Blackmailed by Her Bully

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Blackmailed by Her Bully Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  It was dinnertime, right?

  The passing time didn’t exactly register to her anymore. There was nothing to do, so a minute could feel like an hour.

  They stood outside of Logan’s office, and she heard noise from inside. Conversation. More than one man.

  “What’s going on?”

  Hunter entered the room without knocking, and, looking over his shoulder, Ava could only see Logan.

  “Don’t be shy, Hunter, show our guest in.”

  Hunter grabbed her arm, only this time it wasn’t viciously, just firmly.

  He pulled her into the room, and she came up short.

  It couldn’t be happening.


  Just breathe.

  It was like stepping into the room of her past.

  Logan was there all right, but he wasn’t alone. Marvin and Riley sat on one sofa. Logan stood near the drinks, and Luke, he sat on his own, with plenty of space.

  “You may leave now, Hunter,” Logan said.

  Hunter had taken her into the devil’s lair, and now there was no way out.

  She wanted to run, to get out of the trap, but her feet couldn’t move and she stayed perfectly still, not wanting to draw attention. She was naked.

  In a room of four men as Hunter closed the door, bare for them all to see.

  She wanted to cry.

  Instead of looking at the men, she stared straight ahead. Spine straight. Trying to focus on not falling apart.

  This was all too much.

  Her heart raced. Her hands felt sweaty. She wanted to scream at Logan, tell him to get her out of here, but one quick glance, and she saw he was enjoying this. He liked seeing her humiliated.

  Hands clenched at her side. She tried not to panic.

  You can get through this. You don’t need to be scared. Nothing is going to happen.

  “I can’t believe she was fucking stupid enough to stay in town after what she did,” Luke said, getting to his feet.

  She tensed up, ready to run if she had to.

  He stepped close to her.

  Don’t let him fucking win!

  Turning her gaze to his, she stayed into his cold blue eyes. One day, she would hurt him. She was determined to do it.

  “What can I say? She clearly thought the sheriff would protect her. She got sloppy, but that’s okay. She’s mine now.”

  “I have to say, I’m loving the outfit,” Luke said.

  She flinched away as he went to touch her.

  He tutted, and she cried out as he grabbed her around the back of the neck. “Do you really think you have the power here, whore?” He spat the words at her.

  She screamed as he touched her, and she fought against him.

  The years hadn’t changed. No matter how hard she tried to get away, he was much stronger than she was.

  “Let her go,” Logan said. “She’s not here to amuse you, Luke. She’s here for me.”

  Luke let her go, and she felt herself shaking. She had to stop and get herself under control.

  He’d done something twelve years ago. She knew it deep in her heart. He’d made a deal with the sheriff, and instead of Luke going down for his crimes, Logan had paid the price somehow. How was it possible for Logan to have gone to jail but Luke not? Had Luke gone to jail? The sheriff had told her Luke had been taken care of, and would be serving time, and she’d never have to deal with him. She’d been sent away while the trial happened as the sheriff advised her parents it was the best course of action. She wouldn’t need to read out any statements, and it would all be handled. She heard all kinds of rumors, and for the most part, she ignored them.

  The sheriff had told her she’d be safe. Not to worry, so she’d believed him. Why doubt him?

  He’d been lying all along, and now, she had to get those fucking statements some way. Would there even be a point of getting them?

  “Come here, Ava,” Logan said.

  She wanted to scream at him to go and fuck himself. To run as far and as fast as she could. There was no way she’d get away. With the men around the house, she’d be killed before she got her freedom.

  Logan was the safest out of all of the men in the room, or at least, she figured he was. She’d never experienced an encounter with Marvin or Riley. Both men always seemed rather indifferent to what was going on around them.

  For now, she wouldn’t worry about them, and instead, focus on trying to make it out of all of this alive. She had to stay alive.

  Stepping across the room, she was careful not to get in the way of their feet. She wouldn’t put it past them to hurt her in some way. To make her pay.

  Standing in front of Logan, she waited.

  “Touch yourself,” he said.


  “You heard me. I want you to put your hands on your pretty pussy. Let’s see how wet you can get.”

  She shook her head.

  “You’re thinking of defying me. Do you need me to remind you of your place?”

