I Saved Too Many Girls and Caused the Apocalypse: Volume 10

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I Saved Too Many Girls and Caused the Apocalypse: Volume 10 Page 13

by Namekojirushi

  “Either way, I cannot overlook evil, whether it be on Earth or in space. Which is why I’m now cooperating with Zeta.”

  “There’s also the issue of the hero gauge.”

  “Whoa! You’re here, too, Starmon?”

  He had a point, though. If Kiri didn’t fight evil, her hero gauge would gradually deplete. So her having regular opportunities to defeat bad guys was actually win-win for everyone.

  “Well, if Kiri’s fine with it, then I certainly won’t object.”

  “However, there’s still one big problem...” Zeta murmured right after I agreed.

  “What’s that?”

  “The role of Galactic Great.” Zeta said, taking off her headband and ruffling her hair.

  “But shouldn’t space gramps be all better by now?”

  “Yeah, he recovered ages ago. But he has no interest in the role if Galactic Beauty isn’t his wife.”


  Come to think of it, she had mentioned they were a lovey-dovey couple.

  “I guess not having a main character is a pretty big problem...”

  “You’re telling me. It’s a live show so it’s set to run on an irregular schedule, but even then, if there’s too much dead time between episodes, people will start to lose interest. And if that happens, we’re right back on the road to bankruptcy again.”

  Hmm... Saving Zeta’s story was meaningless if she just ended up right back in the same spot. What to do?

  “For the time being, my options are to either hold auditions or get gramps to introduce me to a younger member of his species, but...”

  “Then why not just do that?”

  “Yeah, if only it were that easy. It’s precisely because I can’t do either of those that this is a big problem.”

  Just as I was wondering what she was talking about, Kiri suddenly leaned forward eagerly.

  “Become a hero with me, Rekka!”

  Kiri took my hand in both of hers, her eyes sparkling as she looked up at me.

  “...Excuse me?”

  I was at such a loss for a reaction that that was the only dumbfounded reply I could manage. Zeta then put her hand on her head and sighed.

  “This one here refuses to work with anyone but you.”

  “Huh? Wh-Why?”

  “Because you have that amazing bloodline that’s helped you save all kinds of girls, right?!”

  Kiri leaned in even closer as she asked, and I nodded uncertainly. I’d explained the Namidare bloodline to her after everything that happened, but...

  “K-Kiri, you’re too close! Please back away from Sir Rekka!” Harissa interjected from the side.

  But Kiri paid no attention to her at all.

  “This is the first time I’ve met a boy with the same sense of justice as me! If I’m with you, I’m sure we can save that many more people! So let’s become heroes together!”

  “...And there you have it. Now own up and accept the role of Galactic Great,” added Zeta.

  Of course, I panicked.

  “No! W-Wait a minute, please!”

  “Relax. It’s an irregular broadcast, so we can adjust things to fit your schedule. I’ll come pick you up in my spaceship on broadcast days, then we’ll zap to the location with my high-speed warp, zap the monster and film, then zap our way back, no probs. It won’t even take a whole day.”

  “No, that’s not, um...”

  “You gonna turn it down? Hmph, and here I thought you were the kind of man who took responsibility for his actions.”


  This was ultimately my fault for throwing out gramps’s back in the first place, so held my tongue, but... I had just said that I didn’t want a story I’d saved to come to a bad end.

  “I’d at least appreciate a gear upgrade so I might actually stand a chance against something like that kaiju.”

  “Of course. We somehow managed to pull through then, but we can’t have Galactic Beauty stealing the spotlight every time. It would ruin Galactic Great’s name. I’ve already ordered a new custom suit with your abilities in mind.”

  That was a bit of a relief to hear.

  “All right, then I accept.”

  Actually... even though she said we could work things to fit my schedule, there was no telling when the next kaiju or some bad guy would appear. That part wasn’t on a schedule, either, so it was a foregone conclusion at this point that I’d end up missing more school eventually.

  “Good answer,” Zeta said with a smirk.

  She then stood up, walked over to me, and pressed her lips against my forehead.

  “Wha—?! Wh-What are you doing?”

  “Getting that kind of reaction from a kid like you kind of hurts... But get over it. It’s just a sign of my affection. I guess you could say you’ve caught my eye.”

  “Ooh, she’s the nice and composed adult type, isn’t she?” R commented as she applauded Zeta.

  I touched my hand to where her lips had kissed my forehead and could feel my body temperature rising by the second. I hardly knew what to say.

