Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8) Page 43

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Excellent,” Dimitry laughed. “Ophelia, deal with the rabble while I remind Mir of his place.”

  “Yes… master,” Ophelia spat.

  “Wait, Vlad,” Gerald began but Vladimir was already flying for the top. “Damn it,” Gerald muttered before raising his voice and drawing his sword. “For Stormguard!”

  The Guild surged forward behind the leaders, but before they even touched the stairs, a few clumps of mobs appeared at the top. Alburet’s feet faltered when he looked at the mobs; all of them looked like gangly, faceless, grey people. Everyone around him slowed and the shock, horror, and fear from the Guild was nearly overwhelming.

  “Mom?” Marysue whispered, looking at the same mobs.

  “Dad?” Karen asked.

  “No! Never again!” Fluff snarled as she leapt over Gerald and raced up the stairs. “I’ll kill you, papa! I’ll kill you a hundred times!”

  “Fluff!” Alburet and Karen shouted, racing after her.

  The sudden rush up the stairs helped break the moment for others, notably Gerald and Marysue. “After them, they aren’t what they look like,” Gerald shouted.

  “Now, now, don’t rush,” Ophelia laughed, and started singing with her haunting voice.

  Her song did nothing to slow or deter Fluff and Alburet, but everyone else stopped advancing or slowed to a crawl, trying to push past the crippling anxiety they suddenly felt.

  “Using your old tricks, are you?” Parsnew said, raising her own voice in song. Her wordless melody was a harsh counter to Ophelia’s.

  “You must be brought to Justice,” Andrea said but her voice shook as she started to sing.

  “Wait, are both the handmaidens here?” Dimitry asked. “Excellent. I’ll have to set you aside for later, Mir. I have something else to deal with first. Andrea… Ashen Fall, you can never escape my training. Now bring me your sister.”

  Andrea shuddered in place, her white wings and dress slowly turning black as her voice cracked, “No… no… Peace said… no…”

  “Andie,” Parsnew cried out as she turned and clamped her arms around her sister. “It’s okay, it’s okay. You can fight this. Peace showed you how; focus on her words, focus on the peace inside of you.”

  The Guild, which had been almost freed from the effects of Ophelia’s voice, fell right back under her sway. Ophelia rose above the ziggurat, her white skin almost glowing, a stark contrast to the barely there black dress and wings she flaunted.

  Alburet looked up to see Ophelia smirking down at him as the faceless things raced down the stairs toward the horrified members of Alpha Company. “Bitch,” Alburet snarled, but focused on Fluff ahead of him.

  Fluff had already met the first of the mobs, her claws digging bloodless furrows into them. Every time she hurt them, the images of Paval flickered, revealing the faceless grey bodies under the illusion. “Die, damn you, die!” Fluff screamed as she attacked the ones around her.

  Alburet joined her in attacking the mobs, his axe covered in flames. The confined space of the stairs both helped and hindered each side.

  Alburet was able to glance back briefly and saw that everyone was where they had been or only a couple of steps closer. “Fluff, we have to find a way to help the others.”

  “I have to kill him,” Fluff said as she continued to attack the mobs.

  Grimacing, Alburet wished she was immune to all mind-altering effects like him and not just mind-control, but he kept attacking with her as cries of pain and horror came from the other two stairways. They’re being slaughtered... we have to do something. Jumping, Alburet’s wings unfurled and carried him aloft. “I’ll be right back,” he told Fluff as he turned his sights back on Ophelia, who was smiling broadly at him.

  Attacking Ophelia proved to be difficult; she flew away from him, making him chase her. As he chased her, Alburet caught sight of Andrea and Parsnew still talking to each other. Andrea’s transformation had halted halfway through, and looked like it had stopped there. He could see the other members of Alpha Company being assaulted by the mobs on the stairs. The only one fighting back was Fluff, and her damage wasn’t enough by itself. He also saw BJ, TJ, and TW get hit by beams from the mobs, causing them all to vanish.

