Buck Vs. the Bulldog Ants

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Buck Vs. the Bulldog Ants Page 12

by David Kersey


  The first thing I noticed was the void on the left side of the circle. Mort, not there. Wendell, not there. Two adjoining places, victims of the invasion now happening on the estate.

  I also noticed that Oliver had placed the dead bulldog ant on Wendell's seat, which was a small tree stump. How could something so little replace someone so much bigger?

  Candace lay beside the seated Penelope. Everyone else was in place. Strange, I had not heard Dorcas performing on the way here, but she was here, and so unusually mum.

  "Before we get started, I want everyone to come take a look at what lay on the top of Wendell's seat," I said.

  While they each took a look, I stated, "This is the bulldog ant. Don't touch it please, just look. One like it has stung Mort and he will not be here. He is in my kennel and being looked after. He should be fine. But friends, the ant you see there is resting in a place that will be empty from now on. Wendell has been killed by the ants that swarmed all over him."

  I heard gasps from just about everyone. Methusaleh had climbed up Wendell's stump and stared point blank into the dead eyes of the marauder. "I liked him even though he was a weasel," the mouse said.

  "Yeah, me too," Felicia added. Then said, "liked him better than you, you little runt. At least he'd play hide and seek!"

  Methusaleh countered by standing on his hind legs and moving his front legs back and forth like he was sifting sand. "Hey, what did I do to deserve that?"

  "It's a natural reaction to lash out like that when you're scared," Raspy said.

  "Shut up you silly rabbit." Felicia was surely on edge.

  "Ok folks, let's stow the hostility, we have a lot to discuss," I said, trying to calm the jitteriness down.

  But the volley was not yet done. "Don't you ever call a rabbit silly. If there's anyone silly, it's you, always playing games. At least I went from warren to warren to speak to my folks and told them to be vigilant, something I bet you didn't do. And besides that, I think you're ugly."

  Felicia leapt off her seat and charged at Raspy, when lo and behold, Randall jumped in the way, pointing at Felicia, and said in a slow but very authoritative voice, "You get back on your seat." Wow, I was thinking. Felicia slunk back on her seat and looked away.

  When order seemed to be restored, I continued. "Look, I know we're upset, I am too. But now is the time for us to come together as never before. We have to scuttle any of our feelings that are not productive. I have a lot to tell you, but before I do, I have some more bad news." With that, I looked at Candace, whose eyes were just barely visible above her crossed hooves. "Candace, I'm sad to report that another pig was killed at your farm, and there are many of the animals I'm sure you know on their way here. I want you to know how sorry I am for you."

  Candace whimpered as her eyes sunk below her hooves.

  I then continued by recounting most of the points I had heard last night in the secret room. Like where the ants came from. And at that point, I stopped and looked at Raspy. "You deserve some credit Raspy. The ant does look like a wasp, like you said, and it also is being brought here from Australia, which you also brought up."

  Before I started again, I asked, "Oliver, when you flew over the cornfield so many times today you said you saw logs that you hadn't noticed before. Can you elaborate on that?"

  "There are four logs, Buck, and each one has been split in two. They are pretty much side by side not far from the dirt road."

  Oh mercy, I thought. So then I was able to continue by saying that there could be as many as 12,000 of the bulldog ants on our land. I then shared about the parasite mites, that the mites were hitching rides on the ants, and the fact both species were altered, and the devastation each could cause. I told them to be very careful about what they ate. Inspect anything and everything before you put it in your mouth. They had to be warned that ingestion of the parasite could be fatal. I then went on by saying John was in the cornfield right now with many men who had come to help.

  I noticed Dorcas had wrapped her wings tightly around her chest and was shivering. "Dorcas, are you alright?"

  "I am jjjust sso vvery sscared, I ssttole ssome ccorn tthis mmmorning, aand tthen I aate it! I ddon't wwant to ddie."

  "That's probably a good thing that you're scared, Dorcas. If you're not sick now you are not infected according to what I heard last night. We all should be frightened but keep cool heads. We will win this battle," I said, trying to hide my own misgivings as to the truth of those words.

  "What should we do, Buck?" Methusaleh piped up.

  "Here's what I think. I am going to meet John as soon as we're done here, and depending on what I find out, we may have to meet again tonight. Until then, go make sure your folks are aware and stand guard. If you see the ants coming, run, don't fight them. This woodlands is safe territory for right now. Come here if you're on the run and I think you'll be safe here. Keep in mind that the bulldog ant has good eyesight. If they see you, they may charge, so keep at least ten feet away, they can't see that far. As a last resort, if you think you’re in big trouble, run for one of the ponds and jump in. They don't like water and will not come after you there."

  I continued, "Oliver, let me here the loudest shriek you can make." Which he did, probably not strong enough but it would have to do. "If we need to meet again tonight, I'm going to have Oliver fly over the estate and he'll make that same shriek. That will be your signal to come running to right here."

  "And Oliver, do us all a favor and take this dead ant and lay it on the stair steps of the main house, please."

  When I had finished asking Oliver, I howled as loud as I could, causing Stammer to hide behind his log. "Oliver, if you hear me howl just like that, you come find me because it will be time for you to do your mission."

  "Be careful, and remember, we will win, and we are stronger as a group. Keep the good faith."

  I motioned for Cassie to join me and we left the clearing.


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