The Sanskrit Epics

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by Delphi Classics

  Chapters IV. and V.

  Consult especially Macdonell, Vedic Mythology, in Bühler’s Encyclopædia, vol. iii. part 1 (complete bibliography), 1897; also Kaegi, op. cit.; Muir, Original Sanskrit Texts, vol. v., 3rd ed., London, 1884; Barth, The Religions of India, English trans., London, 1882; Hopkins, The Religions of India, Boston, 1895; Oldenberg, Die Religion des Veda, Berlin, 1894; Bergaigne, La Religion Védique, 3 vols., Paris, 1878–83; Pischel and Geldner, Vedische Studien, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1889–92; Deussen, Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. i. part 1: Philosophie des Veda, Leipsic, 1894. On method of interpretation (p–64), cf. Muir, The Interpretation of the Veda, in the Journal of the Roy. As. Soc., 1866. Page 68: On the modification of the threefold division of the universe among the Greeks, cf. Kaegi, op. cit., note 118. P. 128: On dice in India and the Vibhīdaka tree, cf. Roth in Gurupūjākaumudī, p–4, Leipsic, 1896.

  Chapter VI.

  Consult especially Zimmer, Altindisches Leben, Berlin, 1879. On the home of the Rigvedic Aryans () cf. Hopkins, The Panjāb and the Rig-Veda, Journal of the Am. Or. Soc., 1898, ff. On the Haṃsa () cf. Lanman, The Milk-drinking Han˙sas of Sanskrit Poetry, ibid., ff. On the Vedic tribes (p–157), cf. Excursus I. in Oldenberg’s Buddha, Berlin, 1897. On the origin of the castes () cf. Oldenberg, Journal of the Germ. Or. Soc., 1897, p–290; R. Fick, Die Sociale Gliederung im nordöstlichen Indien zu Buddha’s Zeit, Kiel, 1897.

  Chapter VII.

  Sāmaveda: text with German trans. and glossary, ed. by Benfey, Leipsic, 1848; by Satyavrata Sāmaçramī, Calcutta, 1873 (Bibl. Ind.), trans. by Griffith, Benares, 1893. Yajurveda: 1. Vājasaneyi Saṃhitā, ed. Weber, with the comm. of Mahīdhara, London, Berlin, 1852; trans. by Griffith, Benares, 1899; 2. Taittirīya Saṃhitā, ed. (in Roman characters) Weber, Berlin, 1871–72 (vols. xi.–xii. of Indische Studien); also edited with the comm. of Mādhava in the Bibl. Ind.; 3. Maitrāyaṇī Saṃhitā, ed. (with introduction) by L. v. Schroeder, Leipsic, 1881–86; 4. Kāṭhaka Saṃhitā, ed. in preparation by the same scholar. Atharvaveda: text ed. Roth and Whitney, Berlin, 1856 (index verborum in the Journal of the Am. Or. Soc., vol. xii.); trans. into English verse by Griffith, 2 vols., Benares, 1897, and (with the omission of less important hymns) by Bloomfield into English prose, with copious notes, vol. xlii. of the Sacred Books of the East. Subject-matter: Bloomfield, The Atharvaveda in Bühler’s Encyclopædia, Strasburg, 1899.

  Chapter VIII.