  “Wonderful, aren’t they?” Ophelia asked, weaving her words into the song. “Dimitry’s pride and joy, the culmination of his research.”

  “We’ll kill them like everything else,” Alburet snarled. “Come back here and find out how it feels.”

  “Oh, no, this is where your Guild dies and gets raised up by Stein to use against the King,” Ophelia replied. “The Angels are useless and your friends are being slaughtered. Once they are dealt with, then I’ll stop running and we can have fun together again.”

  Alburet cursed, unable to close the distance on her. She stayed just close enough to keep him hopeful. Shaking his head, he turned back to help Fluff when he saw her life dropping, having been surrounded by the monsters.

  “Oh no, you aren’t leaving me that easily,” Ophelia sang.

  Before Alburet knew what was happening, two slim arms caught him, crumpling his wings to his side and pinning his arms. “Fucking whore! Let me go.”

  “Now, now, toy, is that any way to talk to your mistress?” she whispered an inch from his ear. “I just need a small bite. You don’t mind, do you?”

  Fangs sank into him, sending pain lancing from his neck to his chest. Letting go of his axe, Alburet tried to reach for the arms pinning him, but couldn’t. He could see his life dropping by five percent and returning to full with each moment that passed. Screaming in pain and anger, Alburet knew Stacia was feeling his pain and being healed to heal him, but he was trapped and powerless.

  When Ophelia sank her fangs into his neck, Alburet’s pain hit both Karen and Fluff at the same moment, snapping them out of the spell. Karen rushed up to Fluff, physically grabbing and throwing some of the mobs off the stairs. Fluff shoved more away from her, using a potion to heal herself.

  “Fight while we can,” Gerald shouted over the Raidstone.

  Alpha Company joined the fight, but the creatures appeared to take every blow without consequence. Gerald looked up to see Alburet being held and screaming. Looking back, he saw the Angels still gripping each other as Parsnew tried to talk Andrea down.

  “Al, the coin,” Marysue called up to him.

  Pulling her crimson stained teeth from Alburet’s neck, Ophelia laughed. “Those favors can’t stop what we have done here. Have fun with the Faceless. I’ll be entertaining this one a bit longer.” Floating toward the ziggurat, Ophelia laughed. “Go ahead, toy, summon your useless god’s favor. Dimitry will welcome it; he loves a challenge.”

  Barely able to get his hand into his belt pouch, Alburet pulled out the items he wanted. “If you don’t care about the favor, maybe you’ll like this instead.” Dropping the figurine of Gygax while palming the coin, Alburet smiled when he felt Ophelia’s curiosity spike.

  “A statue?”

  The crystal fell, the odd shape making it tumble in the air. It missed the ziggurat and slammed into the cobbled courtyard. The moment the figurine shattered, a sense of impending vengeance filled the air while a cloud of crimson smoke billowed up from the impact.

  “Dear child,” Mother said as she stepped clear of the smoke. “It is time to finally pay for your sins.” Wings beating the air, Mother rose, a gown of the deepest crimson floating around her like a living creature. “Now, do you wish to continue to hold my dearest’s favorite, or would you rather be at full strength to fight me?”

  Ophelia’s arms tightened further around Alburet, crushing his ribs. “But you won’t hurt me, not when I have him. I’ve tasted his blood, Mother. It’s very powerful, and I think I’m your match even while holding him.”

  “Not today,” Alburet grunted as he dug his fingernail into the coin. “I call in the favor—”

  The sound of snapping ribs filled Alburet’s ears and his health plummeted toward zero, then Ophelia let him go. “Fine, we’ll
do this the hard way,” Ophelia snarled. “Blood Power, Children. Sup and grow.”

  The Faceless went from battering those in the raid to grabbing people, pulling them in and piercing their necks with fangs. The cries of pain increased as their victims thrashed in the grips of the Faceless.

  “I see,” Mother said. “By the favor of the Dark Lord, may your blows leave lasting wounds.”

