Love's Neglect

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Love's Neglect Page 3

by Flynn Eire

  “Yeah, totally,” I panted, my heart racing. “I want to touch your abs again—I mean, I want to have abs like yours, touch mine and they’re like yours. That’s what I meant.”

  “No, I feel you.” He poked my stomach and chuckled. “I gotta go find the next guy, but I’ll see you at my fight, yeah?”

  “I’ll try,” I agreed. Roarke nodded and headed off. My stomach was still warm from where he’d been touching it, and I wanted to melt into the ground with lust. Holy crap. Had he been flirting with me? That was flirting, right?

  No, he was just being friendly, making up for snapping at me and giving me a pass for being a goober. That was all it had been. Confident that was the answer, I rejoined my class and focused on Matteo going over what we’d just seen with Roarke’s fight and continuing where we’d left off.

  Then I caught up with Alexander and told him my idea, slipping in that it had been Roarke who’d helped me with it and suggested I bring it to him. He approved the idea as long as Roarke was the warrior who sponsored it, telling me he thought it was a good way to bring a new addition to our camp into our folds. But he wanted me to wait until Roarke had his permanent job, though to watch his fights and count moves.

  I could do that. I wanted to see him fight.

  I simply left when it was time for him to fuck the loser… Like later that day when he beat Shane, and I took a walk. Then when I figured it was safe to come back, I watched the next fight, happy for the sexless reprieve since he—and then Kevin—were straight.

  But yeah, when the shorts came off, I left. I couldn’t handle it anymore. Thinking Roarke was hot and then watching him have sex and wishing I was the guy he was screwing was one thing… I might even want to see that. It wasn’t just that for me now that I’d talked with him.

  Not after he’d touched me like that even if it hadn’t meant anything to him.


  The next day I lucked out because Jeston was seeing someone and Roarke didn’t mess with people who were involved, not just mated. So there was no sex and Roarke was up to the ninth spot. After he won his next challenge and took the number eight position—a straight guy—he waved me over to the edge of the pit.

  And yes, I realized I was focusing more on whether his challengers were gay or straight than their names or jobs half the time but I was more worried about having to watch Roarke have sex than I should have been. So sue me.

  “How many was that?” he asked, finally looking a little tired for the first time after I’d seen him fight.

  “Thirty-six.” I knew he meant how many moves it took him to win. He’d gotten really into me keeping count.

  He kicked the dirt and shook his head. “Damn. I really thought I could keep it under thirty.”

  “Wait, you weren’t counting?”

  Roarke glanced up at me again with a raised brow. “Jump down here.” I did, not sure what was going on, nodding to the warrior as he left. Then Roarke tossed me one of the extra swords that were kept down there on the covered racks for practice. I shocked myself by catching it, staring at him with wide eyes.

  “Roarke, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any offense or—”

  “I’m not challenging you, Wally,” he chuckled. “I’m showing you something. We’re just sparring.” I nodded and mirrored his actions as he got into position. “Okay, count your moves as you make them.”

  “Right, got it.” We saluted each other, and I readied myself. Roarke launched at me, faster than I’d been ready for. I hurried to block. One. Then again. Two. I struck out right. Three. Then there was four. Five. Seven, no six—next thing I knew my sword was on the ground.

  “You better get used to getting naked a lot, Wally,” he snickered. My eyes darted to his as my chest heaved. He nodded toward the sword I’d just lost. “If you’re going to be losing like that, you’re going to be losing a lot and getting naked.”

  “Oh, right,” I chuckled, pushing my hair back from my forehead. “I was so busy counting my moves that I—” And just like that I understood. I met Roarke’s knowing eyes and nodded. “I lost focus of the fight.”

  “Exactly. A distracted warrior is one who’s already lost the fight but doesn’t know it yet.”

  “Got it.”

  He tucked his foot under the sword and flipped it to me. “Again. This time only focus on the fight.” He glanced up and saw Mark watching us. “Count his moves for him.”

  I did and I lasted way longer. We both glanced at Mark for the results.

  “Twenty-four moves. Nice job, Wally,” Mark praised, giving us a wave before he moved away from the railings.

