Booker (San Francisco Steel, #5)

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Booker (San Francisco Steel, #5) Page 6

by KJ Dahlen

She looked up at him and asked, “Does that mean you belong to me now too?”

  “It better. I don’t want to have to kill one of my brothers.” He growled at her.

  “I think I should warn you about my brother.” Quincy grinned.

  “You don’t have to, we fully understand each other. As long as he doesn’t make trouble I won’t, nor will I give him cause to doubt my intentions.”

  She turned toward him and reached out her hand to touch the side of his face. “I’m so glad I met you. I hope we have the rest of our lives to learn from each other.”

  “I am amazed to say I feel the same way. When I saw you standing on that beach...”

  Quincy held his face in her hands and waited for him to finish.

  “My world actually fucking tilted. I knew you were... home.”

  She blinked her eyes in confusion. “Home?”

  Booker nodded. “I have never had one. Not really. A wanderer by trade. A nomad by biker standards. I have made one here with the Steels, but you have now made me feel...” he paused to try to find the words to describe this. “...Whole and at home, finally.”

  Quincy looked stunned by this admission. “I never had man inside me as you know, but I have been around men. Ones who would have jumped at the chance to well, have me. But I never felt anything. Well, not anything like this.”

  Booker smiled. “Lucky me then.”

  She laughed. “Funny you should say that. Carson said, ‘Lucky man.’ ”

  He chuckled. “See? We agree already.” He got up from the bed.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “I will be back in a minute.” Booker headed for the bathroom hoping he had some clean washcloths in there. He found two. He got them warm under the faucet and then headed back to his bed. He smiled. “I will do you then you do me.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

  She stared at him and then at the wet washcloths. Chuckling, she laid back. “You first, biker man.”

  He shook his head then ordered in a low voice, “Open your thighs for me.”

  Quincy seemed to get goosebumps all over at the tone in his voice as she opened her legs.

  He then gently cleansed away the spots of crimson and the heavy amount of his cum. “Damn, I know I have never...” he stopped and looked up at her. “...Come that much before.”

  Her eyes widened and she then smiled. “I will take it as a compliment. I think?”

  “It is,” he stated as he finished wiping her.

  She sat up. “Oooh... now, it’s my turn.” Her eyes sparkled. “I-I have never gotten to see one of these up close.”

  He blinked at her. “One of...”

  She laughed and pushed him down on his back. “A like... you know... manhood.”

  Booker stared up at her then laughed. “It’s a cock, baby.”

  Her face flushed red. “Umm... wow.” She stared down at him.

  He peered up at her face concerned. “What is it, like freakish to you?”

  Quincy licked her lips and began cleaning him with the still warm cloth. “Hell no... Oh, look... It’s getting larger?”

  He laughed loudly. “Yes, you again are turning me on, woman.”

  Her eyes looked lit with a wicked light. “I’m causing this?”

  “Fuck yeah...” he groaned as she was now wiping his balls.

  Quincy was entirely entranced. “So if I do this...” She squeezed his package.

  His cock stood straight up, hard and ready.

  Her eyes rounded. “Whoa!” She looked like a little girl in a candy shop as she touched the tip of him, then ran her finger down the long silky shaft.

  Booker grabbed her hands. “This could lead to you being tossed onto your back again, sweet thing. But we should both get some rest. We need to be on high alert tomorrow. And later, we will have time to explore each other and find out each other’s secrets.” He gave her a wink.

  “I hope so.” She grinned. “I am curious about something too.”

  He still held her hands as he raised a brow at her. “About...?”

  “What it would feel like to umm...” She looked shy all the sudden. “Have it in my mouth.”

  His cock throbbed visibly at this statement.

  She grinned as she stared down at him. “Wow...”

  He shook his head. “You are too much, Quincy.”

  Her eyes connected with his. “Too much? How can that be? I’ve never even...”

