The Sanskrit Epics

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The Sanskrit Epics Page 509

by Delphi Classics

  “Sanjaya continued, ‘Thus addressed, the charioteer urged to their utmost speed those well-trained coursers of delightful pace and of the hue of the moon. Those excellent animals, endued with the speed of the wind or thought, proceeded, devouring the very skies, and bore Yuyudhana to the spot where those Yavanas were. Thereupon, the Yavanas, many in number and endued with lightness of hands, approaching unretreating Satyaki, covered him with showers of arrows. The rushing Satyaki, however, O king, cut off by means of his own straight arrows, all those shafts and weapons of the Yavanas. Inflamed with wrath, Yuyudhana then, with his straight shafts of great sharpness, winged with gold and vulture’s feathers, cut off the heads and arms of those Yavanas. Many of those arrows, again, piercing through their coats of mail, made of iron and brass, entered the earth. Struck by the brave Satyaki in that battle, the Mlecchas began to fall down on the earth in hundreds, deprived of life. With his arrows shot in continuous lines from his bow drawn to its fullest stretch, that hero began to slay five, six, seven, or eight Yavanas at a time. Thousands of Kamvojas, and Sakas, and Barbaras, were similarly slain by Satyaki. Indeed, the grandson of Sini, causing a great carnage among thy troops, made the earth impassable and miry with flesh and blood. The field of battle was strewn with the head-gears of those robbers and their shaved heads too that looked, in consequence of their long beards, like featherless birds. Indeed, the field of battle covered with headless trunks dyed all over with blood, looked beautiful like the welkin covered with coppery clouds. Slain by Satwata by means of his straight shafts whose touch resembled that of Indra’s thunder, the Yavanas covered the surface of the earth. The small remnant of those mail-clad troops vanquished in battle, O king, by Satwata, becoming cheerless, their lives on the point of being taken, broke and urging their steeds with goads and whips to their utmost speed, fled from fear in all directions. Routing the invincible Kamvoja host in battle, O Bharata, as also that host of the Yavanas and that large force of the Sakas, that tiger among men who had penetrated into thy army, viz., Satyaki, of prowess incapable of being baffled, crowned with victory, urged his charioteer, saying, “Proceed!” Beholding that feat of his in battle, never before achieved by any one else, the Charanas and the Gandharvas applauded him highly. Indeed, O king, the Charanas, as also thy warriors, beholding Yuyudhana thus proceeded for aiding Arjuna, became filled with delight (at his heroism).’”


  “SANJAYA SAID, ‘HAVING thus vanquished the Yavanas and the Kamvojas that foremost of car-warriors, viz., Yuyudhana, proceeded towards Arjuna, right through the midst of thy troops. Like a hunter slaying deer, that tiger among men, (Satyaki), endued with beautiful teeth, clad in excellent armour, and owning a beautiful standard, slew the Kaurava troops and inspired them with fear. Proceeding on his car, he shook his bow with great force, that bow, the back of whose staff was decked with gold, whose toughness was great, and which was adorned with many golden moons. His arms decked with golden Angadas, his head-gear adorned with gold; his body clad in golden mail, his standard and bow also was so embellished with gold, that he shone like the summit of Meru. Himself shedding such effulgence, and bearing that circular bow in his hand, he looked like a second sun in autumn. That bull among men, possessing the shoulders and the tread and eyes of a bull, looked in the midst of thy troops, like a bull in a cow-pen. Thy warriors approached him from desire of slaughter like a tiger approaching the leader, with rent temples, of an elephant-herd, standing proudly in the midst of his herd, resembling as he did and possessed as he was of the tread of an infuriated elephant. Indeed, after he had passed through Drona’s division, and the unfordable division of the Bhojas, after he had forded through the sea of Jalasandha’s troops as also the host of the Kamvojas, after he had escaped the alligator constituted by Hridika’s son, after he had traversed those ocean-like host, many car-warriors of thy army, excited with wrath, surrounded Satyaki. And Duryodhana and Chitrasena and Duhsasana and Vivinsati, and Sakuni and Duhsaha, and the youthful Durdharshana, and Kratha, and many other brave warriors well-conversant with weapons and difficult of defeat, wrathfully followed Satyaki from behind as he proceeded onwards. Then, O sire, loud was the uproar that arose among thy troops, resembling that of the ocean itself at full tide when lashed into fury by the tempest. Beholding all those warriors rushing at him, that bull among the Sinis smilingly addressed