't even believe it. But I did my best not to gape at everything. I tried to keep it cool so that I blended in with everybody else.

  God forbid I stand out like a sore thumb.

  Arthur and Elijah did well to make me feel welcomed. They brought me champagne as I got my hair done, took turns holding my hand, and even pampered me with massages between visits to stores. Now, I was trying on dresses in the largest dressing room that ever existed. There were mirrors in every single direction, and the carpet was a cerulean blue, a beautiful sea color that felt like silk underneath my toes.

  Arthur had collected a few dresses off the rack for me to try, some of them more revealing than others, and some of them a little too sheer. But I put them on anyway, and I strutted out along the walkway to show them off.

  I found one that felt particularly comfortable. It was a mermaid style dress with sequins lining every inch that covered my chest with one sheer piece just above my cleavage. It was purple and teal and blue and green, a shimmering spectrum of colors that seemed to glow under the spotlights lining the miniature runway. Elijah and Arthur both clapped approvingly.

  “Leave it on. We'll pay for it now,” Arthur offered.

  He went to pay the woman immediately, springing a dozen large bills from his pocket to hand over. I was agape with shock and pleasure, having never been spoiled like this before. As soon as he finished paying for it, we left and jumped immediately into a limo.

  I was overwhelmed by this lavish sort of living. As I sat in the back of the limo sandwiched between two intensely handsome men, I watched the city lights of San Francisco pass us by. The lights glittered off the glass and shimmered around my dress, making me feel otherworldly. As much as I felt out of my element, I couldn't help how much I liked it.

  And I didn't know if I ever wanted it to stop.

  Chapter 15


  As we pulled up to the stupendous mansion of our great friends from Britain, I turned to study Belle's features. She looked positively frightened. Every inch of her shimmered in the dim light, but her face did not look as joyful as the rest of her body—no, she looked timid.

  I took her hand. “What's the matter?”

  “It's just so...big.”

  “There's nothing for you to fear here. We're just making an appearance—paying our social dues—and we'll be out in no time.”

  She shuddered. “I thought we were going to dinner first.”

  Arthur leaned in close to her and rested a hand on her thigh. "There will be food and refreshments inside. We can always go for a late dinner if that's what you would like."

  Hesitantly, she nodded and followed me out of the limo, sliding slowly over the seat and extending her hand for me to take. She really knew how to adapt quickly. It was one of her best qualities, the most attractive thing about her aside from her delightful and independent personality.

  “You're going to blow them away,” I whispered through a grin. “I promise.”

  “But you look so much more put together than I do,” she excused.

  "Nonsense," Arthur interjected as he took her free arm. "You compliment us perfectly."

  “I just feel so poor by comparison.”

  I stopped in my tracks and planted a finger to her lips, silencing her. “Don't you ever think low of yourself just because of your roots. You have every right to be here with us because we say so. And if anyone ever gives you a problem, you let us know.”

  A smile crossed her lips. Once she looked like she was at ease, I nodded towards the entrance of the mansion, and we began walking towards it. A whole host of people were wandering up in the steps in the most progressive rich fashion available, some of their garb appearing to have not been released yet to the general public. As we climbed the steps, I noticed one of our business associates, Walden Oaks.

  “My two favorite men!” he cried as he extended his arms. “And their lovely companion—welcome!”

  Walden embraced the three of us before stepping back.

  “Walden, you look wonderful,” I complimented.

  “Please, you two always make the scene très magnifique. Who is your lovely friend here in the center? I am in love with her dress.”

  Walden's eyes sparkled.

  “This is Belle. She's our new associate,” I replied.

  Belle turned to me, her eyes widening slightly. When she glanced back at Walden, she offered her hand gently. Walden took it and kissed her knuckles.

  “Fantastic to meet another great entrepreneur of the business world,” he said.

  “Walden is our biggest client. He hosts all of his fashion shows in our hotels,” Arthur explained. “When he's not out chasing tail, of course.”

  Walden winked. “You two are vultures tonight. I hope you can liven up this party. It's such a bore whenever you two aren't around.”

  “We sure will try,” Arthur teased.

  “It's been lovely to see you,” I said. “But the lady is hungry.”

  “Oh, of course! Come in—mingle—eat—enjoy.”

  When Walden stepped aside, we all pressed forward together, our legs moving in tandem to the rhythm of the strings in the background. Though I'd seen this particular mansion a million times or more, it always seemed to look different with every visit. Such was Walden's personality. There was a nude marble statue in the center of the foyer with a fountain springing up around it. Just beyond the statue was a set of marble steps leading up in a spiral to another level of the mansion.

  Surrounding the statue in the center of the foyer was a great crowd buzzing with delightful conversation and laughter. Each hand in the crowd held a glass of champagne, and each hairstyle was more eccentric than the last. Some faces were familiar while others were not, but I didn't mind any of them. I hugged Belle's waist.

  “Shall I get us drinks?” Arthur offered.

  I nodded. “Please.”

  When Arthur took off to find the refreshments, Belle wrapped her arm around my waist and clutched me. “How long do we have to stay again?”