  The tapes? Would it be so bad to have them released into the world? Sure, they’d follow her everywhere, but that wouldn’t matter, not to her.

  Logan leaned in, his lips brushing across her ear. She didn’t dare jerk back or stop him. “Let me paint a little picture for you, if you don’t start to finger your pussy, I’m going to make you suck every single dick in this room, and thanks to Grant, you know how to deep throat. I’ve heard this is one of Luke’s pleasures.”

  She jerked back, hating him so much.

  Sliding her hand between her thighs, she found herself completely dry. She wasn’t aroused or turned on.

  This was more than embarrassing and humiliating. She didn’t know how she was going to keep up the charade of being able to stand in the same room as Luke. He was the worst kind of person. There was no reasoning with Logan. All he saw was what he wanted to.

  She was alone.

  “Does she even know what she’s doing?” Luke asked. “I thought this was supposed to be some kind of show. If she can’t even do that right, pass her to me. I’ll show her how a real man handles her.”

  She wasn’t aroused, and hearing Luke wasn’t helping.

  “Don’t,” she said. “Please.” Sinking to her knees in front of him, she reached for the belt of Logan’s pants. Sliding it open, she started to pull them down, taking his boxer briefs with them. His cock sprang out, and he was hard. Wrapping her fingers around the length, she looked up at him.

  “This wasn’t what I told you to do,” he said.

  “Will you turn me down?” She slid her tongue across the tip, and he let out a little moan. She took him deeper into her mouth, making sure she gagged on it.

  “You will touch your pussy, Ava, and you will come in this room, with them watching.”

  Logan grabbed her hair, pulling her off his cock. She had no choice but to follow him. He made her sit on the edge of the sofa where Luke was.

  She should have stayed standing, letting them watch. Logan had kicked off his pants and his cock stood within her grasp, but she didn’t reach for it. She was too aware of Luke, staring at her.

  Logan grabbed her legs, and even as she tried to fight him, he spread her legs open wide, letting them all see her bare pussy.

  Tears filled her eyes.

  “For a fat whore, she has got a pretty cunt, hasn’t she? Is she tight?”

  Luke’s voice filled the air, and she wanted the world to swallow her up.

  “She’s dry,” Riley said. “She’s not aroused at all, Logan.”

  Staring at Logan, he glanced back at his friend, and she jumped as he touched her pussy.

  His brown gaze went back toward her.

  She didn’t make a move.

  His fingers stroked between her slit, going inside her. She winced a little as he touched her.

  “She will,” Logan said. He moved in such a way she couldn’t see Luke or the others.

  His cock was close to her lips, but he didn’t make her take it. She stared up at him as h
e worked her pussy.

  She wanted to fight him, to tell him to go and fuck himself, but that would be pointless. There was no hope for her. Not even now. Hunter wouldn’t help her. She had to sit and take what he was doing to her.

  Watching Logan, she knew there was only way one to get out of this room and that was to please him.

  Luke, Riley, and Marvin wouldn’t make a move unless Logan told them to. She had to survive this, and to do that, she needed to come. To do anything but let them believe they had won.

  For now, Logan thought he was the victim. Whatever had happened twelve years ago, they believed she’d been the cause, but it wasn’t true. The sheriff had done something, and she was determined to find out the truth, one way or another.


  The last time Logan touched her, she’d been soaking wet. Now, he had to blank out the room for her to even get a little wet. She wasn’t feeling it, or into it.

  With Luke breathing down his neck, he was growing even more pissed off.

  This wasn’t his show; it was Logan’s.

  Sliding two fingers inside her, he used his thumb to stroke over her clit. Pumping his fingers in and out of her, he pulled them out, spat on them, and used his spit to help lubricate her. She rocked against him, but he saw, she wasn’t into this.

  Staring into her eyes, he saw the tears, and they turned him on. He wanted her to hurt, to share in the pain.

  “Close your eyes,” he said.

  At first, she didn’t, but something must have changed within her, because slowly, her eyes closed, and as they did, he pressed a kiss to her lips.

  The pictures of Luke, something had gone on there, and he had to find out what it was.

  Why the fuck do you care?

  She hated Luke, so what?

  He’s still your friend. He still stood by you through thick and thin. He’s helped you every single step of the way when he could have turned his back on you.

