Before Noah (Daniels Family Book 3)

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Before Noah (Daniels Family Book 3) Page 7

by KL Donn

“Of course, I will. Whatever you need, Ember.”

  “Thank you, Noah.” She breathes out softly, and I can hear her close a car door. “I’m at the house now. Thea is with me. We’re going to clean up a bit then get groceries. Will you and Kol be here for dinner?”

  “I’ll make sure we are.” I smile because this is the most normal conversation we’ve ever had.

  “You’ll stay…for a while, right?” I’ve never heard Ember be anything but confident, and it’s a bit of a relief to know I’m not the only one who is swimming in unchartered waters here.

  “As long as you want me.”

  “Good. See you tonight.”

  We hang up, and I find I’m watching the clock for a whole new reason now.


  Since the attack, we’ve been taking things slow. We haven’t discussed our place in each other’s lives now that there’s a baby in the mix, a fact I’m still processing. Until she whispered those words to me, I had no idea how much I wanted children.

  I often find myself watching Ember when she’s moving around my place to see if I can glimpse the evidence of what I’ve done to her. A baby bump, tiny movements. Truthfully, I know it’s too soon yet, but with Ember's slim physique, I don’t think it’ll be long until she’s showing, and then every red-blooded male will know she belongs to someone.

  All I have to do now is convince her to marry me. If I thought she’d say yes, I’d ask her tonight. Hell, I would have done so already, but I know she won’t until she feels whole again. Until the nightmares stop and our relationship is on solid ground.

  I’ll wait for her. For as long as she needs, I’ll wait. Even if it kills me.

  Sometime later, a slap on my back drags me from my thoughts. “You ready?” Kol laughs. “You’ve been watching that damn clock all day; I’m surprised you weren’t up and out the door already.” Glancing up, I see I could have left twenty minutes ago.

  “I’ll meet you there,” I tell Kol, needing to make a stop first.


  “They’re here!” Thea calls from the front as I hear the door open. Placing the lasagna we made onto the counter and closing the oven door, I remove the oven mitts and leave the kitchen.

  Catching Kol and Thea locked in a passionate kiss, I blush and turn around until I hear Thea giggle. “Hey kid, something smells good.” Kol has always loved my lasagna.

  I smile at his compliment, but I stare behind him, waiting for Noah. When he doesn’t show, I grow concerned.

  “Where’s Noah?” I can feel the anxiety begin to creep up from my belly into my chest.

  “On his way. He had to make a stop first.” Kol places a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Relax, Em, he wouldn’t abandon you. Not ever again.”

  Staring up at my brother, I wonder, for the first time, about how Noah was feeling during those silent months. “He was miserable too?”

  Kol nods. “I’ve never seen the man as tormented as he was. Noah lives with that regret every day.” Pulling me in for a hug, my brother kisses my temple like he’s done since I was a little girl, and I instantly feel at ease.

  With Marina and Arsen having to go back home for the kids, I’m sad we won’t be able to share our news with everyone at once, but I’m ready to embrace the excitement I should be feeling for the future instead of living in my traumatic experience.

  I wasn’t able to let Noah know I wanted to share the joy of our baby with them yet, but I know he’ll be as happy as I am.

  Sitting on the stairs at the front door, I wait for Noah to arrive. I can hear Kol and Thea in the other room as they talk about their days, and I want that. The connection both of my brothers share with their significant other’s is something I’ve never witnessed before. It’s all-consuming and magical. Love at its finest.

  Now that Noah and I are working to give ourselves a chance together, I believe that can be us too.

  Hearing a vehicle arrive, I stand up quickly and whip open the door to see Noah getting out of his car with an enormous bouquet of flowers, wrapped so I can’t recognize what they are. Rushing out of the house in socked feet, I wait for his eyes to lift and see me.

  With a look of intense concentration, Noah walks around the front of his car before he finally notices me. Whatever had him looking troubled vanishes in a shot because the broadest grin I’ve ever seen takes over his face.

