Connor (Strauss Bear Shifter Brothers 0f Colorado Book 4)

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Connor (Strauss Bear Shifter Brothers 0f Colorado Book 4) Page 6

by Brittany White

  It was easy to pick out a number of suits and shirts that she thought would flatter him. Bastard really does have a perfect body shape, she thought, remembering just how perfect he really was poised above her, skin glistening with sweat as he thrust into her.

  “Fuck,” she groaned softly, thankful that the shop was still empty. When her arms were laden with clothes she made her way back to the dressing rooms, knocking softly on the wall beside the curtain.

  “Come in.”

  She pulled back the curtain and froze. It hadn’t occurred to her in her hurry that in order to hand him the clothes, she’d have to see Connor practically naked. The fluorescent lights shone off his abs and Brooke’s mouth watered at the sight. She swallowed. It was the exact fantasy she’d always thought about, having sex in the dressing rooms in Cole’s. Brooke pressed her thighs together, hoping the pressure would quell the ache that throbbed through her. It didn’t.

  “Hello there,” he murmured.“Can I help you?”

  She jerked up short. Her gaze jumping from his chest up to meet his eyes, which were now glinting with barely concealed desire.

  “Here’s your uh- your clothes.” Stuttering, great. She cleared her throat, thrusting out her arms.

  Connor’s smile turned playful. “Thank you, can you hang them up for me?”

  Brooke knew what was coming and she knew it was stupid - last night had been a one time thing and that’s how it should stay. But Connor had also bandaged her wounds, he’d looked after her, and a part of Brooke craved that.

  So she stepped behind the curtain and let Connor lean across her to close it behind her. She hung up the clothes, careful not to let them wrinkle, and then she turned and wrapped her arms around his neck to draw him in for a kiss.

  He went to her easily, tasting like coffee, and she clung to him, biting gently on his bottom lip to hear him groan into her mouth. Last time she’d been angry - desperate to attack something - their kisses had been bruising and breathtaking but now Brooke took her time, registering every caress of Connor’s tongue against her own.

  They broke apart and Connor pushed her gently back against the wall. He slid down to settle between her legs. She couldn’t help the loud groan that left her as he slid one of her legs over his shoulder, the clever fingers of his other hand finding the hem of her dress. Brooke could feel her heart beating rapidly and when Connor gestured, she took the hem of her dress between shaking fingers.

  “I believe last time I promised I would make you cum on my tongue,” he rasped, hot breath brushing against the thin fabric of her panties. “You still want that, baby?”

  “Please - oh God I, ahh! Please, Connor.” Brooke leaned more of her weight against the dressing room wall, not trusting her weak knees to support her. Her skirt was balled in her fists as she stood there, Connor slowly lowering his mouth to suck at her clit through the purple lace of her panties.

  Brooke threw her head back, knocking against the wall with a thud, as he dragged his tongue upwards and she mewled.

  “So sweet. Brooke, you’re so gorgeous. Wanna make this good for you baby, tell me how it feels.”

  She felt delirious. He’d barely touched her and she felt like she was going to explode with pleasure. She nestled her hand into his thick, dark hair, guiding him. Connor shivered into her touch, and Brooke felt her confidence returning. He was enjoying this, little gaps and groans escaping his mouth even as he pulled the fabric to one side and sank his tongue inside her. His hot, wet tongue flicked against some of her most sensitive points, exploring, and she couldn’t breathe.

  “Fuck, Connor, you look so good eating me out, so fucking good, baby. Feels so fucking good, your mouth is so warm- ah!”

  The bell above the store’s door tinkled, followed by an inquiring, “Hello?”

  Fuck. Brooke tensed, abruptly falling back to Earth. A customer. Of all the fucking times, she lamented, pushing Connor away from her. He looked up at her, eyes glazed over and her juices glistening on his chin. She just wanted to lick them off, but the customer called out again. Brooke looked to the door, then back to him, looking so fucking good on his knees for her. God, that’s not fair. She whined, leaning down to press a quick, messy kiss to his lips and groaning when she tasted herself on his tongue, before yanking her skirt down and walking out of the changing rooms.

