Confess: A High School Bully Romance - Madison Falls High Book 3

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Confess: A High School Bully Romance - Madison Falls High Book 3 Page 8

by K. Walker

“Of course, you are,” Alexi drawled as she walked off as well and over to the steps. “I’m gonna get decent again.”

  “Need any help?” Brody asked as he stood by the edge of the pool watching her, his chin resting on his forearms as they laid flat against the edge.

  “Always,” Alexi winked and walked away.

  He flew out of the pool right away and chased after her.

  “Hey, remember I have kids in the house!” I shouted after them. I could still hear them giggling and carrying on all the way inside.

  But it was time to get out of the water. It was clear the game was over. “You guys hungry?” I asked as I got out and waited for Sophia to do the same. “I’ll get some towels,” I told her as I walked quickly to the pool house and picked up a stack that was in the cupboard. “Here.”

  “Thanks,” she said and wrapped up in it tightly. “Ooh, that feels better.”

  I placed the others on an empty pool chair, but only the girls took them. I sat and guided Sophia onto my lap. “No one’s hungry?” I asked again, “because I asked and all I heard were crickets.”

  “I could eat a cheeseburger,” Liz said.

  “Me, too,” Sophia agreed and crooned. “I’m starving.”

  “Pizza for me,” Cody shouted.

  “Cheeseburger sounds good,” Deven agreed.

  “Okay, I guess pizza and cheeseburgers, it is.” I took out my phone and placed the order at the Madison Ocean Bar and Grill.

  “Where’s the music, man?” Cody asked.

  “Hold up,” I replied. I repositioned Sophia onto the pool chair and jogged to the pool house. I had a system installed in there, which made it easy for parties and times like these.

  Post Malone’s Circles came blaring through the speakers as I danced through the door and back outside. When I did, Brody and Alexi were back, and he was rolling up a joint.

  I walked over to him and snatched it. “Are you kidding me?”

  “What?” he asked in bewilderment. “I can’t smoke now?”

  “Man, you know your ass is already in a world of trouble. Plus, my little sister is in house, man.” I said angrily.

  “Shit, you’re right,” Brody mumbled and fell back against the pool chair.

  “Damn, right, I’m right,” I spat and stuffed the joint into my pocket. “You don’t need to give them any more reasons to arrest you.”

  “Thought I would be in the clear after this shit is over,” Brody moped.

  “That’s going to be a part of the deal, I would imagine. I’m not gonna let them screw you over.”

  “You mean like making sure he gets immunity?” Sophia asked.

  “Yeah,” I said and rubbed her arm as I repositioned myself behind her. “If he helps them out, no fucking way they can come after him for any shit like a joint or anything. He gets to walk, and that means you need to keep your shit together!” I said sternly and pointed at Brody.

  “I get it!” he snapped. “No fucking around.”

  “He’s right, babe,” Alexi added. “It’s for your own good.”

  “What, you riding the Chad train now?”

  “I ain’t riding nothin’, ass,” Alexi said and slapped his arm. “We all care about you. That’s all.”

  “Yeah, don’t be an ass, Brody,” Jake muttered.

  “Chad!” Sylvia called from the other end of the pool. “Some guy’s here with food. Can we get some?”

  “Yeah, sure. Let him in and send him around. Where’s Macy, by the way?”

  “I don’t know,” Sylvia shrugged. “Laundry room, probably.”

  “Okay, I’ll be right there,” I told her.

  In another five minutes, everyone was swarming the food, ripping off slices of pizza and biting in cheeseburgers. Meanwhile I stared at Brody and wondered how the fuck we were going to pull off this setup with Lin.

  Chapter 12


  “Hey, babe, could you hang back?” Chad asked as he wrapped his arm around me and nibbled my neck.

  “Like you have to ask,” I smiled and reached behind me to cradle his head against me.

  “See you later, guys! Get out! My girl and I have things to do,” Chad shouted even as they were already walking through the door.

  “Eww!” Sylvia said from behind us.

  “No, no,” I exclaimed and turned around to look at Chad’s little sister. “We’re just going to hang out some more.”

