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Untamed Page 15

by Shirleen Davies

  “None of that woman scorned shit?” Raider asked.

  “Not unless he asks for a divorce, which he won’t. However, I do believe she might slit his throat in his sleep if he’s stupid enough to ask.”

  “Children?” Ghost asked.

  Sucking in a slow breath, Tracker nodded. “Two sons, two daughters, and two adopted daughters. The sons attended Stanford Law, and are already in the business. He keeps layers of secrecy between his daughters and his illegal business dealings.”

  Rock leaned forward, narrowing his gaze. “What’s the story on the adopted daughters?”

  Licking his lips, he guzzled down the rest of the water, opening another bottle. “His closest friend and business partner was killed in a plane crash along with his wife. Their daughters were three and one when they died. Armando didn’t hesitate to bring them into the family. They are treated no differently from the others. Strangely enough, I never witnessed any animosity between them. And the two brothers are protective of all four.”

  Raider tapped keys on the computer, glancing up. “Do all four daughters work in the legit business?”

  “The biological two do. They’re in their late thirties, married with children. The youngest adopted daughter is a teacher. I don’t know where she lives and works.”

  “Gilbert. And the other one?” Raider pressed.

  Tracker shoved aside the pain and regret, lifting his face to meet Wrath’s gaze. “She’s a doctor.”

  “Got it.” Raider turned the computer around so the others could see the screen.

  “Oh yeah. Now that’s one outstanding chick.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Fargo,” Tracker growled, immediately regretting it.

  Holding up his hands, Fargo clamped his mouth shut.

  “Why don’t you complete the details, Raider?” Wrath asked, realizing Tracker had reached his limit.

  “Beautiful and smart. Juliana attended college and medical school at Stanford. Did her residency to become a pediatrician. According to what I found, she’s in San Diego.”

  Tracker already knew she’d stayed after the shitstorm he put her through. Single, no children, and a house in Mission Hills. As masochistic as it seemed, he made it a point to know all he could about the woman he’d never been able to forget. The only woman he’d ever loved.

  Chapter Twenty

  Victor sat at the table in the small family diner, scanning the crowded room. He’d reluctantly agreed to meet Dorn and Lew in the growing town on the northern edge of Phoenix. His one other trip to the tiny burg had been to attend a concert with his now ex-wife. It had been an excruciating evening.

  Today’s meeting would be much different. Dorn had screwed up what Victor considered a simple assignment. Scare Rebecca North enough to either hand over the file or provide its location. For the first few weeks after she’d left Phoenix, he’d convinced himself the file had been misplaced, not taken. After questioning everyone who had access to his home office, and Dorn’s constant badgering, he’d been forced to face the truth. Rebecca had run not because she was finished with their relationship. She’d left because of the contents in the file.

  Most were coded, but there were a few handwritten notes and comments anyone with half a brain would understand. The file contained damning evidence against Victor and his business associates. Names, dates, locations.

  Victor originally intended for it to be his get out of jail free card. A simple way to protect himself from being cast aside by the ruthless men he’d been stupid enough to associate with.

  He’d meant to make several copies, hiding one in a safe deposit box, another in his mother’s library, and a third in his ex-wife’s home office. They might be divorced, but neither shied away from having ex-sex at least once a month. The file had gone missing before copies had been made and hidden.

  The simple task of locating and returning the file to Victor had been botched. There would be punishment, but not before the evidence was back in his hands.

  The bell above the door caught his attention and he almost choked on a swallow of coffee. Dorn and Lew strolled in wearing two thousand dollar suits, ties, and expensive footwear. Lucchese boots for Dorn, and Berluti dress shoes for Lew. They looked as out of place as Victor would walking into the boardroom wearing what he had on today—deep blue golf shirt, khaki slacks, and Zelli Tuscany loafers.

  Shaking his head in disgust, he watched the other customers stop eating to gawk as the two moved around tables to join him.

  “What the hell were the two of you thinking?”

  Lew misunderstood the reprimand. “Sorry, boss. The phone dropped out of my coat when I ran. It won’t happen again.”