  “Not long, my love.”

  "There are so many people."

  “None of them will harm you. They're all here for appearance just like us. They wouldn't do anything to damage their reputation.”

  She grinned playfully. “Are you sure about that?”

  “Feisty tonight, are you?”

  She blushed and lowered her gaze while trying to hide her smirk. It was then I felt her beauty radiating from her skin, a loveliness that could have very well permeated the entire room. She was such a vision to have within my site that I simultaneously felt that I wasn't worthy and that I couldn't possibly look away. Before I could say anything, Arthur returned with our drinks.

  “Champagne for the lady,” he announced while handing her a glass. “And for the gentleman.”

  “Shall we make a toast?” I proposed.

  Belle held up her glass. “To not giving a fuck.”

  Arthur chuckled and clinked his glass to hers and mine. “Oh, what a wonderful salute.”


  We each took a sip of our champagne and glanced around, studying the way everyone mingled with each other. As much as I wanted to keep up my appearance, I couldn't help thinking about the other outfits that Belle had worn before she chose the mermaid dres
s. I returned my eyes to her.

  “Let's do our rounds,” I suggested.

  Though she looked shy, she held out her arm for me to take and the three of us began making our way around the statue. I glanced at Arthur who gave me a playful grin as he nodded towards Belle. He had an idea in mind—and I knew exactly what it was.

  We approached our first couple.

  “Ivy Millis and her husband Lawrence,” I introduced to Belle. “These two are at the top of the mattress industry, creating the most innovative luxurious beds you might ever lay your head on. They're practically made of clouds.”

  “They're the only beds we have in our hotel,” Arthur added. “Because they're high-quality and last nearly a lifetime.”

  Ivy held out her hand for us to kiss. “A charming party, isn't it?”

  I nodded in agreement, noticing that Lawrence was taking a gander at Belle. As I tugged her in close, I glared at him, and we went on to another couple that was standing at the foot of the marble steps. When we approached, I let my hand slip down to Belle's bottom and squeezed it. She squeaked.

  “This is Terry and Jerry Huong. They are the finest masters of interior decorating. Truly champions of the world of décor,” I explained.

  They each regarded us with a nod before we moved on to a table full of acquaintances. I didn't much care for their presence as much as I wanted the secrecy of the white cloth covering the table to keep anyone from seeing my wandering hands. I held out a chair for Belle and had her sit first before Arthur, and I took a seat on each side of her.

  I gestured towards the people on the other side of the table. “From the left, we have Horace Montgomery of the limo industry, Charles Warrent of luxury automotive vehicles, Florence Talbot of designer dresses, and Mary Wilkes of the finest fashion photography in all of the UK.”

  Every single one of them nodded politely towards Belle who looked like she was shrinking underneath their inspecting gaze. I placed my hand in her lap and squeezed her thigh assuredly.

  “This is our wonderful associate and companion, Belle,” Arthur introduced. “She's quite a delight.”

  Belle beamed and retained her friendly grin as my hand sunk between her thighs. “We love having her around. She really adds an organized touch to our events.”

  “Well, you look gorgeous, darling,” Mary commented. “I'd love to photograph you sometime.”

  “I would like that,” Belle accepted.

  “She's not at all shy,” I added while slipping my hand up her thigh to her pussy. “And she has the most gorgeous grin of all.”

  “She does,” Arthur agreed.

  I felt his hand brush against mine and turned to grin at him, nodding for us to continue our work. Belle lifted her glass of champagne nonchalantly and sipped it, nodding as the conversation across the table continued. It seemed like she was keeping up with them and keeping up with us simultaneously—and that just made me want her so much more.

  While my fingers found her clit hiding beneath her thin, satin dress, she squeaked again and readjusted her position on the chair. I leaned over to peck her shoulder and nuzzled her ear.

  “Do you want more?” I whispered.

  She nodded.

  “Lift your dress.”

  Chapter 16


  I smiled as Belle shifted and leaned forward to hide the fact that she was lifting her gown. I kept my gaze on the people across from us and kept up with their jokes, laughing intermittently while my hand sank between Belle's thighs. I heard her hiss.

  Elijah took the first round. I waited patiently with my fingers perched on her inner right thigh, practically salivating at the thought of touching her in public. There wasn't much we could do here, but I was sure as hell willing to push the envelope. I wasn't a successful businessman by staying in my lane—I pushed.

  And I typically got what I wanted.

  When I glanced at Elijah, he nodded. I took that as my cue to shimmy up Belle's thigh to her panties. Her pussy was already soaking up her silk panties. I couldn't help stroking her clit in circles while she leaned against the table and gripped her glass of champagne. Every little coo that came from her lips propelled me forward and made me want to fuck her senseless right in front of this entire room of people. I didn't care. My lust was magnanimous.

  She slipped her left arm beneath the table and fondled the outline of my cock beneath my dress pants. I hummed and did my best to keep my features straight, but she was making it difficult. I could already tell this was going to be a hell of a party for us.