his charioteer, saying, “Proceed slowly. The Dhartarashtra force, swelling (with rage and pride), and teeming with elephants and steeds and cars and foot-soldiers, that is rushing with speed towards me, filling the ten points of the compass with deep roar of its cars, O charioteer, and causing the earth, the welkin, and the very seas, to tremble, therewith, — this sea of troops, O driver, I will resist in great battle, like the continent resisting the ocean swelling to its utmost height at full moon. Behold, O charioteer, my prowess which is equal to that of Indra himself in great battle. I will consume this hostile force by means of my whetted arrows. Behold these foot-soldiers and horsemen and car-warriors, and elephants slain by me in thousands, their bodies pierced with my fiery arrows.” While saying these words (unto his charioteer), those combatants from desire of battle, speedily came before Satyaki of immeasurable prowess. They made a loud noise, saying as they came, “Slay, Rush, Wait, See, See!” Of those brave warriors that said these words, Satyaki, by means of his sharp arrows, slew three hundred horsemen and four hundred elephants. The passage at arms between those united bowmen (on the one side) and Satyaki (on the other) was exceedingly fierce, resembling that between the gods and the Asuras (in days of old). An awful carnage set in. The grandson of Sini received with his shafts resembling snakes of virulent poison that force, O sire, of thy son which looked like a mass of clouds. Shrouding every side, in that battle with his arrowy downpours, that valiant hero, O monarch, fearlessly slew a large number of thy troops. Exceedingly wonderful, O king, was the sight that I witnessed there, viz., that not an arrow even, O lord, of Satyaki failed in effect. That sea of troops, abounding in cars and elephants and steeds, and full of waves constituted by foot-soldiers, stood still as soon as it came in contact with the Satyaki continent. That host consisting of panic-stricken combatants and elephants and steeds, slaughtered on all sides by Satyaki with his shafts repeatedly turned round, and wandered hither and thither as if afflicted with the chilling blasts of winter. We saw not foot-soldiers or car-warriors or elephants or horsemen or steeds that were not struck with Yuyudhana’s arrows. Not even Phalguna, O king, had caused such a carnage there as Satyaki, O monarch, then caused among those troops. That bull among men, viz., the dauntless grandson of Sini, endued with great lightness of hand and displaying the utmost skill, fighteth, surpassing Arjuna himself. Then king Duryodhana pierced the charioteer of Satwata with three keen shafts and his four steeds with four shafts. And he pierced Satyaki himself with three arrows and once again with eight. And Duhsasana pierced that bull among the Sinis with sixteen arrows. And Sakuni pierced him with five and twenty arrows and Chitrasena with five. And Duhsasana pierced Satyaki in the chest with five and ten arrows. That tiger amongst the Vrishnis then, thus struck with their arrows, proudly pierced every one of them, O monarch, with three arrows. Deeply piercing all his foes with shafts endued with great energy, the grandson of Sini, possessed of great activity and prowess, careered on the field with the celerity of a hawk. Cutting off the bow of Suvala’s son and the leathern fence that cased his hand, Yuyudhana pierced Duryodhana in the centre of the chest with three shafts. And he pierced Chitrasena with a hundred arrows, and Duhsaha with ten. And that bull of Sini’s race then pierced Duhsasana with twenty arrows. Thy brother-in-law (Sakuni) then, O king, taking up another bow, pierced Satyaki with eight arrows and once more with five. And Duhsasana pierced him with three. And Durmukha, O king, pierced Satyaki with a dozen shafts. And Duryodhana, having pierced Madhava with three and seventy arrows, then pierced his charioteer with three keen shafts. Then Satyaki pierced each of those brave and mighty car-warriors vigorously contending in ba
ttle together with five shafts in return. Then the foremost of car-warriors, (viz., Yuyudhana) speedily struck thy son’s charioteer with a broad-headed shaft; whereupon, the latter deprived of life, fell down on the earth. Upon the fall of the charioteer, O lord, thy son’s car was taken away from the battle by the steeds yoked thereto, with the speed of the wind. Then thy sons, O king, and the other warriors, O monarch, setting their eyes on the king’s car fled away in hundreds. Beholding that host fly away, O Bharata, Satyaki covered it with showers of keen shafts whetted on stone and equipped with wings of gold. Routing all thy combatants counting by thousands, Satyaki, O king, proceeded towards the car of Arjuna. Indeed, thy troops worshipped Yuyudhana, beholding him shooting arrows and protecting his charioteer and himself as he fought in battle.’”