  He smiled. “You are going to be my best ride ever, sweet woman.” He laughed and grabbed her up. Taking the washcloth, he tossed it over to the nightstand. “We sleep now.”

  She suddenly turned serious as she lay next to him and he covered them up with a sheet. “Yes, you’re right. Before Venom and his men do attack us, focus on watching your back. If you happen to turn around, I’ll be there.”

  “You are my crazy woman huh?” Booker shook his head and tucked her close to his body.

  Hours later, there was a soft knock on his door and Booker woke up with a start. He didn’t remember falling asleep but he had.

  The woman in his arms stirred and slowly opened her eyes. For a moment, she smiled then she remembered and the smile faded away. “It’s time isn’t it?”

  Booker nodded. “Yeah sweetheart, it’s time.”

  Quincy then got a resolute look in her eyes. “Then let’s get ready.” She pushed the covers away and reached down to the floor for her clothing.

  Booker did the same and a few minutes later, they were walking down the hall to join the others.

  Everyone was there and ready for a long night.

  When Slammer saw them together, he barely raised an eyebrow. He looked as if this event hadn’t surprised him at all. Instead, he gave Booker a nod. “I want our best shooters up top. I want all entry points covered and the rest at the windows. Be ready for anything tonight. I have a feeling Venom and Anaconda are going to throw everything they got at us and I don’t want them to catch us unaware.”

  “We took the time this afternoon to block the back door with wood so they wouldn’t get in as easy as all that,” Rooster told him.

  Texas then informed them, “I also increased the window of the cameras outside and added a night scope to them. We should be able to see them coming from any angle now.” He began passing around ear pieces for everyone. “We can keep in touch with each other this way.

  Shotgun looked over at Audrey. “I’m going to put you and Bess together. Rainy will protect you both but I want her with someone she trusts tonight okay?”

  Audrey nodded then gathered Bess in her arms. “You know I will protect her with my life.”

  Slammer looked at his men. “Venom thinks he’s got the element of surprise on his side but we’re ready for him. He knows he’s only got twenty four hours before the Triad finishes him off. He has to get inside the compound before then. He thinks once he gets inside, he’ll be safe. It’s up to us to keep him outside those gates. But remember, Venom has to be taken alive. The Triad demands that much.”

  The room was quiet now as they all stood together.

  River spoke up, “We need...”

  Everyone looked over at her.

  “Like a moment of prayer?” She bit at her lip.

  Slammer studied her for a second and then looked around. “Yeah, we could use the big guy right about now. If you believe, go ahead. If you don’t?” He raised a brow and gazed at the faces in the room. “Maybe it’s time to start.” He nodded and lowered his head.

  Everyone else did too. A long couple of minutes went by as everyone in the room lowered their heads.

  Slammer raised his head. “Lock and load em boys.” He paused and looked over at his woman and her friends, “And girls.”

  Chapter Nine

  Quincy muttered under her breath, “Well, that doesn’t help. I need something to lock and load.”

  Booker stepped up next to her. “What?”

  She shrugged. “I didn’t know all this would happen or I would have brough
t my favorite to this party,” she said absently as she looked around and then wandered over to the weapons table.

  Booker followed her. This ought to be interesting.

  She looked at the array of weapons and seemed to be thoughtful as she picked up a gun and looked at it.

  Booker watched her grip. Yep, she knows how to hold a gun all right.

  She laid the handgun down and moved over to the next row. She then gasped and picked up a long rifle with a scope. “Damn, this is the second best sniper rifle in the whole world!”

  He raised a brow and swung his curious gaze to the weapon in her hands.

  She slipped the bolt back and then raised it up to her cheek. “Great scope too.”

  “So you like this gun?” Booker asked.