  At Mother’s words, every member of Alpha Company felt a rush of power. Dark Lord’s Vengeance, a buff, appeared on each of them, allowing them to bypass all resistances and making their minions immune to banishment. The Faceless didn’t seem to care about the wounds they were taking, not even when they finally began to bleed.

  “Press the fight,” Gerald ordered, using Charge to get to the Faceless attacking Fluff and taking her spot at the front of the fight. “This is our chance!”

  “As for you?” Mother told Ophelia when she stopped next to Andrea and Parsnew. “I’m not even going to fight you. I’ll leave that to them.” Reaching out, Mother touched the sisters. A black and red aura enveloped the three women for a moment before fading. “She is yours. I must return to his side.”

  Andrea was no longer going black. Instead, both she and Parsnew were pure white with a red tinge. “We understand. Peace said that this might happen,” Parsnew said, taking Andrea’s hand. The sisters gained altitude together.

  Ophelia’s eyes went wide at Mother’s words, and wider still when the two Angels— now charged with power— joined the fight. “No! I have to warn him,” Ophelia snarled as she shot away toward the top of the ziggurat.

  Alburet barely managed to get his wings open before he hit the ground. It was enough to slow him, but that was all. He attempted to get back to his feet, falling to the ground again as his vision swam.

  “Let me help, master,” Tiny rumbled, pulling Alburet to his feet.

  “We can join the fight,” Bob added a few feet away. “Copy us back up and we’ll go wreck Faceless.”

  Alburet nodded slowly, still feeling woozy, “Right.” Reaching for the Ability, Alburet frowned when it didn’t work.

  Ophelia’s Kiss: Reduces afflicted to 5% of their stats for 1 hour, transfers those stats to the Vampire. Locks out all Abilities for 2 minutes.

  “Can’t,” Alburet said as he got his feet under him. “Debuff.”

  Bob hit him with Burning Cleanse, but the debuff stayed. “Damn.”

  “Tiny, go help Karen and Fluff,” Alburet said, patting the Destroyer’s arm.

  An earthquake shook the ground, almost throwing people off the stairs. Tiny kept Alburet on his feet, but his eyes were on something behind him. Bob inhaled sharply, his eyes locked on the same thing. Following their gazes, Alburet exhaled hard.

  “Gerald, we need the raid back down here,” Alburet said.

  Marysue looked back to see what Alburet had. “Gerald, call Blaze in to help.”

  “I’ve been trying. I think they’re locked out,” Gerald replied. “Hilda, take these mobs,” he ordered the Dwarven tank nearest to him. Once she had, Gerald stepped back and turned to see the creatures that had pulled themselves out from under the cobbled courtyard. “Fucking hell.”

  Standing as the dirt and broken cobblestones fell away, the six Undead Destroyer Lords focused on the fights in front of them. Pulling shields and weapons from the holes they had emerged from, the six undead Infernals split into teams of two and headed for each stairway.

  “We need to get the Faceless dealt with so we can handle these things,” Gerald said. “Summoners, use Imp Storm.”

  With only five percent of his stats, his mana was pathetic and Alburet knew he wouldn’t be of any help. Backing away, Alburet called out to Gerald, “Gerald, I’m tapped for two minutes.”

  The other Summoners were able to use their Abilities, and the sky filled with Imps and Cherubim. With them focused on the Faceless, the melee rushed down to meet the new threat. Gerald was the first one to the central two Undead Destroyer Lords, and his Charge didn’t stun them, much to his annoyance.

  “I have one more gift to give my Champion,” the Dark Lord’s voice filled Alburet’s ears. “You must hurry. Vladimir is not having success with his mission, even with the Angels to help him.”

  Dark Lord’s Champion’s Onslaught: Increases the Champion’s stats by ten times their normal maximum, cooldowns reduced to 10% normal, and erases any debuffs on the Champion.