  The apology left Victor slack-jawed. “What phone?”

  “Uh...aren’t you talking about what happened at the hospital?”

  “Shut the fuck up, Lew,” Dorn hissed. “He doesn’t know about the damn phone.”

  Their attire forgotten, Victor leaned forward, his face already reddening with rage. “You lost your phone in the hospital? Did you retrieve it?”

  “Tried, but it was already gone and no one had turned it in. Don’t worry, though. It’s secure.”

  “Secure?” Victor growled.

  “Whoever has it needs a pin number to get inside.”

  Victor sent an incredulous look at Dorn that needed no interpretation. “Anyone with a small amount of tech ability can hack a phone. Was it a burner?”

  Lew shook his head.

  “Shit,” Victor blew out. “Contacts?”

  “Well, sure. That’s what a phone is for, right?”

  If they weren’t in a crowded restaurant, Victor would’ve reached across the table to strangle Lew. Then he would’ve dragged the idiot outside and beaten him until the man didn’t know his own name.

  Dorn shot a disgusted look at Lew. “We have to assume whoever picked it up has already hacked it. Probably voicemail, too.”

  “Do you erase voicemails after listening to them?” Victor asked.

  Lew’s gaze flitted between the two men. “No.”

  “Do you know who found it?”

  “Uh…no. I didn’t go back inside for about an hour. I thought whoever found it would’ve turned it in. They didn’t.”

  Victor stared down at the cold eggs and bacon on his plate, his stomach roiling. Shoving the food away, he massaged his temple. “What made you run out of the hospital?”

  Grabbing Victor’s glass of water, Lew swallowed several tepid gulps. “I’d been made.”

  “Made by who?”

  Gaze darting around the restaurant, Lew felt his world close down around him. “The bitch’s boyfriend.”

  “I’m not going to your house, Quinn. If you won’t take me home, I’ll call a cab.” Becca touched the side of her face, wincing. Even the thick bandage didn’t decrease the pain.

  “You’ve got an appointment with Doctor Ness in two days. I’ll take you.”

  After three days, Becca had been released, more than ready to get out of the hospital and back into her own bed. The threat from the concussion had passed, and to everyone’s relief, the damage to her face was minimal. According to the plastic surgeon, if scarring occurred, it would be slight. Perhaps a few thin, white lines easily covered with makeup. The injury to her ribs would take longer to heal.

  “I don’t need your help.”

  Wrangler didn’t respond. Becca hadn’t accepted it, but she didn’t have a choice. Not after the attack which could’ve ended her life.

  “Tessa took Jamie shopping to stock my kitchen. The refrigerator and cupboards are overflowing. Does he really eat that much?”

  Still seething at the thought of staying at Wrangler’s house, she remained silent a couple minutes. Staring at the road ahead, she decided arguing about living arrangements would accomplish nothing right now.

  “I buy twice what I think Jamie will eat and he goes through all of it in a few days. A few years ago, I had to force food down him. He was so picky.” A smile began to
form until she looked over at Wrangler, his face a mask. Because of her, he’d missed it all. “I’m sorry, Quinn. Keeping you from Jamie was wrong.”

  “Let’s not discuss it now.”

  Staring down at her clutched hands, an intense wave of sadness gripped her. “All right.”

  “Once you’re settled, I’ll pick Jamie up from school. Your room is next to his. My room is on the other side of the house, so you’ll have privacy.”

  I don’t want privacy. She tensed at the errant thought.

  “Two of the Brethren will guard you and Jamie when I’m gone. The house has a complete security system, including an outside perimeter alarm. I’ve gotten you—”

  “Wait, Quinn.” Shifting, she stared at him. “Guards, a security system. What are you talking about?”

  “We should talk about it once we get to my place.”

  “No. We’ll talk about it now.”

  Tightening his grip on the steering wheel, he cast a wary glance at her. “Someone attacked you, Bec. If the security guards and police hadn’t arrived, he may have killed you. Or, at the very least, done a lot more damage. There’s every reason to believe he’ll come after you again, and you might not be as lucky a second time. In fact, the odds are they’ll get the information they want and kill you.”