  Connor left a few minutes later as she was helping the older woman find some brand of shirt Brooke had never heard of. Connor was sporting a shit eating grin on his face.



  Connor left Cole Couture with a raging hard on and a smile on his face. Brooke’s face, twisted in pleasure as he licked and sucked at her, seemed permanently ingrained into his brain. Despite a part of him said he should have some class, the rest was thinking of the orgasm he’d have later while thinking about how delicious she tasted.

  But there was something else niggling at the back of his mind. Brooke had smelled different, she’d smelled… like a wolf. He shook his head, forcing a laugh. He was being crazy. Brooke, a wolf? It didn’t make any sense. Still, doubt rippled through him as he thought about the wound on her shoulder. Then, he shook it off. He’d talked to all of his brothers and most of the staff and there hadn’t been a single fight on the lodge grounds apart from with a few territory hungry wolves.

  Besides, if Brooke were a wolf there’s no way Connor would have missed the scent. There had to be another explanation. He thought about asking her, but they'd already made so much progress - he didn’t want to drive her away again by accusing her of something he wasn’t even one hundred percent sure about. Besides, the existence of shifters wasn’t common knowledge; it’s not like he could ask her outright without risking everything. She’d think he was crazy anyway.

  Still, it was confusing. Connor had always prided himself on being certain in his decision making. He had to be. As the leader, his sleuth depended on him to make the right decisions, but Brooke threw all that out the window.

  He’d missed lunch, which wasn’t uncommon. Cody often kept back food for whichever of the brothers inevitably worked through lunch, grumbling all the while.

  Sure enough, as Connor made his way towards the kitchens he could see the top of Cody’s head as he rushed around, already preparing for the dinner rush even though it was still hours away. He pushed open the door and, before he could say a single word, Cody brushed by him, pressing a bowl of lobster mac and cheese into his hands before moving off. Connor pulled a stool over to the counter and took a bite. It was amazing, as usual.

  “How’d you know it was me?” he asked through a mouthful. Cody sniggered, finally putting down a blue cloth and sitting down beside him.

  “You weren’t with the others when they stopped by. Figured you’d come crawling in for food sooner or later.”

  “I could have eaten somewhere else,” he tried, and Cody shot him a look. They both knew it wasn’t true. The most food Connor kept in his office was the odd packet of nuts and some protein bars.

  “You think I don’t know well enough by now when you’ve skipped meals?”

  “You sound like our mother.”

  Cody raised his voice in a truly terrible impression of their mother: “Well then, eat up, darlin’.” He couldn’t keep a straight face though and quickly dissolved into snorting laughter. Connor flipped him off.

  “How are the cubs?” he asked. Cody’s signature frown turned soft and Connor smiled at him. He was happy for him, for all his brothers. It was nice to see them happy with such sweet mates, even if it was weird to see Cody acting so soft.

  “They’re a handful. And they all, Molly especially, just keep getting smarter and smarter. I can’t help them with homework anymore - it’s all fucking gibberish to me now.”

  “Yeah well, I always knew you were too dumb to do math, that’s why Nathan’s the handyman and not you.”

  Cody huffed. “Yeah, and it’s got nothing to do with the fact that Nathan can burn toast without a toaster.”

  “He was twelve.”

  “And he’s gotten stupider with every passing year,” Cody said sadly, shaking his head.

  Connor snorted. His brothers, what a bunch of assholes.

  As though he knew what Connor was thinking about, Cody threw a dish towel at him, “What’re you smiling about? It’s creepy.”

  “You’re a dumbass,” Connor replied reflexively.

  “Nope. Not buying it… hmmm?” Cody squinted, looking at him more closely, while Connor tried his best to ignore him and eat his mac and cheese. Suddenly, Cody’s face cleared. “You made a move on Brooke, didn’t you?”

  “Shut up.”

  “Oh my God, you did. Yes! Nathan owes me twenty bucks.”