  She slowly lowered the rifle and stared at him. “Gun?” Quincy looked insulted by the word. “This is a god dammed work of art. The SSG 69 is a bolt-action sniper rifle that serves as the standard sniper rifle for the Austrian Army. It was so ahead of its time with the use of synthetics and cold hammer-forged barrels for durability that most rifles still cannot beat it, even after all these years.” She then raised it up again to look through the scope as she continued her list, “Iron sights with SSG 69 PI; telescopic sight. Its effective firing range is 800 meters or 875 yards.” She then swung the gun down then up in an expert grip. “Unobstructed, its maximum firing range is like 4,046 yards.”

  Shotgun wandered over and stood next to Booker as he too, watched the woman with the high powered rifle in her hands. He interjected her listing of the weapon’s attributes, “Hard core quick bolt-action with a barrel length of like what... 25 and a half inches. Yes, the second best rifle in the world.”

  Booker raised his brows and looked between them. “So what the fuck is the best?”

  They both blurted out, “The Barrett M82!” Like he was stupid not to know this fact.

  Booker raised his hands as he laughed and shook his head.

  Looking thrilled and then searching the table for the matching ammo, Quincy went on excitedly, “The Barret M107 is recoil-operated. Which means its kick is not as bad as it could be for such a huge rifle. It’s the best though. A .50 caliber, semi-automatic sniper rifle. The best but far too big and mostly used by the Army.”

  Shotgun nodded, now looking impressed by this dog trainer woman. “Yeah, it can’t be, shoulder-fired. Its effective as fuck though, with an unobstructed firing range‎ though is about ‎1,969 yards. So I sure as shit wish one was sitting on this table.”

  “Oh, me too,” Quincy agreed. “But damn, that rifle has to be set on a tripod and you have to belly shoot.”

  “Yeah, well I would scramble around on my fucking belly in the bushes to be able to blow Venom’s freakish head off.”

  Quincy laughed. “Oh yes, his head would be cleanly blown off. But not at all preserved enough for this Tommy Triad guy.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” Shotgun looked disappointed.

  Booker smiled at their rifle talk feeling a bit amazed by his new woman all at the same time. He then pointed to the far end. “The matching ammo is over there.” Yeah, he knew about guns too and he knew what ammo fit this rifle.

  “Ooh!” Quincy almost squealed with delight as she pranced over while carrying the gun like it was a part of her body, another limb even.

  Shotgun stared then looked over at Booker. “Lucky man.” He grinned and hit Booker on the back so hard that he was forced forward a whole foot.

  Shotgun laughed at Booker’s stunned expression then headed away to escort his daughter and Audrey to the kitchen along with her new protector. He put them in the pantry. Where bullets couldn’t reach them. The boys had reinforced the walls with bags of sand six feet high. The pantry was his best bet to protect his child and he was using it. He hoped like hell they didn’t get close to the clubhouse but Shotgun wasn’t taking any chances with her life.

  After he saw them safe, he closed the door and rejoined the rest of them. He stopped and stared at River. “Baby, I know you want in on this fight.”

  River nodded.

  “But I can’t...” He sighed. “I just found you and I can’t lose you.”

  She placed her hands on her hips. “Well, I can’t lose you either, so are you gonna stand down?”

  He shook his head. “How is it you can do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Talk your way around me every damn time.”

  She stepped close and raised up on her tiptoes to speak to his lips, “I will be fighting for us, big guy. Just like you are.”

  He now raised a brow at her. “Well, you will have to change clothes.”

  She looked puzzled as he grasped her hand and walked her over to the weapons’ table.

  “Oh no,” she said. “I already have mine.” She reached to the back of her jeans and raised up a very large Kruger.

  Shotgun stared at her and then licked his lips.

  “What?” River asked looking puzzled again.

  “That might just be the sexiest fucking thing I have ever seen. My hot woman carrying a gun.”

  She then broke into a smile.

  He then realized he had brought her over for something in particular. He handed it over to her.

  Her gaze fell to the jacket. “A bullet proof vest?”

  “Yep,” Shotgun replied as he swiftly snatched her gun from her grip before she even had a chance to blink.

  “Hey!” she shouted.

  He pursed his lips. “See? No face to face with any of these bastards or they can do what I just did.”