  Her gasp caught his attention. Becca’s face was pale, one hand pushing at her chest. “You’re saying this to scare me.”

  “You should be scared. Whoever is after you is serious. Hurting you isn’t a problem. All this tells me you have something they want and they’re not going to give up until they get it.” Pulling into his long drive, Wrangler stopped several feet from the front porch. “We’ll get you settled, then you and I are going to have an honest discussion, and you’re going to tell me everything.”

  Becca placed the last of the clothes Cara had retrieved from her apartment into the dresser. She was grateful for her and Tessa’s help. Grateful for what everyone had done since her ordeal.

  Wrangler had given her a brief tour before showing her to the bedroom next to Jamie’s. Both were huge. Almost twice the size of the ones in their apartment, each held a queen-sized bed, dresser, bookcase, and two bed tables. Each also had its own bathroom. Large, with beautifully tiled showers and granite countertops.

  She thought of his kitchen, big enough to allow space for several people to work. The appliances gleamed, the view to the lake incredible, the granite counters the same as in the baths. Her throat constricted at all Wrangler could offer Jamie. He’d built an incredible home, much of it with his own hands.

  She couldn’t help wondering what it would be like to live here. How their lives would’ve changed if Wrangler had loved her enough to stay.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, Becca stared out the sliding glass doors to the large expanse of grass. Everything she’d dreamed of and would never have.

  “All settled?”

  Tearing her gaze from the serenity of the yard, she shook her head. “I can’t stay, Quinn. There’s no place for me here.” Standing, she snagged the rolling bag, setting it onto the bed. “If you think Jamie will be safe here, I’d like him to stay. I’ll be fine at home.”

  There’s no place for me here.

  The sadness in her voice ripped through him, and once again, he realized they could’ve achieved both their dreams if he’d only stayed. Walking to her, he set his hands on her shoulders, turning her to face him.

  “You belong here, Bec.” He let out a ragged breath. “This should have been our house.”

  Misery crossed her face and she looked away. “Please, don’t.”

  Instead of letting her go, he tightened his hold. “We’ve both made mistakes. Big ones that hurt the other. Can’t we find a way to forgive each other, maybe start again?”

  His question stunned her. “Start again?”

  “I know you believe my life has been one big party while you’ve been faced with the responsibility of raising our son. It’s not true. Not a day passed I didn’t think of you, hated myself for leaving.”

  “But not enough to contact me. The same as I didn’t call your parents.”

  Choking out a strained chuckle, he nodded. “Like I said, we’ve both made mistakes. I want to find a way to put the past behind us and go forward.”

  “I forgave you a long time ago. It’s hard to hate someone for not being able to return your love, Quinn.”

  “Is that what you’ve talked yourself into believing? That I never loved you?”

  Lowering her head, she stared at the floor. “Well, yes.” Raising her head, she stepped out of his grasp, pacing to the sliding glass doors. “What else was I to think? You were over me, wanted to explore the world and see other women. There was one glaring explanation. You didn’t love me enough to stay, Quinn. There’s no reason to believe you’ve changed.”

  “That isn’t how it was, Bec. Not even close.” Wrangler fought the urge to go to her.

  A slow, angry burn crept through Becca. “Don’t lie to me, Quinn. If you’d loved me, you never would’ve left the way you did.” She closed her eyes, willing away the tears she felt building in her eyes. “You’d gotten your degree and were ready to take on the world. A woman expecting anything from you didn’t figure into your plans. I didn’t have a place in your future.” Turning away, she swiped at an errant tear, hoping he didn’t notice.

  Walking to her, he stopped, forcing himself not to touch her. “You’re right about everything except me loving you. You are and have always been the only woman I’ve loved, Bec. I still love you. Will always love you.”

  Staring outside, her eyes filled with tears as her ability to stop them vanished. A sob tore from her throat, shoulders shaking. Feeling his hands on her waist, she stepped away.