  With the debuff gone and his stats both restored and enhanced, Alburet rose into the air, triggering Demonic Inspiration followed by Imp Storm. The number of minions in the air more than doubled as Alburet’s buffed Imp Storm summoned over a thousand Imp Lords. “Burn them to the ground, boys!” Alburet shouted.

  The few who could looked up in shock as the already dark sky darkened even more, then began raining fire over the ziggurat. The Faceless melted under the barrage of Fire Bursts, their life evaporating.

  “Alburet, what the fuck?” Violet asked as she looked up at him.

  “The boon from the Dark Lord,” Alburet called back as he flew around to a place where he could use Fire Bursts on the Faceless without hurting his Guildmates.

  “Tanks, hold the Faceless back. All melee, down to face these new threats. Ranged, help finish off the Faceless, then shift.” Gerald ordered while Marysue hit him with another heal.

  “Healers, stay with your tanks if they’re on Faceless. Otherwise, get down here and support those fighting the Destroyers,” Marysue commanded the healers.

  Thirty seconds passed, and only a few dozen Faceless were still standing when the Imp Storm faded. Heading over to help Gerald and the others, Alburet saw a dozen Undead Greater Imps and Undead Succubi Ladies aiding the Undead Destroyer Lords. The Succubi all had mind-controlled people from the raid, turning them on their friends, while the Imps threw Fire Bursts onto the groups.

  Entering the fray, Alburet had to dodge the barrage of attacks sent his way from the Succubi, who each fairly bristled with throwing knives. A closer look at one of the Undead Succubi had him shaking his head— the leather harnesses holding their knives were the only thing the creatures wore.

  His first target stabbed him as he got into range. He took the hit, grabbing her wings and holding them closed. The two of them fell toward the scrum going on under them.

  Alburet’s crash landing put him right next to Gerald and the group clustered next to him. “Special delivery,” he grunted as he struggled to keep the Succubus in place.

  “Wondering when you were going to come help us,” Karen said as her blades dug into the essentially naked mob he held.

  “Presents? For us?” Fluff added, joining Karen in attacking the mob.

  “Can you keep doing that?” Gerald asked, waiting for the call to take the Destroyer back from Fredton, the Lunari Defender he was working with.

  “Yeah, though it might be a bit slow. They’re probably not going to want me grabbing them now.”

  “Do what you can. We have the Destroyers locked up, but their health pools are a bit high. The Imps and Succubi are the problem, especially the Succubi since they keep turning our own against us.”

  “Switch,” Fredton called out.

  Gerald taunted and hunkered behind his shield, “Good hunting.”

  “Thanks,” Alburet replied as he let Tiny take the Succubus from him. “I’ll be back with another.” Once he was back in the air, Alburet Copied Tiny and Bob, bringing the extra minions into play.

  “Understood, master,” Tiny rumbled.

  Alburet systematically grabbed the Succubi and handed them over to Tiny and his Copies. Karen, Fluff, and a couple of others busied themselves with killing the mobs he brought down. The Undead Imps overhead were about to run out of mana and switched to Fire Blasts, letting the healers catch up to the damage that had been thrown out. They even had time to chug mana potions and keep themselves casting.

  Minutes passed with the raid slowly but surely killing the undead. With the Succubi down, the fight became easier as par
ty members no longer turned on their allies. When the last of the Faceless were defeated, the others joined them and the fight sped up. The Undead Destroyer Lords began to fall one-by-one, leaving the Imps for last, even with Alburet grounding them.

  When the last Imp fell, everyone in the raid cheered. “Vladimir needs our help; the fight isn’t over,” Alburet told Gerald as he took to the air. “I’m off to help him.”

  “Look at loot later,” Gerald ordered when Alburet took off. “There’s a boss still to be killed. Let’s go.”

  Karen and Fluff were already running for the stairs, chasing after Alburet. Marysue had held back but as soon as Gerald started to run, she took off after the other two. Seeing the lead group heading off, the other Guild members all started for the stairs.


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