  “Baby,” he groans, and I run to him, jumping into his arms. “Damn, did I miss you.” Noah buries his face in my neck as he holds me up with his arms under my ass.

  Gripping the lush strands of his hair, I pull his head up before planting a kiss on his lips. We go from soft and sensual to heated and crazy in the blink of an eye. Our tongues duel, and my heart rate increases, pounding against my breast bone in a way I hadn’t realized I was missing.

  Noah pulls back first. “Christ, there's that fire I've been missing.” He grins again, nipping at my bottom lip.

  “I know we haven’t really spoken about the baby or our plans, but I’d really like to tell my brother and Thea tonight. Is that okay?” The happiness that was once shining bright disappears as Noah freezes, and I wonder if I’ve said the wrong thing. If I’ve read him wrong.

  Placing me on my feet, Noah hands me the bouquet that I still haven’t really seen and forces his hands in the pockets of his distressed jeans.

  “This wasn’t how I wanted to do things. I wanted more time. I wanted to be sure we were ready. That you were ready. And I realize every time I try to protect you, I only wind up hurting you and making you believe my intentions aren’t what I express.” He appears tortured by his words.

  “Noah, I don’t understand.” Looking like a caged animal, I’m not really sure I want to.

  Pulling his hands from his pockets, Noah drops to one knee, and I gasp. Holding my breath, I wait because I don’t want to assume before I pass out. I can’t seem to breathe.

  “Ember, I have loved you for longer than I can say, and every time I pulled away from you, it killed me a little more inside each and every day. Nearly losing you through my own stupidity and then again…” He doesn’t finish the words but shakes them from his mind. “I would be one hell of a lucky man if you agreed to be my wife.”

  “Yes.” I squeal, dropping to my knees in front of him, crushing the flowers to my chest as he takes my hand and places a stunning diamond ring on my finger. “Noah.” I whisper his name, and there’s nothing but love and complete adoration in the sound.

  “Yes? You’ll marry me?” I nod my head so vigorously, I grow dizzy. “Thank fuck,” he groans before recapturing my lips in a soul-defining kiss.



  She said, yes!

  I don’t know what the hell I did right in this world, but I’ve just become the richest man in the universe. Now, I’ll have Ember tied to me for life.

  Lifting her in my arms, she wears a dreamy smile on her face as she stares up at me with subtle glances at her ring.

  Forgetting anyone is here, my goal is to take her upstairs and ravish her until we’re both too tired to move.

  “Hey!” Kol’s voice stops me as I’m on the third step. “Dinner?” He smirks.

  “Fuck,” I groan.

  Ember doesn’t miss a beat, though. “We’re pregnant and engaged. Take the food and go home! Now!” Kol’s jaw drops, Thea sighs and relaxes into Kol’s chest, and I begin my ascent upstairs once again.

  My only destination is getting Ember into bed. Slamming the door shut as we enter her room, I let her body slide down mine, and she places the flowers on her dresser. Dragging my shirt up my body, I toss it to the side as I prowl towards my future wife. Her shyness always a turn on as her gaze roams my muscular frame.

  “It’s been too long, baby,” I growl, reaching for her. Her casted hand lands on my chest as the other digs into my hair. “Have I mentioned I’m sorry lately?” My eyes close when her fingers begin to massage my scalp.

  “Many times. I think you can stop now.” The st
eady thumping of my heart echoes in my ears when I feel Ember lean into me. Her lips graze mine before kissing along my jaw, down my throat, and across my chest. “I forgave you after the first note, Noah. I just didn’t know it at the time.”

  Gathering her in my arms, I bury my face in her neck. “You’re too fucking good for me.” Kissing the shell of her ear, my hands run up her back and under her shirt before lifting it over her head.

  “I’m perfect for you, Noah. It just took you longer to figure it out.” Her playful grin is reminiscent of the jovial Ember I’ve always known, and seeing the spark in her eyes again gives me hope for her peace of mind.

  “Yeah,” I agree with her. “It really did, but I’m here now, and nothing will ever change that.”