  “Sir Rekka, cheating again...” Harissa watched all this with a disgusted look.

  The girls should have all lost their memories of the time they were under Rachelle’s influence, but for some reason... Harissa looked a hundred times scarier right now than she had back then.

  “Aaah, being by Rekka’s side is just the best!” Rachelle sighed as she languidly lounged midair.

  “That’s right. I also wanted to ask you to make a guest appearance on the show. Would you be willing?” Zeta asked the bored-looking angel.

  “Hmm... I’ll think about it.”

  “Please, anything but that!” I yelled, hoping God in heaven would hear me.

  There was no way this would lead to anything but trouble.



  The volume count has finally hit the double digits, and the heroine count has long passed the 20-member mark! Volume ten is a romcom tale of carnage; I hope you enjoyed it!

  Wait—isn’t the afterword a little short this time?! (Ack!) In that case, allow me to jump straight to the acknowledgments. Firstly, to Nao Watanuki who, despite the usual random assortment of characters (an angel, a director, and a transforming heroine this time), designed everyone so cutely and lovingly—thank you very much. To my editor, Mr. Nanbu, thank you as always for everything. To the comic author Koji Hasegawa; the editing and sales departments at HJ Bunko; and the bookstores who stock their shelves with this series, thank you all. Finally, to my readers, thank you keeping up with the series.

  Now, I believe the next time we’ll meet will be in the second volume of my Fujimi Fantasia Bunko series, Ore to Kanojo ga Geboku de Dorei Shuji Keiyaki. After that will be the next volume of I Saved Too Many Girls and Caused the Apocalypse. I’m doing my best to release each series in turn, so please continue to support me along the way.

  Congratulations on ten volumes! This is the illustrator, Nao Watanuki.

  Here’s a rough of Zeta’s design. Her trademark is her oversized suspender pants in a hero-ish color scheme, but things may get lost if she tries to use them as pockets... Kiri’s mascot, Starmon, got a surprising amount of screentime. He (?) was modelled after haniwas figures, so his eyes were simply black voids at first. After some discussion, however, he was given cute, round ones instead. I think this version’s much better.

  The black and white two page spread this time is one of my personal favorites. I mixed some past space-related characters into the crowds of aliens, so I hope you have fun looking back and searching for those.

  [Bubble] Thanks to everyone, we’ve managed to reach the tenth afterword! For a low-commitment person, this is quite an accomplishment for me. Thank you and good work to Namekojirushi and the editors. (Sorry I make so many amateur mistakes. Thanks for always saving me.) I’d also like to offer my deepest gratitude to the readers who have supported us. Let’s meet again in the next volume!

  Nao Watanuki

bsp; [Small text above Suzuran in the kaiju costume] There’s five people!

  Bonus Glossary


  Rachelle: Angel of love and passion. She lives off the spiritual energy of humans, and the more passionate, the better. Perhaps to a problematic extent, because ultra-passionate emotions like love-fueled aggression and jealousy are her favorite food. She’s been having trouble collecting enough to get by lately, and comes to Rekka for help on the verge of starvation. And fortunately for her, Rekka is surrounded by girls who are already primed to break out into a jealous brawl over him, so she’s about to get all the passionate energy she can handle— and then some. This is how she inadvertently becomes the villain of Legend of a Real-Time Hero: Galactic Great.

  Kiri Hayashibara: A middle school girl who’s taken up an extraordinary job as a magical hero. She’s decisive and quick to action. She has a strong sense of right and wrong, and she never hesitates to stand up for what’s right. Perhaps that’s what made her the prime candidate for the job. Nevertheless, her life changed forever when she met Starmon and began fighting for justice as Star Prism.

  Star Prism: Kiri’s alias as a hero. She uses her powers of purification to defeat her enemies by turning them to the side of good. Or, at least, she did until the evil organization she’s been fighting figured out how her powers work. For months now, they’ve been self-destructing before she can save them, which functionally means she’s not doing her job as a hero. That has the unfortunate side effect of depleting her hero gauge, and the consequences are dire. She needs to find a way to get back in business— and fast— because she’s growing weaker by the day. Has a special trait that powers her up based on the number of people cheering for her.

  Starmon: Star Prism’s mascot character. A small, odd, somewhat round creature. Met Kiri on her way home from softball practice one day and revealed to her that Earth was about to be destroyed by an evil organization. He(?) then offered her a contract that would change both her life, and hopefully the fate of the world.