  Then we were alone.

  “Don’t tell anyone I said this, but you fight better than a lot of the warriors I’ve already faced. They’re getting lazy, not keeping up with their training. It’s obvious you’ve been working hard,” Roarke said as he leaned over and picked up the sword, setting it back on the rack. “I’d rather have you at my back out on a mission than most of them. You pay attention and really focus on your surrounds. Your footwork is stellar for a post-trans.”

  “Thanks, Roarke. That means a lot coming from you.” Then I realized I should give credit where it was due. “Matteo has put in a lot of hours with us. He’s dedicated to getting us ready for our warrior tests. He thinks if we put in the time and effort and don’t pass, that’s on him, not us.”

  “As he should.” He sheathed his sword and scratched his chin. I realized it was his cute thinking gesture. “That’s really cool of him to tell you guys though. I’ve not met many trainers who are so open with their students. He seems like a good guy. I don’t know, Wally. You might be right about this place. They seem to have their heads out of their asses.”

  I glanced at my watch and cleared my throat. “We better get to the cafeteria before there’s only the prepackaged stuff and they close down the lines.”

  “Good point. I’ve gotta refuel before my next challenge.” He grabbed his shirt, jogged over towards me, and wiggled his eyebrows. “I hear Sam’s single, gay, and up for just about anything.” He jumped up out of the pit, and I followed after him.

  “You really are into the sex part, aren’t you?”

  He threw his arm around my shoulder and chuckled. “Wally, who isn’t into sex?”

  I smiled politely but didn’t say anything. What did someone say to that when the only person they wanted to have sex with was standing right next to them?

  * * * *

  Roarke did beat Sam, and I left when he took off his shorts, my heart twisting in my chest, especially after the fun I’d had at lunch with him.

  The next day Roarke won over Tadzio and Lynx, getting fifth place at the camp as he wanted. But he didn’t stop there. Matteo had been at the fight and I watched—along with everyone else—as Roarke looked up at Matteo.

  “You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?” Matteo snickered, shaking his head.

  “Yeah, I am,” Roarke admitted with a good-natured grin. “I kinda want third, but I don’t want to be stuck at fourth. No offense, but your job would bore me to tears.”

  “I’ll tell you what,” Matteo hedged, glancing at Nate who nodded. “Fight Helios and just see if you can handle him. If you can, I’ll give up my spot and you get third in one shot.”

  Roarke’s eyebrows shot up. “What’s the catch?”

  “If you don’t last even a minute with Helios, I still win you as if you lost, but me and my mate get you for the night. We like to play.”

  I felt my stomach turn sour as I swallowed down vomit. The only two people I was sure I didn’t have to worry about being with Roarke just stepped up.

  Are they fucking kidding me?

  “Deal,” Roarke agreed after taking a good look at Nate. Helios laughed and jumped down, obviously having been ready for this setup. Great, just fucking great.

  Roarke and Helios squared off, and it was a whole five seconds before Roarke’s sword was down and Helios had the vampire on the ground with his knee in Roarke’s back,
blade placed at Roarke’s neck.

  “Yeah, okay, see you at your room tonight,” Roarke whispered, his eyes wide. “Fifth spot works swell for me.”

  “Welcome to the camp, brother,” Helios greeted as he let Roarke up. Cheers and congratulations went up from everyone watching, Roarke’s legendary climb up into the top five over.

  I had a whole different response as everyone was distracted. I stormed over to Nate and shoved him. “You’re a fucking douchebag.” I spun away, unable to even look at him. I got about a hundred feet from the circle before someone grabbed my arm and turned me around.

  “What the fuck was that for?” Nate snarled, towering over me. He’d grown to giant size somehow.

  “When is it going to be enough for you, Nate?” I bitched, not caring that he was bigger or had turned earlier than me. I was too upset and hurt to care. “You got Matteo even before you transitioned. You got to have Rune who you didn’t appreciate and some of us were dying to be with for real. You already get Lance on the side. Anyone you want to leave for the rest of us?”