  “Good.” She grins up at me before her hands slip to my belt. Her growl when the cast gets in her way makes me laugh. “This damn thing.”

  “Let me.” Brushing her hands aside, I undo my pants before unhooking her bra and slipping her yoga pants down her legs. Removing the thick socks she enjoys wearing year-round at the same time.

  Standing before me in nothing but violet panties, her cast, hair cascading down her shoulders, and a few bruises, she’s never looked more stunning. What has me falling to my knees in front of her, though, is the barely-there baby bump. If you hadn’t been intimate with her before, you’d never notice. But I do, and my chest tightens with more love than I ever thought possible.

  “Christ, it’s beautiful,” I murmur, cupping her belly with my hands.

  “You noticed?” I gaze up at her with silent words.

  “I notice everything about you, Ember. This is one of the most important parts. I’d be a fool not to.” A blush creeps up her neck.

  Kissing just above her navel, I lay a light trail of kisses and nips up her belly and chest until I’m standing again before retaking her mouth. Losing my pants and underwear, I usher her to lie on the bed, not once breaking contact.

  Holding her to me, I slide her panties to the side before exploring her folds with my fingers. Wet for me, I groan when I find her entrance and gently slide a finger in to my knuckle. Massaging her walls, Ember squirms in my arms. I can feel her breathing become labored, and her body shakes.

  “You’re more than ready for me, aren’t you?” I stare into her dazed expression, and I can see she’s teetering on the edge. Not wanting her to plummet over without me, I push her panties to the side and thrust into her core to the hilt. Hissing out, “I forgot how fucking tight you are.”

  “Lack of experience.” She bites my jaw, and I growl.

  “The only fucking experience you get is from me,” I snap.

  “Three months to make up for, Noah.” I plow through roughly, making her gasp my name before her eyes close and her legs wrap around my hips, pulling me closer to her writhing body. Gripping her arms, I place them above her head and hold them by the elbows as my hips work in and out of her pussy leisurely.



  I shut my eyelids, and I can feel Ember’s pleasure as she takes from me everything she needs to explode into a chaotic mess of lust and desire.

  “Perfection, baby. Everything about you is pure,” I murmur into her neck, loving our unhurried motions. Drawn-out pleasure has always held a fascinating appeal to me, and when it comes to Ember, I could make love to her forever.


  I had forgotten.

  The pleasure that rolls through my veins.

  The desire that settles in the pit of my core.

  The intimacy of being this close to Noah.

  Through my depression, my heartbreak, I forgot what being with this man was like, and I feel invigorated. Renewed passion consumes my body with each heated stroke of his manhood.

  “Noah,” I gasp his name. The tiny hairs across my body stand on end as I feel my orgasm blooming. Releasing my arms, his rugged hands glide down my body, making me shiver as he skims past my ribs until he’s holding my hips in place.

  His thrusting becomes more forceful. Longer, deeper strokes keep me from tipping over the precipice until they become short and rough. Just teetering on the edge of pain until finally it happens.

  Noah hits something inside of me, or I get just the right amount of friction because stars explode in my vision before my body freezes, and I can feel the throbbing of my sex as pleasure envelopes me in a primal lover’s kiss.

  I can feel Noah’s movements steadying as his own body grows taut with need, and I find myself anticipating the moment he truly lets go. Witnessing Noah lost in pleasure is nearly as spiritual as the ecstasy itself. Knowing I did that to him makes me shiver.

  “Let go for me, Noah,” I whisper in his ear, kissing along his neck, raking my nails down his back as my hips meet him thrust for thrust. My own orgasm builds again. Slower, not as intense, but addicting all the same.

  Shockingly, Noah rolls to his back, so I’m on top and grips my hips tightly. “Take me there, Ember. Take it all from me,” he groans, and I watch the veins cord along his arms, up into his shoulders and neck, ready to burst from his desire.

  Swaying my hips rhythmically front to back, rocking against him, I slide quickly, then slowly. Never allowing him to grow used to one move before switching it up and rolling my hips in small circles until he takes over and begins pounding me.