  She let out a huff of air, looking frustrated. “So, give it back.” She extended her hand.

  Shotgun reached back to the table again and grabbed another item then plunked it into her open palm.

  River peered down at it with wide eyes. “A metal helmet?”


  “Dammit, Lucian,” she stooped to using his given name. “I don’t want to wear this heavy ass stuff.” She pouted.

  “Well, if you don’t you...” He leaned in close. “You will be locked in a closet in my room.”

  Her mouth popped open in pure shock. “You wouldn’t!”

  Slammer walked past them to get another clip for his gun from the table where they both stood. “Oh yes, he would.”

  River narrowed her eyes at Shotgun and stomped her foot as she tried to get into the vest.

  “Here let me help,” Shotgun offered.

  “No! You are a mean bully.” Her pout remained as she struggled with the heavy vest.

  He laughed. “I am not. I am your man and you will be protected.”

  She stopped and looked at him. “Yeah...okay.”

  He blinked his eyes at her easy give in. It had been TOO easy for his comfort. “Okay?”

  Nodding, River plunked the helmet onto her head. “Sure. Now give me back my piece!” She again, held out her hand.

  He complied and gave the Kruger back. Then he stepped back and looked her over.” Fuck...” He winced.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You are so god dammed hot like this. I just want to...”

  River laughed and shoved her gun into the back of her tight jeans. “Dream on shotgun man. I got bidness to attend to.” She strolled away as her hips swayed.

  “God dammit!” he seethed.

  Slammer started to laugh.

  After checking his own clip and getting extra ammo, Shotgun walked over to where his Prez stood and asked, “Who went up top?”

  “Mammoth and Carson.”

  Shotgun glanced over at his boss. “Carson isn’t one of us.”

  “I know that and so does he, but he wanted to join us anyway. His dog went with him, so he should be okay.”

  Shotgun nodded though he still felt uneasy about newcomers joining this fight. He looked around and saw Texas sitting in the middle of the room with his laptop and monitor set up. “You need some gear boy.”

  Texas looked up confused. “I got my set up right here

  Shotgun shook his head and went back over to the table they had set up for ammo, equipment and weapons. He grabbed a helmet and a vest. He marched back over, his large boot steps now the main sound in the room. “Here, put these on.”

  Texas stared at the heavy covering. “But I will be sweating like well, a Texas hog on a fucking Harley.”

  Slammer grinned. “As fucking silly as that is to envision, it would be better to sweat than be a hog on a spit, Tex.”

  Texas let out a heavy sigh and put on the protection.

  Shotgun stared and him and cracked smile. “Now you look like Private Ryan or some shit.”

  Texas huffed in disgust and then started typing on his keyboard.

  “We should be all set and ready to go then.” Slammer nodded to his VP. “Now, all we need are the rest of the players.” His grey eyes took on a steely glint as he checked the clip on his magnum.

  Shotgun glared as he held his favorite weapon. His trusty sawed off Winchester and said in a singsong deep voice, “Come out and play, little snakes.”

  Texas raised his head and stared at his VP and then at his President.

  The two men were maybe some of the largest, tallest men he had ever seen.

  One could pound a man down to the floor with one fist or he could even kill with his two fists. But he rarely did, as he kept his head while going through some real stressed out crap. He didn’t crack like other men would have at this point in this fucked up war.

  The other man could wield a shotgun like they did in the wild west days. Like a dammed trick shooter, even. He mostly kept his head but could go off when you needed it, just like his name. Shotgun.

  Texas and the men knew they were in that war that killed those biker brothers with the Triad, all those years ago. Practically the only two that survived and lived to tell about it. Not that they did tell that much.

  Both men were like...heroes to all the brothers of Steel. They were the main reason any of them were even here, ready to follow them, ready to die if they had to.

  Now, Texas knew for sure why they had the loyalty and faith of all the Renegades.

  They were the real thing... larger than life and looking ready to spit death in the eye.


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