Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8) Page 18

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Aye, they be right,” Stacia nodded. “It be easier when we be havin’ Tiny and TJ to hold the mobs if they stun Gerald.”

  “It means I don’t get hit, for which I’m very grateful,” Marysue agreed.

  “As am I,” Gerald smiled at Marysue.

  “We’re going to need to press on tomorrow to have any chance of seeing an Elder Sandworm,” Alburet said after a few minutes of silence. “That’s what you’re really aiming for, right?”

  “Nicely spotted,” Gerald nodded. “We’ll take the shards too, but hearts are what we’re really after.”

  “Those are going to suck,” Karen sighed. “Getting swallowed is going to be a real issue.”

  “We’ll need to keep the stuns until it tries to burrow and chain them then, probably,” Gerald suggested. “If Stacia and Kitten Essence Drain them right off the bat, I’m sure that’ll help, too.”

  “Aye, we can be doin’ tha’,” Stacia agreed. “It be nice to be able to help even a little.”

  The sand around them erupted as five undead appeared beside the group. Gerald immediately Ground Stomped and stunned them, allowing them time to turn on the mobs.

  “Same group as last time. Tiny, take the healers. TJ, you’re on backup duty to keep the others safe, but switch if you need. Focus the Forgotten Necromancers first, then the Archers. The Dark Knight is last.”

  “Still say they don’t look like Batman,” Karen snickered as she vanished.

  “I’d tell you to focus, but it’s not like we need to,” Alburet said, taking to the air alongside Stacia.

  “Not for these,” Fluff growled and landed behind the Necromancers. Spinning, her claws began to stack bleeds onto the mobs as her Whirlwind did its job.

  A few minutes later, the undead were dead and looted. “Timely intervention, TJ,” Gerald thanked the Copy, as he put their fourth Dead Shard into his bag.

  “Protecting people is my joy,” TJ rumbled.

  “Think we’ll get another attack in before bed?” Karen asked.

  “Possible. We’re averaging one fight an hour at the moment, which honestly seems a bit lackluster.”

  “You need to think about other groups,” Fluff chided Alburet. “If we didn’t have the extras, Marysue would be using potions.”

  “Fair enough, but for the end zone, I would still expect one every half-hour or more,” Alburet shrugged.

  “He has a point,” Gerald added. “We’re also just a few hours from the Keep. The further we get away, maybe the attacks will increase in number?”

  “We’ll find out tomorrow,” Marysue said as they began to move southeast again.


  They made camp just as the sun began to set, shortly after being attacked again. Alburet set the Campstone while Karen put up their tent and Gerald set up his and Marysue’s. Fluff was busy pulling out ingredients to cook dinner, leaving the Infernals and Marysue with nothing to do.

  “Master, are we to stay with you?” Tiny asked.

  “No. I’ll summon you in the morning. Get your rest, and let us know how the manor is tomorrow.”

  “I will,” Tiny said and vanished.

  “I hope you level tomorrow,” Bob said before he vanished, too.

  “Oh, does Bob become an Imp Lord when you level next?” Marysue asked.

  “Aye, then Tiny, and finally me before he reaches his last Ability,” Stacia answered for Alburet.

  “That will be interesting,” Marysue said. “I peeked at my last Abilities when I trained.” Her face brightened as she smiled. “I’ll be getting my wings.”

  “Wings?” Karen asked, coming over to join them.

  “Yes. I’ll only be able to use them for ten minutes every hour, but I’ll get wings.” Her excitement was easy for Alburet and his wives to sense.

  “What about you, Gerald?” Alburet asked.

  “Boar’s Heartiness. Multiplies my health by five, which will give me a health pool to work with when we get to the raid.”

  “That’d push you to what... seventy or eighty thousand?” Karen asked with a shocked look.

  “Depending on what kind of extra gear we get between now and then, it should break eighty,” Gerald smiled. “I’ll be well above our broken Summoner, instead of only just barely.”

  Alburet shrugged, “It’s not like I set out to be a broken character.”

  “Didn’t stop it from happening, either,” Gerald snorted. “What about you? What are you going to pick up?”

  Alburet told them about his options while Fluff cooked dinner for them all. Karen and Fluff chimed in to explain what they’d likely choose when they reached max level. The conversation turned to theory-crafting until Fluff tapped the pot she was using.

  “Dinner is ready,” she told them. “Come and get your bowl.”

  Alburet looked into his bowl speculatively, never having seen a soup like it. “What did you make, Fluff?”

  “Borscht,” Fluff said, taking her spot beside him. “I hope you like it.”

  “Never had borscht before,” Alburet said, sampling a spoonful.

  “I have, and this is easily among the best I’ve had, Fluff,” Gerald smiled.

  “Thank you,” Fluff replied, her happiness felt by her lovers. “I’ve made it many times, but never for people who care for me.”

  “It’s different,” Alburet said. “Tasty, but different.”

  “Aye. I never would have thought to use the vegetables ya have in this,” Stacia agreed.

  When they’d all finished, Karen took the dishes over to the cleaning tub, getting them cleaned and packed away. “I’ll cook breakfast,” Marysue said.