  Aitareya Brāhmaṇa, ed. Aufrecht, Bonn, 1879 (best edition); ed. and trans. by Haug, 2 vols., Bombay, 1863; Kaushītaki or Çānkhāyana Brāhmaṇa, ed. Lindner, Jena, 1887; Aitareya Āraṇyaka, ed. R. Mitra, Calcutta, 1876 (Bibl. Ind.); Kaushītaki Āraṇyaka, unedited; Tāṇḍya Mahābrāhmaṇa or Panchaviṃça Brāhmaṇa, ed. A. Vedāntavāgīça, Calcutta, 1869–74 (Bibl. Ind.); Shaḍviṃça Brāhmaṇa, ed. J. Vidyāsāgara, 1881; ed. with trans. by Klemm, Gütersloh, 1894; Sāmavidhāna Brāhmaṇa, ed. Burnell, London, 1873, trans. by Konow, Halle, 1893; Vaṃça Brāhmaṇa, ed. Weber, Indische Studien, vol. iv. p ff., and by Burnell, Mangalore, 1873. Burnell also edited the Devatādhyāya Br., 1873, the Ārsheya Br., 1876, Saṃhitā Upanishad Br., 1877; Mantra Br., ed. S. Sāmaçramī, Calc., 1890; Jaiminīya or Talavakāra Br., ed. in part by Burnell, 1878, and by Oertel, with trans. and notes, in the Journal of the Am. Or. Soc., vol. xvi. p–260; Taittirīya Br., ed. R. Mitra, 1855–70 (Bibl. Ind.), N. Godabole, Ānand. Ser., 1898; Taittirīya Āraṇyaka, ed. H. N. Apte, Ānand. Ser., Poona, 1898; Çatapatha Br., ed. Weber, Berlin, London, 1859; trans. by Eggeling in Sacred Books, 5 vols.; Gopatha Br., ed. R. Mitra and H. Vidyābhūshaṇa, 1872 (Bibl. Ind.), fully described in Bloomfield’s Atharvaveda, p–124, in Bühler’s Encyclopædia, 1899. The most important work on the Upanishads in general is Deussen, Die Philosophie der Upanishads, Leipsic, 1899; trans. of several Upanishads by Max Müller, Sacred Books, vols. i. and xv.; Deussen, Sechzig Upanishad’s (trans. with valuable introductions), Leipsic, 1897; a very useful book is Jacob, A Concordance to the Principal Upanishads and Bhagavadgītā (Bombay Sanskrit Series), 1891. P. 226: Thirty-two Upanishads, ed. with comm. in Ānandāçrama Series, Poona, 1895; Aitareya Upanishad, ed. Roer, 1850 (Bibl. Ind.), also ed. in Ānandāçrama Series, 1889; Kaushītaki Brāhmaṇa Upanishad, ed. Cowell, Calc., 1861 (Bibl. Ind.); Chhāndogya Up., ed. with trans. by Böhtlingk, Leipsic, 1889; also in Ānand. Ser., 1890. P. 229: Kena or Talavakāra, ed. Roer, Calc., 1850; also in Ānand. Ser., 1889; Maitri Up., ed. Cowell, 1870 (Bibl. Ind.); Çvetāçvatara, ed. Roer, 1850, Ānand. Ser. 1890; Kāṭhaka Up., ed. Roer, 1850, ed. with comm. by Apte, Poona, 1889, by Jacob, 1891; Taittirīya Up., ed. Roer, 1850, Ānand. Ser., 1889; Bṛihadāraṇyaka Up., ed. and trans. by Böhtlingk, Leipzig, 1889, also ed. in Ānand. Ser., 1891; Īçā Up., ed. in Ānand. Ser., 1888; Muṇḍaka Up., ed. Roer, 1850, Apte, Ānand. Ser., 1889, Jacob, 1891; Praçna Up., Ānand. Ser., 1889, Jacob, 1891; Māṇḍūkya Up., Ānand. Ser., 1890, Jacob, 1891; ed. with Eng. trans. and notes, Bombay, 1895; Mahānārāyaṇa Up., ed. by Jacob, with comm., Bombay Sansk. Ser., 1888; Nṛisiṃhatāpanīya Up., Ānand. Ser., 1895. P. 242: The parallelism of Çankara and Plato is rather overstated; for Plato, on the one hand, did not get rid of Duality, and, on the other, only said that Becoming is not true Being.

  Chapter IX.