  Her eyes told me she didn’t believe me. I wasn’t going to win, no matter how much I argued with her.


  “Sylvia, go to your room,” Chad said in an annoyed voice. “And where’s my card?”

  “On the counter,” she said and stuck out her tongue. “I was just getting some water.”

  I watched her leave and a smile curled my lips. “She’s pretty cool, for a twelve-year-old.”

  “Don’t let her hear you say that,” he said. “You want anything? I’m going up to the room.”

  “Um, no,” I told him. “I’m pretty full from before.”


  We had just walked off when I heard footsteps, stiletto heels, approaching. I felt Chad’s hand on me tighten, and I glanced behind me to see a woman approaching. She looked like an older version of Callie – perfect manicure, soft, billowing hair that bounced when she walked, and a body that looked like it had been shaped with care.

  Her eyes smiled when she saw us, but Chad kept walking.

  “Chad? Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” she asked. I glanced over at Chad and saw his face tighten. “Chad?”

  He stopped abruptly. “Cheryl, don’t you have nails to polish and older men to swindle somewhere?” he asked rudely.

  She gasped. “Seriously,” she said, and when we turned, she had her hands crossed over taut breasts that pushed up over the pink, lace camisole she wore. “Are you ever going to get over the fact that I’m in your life, and I live here?”

  He gave her a poker stare. “No,” and then turned around again.

  She hissed when we walked off, and Chad pretty much pulled me up the stairs behind him. “Hey, slow down,” I told him and tried to pull away.

  “Sorry,” he apologized. “She just works me over. Every damn time!” he said through clenched teeth. We got to his room and he pulled the door open. I stepped inside and he closed the door behind him firmly.

  “Is this how it always is with her?” I asked, wondering.

  “Yep,” he said and fell onto the bed, bouncing on the soft mattress as he did. “But you of all people should understand.”

  “Oh, I do understand,” I replied and sat on the bed next to him. “I’m glad I don’t have to see my dad every day with that skank he hooked up with.”

  “It just gets to me. Every time!”

  I fell against him and propped up on my elbow. “We’re quite the pair, aren’t we?”

  He grinned sheepishly and toyed with my hair. “That we are. Not sure if that’s a good thing, though. You might be messing with my mojo.”

  I laughed. “What mojo. As a matter of fact, my life was fine before you.”

  “Yeah?” he asked as he propped himself onto his elbow too and faced me. He trailed his finger over my cleavage as desire blazed hot in his eyes. “Because I have reason to believe I made it a whole lot better.”

  “Hmm,” I mused. “Not a lot. Maybe a minor difference.”

  He chuckled. “Is that so?”

  “Mmhmm,” I mutter as his lips caressed mine. I reached out and touched his arm, and I felt the rise and fall of the scars under his tattoo. “Chad,” I said softly. “What really happened that day?”

  He sighed and fell back against the bed. “That day sucked. You sure you wanna know?”

  He locked his fingers behind his head and pulled up one of his feet. I crawled over him and rested my chin on his chest. “Yep. In light of everything that’s going on and what’s about to happen with Brody, I feel like I should know, you know.”

If you wish, but it might affect your delicate sensibilities,” he grinned.

  “My what?” I laughed. “Someone’s been reading some of my Lit novels.”

  “Heard it in a movie once.” He was quiet for a little while, and then his chest rose and fell and he moved his hand to play in my hair.

  “It all started that night, June eighteen…”

  Chapter 13


  “You sure this is a good idea, Robby?” I asked. “Racing Wes for pink slips?”

  “You know I got that fool in my pocket,” Robby gloated and looked around. “Got a new NOS and all. He won’t see it coming.”

  “I don’t trust him,” Brody said with concern.

  “Of course, we don’t trust him,” Robby snapped. “It’s Wes fucking Collingwood. He’s a snake. But that’s a car I’m going to get when this is over.”

  “Alright,” I relented. “If you think you can take him. But don’t be surprised if he pulls some shit.”