  Being laughed at was a new sensation, at least like this. This was usually Connor’s role: to taunt and tease and offer advice. Connor had to admit, it felt nice to be on the other side of the situation.

  “Hey,” Cody continued. He was still grinning but he clapped a hand on Connor’s shoulder. “I’m not actually gonna be a dick about it - I’m happy for you, Connor. Seriously. I’ve noticed how mopey you’ve been the past year; it’s nice to see you happy.”

  “Thanks.” He thought about Brooke in the changing room. The wolfish tinge to her scent still made him uneasy. “Uh, about Brooke…”

  “Oh God, I’m going to have to listen to you go on and on about how hot she is, aren’t I? I am not drunk enough for that - can I get drunk in the middle of the day?” Connor glared and Cody quickly backtracked, hands up in surrender. “No, no, of course not, and I suppose you did hear me go on and on about Jessie, so it’s only fair…”

  “It’s not about that. I saw her this morning at Cole’s and I smelled something off. You know, I asked you if you’d heard anything about fights in the forest?” Connor asked and Cody nodded. “Well, no one’s seen or heard anything but Brooke had these cuts on her arm. Plus, this morning I smelled wolf on her. I think there’s something going on with those wolves.”

  “And you think Brooke might be involved? They might have ambushed her on her way home from work?” Cody asked.

  Connor thought about it. It would explain the smell around her and the cuts, but why wouldn’t she tell him if she’d fought with the wolves? Did she not trust him to be able to help?

  ‘You really have no idea what it takes to look after people.’ Brooke’s words overlapped with Cody’s, adding to the growing anger inside him. His bear reared its head with a growl.

  “Those wolves are getting too damn cocky.” He hadn’t seen any harm in letting a small wolf pack settle at the edge of the forest but they’d done nothing but cause trouble for him since they had arrived. They’d made him seem weak. He snarled.

  “If they hurt Brooke I’ll tear them to pieces.” He stood up, pushing the finished bowl back towards Cody. “We need to make a stand, can’t have them thinking we’re pushovers. Get the others gathered by nightfall and meet me outside the front entrance, it’s time for a family hunt.”



  Brooke was exhausted. Things had really picked up at Cole’s after Connor left, and now every time she blinked all she saw were brand names and shoe sizes. She smiled to herself as she approached her car. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt this genuinely happy and untroubled. The pack hadn’t gotten into trouble for days - she seemed to have gotten through to Simon, Lucas and Carlo. They were good boys really, they just felt trapped. Brooke could understand that, but things would get better now. Connor was a good man and a good alpha - she just needed to think of a way to bring up the wolf pack without giving everything away.

  Wolves and bears had always been enemies, it's just what happened when two sets of predators collided. Brooke had been brought up to believe that bears were pompous and selfish, and Connor Strauss had fit the bill perfectly: cocky, with more money than he knew what to do with, but so very alluring. It was like she couldn’t help rising to the bait every time he opened his stupid, gorgeous mouth.

  It felt wrong to hide her true self from him, especially now that they were finally starting to get closer. Brooke felt like she was finally starting to understand him. She would just have to convince the pack that the Strauss’ weren’t a threat to them; surely if she could get them all together and just talk to each other they’d be able to come up with something? Yeah right, her pack was the most stubborn group of people she’d ever met. Most of them would sooner fight a whole sleuth together than sit and talk things out for five fucking minutes.

  She paused, hand on her vehicle door. The winds had picked up and Brooke could smell wolves. Usually she would just ignore it - it wasn’t just her working at the lodge after all, but she was on high alert after the way Vince had called out to her the other day: “Your time is coming to an end Brooke! You’d be wise to watch your back.”

  It had to be Vince. But there were others with her now and - Brooke’s blood ran cold as the heavy, sweet stench of blood filled her nostrils. Someone was attacking her pack.

  She took off running, shifting as she hit the tree line. She trusted her wolf more than her human brain right now. The wolf was all about strategy, about protecting what was hers. She just hoped she’d arrive in time.

