Buck Vs. the Bulldog Ants

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Buck Vs. the Bulldog Ants Page 34

by David Kersey


  As I expected, I found Mort in the cornfield. He does love his corn. “Mort, we are going to meet in the clearing in a few minutes. Please be present, I need you there, and if you see other members on your way there make sure they know it’s compulsory to attend.

  “WWhhhaaatttt’ss tthhissss aabbbouuttt, BBuuuccckkkk?”

  “Don’t sweat it Mort. John is bringing a woman out to the clearing to observe how we conduct ourselves. Not a biggie by any means.”

  “OOkkkk, II’lllll beee ttthheerrre.”

  Oliver lit in the corn row that Mort and I were occupying. Cassie told me about the meeting. I have alerted Methusaleh and Randall but haven’t seen Penny or the others yet. I’ll keep searching. Cassie thought we should be there in about a half hour, is that your understanding, Buck?”

  “Yeah, that’s about right. Mort and I are headed there now. Thanks Oliver. You’ve already seen the woman that is coming to observe us, so if you get there before Mort and I, tell whoever is there to behave.”

  As Oliver flew away, I said to Mort, “I’m going on ahead, Mort, to look for Stammer and Raspy and Penny. I’ll see you there.”

  “Ookkkk, BBuuuccckkkk.”


  “I guess you could say I’m a Civil War buff,” John explained to Marlene as they inspected his prized Harley in the garage. “It’s a ’77 Confederate Edition, distinguished by its metallic grey finish and Confederate flag decals. I ride it once in a while, but mostly is just part of my collection of relics and commemorative items.”

  “Are you a South sympathizer?”

  “No, I’m neutral. I don’t favor either. Both sides were justified in their actions. You might not want to get me started on that since my opinions are quite negative.”

  “I like to ride bikes. It’s actually part of the canine training. The dogs are taught to run alongside the bikes we use, mostly worn out Harley’s, but lately we’ve brought in some AWD Christinis since they are more aptly suited for the kind of terrain encountered in the Middle East. But I think I’d thoroughly enjoy a ride in this. What in the world is it?”

  “Ah, this is my pride and joy. It’s a 1936 Mercedes Centaur. There were only 75 of these beauties built.”

  “Oh my, John, it’s absolutely beautiful. I love the two tone red and maroon paint and the sand colored convertible top. Look at all the lamps, and that hood is as long as I’ve ever seen on a car. I love the way the running boards swoop up into the fenders. It’s gorgeous.”

  “See the rumble seat in the back? Buck and Cassie love to ride back there when I take it for a cruise.”

  “Before I leave could we take it out for a spin, the four of us? I would absolutely love that.”

  “Of course. It’s time to start her up again. She gets finicky if I don’t let her stretch her legs every so often. Hang on.”

  John momentarily disappeared behind the car and then opened the driver’s door and turned the key. As he hoped would happen, the engine leaped into action. He raced the engine a few times and then shut her off. “I’ve named her Beverly.”

  “John, is there, or has there been a Mrs. Christianson?”

  “Marlene, would you mind going first on that?”

  “Ok. Yes, there is a Mr. Johnson. Charles Johnson. He is in Afghanistan and is a sergeant in the K-9 ops. His dog is Oscar and they’ve been through hell together. Charles is my son, John. His dad, Robert, was killed in action in January, ’91, during Desert Storm. Charles was only one year old when his dad died, so he never really knew him. I’ve not remarried though I’ve had some chances. Your turn.”

  “I’d prefer to wait on that, though I will tell you I’ve been single for seven years. I’m a widower, but I want to tell you more about it when we return to the house. You’ll see why then. I’m sorry to hear of your loss, I know it well. Let’s walk, there’s more beauty to see.”

  “This is an experiment,” John explained as they paused their stroll. “The meadow you see has over sixty species of plants. I am employed by a pesticide company and we run tests here to see what resistance levels each specie has to various chemicals. We also experiment with fertilizers but that’s not our main business. As you may be able to tell, we have been successful in controlling the various pests that want to forage here. Isn’t it beautiful?”

  “Like a Monet painting, John, or a Wyeth, it’s stunningly gorgeous. I see about every color imaginable. What do you do at the pesticide company?”

  “I run it, and I’ll tell you more about that when I explain about my former wife. I don’t want to sound mysterious, but I think you’ll see why I want to delay my answer.

  “What’s the name of the company?”

  “Agrapest Chemical Company.”

  “Oh my God, John, I thought the CEO was busted and jailed last year. Was that you?”

  “Like I say, it’s a long story, but no, that was my predecessor that was busted. I’ll explain later. As soon as we travel a short distance through these hardwoods, we’ll be in the presence of several animals and that’s what I want you to observe. I suggest we just watch and not intervene since they are nervous around humans, at least some of them are.”


  All nine of us were present when John and Marlene arrived. Some of the circle were apprehensive about having John, or any other human, in our vicinity. Humans have guns and have been known to shoot animals just for the fun of it. I had forewarned the group that this meeting would be nothing to sweat over, that John and the woman simply wanted to observe how we interact. I didn’t tell them that the woman had a handgun in her purse. That wouldn’t have set well.

  John and Marlene stood at the edge of the clearing with their backs to the hardwoods. I was relieved to see that she had left her purse at the house. John made an air circle with his hand and I knew what that meant.

  “Ok, we are being observed. That’s all this is about. Don’t fret and just act like you normally would, so who wants to say something first?”

  “I will.” Penny said. “Why is this happening? I don’t have a good feeling about this, Buck. Please fill us in on what’s going on? We’ve never had humans here to watch us, never, ever.”

  “I will.” Oliver intervened. “Buck is being examined and I fear he will be taken away from us for a while. I have overheard some of what the woman was saying and saw what she was doing with Buck when she first arrived. I don’t have a good feeling either, Penny.”

  “Nnnoooooo! PPllleeeaaassseee nnnoooo, BBuuuccckkk.”

  “Is this about your eyesight?” Randall said.

  “I don’t think so, Randall, though I’m not sure how to answer your concerns since I don’t know much of anything yet. I would guess it’s about how we have learned to communicate.”

  I have very good hearing, and I heard Marlene whisper, “My God, John, this is freaking unbelievable. They are seated in a perfect circle and are obviously communicating with each other. I need a picture of this. No one will believe me otherwise.”

  I turned and saw John place his hand on Marlene’s arm as she was attempting to aim her cell phone.

  “No Marlene, I can’t allow that. These animals deserve to live their lives peacefully. A picture would totally disrupt their lives with all the notoriety that would stir up. But you needed to see this to more or less expand your horizon. I bet you surmise even more possibilities now.”

  John looked at me and nodded, then turned to escort Marlene back through the hardwoods.

  “Whew,” Methusaleh gasped as he wiped his brow with tiny fingers, “I’m as nervous as a titmouse at a cat convention.”

  “Ok, folks,” I almost was apologizing, “thanks for coming on short notice. John brought the woman here so I am comfortable that he thought it best to do so. Once I know more about what she wants to do with me I’ll let you know. Right now I don’t know squat. Catch ya l


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