  “I’m not worried about that fool,” Robby said and glanced behind him. “They should be done tuning up the car now. I’m going to head to the track. My race is coming up.”

  “Cool, man,” I told him as all of us pushed off my car and walked to the sidelines to watch the two-man race between Wes and Robby.

  Usually, several cars raced at a time, but for pink slips, it was usually just two – winner takes all. I knew Robby could drive like hell, but I had a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that Wes was up to no good. He hated losing, and he would do anything to win – a dangerous combination.

  The silver mustang inched forward, with its bright lights blinding everyone. “What is it with him, man?” Jake yelled. “Turn on your low beams, asshole!”

  Wes rolled past, his middle finger stuck through the window of the car, and his head facing front. I shook my head in disgust. I didn’t think there was anyone on earth; I hated more.

  Robby revved his Dodge as he pulled up to the start line. He grinned at us as he lined up with the Mustang.

  “I hope he knows what he’s doing,” Deven said and rubbed the back of his head.

  “Me, too,” I agreed with him.

  The engines roared, and dust sprayed on both sides of the cars as the flag came down and they sped off. I watched as the rear lights disappeared around the first bend, and the headlights appeared on the other side of the four-hundred-meter track.

  “Here they come,” Brody said excitedly.

  Robby was in front after the first lap with two more to go.

  “Go, go, go!” Brody shouted in excitement, and my heart hammered against my chest as I watched the tail lights again.

  They’re onto the third lap, and as they got to the penultimate turn, the Mustang slipped by.

  “Hit the NOS stupid!” Jake yelled and walked towards the track.

  ‘What’s he doing?” Brody asked.

  I watched as the Mustang shot across the finish line and Brody’s Dodge followed in lesser glory.

  We ran over to the car as it careened on the dirt and stopped. An angry Robby got out and slammed the door shut. “I can’t believe I lost,” he said, rubbing his head and walking around in circles.

  “Why didn’t you hit the NOS? You had him!” Brody said angrily and clamped his hands down on Robby’s shoulders.

  “Don’t you think I did?” he asked and shook off Brody. “Damned thing must have jammed or something.”

  “Give me your keys,” I said to him.

  He reached into the car just as Wes walked up. “No, that’s mine,” he said and swiped the key from me. “All mine!” he grinned and teased Robby as he called Oliver and handed him the key. “Take this over there.”

  “Sure thing,” Oliver said and got into the car.

  Robby’s face turned red as he kicked the dirt and stormed off.

  “Robby! Where are you going?”

  “I’m fucking out!” he snarled and kept walking.

  “I should go with him,” Brody offered. “Hey, Robby, wait up.”

  I watched as they ran off, and I backed away from the Dodge and walked back to where we were parked. “I don’t like this. Robby’s not going to get over this. That’s why I didn’t want him racing.”

  “You couldn’t stop him, Chad,” Deven said and hopped onto the hood. “You know how stubborn Robby is.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “Anyone got a joint?” I asked as I watched Wes and his friends celebrating Robby’s loss.

  “Yeah,” Zeke replied and pulled one from his jacket pocket and handed it to me.

  I was putting it to my lips when I noticed a dude hanging back and staring at us…at me. I chin nodded at him. “Know that guy?”

  They turned and shook their heads. “Nope,” Cody said.

  “He’s been eyeballing me,” I said and shoved off the car. “Hey! What’s the deal, man?”

  He glanced around nervously and shuffled forward. I knew him from school, I assumed – his face looked familiar. Or I could have seen him around the tracks. I wasn’t sure.

  “Hey,” he said as his eyes swept the space behind me. “Wes messed with Robby’s car.”


  “He cut the NOS. That’s why he lost.”

  I turned around and looked at the boys, and then over at where Wes was, still celebrating. Zeke and Deven edged closer to me, curious about what was happening. When I turned back around, the boy was already gone.

  I heard what he said, but I didn’t want to believe it.

  “What’s going on?” Deven asked.

  “Wes fucked up Robby’s ride!”

  “What?!” Zeke shouted. “Oh, he’s getting it tonight.” He turned and stalked off, and the rest of us followed like a mini-pack.