  “So, Belle, what industry are you in?” Florence asked.

  Belle lit up. “Catering. We make the finest foods in San Francisco.”

  God, it was hot when she was cocky.

  “Oh, that's excellent! I always need treats for my events. I would love to get your information.”

  “I think Elijah and Arthur have me booked for a while. Right, boys?”

  I nodded politely. “We keep her busy.” I slipped my fingers over her silky pussy lips and pressed hard against her clit. “She's quite a worker.”

  “I bet your food is outstanding,” Mary commented.

  Belle grinned while gripping my cock between her fingers. “Oh, you must try it sometime. We have to invite them to one of your events, Elijah.”

  Though she directed the comment at Elijah, it felt like she was talking to me. I felt her fingers stroking my cock into full mast. She dragged them heavily over my shaft and teased the head of my cock, coaxing me to lean forward and reach for my glass of champagne. I took a long sip.

  “How long have you three known each other?” Mary inquired.

  “A month, maybe,” Belle replied. “But it feels like it's been forever. We've grown very close to each other.”

  “Yes, we have,” I agreed.

  I felt Elijah push my hand and allowed him to stroke Belle, delighting in the way she hummed while she sat up in her chair. She was allowing him a better position, and it made me jealous for a moment until I saw the way her features shifted into drunken relaxation. She was enjoying this. I didn't need to ruin it with my emotions.

  But the feeling persisted despite my enjoyment. I tried to add more to the conversation. “How's everything with the photography business in Britain?”

  Mary shrugged. “It's the usual. Bratty drug-addicted teens with pushy parents trying to become the Next Big Thing, you know? It's rubbish if you ask me, but it's money.”

  “Sounds tough.”

  “But so rewarding.” She grinned. “And Belle—what kind of shoots do you like doing?”

  Belle grunted before replying, “I've honestly never done one before.”

  “Oh! I could see you lying in a tub with milky water and rose petals all around you. My, what a beautiful sight you would be!”

  It almost looked like Mary was flirting, furthering my resentful demeanor. I withdrew my hand entirely and lifted Belle's hand, dropping it in her lap. She glanced at me for a second before leaning in to kiss my cheek. It was a brief assurance, but it didn't do much.

  “Maybe we ought to head to dinner,” Elijah suggested. “I'm getting hungry.”

  “As am I,” I concurred.

  Belle planted both hands on the table. She was panting a little bit as she lifted a napkin to dab at her forehead. “I believe I'm starving.”

  “Let's get you some food. It was lovely seeing you all.”

  The table bid us farewell in broken statements as we all rose from our seats and began heading towards the door. Before we could get there, a familiar face hopped out in our path—it was Mr. Chang.

  “Fancy seeing you here,” he chimed happily as he regarded Belle with a lustful glance. “And my, how you look ravishing.”

  He leaned in to kiss her cheek, and she politely accepted it, though her body language indicated she was uncomfortable. I was already fuming from my jealousy, and this wasn't helping. I stepped forward and patted Mr. Chang's shoulder as gently but firmly as possible.

“And you, friend. We hope you're enjoying the festivities that San Francisco has to offer,” I said charmingly.

  “I am! It's been such a joy to be here--” he glanced at Belle again. “And the wonderful sights that are here are beyond tantalizing.”

  Elijah cleared his throat. “We were just leaving.”

  “Oh, so soon? I hear the party has really just begun. Walden suggested a game of strip poker upstairs. Would any of you dare? Miss Belle?”

  She cringed but smiled. “No, thank you, sir.”

  “I bet you have quite the poker face, my dear.”

  “I can do a lot of things, but we're ready for dinner.”

  Mr. Chang bubbled with laughter. “I bet you can.”

  “It was good to see you, friend. Enjoy,” I said through my teeth.

  I grabbed Belle's hand and yanked her towards the exit, swimming through the sea of people that seemed to perpetually get in our way. Once we were outside, I felt like I could breathe and I hailed down our limo that was parked on the other side of the roundabout.

  Elijah drew up to my left as Belle turned to admire the mansion.

  “What's gotten into you tonight?” he pressed heatedly.

  “That disgusting man.”

  “I know you're angry, but you can't let it get to you. We just need to keep Belle close.”

  “I'll be fine.” I fixed my tuxedo. “Besides, we're all going on a date now. It's fine. I'm cool.”

  Satisfied but still worried, Elijah stepped back and watched as the limo came around to get us. The driver came to open the door, and we each filed inside, putting Belle between us as we had before. She placed her hand on my thigh, and my cock twitched, remembering that it had been aroused just minutes ago.

  “Where were we?” she cooed.

  I locked eyes with her. Everything melted away in that moment. Her bejeweled eyes were sparkling with desire, with a heated passion that I had never seen before. As she leaned in to kiss me, I felt the weight of her spell dragging me under. She undid my pants and took out my cock, cradling it in her warm hand. I could smell the delightful scent of honeysuckle on her neck. It must have been the soap from her shower earlier, but it only deepened my desire as I inhaled it.


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