  “He agreed to it, Wally. It’s not like we’re poaching or he’s—” He snapped his mouth shut, and his face drained of anger as he stared at me. “You like him.”

  “Everyone likes Roarke.”

  “Wally, you know what I mean,” he muttered, his tone gentle now. “You guys have been hanging out a bit I heard, but I thought it was about a project.”

  “It is,” I snapped.

  “But you like him.” I shrugged. “Oh, Wally. Why didn’t you say something? I wouldn’t have gone near him or let Matteo set this up if I’d known. We just wanted to screw with the guy who’s been screwing his way through the camp.”

  I took a step back and turned my head away as if he’d slapped me. It felt like it to hear him flippantly talk about all the sex Roarke had been having right in front of me.

  “Shit, you really do like him. You’re acting like I would if I had to hear about Matteo having sex before we mated. Wally, I’m sorry, okay? Don’t be pissed at me.”

  “Whatever, it’s fine,” I lied, pulling away when he reached for me. “I’m just the dorky post-trans everyone relies on but no one really sees, right? You’ve got the gorgeous mate and Lance has the flashy looks, but then there’s Wally with his head stuck in a book, anyone can ask for help. Screw you. I shouldn’t have had to tell you I liked someone for you to back off and maybe care that the rest of us get a chance with anyone. You’re already mated and happy. Switch it up with other couples or something and leave some single guys for us.”

  It was mean and harsh and borderline judgmental, but I said it anyways before I stormed off. What he and Matteo did was their business, and I really didn’t think there was anything wrong with it… Until they went near Roarke.

  In my defense, it wasn’t like we lived in a huge coven where we had a ton of options. Did they have to bring everyone not mated to their bed?

  I felt bad for the straight guys who had no options at the camp at all.

  And round, and round, and round I went until I ended up at the shooting range. It seemed like the perfect place to work out some issues at the moment. I punched in the code to the gun cage, wanting to punch out something else, and minutes later, I was firing one of the many preloaded clips I had grabbed and destroying a target.

  It was after my tenth clip and my third target when I was considering going back for more bullets that I realized I wasn’t alone anymore. I set the gun down and pulled off my headphones, about to turn around, when a large body pressed up against me.

  “I hear I have you to thank for missing out on my ménage tonight,” Roarke hissed as he ground his hard cock against my lower back. I moaned as I moved my hands onto the counter and let my head fall forward. I was rewarded with his lips on my neck. “What did you do, Wally?”

  “They tricked you,” I gasped as he nibbled on my ear. “There was no way you could beat Helios and they set you up. It wasn’t fair.”

  “Is that the only reason you chewed out Nate?” I bit my lower lip, not wanting to confess anything. He cupped my groin roughly and squeezed, turning my whole body into jelly. “Answer me.”


  His hand kept moving even as his hips and mouth did, but he didn’t say anything for a few moments. “Fine, but you’re making it up to me. I like a good ménage, but I prefer to stick my cock into nice tight holes instead of being a bottom.” I nodded because it seemed like the thing to do. He sucked up a mark on my neck and chuckled. “Do you have nice tight holes for my cock, Wally?”

  “I don’t know. You should check.”

  “Mmm, playful, I like it.”

  That was one way to look at it. I really didn’t know what the answer was to tell him. I figured offering was the only thing to say.

  “Come to my room tonight, ready for me, and I’ll check before maybe forgiving you,” he growled.

  “Yes, okay, anything you want.”

  “Good. Get on your knees.”

  “Wait—huh?” I turned my neck and glanced up at him.

  There was so much heat in his eyes I shivered. “I want to feel your other hole on me, Wally. The hot, wet one known as your mouth. You can start your apology right now.” He spun me around and away from the counter before pushing on my shoulders. I found myself giving in, dropping to my knees in the dirt. I quickly glanced around and then back up to him when he chuckled. “It’s all right. We’re alone. I wouldn’t embarrass you with an audience.” He pulled down the front of his shorts. “Now suck my cock.”

  I leaned forward and licked the head as I grabbed it with my hand, staring up at him to see if I was doing it right. He moaned and grabbed my hair.