  “Hey, Wes!” I barked when I was close enough. “Pop that fuckin’ hood.”

  “I don’t need to do shit, Minor. Your boy lost, fair and square.”

  “Are you shittin’ me! Fair and square? You fucked up his car so he’d lose,” I accused.

  “I did what?” Wes laughed nervously and looked around at his guys like he was trying to solicit sympathy.

  “Open it!”

  “No!” he barked. “It’s my car and I can do whatever the hell I want with it.”

  “Get that hood open!” I said to a snarling Zeke.

  His boys moved in and we pushed forward, forcing them back as Zeke snaked the keys and lifted the hood. I shoved Oliver off of me and leaned over. Sure enough, the wire to the NOS was cut.

  “Son of a bitch!” Zeke growled. “That’s why he couldn’t go any faster.”

  “You didn’t do that?” I accused and he smiled, like a snake.

  “What’s going on?” Robby asked from behind us. “Why are you over here?”

  He saw the popped hood and pushed through. His eyes turned redder when he saw the cut wire. “You did this?” he asked and shoved Wes. Wes shoved back, and Robby got up in his face and squared him across the cheek.

  “Give me the damned keys!” he cried and snagged them from Zeke. “I’m taking my car back.”

  “Not if I have anything to do with it,” Wes said and punched him in the mouth. “I won! It’s mine.”

  “No, it’s not!” Robby said as he ran around to the driver’s side and hopped into the car.

  “Robby, wait!” I called after him. Not to stop him from taking the car, but to stop him from driving at all. “Where did you go?” I asked Brody.

  “Over on Main. Lin gave him some shit because he was fucked up about losing his ride.”

  “And you let him use? Come on, Brody!”

  The car’s engine turned over and we jumped back when we realized he was really going to drive off. “Robby, get out of there! Robby!” I yelled and banged on the hood. “Come on, man. You’re in no position to drive now.”

  He revved some more and backed up so fast he almost ran Zeke over. He jumped out of the way just in time as the car skidded on the dirt. I ran over to the passenger door and tried to open it. “
Robby, get out!”

  “Fuck you, man! Fuck all of you!” he snarled and started off.

  I had to get him out of there before he got arrested. Or worse. Amidst laughter from Wes and his crew, I hung onto the window as the car dragged me a little way before I managed to scramble and lurch through the open window.

  “Pull this car over Robby! Now!”

  The car swerved, and Robby’s grip tightened on the wheel. He was high as fuck, and I was afraid for both of us. I gripped the steering and tried to take control of the vehicle, just as the car swerved and I slammed into the passenger door.

  He was laughing like a maniac when I looked back at him. “Think he can fool me and get away with it,” he said and sniffled. “No one’s taking my car from me.”


  Something told me to look in front of us, and I saw the car approaching fast. I glanced around and realized we were on the track and heading in the opposite direction. I heard the faint shouting in the distance as headlights bore down on us.

  “Robby, look out!” I shouted and grabbed the wheel.

  I tried to turn, but it was too late. My body was thrust violently forward as the car slammed into another. A shower of glass shards sprayed us, and a piercing pain ripped across my chest.

  The airbags ballooned into my face, almost suffocating me and I groaned as I tried to move. It was then that I saw the fire.

  “Shit,” I said and wrestled with the airbag in front of me.

  I glanced over, but Robby wasn’t moving. “Robby!” I called. “Wake up, man! We need to get out of here. Robby!”

  He groaned, but he didn’t move. I hadn’t gotten time to fasten my seatbelt after I’d gotten into the car, so I was able to move, though slowly as pain snaked up my arms.

  “Robby! Come on,” I said as I tried to crawl over to his side. I looked through the windshield and saw the fire lapping at us. It was getting closer, and I covered my nose as gas fumes embraced me.

  He wasn’t moving, but he was conscious.

  “Chad! Robby!” I heard Brody yelling from what sounded like far away. “Get out!”

  “I’m trying,” I grunted and tried to pull Robby. His seatbelt was caught. I couldn’t move him.


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