  On the sūtras in general consult Hillebrandt, Ritual-Litteratur, in Bühler’s Encyclopædia, 1897; Āçvalāyana Çrauta Sūtra, ed. R. Vidyāaratna, Calc., 1864–74 (Bibl. Ind.); Çānkhāyana Çrauta, ed. Hillebrandt, 1885–99 (Bibl. Ind.); Lāṭyāyana Çrauta, ed. A. Vāgīça, Calc., 1870–72 (Bibl. Ind.); Maçaka and Drāhyāyaṇa Çrauta, unedited; Kātyāyana Çrauta, ed. Weber, London, Berlin, 1855; Āpastamba Çrauta, in part ed. by Hillebrandt, Calc., 1882–97 (Bibl. Ind.); Vaitāna Sūtra, ed. Garbe, London, 1878; trans. by Garbe, Strasburg, 1878. Āçvalāyana Gṛihya Sūtra, ed. with trans. by Stenzler, Leipsic, 1864–65; ed. with comm. and notes, Bombay, 1895; trans. in Sacred Books, vol. xxix.; Çānkhāyana Gṛihya, ed. and trans. into German by Oldenberg, Indische Studien, vol. xv.; Eng. trans. in Sacred Books, vol. xxix.; Gobhila Gṛihya, ed. with comm. by Ch. Tarkālaṃkāra, Calc., 1880 (Bibl. Ind.); ed. by Knauer, Dorpat, 1884; trans. by Knauer, Dorpat, 1887; trans. in Sacred Books, vol. xxx.; Pāraskara Gṛihya, ed. and trans. by Stenzler, Leipsic, 1876; trans. in Sacred Books, vol. xxix.; Āpastamba Gṛihya, ed. Winternitz, Vienna, 1887; trans. in Sacred Books, vol. xxx.; Hiraṇyakeçi Gṛihya, ed. Kirste, Vienna, 1889; trans. Sacred Books, vol. xxx.; Mantrapāṭha, ed. Winternitz, Oxford, 1897; Mānava Gṛihya, ed. Knauer, Leipsic, 1897; Kauçika Sūtra, ed. Bloomfield, New Haven, 1890; Pitṛimedha Sūtras of Baudhāyana, Hiraṇyakeçin, Gautama, ed. Caland, Leipsic, 1896. Āpastamba Dharma Sūtra, ed. Bühler, Bombay Sansk. Ser., two parts, 1892 and 1894; Baudhāyana Dh. S., ed. Hultzsch, Leipsic, 1884; Gautama Dharma Çāstra, ed. Stenzler, London, 1876; Vasishṭha Dharma Çāstra, ed. Führer, Bombay, 1883; Hiraṇyakeçi Dharma Sūtra, unedited; Vaikhānasa Dharma Sūtra, described by Bloch, Vienna, 1896; Āpastamba, Gautama, Vasishṭha, Baudhāyana, trans. by Bühler, Sacred Books, 2nd ed., Oxford, 1897. Rigveda Prātiçākhya, ed. with German trans, by Max Müller, Leipsic, 1856–69; ed. with Uvaṭa’s comm., Benares, 1894; Riktantravyākaraṇa (Sāma Pr.), ed., trans. Burnell, Mangalore, 1879; Taittirīya Prāt., ed. Whitney, Journ. of the Am. Or. Soc., vol. ix., 1871; Vājasaneyi Prāt., ed. with comm. of Uvaṭa, Benares Sansk. Series, 1888; Atharvaveda Prāt., ed. Whitney, Journal Am. Or. Soc., vols. vii. and x. The Çulva Sūtra of Baudhāyana, ed. and trans. by Thibaut, in the Pandit, vol. ix.; cf. his article on the Çulvasūtras in the Jour. of As. Soc. Bengal, vol. xliv., Calc. 1875. Six Vedāngas, Sanskrit text, Bombay, 1892; Yāska’s Nirukta, ed. R. Roth, Göttingen, 1852; ed. with comm. by S. Sāmaçramī (Bibl. Ind.); Sarvānukramaṇī, ed. Macdonell, Oxford, 1886 (together with Ānuvākānukramaṇī and Shaḍguruçishya’s comm.); Ārshānukramaṇī, Chhandonukramaṇī, Bṛihaddevatā, ed. R. Mitra, 1892 (Bibl. Ind.); Pingala’s Chhandaḥ Sūtra, ed. in Bibl. Ind., 1874; in Weber’s Indische Studien, vol. viii. (which is important as treating of
Sanskrit metres in general); Nidāna Sūtra, partly edited, ibid.; Sarvānukrama Sūtras of White Yajurveda, ed. by Weber in his ed. of that Veda; ed. with comm., Benares Sansk. Ser., 1893–94; Charaṇavyūha, ed. Weber, Ind. Stud., vol. iii. On Mādhava see Klemm in Gurupūjākaumudī, Leipsic, 1896.

  Chapter X.