  Zeta Zenonia: President and general director of Zenonia Channel, her own galactic netvision channel. Also, arguably more importantly, the director of its content. Things really took off with her first show, a live-action superhero show, which wrapped about a year ago. Her second show turned out to be a complete flop, however, so now Zeta’s creative career is on the line. If she doesn’t come up with a new hit soon, both she and her company are going under. It just might take a real hero to save her...

  Galactic Great: The main character of Zeta’s Legend of a Real Hero: Galactic Great, her last-ditch attempt at a smash-hit show to save her company. Originally intended to be played by an alien with superior combat abilities, the part was (forcibly) handed over to Rekka when he caused an accident that put the actor out of commission. Has a special suit that provides him with all sorts of powers, tools, and abilities.

  Galactic Beauty: Galactic Great’s partner. The role was originally to be played by the wife of Galactic Great’s actor, but she bowed out when her husband was injured. The role was then taken up by Iris, and then ultimately Kiri.

  Places, Things

  Ciel: Planet of leisure and recreation. Roughly a two and a half hour warp from Earth. Actually an artificial planet that started as a small colony with casinos, and their success led it to become the mega entertainment destination it is now. Has a massive amusement park with differently themed areas, incredible rides beyond your wildest Earthling dreams, out-of-this world food, and much, much more.

  Zenonia Channel: Zeta’s netvision channel. The company was founded three years ago and was a hit right out of the gate with Zeta’s first show. Her second show, however, tanked and they’re now struggling with viewership numbers to keep the channel alive. Zeta’s putting her all into coming up with a smash success to save it.

  Legend of a Real Hero: Galactic Great: Zeta’s newest show currently in production, and her master plan to save the company. Eventually becomes Legend of a Real-Time Hero: Galactic Great.

  Galactic Federation Netvision Network: The collective of independently-run channels that broadcast throughout the galaxy. Think of it as space cable where viewers only pay for the channels they want to watch, making viewership numbers especially important for the success of a channel.

  Hero Gauge: The essence and emblem of Kiri/Star Prism’s power as a hero. A fluctuating measure of her heroic deeds; it goes up when she fights for good, and diminishes when she doesn’t or does something that would tarnish her name as a hero. When depleted completely, she’ll die.

  Spiritual Energy: The sustenance of angels. The variety they thrive off of depends on the domain of the angel (e.g., Rachelle, the angel of love and passion, needs passionate love energy to survive). Produced by humans and their emotions.

  Starlight Healing: Star Prism’s signature move. It purifies the hearts of her enemies, purging evil from them and bringing them over to the side of good.

  Galactic Starburst: Really just Star Prism’s Starlight Healing, used with a little extra showmanship (and Rekka’s help) for the sake of Legend of a Real-Time Hero: Galactic Great.

  Kaiju: Arguably the monster of all monsters, typically of the large, city-destroying variety. The one Rekka and the others have to defend Earth from was transported in from space, and is especially tall. It also has a stout, tough hide that makes it particularly hard to attack. Oh, and it can breathe plasma beams.

  Electromagnetic Binding Trap, Anti-Gravity Whip, Electromagnetic Net: Just a few examples of Shirley’s inventions. The electromagnetic binding trap and net are devices that use electromagnetic force to restrain a target, while the anti-gravity whip latches on to a target and negates gravity, making it harder for them to run away. It’s almost like she’s trying to catch something... (Note: None of these are her “really” dangerous devices.)

  Penguirabbit: A cute space animal that looks like a penguin-rabbit hybrid. Iris is apparently fond of them, and has a stuffed animal of one in her room on her spaceship.

  Crossworm Meat Sandwich, Polypole Pasta: Just a few examples of the cuisine available on Ciel. The polypole has a chewy texture similar to octopus, while the crossworm is an altogether mysterious creature. Apparently people don’t order that sandwich often... Tastes okay, though.

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  I Saved Too Many Girls and Caused the Apocalypse: Volume 10

  by Namekojirushi

  Translated by Mana Z

  Edited by Megan Denton

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2013 Namekojirushi

  Illustrations Copyright © 2013 Nao Watanuki

  Cover illustration by Nao Watanuki

  All rights reserved.

  Original Japanese edition published in 2013 by Hobby Japan

  This English edition is published by arrangement with Hobby Japan, Tokyo

  English translation © 2018 J-Novel Club LLC

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property.

  J-Novel Club LLC


  The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

  Ebook edition 1.0: October 2018



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