  “DHRITARASHTRA SAID, ‘BEHOLDING the grandson of Sini proceeding towards Arjuna, grinding as he went that large force, what, indeed, O Sanjaya, did those shameless sons of mine do? When Yuyudhana who is equal to Savyasachin himself was before them, how, indeed, could those wretches, that were at the point of death, set their hearts upon battle? What also did all those Kshatriyas, vanquished in battle, then, do? How, indeed, could Satyaki of world-wide renown pass through them in battle? How also, O Sanjaya, when my sons were alive, could the grandson of Sini go to battle? Tell me all this. This is exceedingly wonderful, O sire, that I have heard from thee, viz., this encounter between one and the many, the latter, again, being all mighty car-warriors. O Suta, I think, Destiny is now unpropitious to my sons, since so many mighty car-warriors have been slain by that one warrior of the Satwata race. Alas, O Sanjaya, my army is no match for even one warrior, viz., Yuyudhana inflamed with wrath. Let all the Pandavas hang up these weapons. Vanquishing in battle Drona himself who skilled in weapons and conversant with all modes of warfare, Satyaki will slay my sons, like a lion slaying smaller animals. Numerous heroes, of whom Kritavarman is the first, contending vigorously in battle, could not slay Yuyudhana. The latter, without doubt, will slay my sons. Phalguna himself fought not in the manner in which the renowned grandson of Sini has fought.’

  “Sanjaya said, ‘All this, O king, has been brought about by thy evil counsels and the acts of Duryodhana. Listen attentively to what, O Bharata, I say unto thee. At the command of thy son, the Samsaptakas, rallying, all resolved upon fighting fiercely. Three thousand bowmen headed by Duryodhana, with a number of Sakas and Kamvojas and Valhikas and Yavanas and Paradas, and Kalingas and Tanganas and Amvashtas and Pisachas and Barbaras and mountaineers, O monarch, inflamed with rage and armed with stone, all rushed against the grandson of Sini like insects against a blazing fire. Five hundred other warriors, O king, similarly rushed against Satyaki. And another mighty body consisting of a thousand cars, a hundred great car-warriors, a thousand elephants, two thousand heroes, and countless foot-soldiers, also rushed against the grandson of Sini. Duhsasana, O Bharata, urging all those warriors, saying, “Slay him,” surrounded Satyaki therewith. Grand and wonderful was the conduct that we then beheld of Sini’s grandson, inasmuch as alone he fought fearlessly with those innumerable foes. And he slew that entire body of car-warriors and that elephant force, and all those horsemen and that entire body of robbers. Like the autumnal firmament bespangled with stars, the field of battle there became strewn with car-wheels broken and crushed by means of his mighty weapons with innumerable Akshas and beautiful cart-shafts reduced to fragments, with crushed elephants and fallen standards, with coats of mail and shields scattered all about, with garlands and ornaments and robes and Anuskarshas, O sire! Many foremost of elephants, huge as hills, and born of the race of Anjana or Vamana, O Bharata, or of other races, many foremost of tuskers, O king, lay there on the ground, deprived of life. And Satyaki slew, O monarch, many foremost of steeds of the Vanayu, the mountain, the Kamvoja and the Valhika breeds. And the grandson of Sini also slew foot-soldiers there, in hundreds and thousands, born in various realms and belonging to various nations. Whilst those soldiers were being thus slaughtered, Duhsasana, addressing the robbers said, “Ye warriors unacquainted with morality, fight! Why do you retreat?” Beholding them run away without paying any heed to his words, thy son Duhsasana urged on the brave mountaineers, skilled in fighting with stones, saying, “Ye are accomplished in battling with stones. Satyaki is ignorant of this mode of warfare. Stay ye, therefore, that warrior who, though desirous of battle, is ignorant of your mode of fight. The Kauravas also are all unacquainted with this