  On the Mahābhārata in general, consult especially Holtzmann, Das Mahābhārata, 4 vols., Kiel, 1892–95; Bühler, Indian Studies, No. II., Trans. of Imp. Vienna Academy, 1892; cf. also Jacobi in Göttinger Gelehrte Anzeigen, vol. viii. 659 ff.; Winternitz, Journal of the Roy. As. Soc., 1897, ff.; Indian Antiquary, vol. xxvii. Editions: 5 vols., Bombay, 1888, Calc. 1894; trans. into Eng. prose at the expense of Pratāpa Chandra Rāy, Calc., 1896; literal trans. into Eng. by M. N. Dutt, 5 vols., Calc., 1896. Episode of Sāvitrī, ed. Kellner, with introd. and notes, Leipsic, 1888; Nala, text in Bühler’s Third Book of Sanskrit, Bombay, 1877; text, notes, vocabulary, Kellner, 1885; text, trans., vocab., Monier-Williams, Oxford, 1876. On the Purāṇas in general, consult introd. of H. H. Wilson’s trans. of the Vishṇu P., 5 vols., ed. Fitzedward Hall, 1864–70; Holtzmann, op. cit., vol. iv. p–58; Garuḍa P., ed. Bombay, 1888; ed. Vidyāsāgara, Calc., 1891; Agni, ed. R. Mitra, Bibl. Ind., 1870–79, J. Vidyāsāgara, Calc., 1882; Vāyu, ed. R. Mitra, Bibl. Ind., 1888; Bombay, 1895; Matsya, Bombay, 1895; Kūrma, Bibl. Ind., 1890; Mārkaṇḍeya, ed. Bibl. Ind., 1855–62; trans. by Pargiter, Bibl. Ind., 1888–99, by C. C. Mukharji, Calc., 1894; Padma, ed. V. N. Mandlik, 4 vols., Ānand. Ser., 1894; Vishṇu, ed. with comm., Bombay, 1887; five parts, Calc., 1888; prose trans. by M. N. Dutt., Calc., 1894; Wilson, op. cit.; Bhāgavata, ed. with three comm., 3 vols., Bombay, 1887; 2 vols., Nirṇaya Sāgara Press, Bombay, 1894; ed. and trans. by Burnouf, 4 vols., Paris, 1840–47, 1884; Brahma, ed. Ānand. Ser., 1895; Varāha, Bibl. Ind., 1887–93. On the Rāmāyaṇa in general, consult Jacobi, Das Rāmāyaṇa Bonn, 1893; also Journal of the Germ. Or Soc., vol. xlviii. ff., vol. li. ff.; Ludwig, Ueber das Rāmāyaṇa, Prag, 1894; Baumgartner, Das Rāmāyaṇa, Freiburg i B., 1894; Bombay recension, ed. Gorresio, Turin, 1843–67; with three comm., 3 vols., Bombay, 1895; Bengal recension, Calc., 1859–60; trans. by Griffith into Eng. verse, Benares, 1895; into Eng. prose, M. N. Dutt, Calc., 1894.

  Chapter XI.

