The Roman Traitor, Vol. 2

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The Roman Traitor, Vol. 2 Page 24

by Henry William Herbert


  OCTOBER, B. C. 63.

  --------------------------------------------------------------------------Modern | |Reckoning. | Roman Reckoning. | Events.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 |CALENDS OF OCTOBER. | 2 |VI ) | 3 |V ) Days before the | 4 |IV ) Nones. | 5 |III ) | 6 |_Day before the Nones._ | 7 |NONES OF OCTOBER. | 8 |VIII ) | 9 |VII ) |10 |VI ) Days before |11 |V ) the Ides |12 |IV ) of October. |13 |III ) |14 |_Day before the Ides._ |15 |IDES OF OCTOBER. |16 |XVII ) |(A) On this day the Consular17 |XVI ) |elections should have been18(A) |XV ) |held, but were postponed by19 |XIV ) Days before |the Senate at the request of20 |XIII ) |the consul, Cicero.21(B) |XII ) the |(B) Cicero delivered a speech,22(C) |XI ) |(not one of the orations) against23 |X ) Calends |Catiline, disclosing the plan of24 |IX ) |the conspiracy.25 |VIII ) of |(C) The Consular Elections were26 |VII ) |held, and Decius Junius Silanus27 |VI ) November. |and Lucius Licinius Muræna28(D) |V ) |elected Consuls for the year29 |IV ) |ensuing.30 |III ) |(D) Day originally appointed31 |_Day before the Calends |by Catiline for the murder of | of November._ |Cicero.

  NOVEMBER, B. C. 63.

  --------------------------------------------------------------------------Modern | |Reckoning. | Roman Reckoning. | Events.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1(A) |CALENDS OF NOVEMBER. |(A) Day appointed by Catiline 2 |IV ) Days before the |for the seizure of the citadel 3 |III ) Nones. |of Præneste--now Palestrina. 4 |_Day before the Nones._ | 5 |NONES OF NOVEMBER. | 6(B) |VIII ) |(B) Second meeting of the 7(C) |VII ) Days before |Conspirators at the house of 8(D) |VI ) the Ides |Marcus Portius Læca. 9 |V ) of November. |(C) Cicero’s murder attempted.10 |IV ) |11 |III ) |(D) Cicero delivered his first12 |_Day before the Ides._ |Oration in the Senate against13 |IDES OF NOVEMBER. |Catiline; and on the same14 |XVIII ) |night Catiline fled to the camp15 |XVII ) |of Caius Manlius, at Fæsulæ,16 |XVI ) |now Fiesole, near Florence.17 |XV ) Days before |On the following day Cicero18 |XIV ) |delivered the second oration,19 |XIII ) the |justifying his conduct to the20 |XII ) |whole people in the Forum.21 |XI ) Calends |22 |X ) |23 |IX ) of |24 |VIII ) |25 |VII ) December. |26 |VI ) |27 |V ) |28 |IV ) |29 |III ) |30 |_Day before the Calends | | of December._ |

  DECEMBER, B. C. 63.

  --------------------------------------------------------------------------Modern | |Reckoning. | Roman Reckoning. | Events.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 |CALENDS OF DECEMBER. | 2 |IV ) Days before the | 3(A) |III ) Nones. |(A) The conspirators arrested. 4 |_Day before the Nones._ | 5(B) |NONES OF DECEMBER. |(B) Cicero delivers his third 6(C) |VIII ) |oration before the Senate, and 7 |VII ) Days before |his fourth before the people. 8 |VI ) the Ides |(C) Execution of Lentulus, 9 |V ) of December. |Cethegus, Gabinius, Statilius,10 |IV ) |and Cæparius.11 |III ) |12 |_Day before the Ides._ |13 |IDES OF DECEMBER. |14 |XVIII ) |15 |XVII ) |16 |XVI ) |17 |XV ) Days before |18 |XIV ) |(D) It is a matter of some19 |XIII ) the |question, whether the battle20 |XII ) |of Pistoria was fought, and21 |XI ) Calends |Catiline slain, during the22 |X ) |remainder of this month, or early23 |IX ) of |in the following January.--The24 |VIII ) |question being doubtful,25 |VII ) January. |for the sake of unity, I have26(D) |VI ) |assumed that it was fought on27 |V ) |or about the 26th day of the28 |IV ) |month.29 |III ) |(E) Cicero abdicated the30(E) |_Day before the Calends |Consulship, and swore that he | of January._ |had saved his country.


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