mode of battle. Rush ye at Satyaki. Do not fear. Satyaki will not be able to approach you.” Thus urged, those Kshatriyas dwelling on the mountains, all acquainted with the method of fighting with stones, rushed towards the grandson of Sini like ministers towards a king. Those denizens of the mountain then, with stones huge as elephants’ heads uplifted in their hands, stood before Yuyudhana in that battle. Others, urged by thy son, and desirous of slaying Satwata, encompassed the latter on all sides, armed with missiles. Then, Satyaki, aiming at those warriors rushing at him from desire of fighting with stones, sped at them showers of keen shafts. That bull amongst the Sinis, with those shafts looking like snakes, cut into fragments that dense shower of stones thrown by the mountaineers. The fragments of those stones, looking like a swarm of blazing fire-flies, slew many combatants there, whereupon, O sire, cries of oh and alas arose on the field. Then, again, five hundred brave warriors with huge stones uplifted in their hands, fell down, O king, on the ground, their arms cut off. And once more a full thousand, and again a hundred thousand, amongst others, fell down without being able to approach Satyaki, their arms with stones still in grasp cut off by him. Indeed, Satyaki slew many thousands of those warriors fighting with stones. All this seemed exceedingly wonderful. Then many of them, returning to the fight, hurled at Satyaki showers of stones. And armed with swords and lances many Daradas and Tanganas and Khasas and Lampakas and Pulindas, hurled their weapons at him. Satyaki however, well-conversant with the application of weapons, cut off those stones and weapons by means of his shafts. Those stones while being pierced, broken in the welkin by Satyaki’s whetted shafts, produced a fierce noise, at which many car-warriors and steeds and elephants fled away from battle. And struck with the fragments of those stones, men and elephants and steeds, became incapable of staying in battle, for they felt as if they were bit by wasps. The small remnant of the elephants (that had attacked Satyaki), covered with blood, their heads, and frontal globes split open, then fled away from Yuyudhana’s car. Then there arose among thy troops, O sire, while they were being thus ground by Madhava a noise like that of the ocean at full tide. Hearing that great uproar, Drona, addressing his charioteer, said, “O Suta, that great car-warrior of the Satwata race, excited with wrath, is tearing our army into diverse fragments, and careering in battle like the Destroyer himself. Take thou the car to that spot whence this furious uproar is coming. Without doubt, Yuyudhana is engaged with the mountaineers who battle with stones. Our car-warriors are seen also to be borne away by their wildly running steeds. Many amongst them, weaponless and armourless and wounded, are falling down. The charioteers are unable to check their steeds as these are rushing wildly.” Hearing these words of Bharadwaja’s son, the charioteer said unto Drona, that foremost of wielders of weapons, “Thou blest with length of days, the Kaurava troops are flying away. Behold, our warriors, routed (by the foe), are flying in all directions. There, again, those heroes, viz., the Panchalas, and the Pandavas, united together, are rushing from all sides from desire of slaughtering thee. O chastiser of foes, do thou determine which of these tasks should first demand attention. Should we stay here (to meet the advancing Pandava), or should we proceed (towards Satyaki)? As regards Satyaki, he is now far ahead of us.” While the charioteer, O sire, was speaking thus unto Bharadwaja’s son, the grandson of Sini suddenly appeared to the view, engaged in slaughtering a large number of car-warriors. Those troops of thine, while being thus slaughtered by Yuyudhana in battle, fled away from Yuyudhana’s car towards where Drona’s divis
ion was. Those (other) car-warriors also with whom Duhsasana had proceeded, all struck with panic, similarly rushed to the spot where Drona’s car was seen.’”