  On the age of Kāvya poetry consult especially Bühler, Die indischen Inschriften und das Alter der indischen Kunstpoesie, in Trans. of the Imp. Vienna Academy, Vienna, 1890; Fleet, Corpus Inscr. Ind., vol. iii., Calcutta, 1888. On the Vikrama era see Kielhorn, Göttinger Nachrichten, 1891, p–182, and on the Mālava era, Ind. Ant., xix. ; on the chronology of Kālidāsa, Huth, Die Zeit des Kālidāsa, Berlin, 1890. Buddha-charita, ed. Cowell, Oxford, 1893; trans. by Cowell, Sacred Books, vol. xlix. Raghuvaṃça, ed. Stenzler, with Latin trans., London, 1832; ed. with Mallinātha’s comm., by S. P. Pandit, Bombay Sansk. Ser.; text with Eng. trans. by Jvālāprasād, Bombay, 1895; ed. K. P. Parab, with Mallinātha, Nirṇaya Sāgara Pr., Bombay, 1892; i.–vii., with Eng. trans., notes, comm. of Mallinātha, and extracts from comm. of Bhaṭṭa Hemādri, Charitravardhana, Vallabha, by G. R. Nangargika, Poona, 1896. Kumāra-sambhava, ed. with Latin trans. by Stenzler, London, 1838; cantos i.–vi., ed. with Eng. trans. and comm. of Mallinātha, by S. G. Despānde, Poona, 1887; second part, with full comm., ed. by J. Vidyāsāgara, 4th ed., Calc., 1887; ed. with comm. of Mallinātha (i.–vii.) and of Sītārām (viii.–xvii.), 3rd ed., Nirṇaya Sāgara Press, Bombay, 1893; ed. with three commentaries, Bombay, 1898; trans. by Griffith, London, 1879. Bhaṭṭikāvya, ed. Calc., 1628; cantos i.–v., with comm. of Jayamangala, English trans., notes, glossary, by M. R. Kale, Bombay, 1897; with comm. of Mallinātha and notes by K. P. Trivedi, Bombay Sansk. Ser., 2 vols., 1898; German trans. of xviii.–xxii., by Schütz, Bielefeld, 1837. Kirātārjunīya, ed. by J. Vidyāsāgara, Calc., 1875; with Mallinātha’s comm., Nirṇaya Sāgara Press, Bombay, 1885; cantos i.–ii., trans. by Schütz, Bielefeld, 1843. Çiçupālavadha, ed. with Mallinātha’s comm., by Vidyāsāgara, 1884; also at Benares, 1883; German trans. by Schütz, cantos i.–ix., Bielefeld, 1843. Naishadhīya-charita, ed. with comm. of Nārāyaṇa, by Pandit Sivadatta, Bombay, 1894. Nalodaya, ed. Vidyāsāgara, Calc., 1873; German trans. by Shack, in Stimmen vom Ganges, 2nd ed., 1877; Rāghavapāṇḍavīya, ed. with comm. in the Kāvyamālā, No. 62. Dhanaṃjaya’s Rāghavapāṇḍavīya, quoted in Gaṇaratnamahodadhi, A.D. 1140, is an imitation of Kavirāja’s work: cf. Zachariæ in Bühler’s Encyclopædia, p–28. For a modern Sanskrit drama constructed on a similar principle see Scherman’s Orientalische Bibliographie, vol. ix., 1896, , No. 4605. Haravijaya, ed. in Kāvyamālā, 1890; see Bühler, Detailed Report, , Bombay, 1877. Navasāhasānkacharita, ed. Bombay Sansk. Series, 1895; see Bühler and Zachariæ in Trans. of Vienna Acad., 1888. Setubandha (in the Mahārāshṭrī dialect), ed. with trans. by S. Goldschmidt, 1884; ed. in Kāvyamālā, No. 47, Bombay, 1895. Vāsavadattā, ed. with introd. by Fitzedward Hall, Bibl. Ind., 1859; ed. with comm. by J. Vidyāsāgara, Calc., 1874. Kādambarī, ed. P. Peterson, Bomb. Sansk. Ser., 1889; ed. with comm. in Nirṇaya Sāgara Press, Bombay, 1896; with comm. and notes by M. R. Kale, Poona, 1896; trans., with occasional omissions, by C. M. Ridding, Royal As. Soc, London, 1896. Harshacharita, ed. by J. Vidyāsāgara, Calc., 1883; ed. with comm., Jammu, 1879; Bombay, 1892; trans. by Cowell and Thomas, Roy. As. Soc. London, 1897. Daçakumāra-charita, Part i., ed. Bühler, Bomb. Sansk. Ser., 2nd ed., 1888; Part ii., P. Peterson, ibid., 1891; ed. P. Banerji, Calc., 1888.

  Chapter XII.