  He bites his lip, and I lean down and nibble on the same spot. Slamming up into my core, Noah grips my waist with one hand while the other secures a chunk of my hair, and he kisses me so roughly, so animalistically, that we explode together. Our pleasure so passionate it penetrates our very souls until we collapse. Me, utterly languid on top of him, his heart racing, pounding against my ear as I listen, hypnotized by his strength.

  “I like Emilia if it’s a girl.” I feel the rumble of his voice, but it takes me a couple of minutes to register what he says.

  Tears clog my throat with happiness, but I force them down so I can concentrate. Crossing my arms over his chest, I rest my chin on my good hand and ask him, “And if it’s a boy?”

  He glowers at me. “It’s a girl.”

  “You want a little girl?” I’m shocked. I thought he’d be like my brothers and want boys first. So any daughters they have would have more protectors.

  “Are you kidding me? A little girl running around, the spitting image of you? I’m all for it.” He’s a girl dad already.

  “Emilia is beautiful,” I tell him, tracing his jaw with a finger. “Any other’s you like?”

  Noah deliberates before answering. “Sunshine.” He says it with a straight face, so I bite back my laugh.

  “That’s different,” I hedge.

  “Yeah. But she’d be one of a few lights of my life. What better way to honor her?” I think my heart has melted a teeny bit more, and I find myself wishing for a little girl more than anything to give him that dream.



  Excruciating pain has forsaken my body as I try to breathe.

  They lied.

  All of them.

  They spit out bullshit and told nothing but lies.

  I hate every single one of them.

  “Breathe, baby. You can do this,” Noah coaches from behind me.

  “Next time,” I pant heavily, “you push a damn watermelon out of your dick and see if you’re– Argh!” Why do I have to go through hell like this?

  “Okay, take a break, Ember. We have another few seconds before you have to push again.” I glare at the doctor. He doesn’t know shit.

  “Then, you do this,” I snap, and when he chuckles, I debate kicking him in the head. He must see my thought because he wipes the smile off his face and sits back until I’m in agony again.

  “I hate you, Noah Brennan!” I scream as I push.

  “I love you so fucking much,” he encourages in my ear.

  “Don’t be sweet with me,” I grit out.

  He kisses along my neck, whispering supportive words and reminding me he loves m
e. I just want to curl up in a ball and die.

  “Here we go!” the doctor says, and the nurses crowd around him. “One last push, and we’re home free.”

  “We?” I growl with more menace than I ever thought possible.

  “Alright, you. Last one, Ember!”

  Screeching through it, I feel a burst of relief and a higher-pitched wail as the doctor hands the nurse a little bundle of red and white goo that is absolute perfection.

  Gripping Noah’s hands in mine, I cry. “We made that,” I whisper.

  “We sure as shit did.” Kissing my temple, he releases my hands as the nurse brings the baby over.

  “A little girl.” The woman grins from ear to ear.

  “A girl,” Noah stutters, and I turn my head to see him with tears in his eyes. I’ve never seen Noah cry. Not on the day we got married, nor the one when I accidentally kicked him in the nuts. That happened a few days ago when I was miserable because I was two days past my due date and exhausted.

  “You got her, Noah. You got your little girl.” I smile at him, loving the way he’s watching her already.

  So much has happened these last few months, and with as much sorrow and heartbreak that I went through, I can admit now, it was worth it. Everything brought me, us, to this very moment where we became parents to the most beautiful little girl.

  “Emilia,” I say, and Noah confirms.

  “She looks like one, doesn’t she?” he murmurs, tracing a finger down her cheek.

  “Perfect,” the nurse says. “Let me clean Miss Emilia up, and I’ll be back in a dash.” Neither of us takes our eyes off our daughter as the doctor finishes up with me, and Noah gets up from the bed as they bring her back over.

  When the nurse goes to hand her to me, I shake my head no. “Dad, first.” So many would question my choice, but the woman beams and places our tiny bundle into Noah’s arms, and he sits in the chair next to my bed, staring at her. Watching as she sucks on her hand.


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