  They were closer than she’d realized; she’d only been running for ten or so minutes when she started hearing growls and snarls from between the trees. Her claws ripped up the dirt as she sprinted the last few yards and skidded to a stop in a large clearing.

  The first thing she saw was a bear. It wasn’t Connor, she realised with a surge of relief. This bear was smaller with lighter colored fur - more likely one of Connor’s brothers. The bear was advancing on Lucas, whose tiny frame was spitting like a firecracker as he tried to ward the much larger animal away. Brooke saw red. She cleared the space between them in a single bound, sliding under the bear’s outstretched paw to put herself between him and the barking wolf.

  The bear looked startled, but only for a second, changing the angle of its paw to crash down onto Brooke’s back like a sledgehammer. She went down but struggled to her feet immediately as the bear turned back to Lucas.

  Get out of here, she snarled furiously. Lucas looked at her, contemplating what to do and she growled, Now!

  Lucas cast a glance to the other side of the clearing before turning and fleeing back between the trees. Brooke huffed, rolling her shoulder as best she could - the wound that was already there stung but didn’t reopen, and nothing else was broken as far as she could tell. She looked around her, trying to make sense of the carnage. She could spot eight of her wolves, three of which were injured, and four bears. Her heart sank as she spotted Connor towards the middle of the clearing, but she couldn’t focus on that now, not when her pack was in danger. The youngest of the bears, judging by his size, was holding one of his paws as red blood matted dark fur. Good, Brooke thought grimly.

  Vince was crouching low in the branches of a nearby tree - not a scratch on him. He looked like he was just watching the fight unfold, waiting to see who would win. Hatred, hot and bitter, flared in her chest at the sight. Coward, she thought viciously.

  Connor batted away a she-wolf, Maria, and turned, their eyes meeting. Brooke felt a lump form in her throat. He and his sleuth had injured three of her wolves, it was her job as alpha to take them down, take him down. He didn’t know who she was and she wished she had the same luxury - this would be so easy if he was just another bear.

  But he wasn’t.

  Connor charged at her and Brooke stood her ground. She knew what she should do; he’d left his throat open, she could just dart low and sink her teeth into the soft meat of his neck and it would all be over. But she couldn’t. She knew she couldn’t. She was weak. The best thing she could do was to show him and pray he only killed her.

  She looked up at Vince. Get them out of here. Vince’s eyes narrowed, cocking his head to one side. Connor was halfway across the clearing, swatting her wolves like flies when they lept for him.

What are you going to do? Vince’s voice was taunting in her head and she grit her teeth, turning away from him to face the bear. She had to trust that he’d listen to her, for once in his life. At the last possible second she clamped her eyes shut; she didn’t want to see Connor’s reaction. A coward till the end.

  She shifted.

  Silence. Brooke kept her eyes closed, but she could still see Connor’s face, contorted in fury and hatred, behind the lids.


  She jerked, eyes flying open. He’d shifted. Connor stood in front of her, those deep dark eyes wide with shock.

  Brooke ran.



  Connor was dumbstruck. The rest of the wolves had run, following a large black wolf that had spent most of the fight up under a tree, but Connor could only stand and watch as Brooke turned and sped off into the trees. A second later he followed her, ignoring his brother's calls for him to come back. He’d explain everything to them later, but now he had to find Brooke.

  God, I’m so stupid. The scent, the fights, the wound. Connor’s stomach twisted painfully - those deep angry gashes on Brooke’s skin - he’d done that to her. He had to make it right.

  He found her by the water’s edge. She was still human but as she twisted round to face him she bared her teeth, poised to shift. He held up his hands.

  “I don’t want to fight,” he said softly.

  Brooke snarled, “We haven’t got a choice, Connor. You know what I am now - there’s no need to pretend to spare my feelings.”

  “But I’m not pretending! I care about you Brooke; I don’t understand why you didn’t just tell me.”

  Brooke laughed, but it was cold and empty. Connor could see tears gathering at the corners of her eyes and he wanted nothing more than to reach forward and wipe them away. It felt like they’d travelled back in time, all the progress between them lost.


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