  “Oh yeah, Wally. I knew you’d be good at this with plump lips like those. Take more.” He urged me forward but didn’t push or thrust, so I did what he wanted, groaning at the taste of him. I bobbed my head, ready to blow in my shorts at how crazy this was, as his fingers tangled in my hair. “Shit, that’s it, babe. Suck my fat cock and love it. Moan harder, let me feel it.”

  I did, and he went mad, grabbing my hair with his other hand and thrusting gently into my mouth. I moved my hands onto his thighs as I practically sang as I sucked on him. He loved it, telling me how good I was doing and how wonderful it felt.

  Apparently Roarke was quite the talker during oral sex. He warned me when he was coming minutes later and then blew down my throat. I swallowed as much of it as I could, but some ran out of my mouth with how much cum he gave me. When he pumped the last of it in me, he slowly pulled out, blinking down at me as if shocked at what had just happened.

  Or maybe how good it had been? I really hoped it was the latter.

  He moved his hands under my arms and helped me get back up, his eyes still full of heat. Then his thumb traced my lips, and he caught some of his seed that I hadn’t swallowed trailing from my mouth and wiped it up. Then he pushed his thumb into my mouth.

  “Lick it clean, babe. You missed some.”

  I moaned and did what he wanted, grabbing his wrist in my hand and going to town on his thumb as if it had been his cock again. Roarke’s mouth parted, and he licked his lips as he watched me. When I was done, I let go of his wrist, and the next second, he had me pinned against the divider between the shooting lanes, his hand down my shorts, stroking me as my wrists were above my head in his other hand. He pressed his lips to my ear, his breath hot against my cheek.

  “Keep this hard and ready for me until after dinner ends tonight, Wally, and I’ll fuck you so good you’ll scream and come harder than you ever have before, I promise. You want that, don’t you?”

  “Yes, god, yes. Please, Roarke,” I whimpered, pulling against his hand, aching to touch him and yank him closer to me. “Please! I’m dying here. I want to come.”

  “Then show up tonight and maybe I’ll get you off twice if you’re good,” he chuckled. “I do like the begging. You’re fucking hot when you beg like that.”

  Then he did the cruelest
thing ever and removed his hand from me and out of my shorts. I let out a pathetic cry of protest and tried to follow after his hand with my hips. Instead, he kissed under my ear and let me go.

  “See you tonight, Wally.” Roarke pulled up the front of his shorts, gave me a wink, and walked off as if nothing had just happened besides we’d bumped into each other. I glanced down at my throbbing hard-on in my shorts to make sure the proof of what I’d just experienced was really there.

  How could he walk away after that? What kind of crazy control did the man have?

  I didn’t know, but either way, it was hours until the end of dinner and I was going to be walking around with a stiffy until then. Great.

  On the bright side, the relief coming for that was being in Roarke’s bed. I smiled as my heart fluttered at the idea. He wanted me. All the people he’d screwed in the challenge circle and I was the one invited to his room that night. Wow. Miracles really did happen!

  I cleaned and locked up the gun after reloading all the clips I’d emptied. It felt like it took forever but really it was less than half an hour. There was so much to do to get ready for tonight, and now that my first real date was here, I was a ball of nerves.

  After I was done at the shooting range, I raced back to my room, grabbed my bath stuff, and hurried to the shower. I must have spent like an hour in there. I shaved my face and then I trimmed my groin. Then as I washed up, I debated maybe shaving a bit down there.

  Wait, what if my ass was hairy? I’d never looked closely at it before.

  I actually bolted out of the shower, shampoo in my hair still, and checked my ass in the mirror. I didn’t see anything besides normal body fuzz. But what if I just didn’t have the right angle? Should I shave it anyways? But then what if I shaved and then it started growing in thick and I had to shave it all the time?

  Get a fucking grip, Wally. It’s just a date and sex. People do it all the damn time. You’re not a kid anymore.

  Yeah, people had sex all the time. I hadn’t ever yet. I knew there was a certain level of freak out expected when people were going to lose their virginity, but it seemed like I was having an extreme reaction to the idea. Maybe it was because I liked Roarke so much?


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