  Meghadūta, ed. with vocab. by Stenzler, Breslau, 1874; with comm. of Mallinātha, Nirṇaya Sāgara Press, Bombay, 1894; ed. by K. B. Pathak, Poona, 1894. Eng. verse trans, by Wilson, 3rd ed., London, 1867; by T. Clark, London, 1882; into German by Max Müller, Königsberg, 1847, by Schütz, Bielefield, 1859, Fritze, Chemnitz, 1879. Ṛitusaṃhāra, ed. with Latin and German trans. by P. v. Bohlen, Leipsic, 1840; with notes and Eng. trans. by Sītārām Āyyar, Bombay, 1897. Ghaṭakarpara, ed. Brockhaus, 1841, trans. into German by Höfer (in Indische Gedichte, vol. ii.). Chaurapanchāçikā, ed. and trans. into German by Solf, Kiel, 1886; trans. by Edwin Arnold, London, 1896. Bhartṛihari’s Centuries, ed. with comm., Bombay, 1884, trans. into Eng. verse by Tawney, Calc., 1877; Çṛingāra-çataka, ed. Calc. 1888. Çṛingāratilaka, ed. Gildemeister, Bonn, 1841. Amaruçataka, ed. R. Simon, Kiel, 1893. Saptaçataka of Hāla, ed. with prose German trans. by Weber, Leipsic, 1881 (in Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, vol. viii., No. 4). Mayūra’s Sūrya-çataka, or Hundred Stanzas in praise of the Sun, ed. in Kāvyamālā, 1889. Gītagovinda, ed. J. Vidyāsāgara, Calc., 1882; Bombay, Nir. Sāg. Pr., 1899; trans. into German by Rückert, vol. i. of Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, Leipsic.

  Chapter XIII.

  On the Sanskrit drama in general, consult especially H. H. Wilson, Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus, 2 vols., 3rd ed., London, 1871; Sylvain Lévi, Le Théâtre Indien, Paris, 1890. Çakuntalā, Bengal recension, ed. by Pischel, Kiel, 1877; Devanāgarī recension, Monier-Williams, 2nd ed., Oxford, 1876; M. R. Kale, Bombay, 1898; trans. by Monier-Williams, 6th ed., London, 1894; into German by Rückert, Leipsic, 1876; Fritze, 1876; Lobedanz, 7th ed., Leipsic, 1884; there are also a South Indian and a Kashmir recension (cf. Bühler, Report, p. lxxxv). Vikramorvaçī, ed. S. P. Pandit, Bombay, 1879; Vaidya, 1895; South Indian recension, ed. Pischel, 1875; trans. Wilson, op. cit.; Cowell, Hertford, 1851; Fritze, Leipsic, 1880. Mālavikāgnimitra, ed. Bollensen, Leipsic, 1879; S. P. Pandit, Bombay, 1869, S. S. Āyyar, Poona, 1896; trans. by Tawney, 2nd ed., Calc., 1891; into German by Weber, Berlin, 1856; Fritze, Leipsic, 1881. Mṛicchakaṭikā, ed. Stenzler, Bonn, 1847; J. Vidyāsāgara, 2nd ed., Calc., 1891; trans. by Wilson, op. cit.; into German by Böhtlingk, St. Petersburg, 1877; by Fritze, Chemnitz, 1879. Ratnāvalī, ed. Cappeller, in Bohtlingk’s Sanskrit-Chrestomathie, 1897; with comm. Nir. Sāg. Pr., Bombay, 1895; trans. by Wilson, op. cit.; into German by Fritze, Chemnitz, 1878. Nāgānanda, ed. J. Vidyāsāgara, Calc., 1873; ed. Poona, 1893; trans. by Palmer Boyd, with preface by Cowell, London, 1
872. Bāṇa’s Pārvatīpariṇaya, ed. with trans. by T. R. R. Aiyar, Kumbakonam, 1898; Germ. by Glaser, Trieste, 1886. Mālatīmādhava, ed. R. G. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1876; trans. by Wilson, op. cit.; by Fritze, Leipsic, 1884. Mahāvīra-charita, ed. Trithen, London, 1848; K. P. Parab, Bombay, 1892; trans. by J. Pickford, London, 1871. Uttararāmacharita, ed. with comm. and trans., Nagpur, 1895; ed. with comm. by Aiyar and Parab, Nirṇaya Sāgara Press, 1899; trans. by Wilson, op. cit. Mudrārākshasa, ed. Telang, Bombay, 1893; trans. by Wilson, op. cit.; into German by Fritze, Leipsic, 1887. Veṇīsaṃhāra, ed. K. P. Parab, Nirṇaya Sāgara Press, Bombay, 1898; N. B. Godabale, Poona, 1895; Grill, Leipsic, 1871; trans. into English by S. M. Tagore, Calc., 1880. Viddhaçālabhanjika, ed. J. Vidyāsāgara, Calc., 1883. Karpūramanjarī, ed. in vol. vii. of The Pandit, Benares. Bālarāmāyaṇa, ed. Govinda Deva Çastri, Benares, 1869; J. Vidyāsāgara, Calc., 1884. Prachaṇḍapāṇḍava, ed. Cappeller, Strasburg, 1885. (On Rājaçekhara, cf. Kielhorn, Epigr. Ind., part iv. 1889; Fleet in Ind. Antiq., vol. xvi. p–178; Jacobi in Vienna Or. Journal, vol. ii. p–216). Chaṇḍakauçika, ed. J. Vidyāsāgara, Calcutta, 1884; trans. by Fritze (Kauçika’s Zorn). Prabodhachandrodaya, ed. Nir. Sāg. Pr., Bombay, 1898; trans. into German by Goldstücker, with preface by Rosenkranz, Königsberg, 1842; also trans. by Hirzel, Zürich, 1846; Taylor, Bombay, 1886.