  “SANJAYA SAID, ‘BEHOLDING Duhsasana’s car staying near his, the son of Bharadwaja, addressing Duhsasana, said these words, “Why, O Duhsasana, are all these cars flying away? Is the king well? Is the ruler of the Sindhus yet alive? Thou art a prince. Thou art a brother of the king. Thou art a mighty car-warrior. Why dost thou fly away from battle? (Securing the throne to thy brother), become thou that Prince-Regent. Thou hadst formerly said unto Draupadi, ‘Thou art our slave, having been won by us at dice. Without being confined to thy husbands, cast aside thy chastity. Be thou a bearer of robes to the king, my eldest brother. Thy husbands are all dead. They are as worthless as grains of sesamum without kernel.’ Having said these words then, why, O Duhsasana, dost thou fly from battle now? Having thyself provoked such fierce hostilities with the Panchalas and the Pandavas, why art thou afraid in battle in the presence of Satyaki alone? Taking up the dice on the occasion of the gambling match, couldst thou not divine that those dice then handled by thee would soon transform themselves into fierce shafts resembling snakes of virulent poison? It was thou that hadst formerly applied diverse abusive epithets towards the Pandavas. The woes of Draupadi have thee for their root. Where now is that pride, that insolence, that brag of thine? Why dost thou fly, having angered the Pandavas, those terrible snakes of virulent poison? When thou that art a brave brother of Suyodhana, are intent on flight, without doubt, O hero, thou shouldst today protect, relying on the energy of thy own arms, this routed and panic-stricken Kaurava host. Without doing this, thou, however, forsakest the battle in fear and enhancest the joy of thy foes. O slayer of foes, when thou that art the leader of thy host, fliest away thus, who else will stay in battle? When thou, its refuge, art frightened, who is there that will not be frightened? Fighting with a single warrior of the Satwata race, thy heart is inclined towards flight from battle. What, however, O Kaurava, wilt thou do when thou wilt see the wielder of Gandiva in battle, or Bhimasena, or the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva)? The shafts of Satyaki, frightened by which thou seekest safety in flight, are scarcely equal to those of Phalguna in battle that resemble the sun or fire in splendour. If thy heart is firmly bent on flight, let the sovereignty of the earth then, upon the conclusion of peace, be given to king Yudhishthira the Just. Before the shafts of Phalguna, resembling snakes freed from their sloughs, enter thy body, make peace with the Pandavas. Before the high-souled Parthas, slaying thy hundred brothers in battle, wrest the earth by force, make peace with the Pandavas. Before king Yudhishthira is enraged, and Krishna also, that delighter in battle, makes peace with the Pandavas. Before the mighty-armed Bhima, penetrating into this vast host, seizes thy brothers, make peace with the Pandavas. Bhishma formerly told thy brother Suyodhana, ‘The Pandavas are unconquerable in battle. O amiable one, make peace with them.’ Thy wicked brother Suyodhana however, did not do it. Therefore, setting thy heart firmly on battle, fight vigorously with the Pandavas. Go quickly on thy car to the spot where Satyaki is. Without thee, O Bharata, this host will fly away. For the sake of thy own self, fight in battle with Satyaki, of prowess incapable of being baffled.” Thus addressed (by Drona), thy son said not a word in reply. Feigning not to have heard the words (of Bharadwaja’s son), Duhsasana proceeded to the place where Satyaki was. Accompanied by a large force of unretreating Mlecchas, and coming upon Satyaki in battle, Duhsasana fought vigorously with that hero. Drona also, that foremost of car-warriors, excited with wrath, rushed against the Panchalas and the Pandavas, with moderate speed. Penetrating into the midst of the Pandava host in that battle, Drona began to crush their warriors by hundreds and thousands. And Drona, O king, proclaiming his name in that battle, caused a great carnage among the Pandavas, the Panchalas, and the Matsyas. The illustrious Viraketu, the son of the ruler of the Panchalas, rushed against the son of Bharadwaja who thus engaged in vanquishing the Pandava ranks. Piercing Drona with five straight shafts, that prince then pierced Drona’s standard with one shaft, and then his charioteer with seven. The sight that I then beheld, O monarch, in that battle, was exceedingly wonderful, inasmuch as Drona, though exerting himself vigorously could not approach the prince of the Panchalas. Then, O sire, the Panchalas, beholding Drona checked in battle, surrounded the latter on all sides, O king, from desire of king Yudhishthira’s victory. And those warriors then covered Drona along with showers of fiery shafts and strong lances and various other kinds of weapons, O king! Baffling then those dense showers of weapons by means of his own numerous shafts like the wind driving away from the welkin masses of clouds, Drona looked exceedingly resplendent. Then that slayer of hostile heroes (the son of Bharadwaja), aimed a fierce shaft endued with the effulgence of