  “Mary… is that a good idea?” Gerald asked with a pained expression.


  “The last time you tried to cook, the chef had to use the fire extinguisher,” Gerald said.

  “I’ve gotten better since then,” Marysue said, looking petulant. “You’re talking about something from five years ago. I’ve been taking lessons with the chef since then.”

  Gerald glanced at the others before bowing his head, “I’m sorry. You can cook tomorrow.”

  “Would ya mind me helpin’ ya, Marysue?” Stacia asked.

  “I can cook by myself,” Marysue said a little defensively, looking away, “but if you want to keep me company, that would be okay.”

  “Aye. I will nay help unless ya ask for it,” Stacia said. “I been cookin’ for years, so mayhap I can offer ya some hints. Besides, it always be nice cookin’ with a friend to talk with.”

  “Okay, yes, that’s fine,” Marysue said, smiling again.

  “What do you think, Al? Are you up for a round of sparring?” Karen grinned.

  Alburet chuckled as he looked at her, “Just want to reassert your ability to kick my ass, huh?”

  “It’s good for both of us,” Karen grinned, getting to her feet to limber up.

  “If you two are going to flirt at each other, I think Mary and I should take our leave,” Gerald chuckled.

  “You should fight him, Gerald,” Marysue said suddenly. “If Karen doesn’t mind stepping aside, that is?”

  “Oh, beefcake fight? I’ll stand down,” Karen grinned as she took a seat next to Marysue. “Should we make them fight bare chested?”

  “That sounds like fun,” Marysue nodded.

  “I’ll draw it,” Fluff said, pulling out her sketchbook.

  Gerald and Alburet exchanged a look. “Do you get the idea that our lives aren’t ours?” Alburet asked with a wry expression.

  “I gave mine to her years ago,” Gerald shrugged before he began to pull off his breastplate. “I’m going to keep my rings and necklace on to keep my stats at least vaguely in line with yours.”

  “Aye, tha’ be very fair,” Stacia giggled. “This be a good idea, Marysue.”

  “I only have one, you have three. Overall, I think my life will be easier,” Gerald said dryly when he finished stripping off his armor, leaving himself with just his pants on.

p; “No contest,” Alburet agreed and stuffed his armor into his bag. “Never thought I’d be loved by three women, but I wouldn’t change a damned thing about it.”

  “Neither would I,” Gerald said as he started twisting his torso to limber up. “We have any rules?”

  “No face shots. After all, the ladies want us to stay handsome. No blows below the belt... should go without saying. Did you have anything you specifically wanted to add?”

  “I’m thinking we should stay to grapples and throws. It’ll make it easier to adhere to the other rules, otherwise I might jab out of reflex.”


  “I’ve been in the ring a bit,” Gerald said. “It was one of the things my father had me learn as a child. I’ve kept my hand in off and on since.”

  “Fair. Choke holds and such are good?”

  “If you can maintain one,” Gerald grinned.

  “Should we make them oil up?” Karen asked, holding up a flask.

  “Oh, that would be fun,” Marysue nodded.

  “We took too long,” Alburet sighed.

  “Indeed,” Gerald agreed, just as chagrined at the latest twist.

  “I’ll oil Gerald,” Marysue said, taking the flask from Karen.

  “Ya can get Al for us,” Stacia told Karen with a wink. “Mayhap ya be givin’ him a handicap.”

  Pinching the bridge of his nose, Alburet wondered how it had come to oil wrestling in the Dead Lands while on a major quest. “Ladies, don’t you think this might be going too far?”

  “It will make the pictures even better,” Fluff said.

  Giving up, Alburet gave her a soft smile, “Fine. I can’t deny my wives, it seems.”

  “Damned right,” Karen laughed as she took the flask from Marysue.

  The sudden explosive laughter from Gerald made the others look at him with questioning eyes. Coughing, he looked away from them. “She tickled me.”

  “I forgot you were ticklish there,” Marysue grinned, clearly lying. “Now, you are fighting for my honor, knight.” Pulling a ribbon from her hair, she tied it above his bicep. “The fight goes until one of you loses their lady’s favors.” She pulled out two more ribbons and tied one to his other arm, and looped the final one through his belt. “Fight well, champion.”

  Gerald had been smiling, but when she said he was fighting for her honor, his face went serious. When she finished decorating him, Gerald took her hands in his and kissed the back of both. “I’ll not lose, not with your honor at stake.”

  Karen, Stacia, and Fluff went to Alburet and each tied a ribbon tightly onto him; one on each arm above the bicep, and Karen’s above his ankle. “He’ll give you a real fight, Al,” Karen whispered, kissing his cheek. “Don’t go easy. Make him earn it.”

  “Ya be fightin’ for our honor, as well, Asthore. Do ya best,” Stacia said, kissing his brow.

  “I’ll be drawing the fight, Al,” Fluff said softly, kissing his other cheek. “I hope you win.”

  As the ladies moved away, the two men looked at each other. The previous easygoing atmosphere had gone, replaced with a serious one. Each of them silently promised to give it their all for the women they loved.

  “Sorry, Gerald,” Alburet said as he cracked his neck. “No hard feelings.”