  “Don’t, Quinn. Just leave me alone.” Raising her hands, she covered her face, body trembling with the force of her anguish.

  “God, Bec.” Not allowing her to push him away, he wrapped his arms around her, tugging her against his chest, careful of her ribs. “I’m so damn sorry.”

  Kissing the top of her head, he turned her in his arms, expecting her to push him away. Instead, she surprised him by wrapping her arms around his waist, laying her head on his chest, and releasing the pain she’d buried inside for all those years.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Wrangler felt the sting of his own tears. He was so tired of fighting his feelings for the beautiful woman in his arms. From her reaction, he believed her love for him hadn’t changed. She was still the same Becca, the woman he didn’t want to live without.

  When her sobs began to subside, he lowered his head to whisper into her ear. “I’ve already said this, but it’s true. I love you, Bec. I know you don’t believe me, but it’s the truth. All I’m asking is to make it up to you and Jamie. Can you forgive me enough to do that?”

  Pulling away, she looked up into glassy, red-rimmed eyes, realizing he’d suffered along with her. Until that moment, it hadn’t occurred to her Wrangler had been fighting his own hell.

  Before she could reconsider her actions, she stood on tiptoes, brushing a kiss across his lips. He stilled, as stunned as Becca at what she’d done. It lasted mere seconds before he cupped the back of her head, lowering his mouth to hers.

  Careful of her injuries, he kept the kiss light, making certain she wouldn’t shove him away. When she didn’t resist, his tongue traced her full lips before easing inside. Deepening the kiss, he groaned at the familiar taste. After all these years, her distinct flavor was like coming home, the same as the feel of her in his arms.

  The kiss slowed, allowing him to savor every moment. Hearing her soft moan, he raised his mouth from hers, gazing into her eyes, seeing wariness and something more. Refusing to delay, his lips pressed against hers again, devouring her softness, his hands moving down her back to splay across her hips, letting her feel his hard length.

  Showering kisses along her jaw, his mouth trailed lower to the hollow of her neck. Sucking lightly, his
hands moved under her top, releasing the clasp of her bra, slipping the straps off her shoulders.

  Shoving up her shirt, he slid her bra down, his breath catching at her beauty. Cupping one breast, he massaged the full globe, thrumming a thumb over an already peaked nipple.

  Feeling her hands move up his arms to rest on his shoulders, he lowered his mouth, his tongue stroking across the taut nub. Repeating the action, he sucked the nipple into his mouth when she arched into him.

  Walking her backward until she touched the edge of the bed, he gently laid her down. Stretching out, he kissed her deeply before staring into glazed eyes.

  “Is this what you want, sweetheart?”

  Parting her lips, she nodded.

  “You must be certain. If we do this, it won’t be a one-time thing, Bec. This will be the start of a new future for us. If you aren’t ready for that, tell me now and I’ll stop. But let me warn you, I’m not giving up on getting you back.”

  Rolling her head to the side, Becca closed her eyes, trying to think. She’d wanted this, wanted him for so long, it seemed odd to turn away now. Still, what if he changed his mind? Her heart wouldn’t survive another beating.

  Reaching over, Wrangler gripped her chin, turning her to look at him. “Open your eyes.” Blinking a couple times, she stared at him, hoping he didn’t see her internal struggle. “I am not leaving you. Not ever.” Leaning down, he brushed a soft kiss over her lips. “If you’re thinking I’ll change my mind, I won’t. Even if you decide you don’t want me anymore, I’ll always be here for you and Jamie. Always, Becca.”

  She let the words sink in, desperate for them to be true. Shoving aside her fear, she licked her lips. “I want this, Quinn.”

  “And you trust me not to leave you again?”

  She hesitated a moment before reaching up to stroke his stubbled jaw before pulling him down for a hungry kiss.

  It vaguely registered she hadn’t answered him as he gave in to the exquisite pleasure of having her in his arms. The kiss deepened, tongues tangling, his hand moving to massage her breast. Lifting his head, he drew the nipple into his mouth, sucking deeply.


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