the sun or the fire, at the car of Viraketu. The shaft, O monarch, piercing through the prince of Panchala, quickly entered the earth, bathed in blood and blazing like a flame of fire. Then the prince of the Panchalas quickly fell down from his car, like a Champaka tree uprooted by the wind, falling down from a mountain summit. Upon the fall of that great bowman, that prince endued with great might, the Panchalas speedily encompassed Drona on every side. Then Chitraketu, and Sudhanwan, and Chitravarman, O Bharata, and Chitraratha also, all afflicted with grief on account of their (slain) brother, together rushed against the son of Bharadwaja, desirous of battling with him, and shooting shafts (at him) like the clouds (pouring) at the end of summer. Struck from all sides by those mighty car-warriors of royal lineage, that bull among Brahmanas mustered all his energy and wrath for their destruction. Then Drona shot showers of shafts at them. Struck with those shafts of Drona shot from his bow to its fullest stretch, those princes, O best of monarchs, became confounded and knew not what to do. The angry Drona, O Bharata, beholding those princes stupefied, smilingly deprived them of their steeds and charioteers and cars in that battle. Then the illustrious son of Bharadwaja, by means of his sharp arrows and broad-headed shafts, cut off their heads, like a person plucking flowers from a tree. Deprived of life, those princes there, O king of great splendour, fell down from their cars on the earth, like the (slain) Daityas and Danavas in the battle between the gods and the Asuras in days of old. Having slain them in battle, O king, the valiant son of Bharadwaja shook his invincible bow, the back of whose staff was decked with gold. Beholding those mighty car-warriors, resembling the very celestials among the Panchalas slain, Dhrishtadyumna inflamed with rage, shed tears in that battle. Excited with wrath, he rushed, in that encounter, against Drona’s car. Then, O king, cries of woe suddenly arose there at the sight of Drona covered with arrows by the prince of Panchala. Completely shrouded by the high-souled son of Prishata, Drona, however, suffered no pain. On the other hand, he continued to fight, smiling the while. The prince of the Panchalas then, furious with rage, struck Drona in the chest with many straight shafts. Deeply pierced by that mighty warrior, the illustrious son Of Bharadwaja sat down on the terrace of his car and fell into a swoon. Beholding him in that condition, Dhrishtadyumna endued with great prowess and energy, laid aside his bow and quickly took up a sword. That mighty car-warrior then, speedily jumping down from his own car, mounted that of Bharadwaja, O sire, in no time, his eyes red in wrath and impelled by the desire of cutting Drona’s head from off his trunk. Meanwhile, the valiant Drona, regaining his senses, took up his bow and seeing Dhrishtadyumna arrived so near him from desire of slaughter, began to pierce that mighty car-warrior with shafts measuring a span only in length and therefore, fit to be used in close fight. Those arrows of the measure of a span and fit to be used in close fight, were known to Drona, O king! And with them he succeeded in weakening Dhrishtadyumna. The mighty Dhrishtadyumna, struck with a large number of those arrows, quickly jumped down from Drona’s car. Then, that hero of great prowess, his impetuosity baffled, mounted upon his own car and once more took up his large bow. And the mighty car-warrior Dhrishtadyumna once more began to pierce Drona in t
hat battle. And Drona also, O monarch, began to pierce the son of Prishata with his arrows. Thereupon, the battle that took place between Drona and the prince of the Panchalas was wonderful in the extreme, like that between Indra and Prahlada, both desirous of the sovereignty of the three worlds. Both conversant with the ways of battle, they careered over the field, displaying diverse motions of their cars and mangling each other with their shafts. And Drona and Prishata’s son, stupefying the mind of the warriors, shot showers of shafts like two mighty clouds (pouring torrents of rain) in the rainy season. And those illustrious warriors shrouded with their shafts the welkin, the points of the compass, and the earth. And all creatures, viz., the Kshatriyas, O king, and all the other combatants there, highly applauded that battle between them. And the Panchalas, O king, loudly exclaimed, “Without doubt, Drona, having encountered Dhrishtadyumna in battle, will succumb to us. Then Drona, in that battle, quickly cut off the head of Dhristadyumna’s charioteer like a person plucking a ripe fruit from a tree. Then the steeds, O king, of the high-souled Dhrishtadyumna ran away and after those steeds had carried away Dhrishtadyumna from the field, Drona, endued with great prowess, began to rout the Panchalas and the Srinjayas in that battle. Having vanquished the Pandus and the Panchalas, Bharadwaja’s son of great prowess, that chastiser of foes, once more took up his station in the midst of his own array. And the Pandavas, O lord, ventured not to vanquish him in battle.”’”


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