  “None,” Gerald said, his eyes sharp. “You should recall that I’ve seen you spar. Have you ever really watched me spar?”

  Alburet paused, realizing he had never paid enough attention before to recall having seen Gerald fight barehanded. “Edge to you, then,” Alburet said as he settled back into a balanced stance. “Ladies, are we doing rounds, or is it a free-for-all until the ribbons are off?”

  “Rounds,” Karen said quickly, as she took her seat. “A round ends when a ribbon is removed. Nothing else will stop a round.”

  Gerald stepped back and brought his hands up before him. “Throwing and grapples only.”

  “Right,” Alburet said. The two men locked eyes, waiting for the fight to start.

  “Fight!” Karen exclaimed from where she sat next to Fluff and Stacia.

  Neither man moved right away, each expecting the other to move first. The moment drew out with neither moving. Gerald extended one hand an inch further, turning the back of it to Alburet and motioning him forward.

  Alburet eased forward a single step, taking in Gerald’s stance. Balanced. That isn’t a boxer’s stance, though. It’s something else. Where have I seen it? Mind racing, he slowly closed toward Gerald.

  As Alburet moved forward by inches, Gerald waited patiently. Once he had gotten to where Gerald wanted him, the larger man lunged forward and down. Alburet started to kick at Gerald’s head, but stopped himself and tried to jump back. Gerald was able to grab his legs and the two men went to the ground. The women cheered both men on as they began to struggle for positioning.

  Alburet was surprised by Gerald; he hadn’t expected him to be as adept at grappling as he was. Fighting as best he could, Alburet found himself being slowly rolled until Gerald got the hold he wanted. When Gerald forced his head down, Alburet knew he had severely underestimated his friend.

  Alburet went limp, and Gerald let go of him and quickly untied one of the arm ribbons. Standing up, he carried it back to Fluff, “He’ll fight better now.”

  Marysue stood up and gave Gerald a quick kiss. “That was mean. You did well.”

  Gerald gave her a big smile and a wink before he went back over to where Alburet was coming to. “You need a minute?”

  Blinking and taking some deep breaths, Alburet nodded. “Yeah... didn’t expect you to go for a triangle.”

  “I figured you wouldn’t. But hey, you stopped your kick. I figured that would be instinctive for you,” Gerald said, waiting for Alburet to recover.

  Alburet rolled to his knees, not replying directly. He took his time making sure he was stable and ready to go again. Glancing at his arm, he noticed Fluff’s ribbon was gone, and a spark of anger began to smolder inside him. Fluff gave him a sad smile and draped the ribbon over her shoulder when he looked at her.

  Getting to his feet, Alburet rolled his neck and got back into his defensive stance. “I’m ready.”


  The moment seemed to stretch before Karen called out for them to fight. Gerald surged forward, his hands out to grab Alburet’s shoulders, only to have them slip as the oil they had been rubbed down with stopped him from getting the grip he wanted.

  Alburet didn’t hesitate this time. He bent, stepping into Gerald and lifting the Defender off the ground, spinning and driving them both into the sand. With his shoulder in Gerald’s solar plexus, he was able to feel when he knocked the wind out of him. Using that, Alburet rolled Gerald and got a hold on the larger man’s neck. Gerald tried to push Alburet off and away, but Alburet had gotten the hold. When Gerald finally slumped in his arms, Alburet dumped the body and pulled the ribbon from Gerald’s belt.

  Getting to his feet, Alburet went to Marysue and handed her the ribbon. “I’m going to win, Marysue. I’m sorry.”

  Marysue’s friendly demeanor slipped for a moment, allowing everyone a glimpse of the unnervingly hard core at her center. She smiled again at him. “Gerald has never failed to defend me, Al. Don’t take him lightly... he needs a workout, and you might be worthy enough to challenge him.”

  The certainty behind her words, along with the blatant challenge she had just offered him, made Alburet’s eyebrows raise. “I’ll take your words to heart, which just means you’ve made his task harder.”

  As he walked away, the other three women stared at Marysue, who was exuding the aura of a queen on her throne. “This still be a friendly bout, be it nay, Marysue?” Stacia asked hesitantly.

  The aura dropped away and Marysue gave her a warm smile, “Of course.”

  Gerald sat up, bringing everyone’s attention back to the sparring match. Looking down at his belt, he saw the empty spot where the ribbon had been and his teeth clenched. Gerald looked at Marysue, who was putting the ribbo
n back into her hair while giving him a disappointed look. Gerald got to his feet shakily, wobbling a bit as he waited for the moment to pass.

  Once he was steady, Gerald met Alburet’s eyes. The two men could see the same fire in the other’s eyes. They both gave a small nod before they called out that they were ready. Karen called for them to fight, and this time, both of them lunged at each other.

  The men locked up, hands finding purchase even on oily flesh. Eyes locked, they tried to gain the leverage to get the upper hand on the other. Gerald was the one to slip first, his hand sliding off Alburet’s shoulder. Stepping in and getting his arm under Gerald’s, Alburet picked up and tossed Gerald over his hip, following him to the ground. When they hit the ground, the two men ended up rolling back and forth again, jockeying for position.


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