  Chapter XIV.

  Panchatantra, ed. Kosegarten, Bonn, 1848; by Kielhorn and Bühler in Bomb. Sansk. Ser.; these two editions represent two considerably divergent recensions; trans. with very valuable introd. by Benfey, 2 vols., Leipsic, 1859; English trans., Trichinopoli, 1887; German by Fritze, Leipsic, 1884. The abstract of the Panchatantra in Kshemendra’s Bṛihatkathāmanjarī, introd., text, trans., notes, by Mankowski, Leipsic, 1892. Hitopadeça, ed. F. Johnson, London, 1884; P. Peterson in Bomb. Sansk. Ser. Kāmandakīya Nītisāra, ed. with trans. and notes, Madras, 1895; text ed. by R. Mitra, Bibl. Ind. Calc., 1884. Çivadāsa’s Vetālapanchaviṃçatikā, ed. H. Uhle (in Abhandlungen der deutschen morgenl. Gesell. vol. viii., No. 1), Leipsic, 1881. Sir R. F. Burton, Vikram and the Vampire, new ed., London, 1893. Siṃhāsana-dvātriṃçikā, ed. (Dwatringshat puttalika), J. Vidyāsāgara, Calc., 1881. Çukasaptati, ed. R. Schmidt, Leipsic, 1893 (Abh. f. d. Kunde d. Morgenlandes), Munich, 1898; trans., Kiel, 1894; Stuttgart, 1898. Kathāsaritsāgara, ed. trans. by Brockhaus, Leipsic (Books i.–v.) 1839, (vi.–xviii.) 1862–66; ed. Bomb., 1889; trans. by Tawney in Bibl. Ind., 1880–87. Bṛihatkathāmanjarī, chaps. i.–viii., ed. and trans. by Sylvain Lévi in Journal Asiatique, 1886. Jātaka-mālā, ed. Kern, Boston, 1891; trans. by Speijer in Sacred Books of the Buddhists, vol. i., London, 1895. Kathākoça, trans. by C. H. Tawney from Sanskrit MSS., Royal As. Soc., London, 1895. Pāli Jātakas, ed. by Fausböll, London, (completed) 1897; three vols. of trans. under supervision of Cowell have appeared, I. by Chalmers, Cambridge, 1895; II. by Rouse, 1895; III. by Francis and Neil, 1897. Warren, Buddhism in Translations, Harvard, 1896. Bhartṛihari’s Nīti and Vairāgya Çatakas, ed. and trans., Bombay, 1898 (on Bhartṛihari and Kumārila see Pathak in Journ. of Bombay Branch of Roy. As. Soc., xviii. p–238). Mohamudgara, trans. by U. K. Banerjï, Bhawānipur, Bengal, 1892. Chāṇakya Çatakas, ed. Klatt, 1873. On the Nītimanjarī cf. Kielhorn, Göttinger Nachrichten, 1891, p–186; A. B. Keith, Journ. Roy. As. Soc. 1900. Çārngadhara-paddhati, ed. Peterson, Bombay, 1888. Subhāshitāvalī, ed. Peterson and Durgaprasāda, Bombay, 1886. Böhtlingk’s Indische Sprüche, 2nd edition, 2 vols., St. Petersburg, 1870–73; index by Blau, Leipsic, 1893. Dhammapada, trans. by Max Müller in Sacred Books of the East, vol. x., 2nd revised edition, Oxford, 1898.


‹ Prev