  There was nothing to find out. Logan’s obsession with Ava was the problem. Not his need to understand her hatred of his best friend.

  Kissing down her neck, he went to her nipples, sucking on each one.

  “Yeah, I bet the slut likes that,” Luke said. “Bite them, Logan, make her feel it.”

  The tears she’d been trying to contain, spilled out, and he watched her, but he didn’t give up. Sucking on each nipple, he flicked his tongue back and forth. Her pussy had started to grow slick as he worked her body.

  She wasn’t nearly as wet as he imagined she’d be, but it would do. Kissing down her body, her legs still spread, he replaced his fingers with his tongue, tasting her. She was sweet and juicy.

  Sliding his tongue from her clit down to her entrance and back up again, he felt her start to get into it. She began to rock against him, and he worked her body the only way he could.

  Over and over, he drove her wild. She moaned his name, whimpered it in the air.

  All of it was caught on camera. The proof she wanted this. She hadn’t pushed him away.

  When she came, it was a beautiful sight, and this time, he didn’t use her. He didn’t fuck her as he wanted to.

  He licked her pussy, pushing her into a second orgasm. Everyone heard it in the room as she came, screaming his name, begging for more, but he was done. He’d gotten what he wanted.

  “If you’ll excuse me, gentlemen,” Logan said.

  Grabbing Ava’s arm, he pulled her out of the room. Her body was shaking, and he heard the sound of a slap. Glancing back, he saw Luke smirking and rubbing his hand.

  “Couldn’t resist giving that fat ass a beating.”

  Without another word, he pulled her from the room, and Hunter was there, waiting, typing on his cell phone. He stood up, but Logan pushed him off. There was no reason for the two of them to take her to her room.

  “Logan, what is going on?” she asked.

  He didn’t answer her.

  Once they were inside the room, he slammed the door closed, locking it, and putting the key high where she wouldn’t be able to reach it.

  He let her go, and she pulled away from him.

  “What is this? Why are you doing this to me?” she asked, screaming the words.

  “I’m done with the dumb bitch act.”

  “It’s not an act. I’m not a dumb bitch.”

  He pushed her hard and she landed on the bed. She cried out as he joined her, grabbing her hands and pushing them above her head, keeping her in place.

  “Let me go.”

  “There you go again, thinking you’ve got any real power here.”

  “I know I don’t. You’ve proven it to me, time and time again. I’m nothing. There’s no point me fighting, right? No point me screaming out, begging to be let go. I’m useless to you, to all of you.” She continued to wriggle to get away.

  She wasn’t a match for his strength. It wasn’t even hard for him to lie on her, keeping her in place.

  “Then why are you still trying to fight me?” he asked.

  “I can’t stop it. I have to get away. I don’t know what it is you think you know, but it’s lies. All of it.”

  This time, he threw his head back and laughed. “Everything I know is lies?”


  “You’re so full of shit.”

  She sobbed and collapsed.

  “Why weren’t you aroused?” he asked. “Just last night you were soaking wet and begging for my dick, and now you’ve gone all coy and soft.”

  “Fuck you!”

  He moved his pelvis so she would realize he was very much naked, and he could do exactly that, if she didn’t shut up.

  She froze.

  “Tell me why you weren’t turned on.”

  “Do you think it’s easy for me to get aroused in a room full of guys who bullied me growing up? I hate them.”

  “You’re able to get wet for me, and last time I checked, I was just as much of a bully as the rest of them. You had no problem getting wet with Hunter in the room.”

  “Maybe I like him. You ever thought about that? Maybe I like seeing him watch me.” She pressed her lips together, and he knew without a shadow of a doubt she was lying.

  “You’re a bad fucking liar.”

  “You don’t know anything.”

  Keeping her hands locked above her head underneath the grip of one of his, with the other, he reached down between them. Gripping his cock, he placed the tip against her clit and stared into her eyes, watching her, waiting. She wasn’t as wet as she had been last night, but he’d made her come twice with his mouth, so there was something for him to play with.

  Up and down, he watched her face as he slowly worked her body. He wanted to slam deep inside her, but he held himself back. There would be a time and a place for fucking her hard. For now, he wanted to see what her problem was.

  She stared up at him, and he bumped her clit. Her teeth sank into her lip, and she tried to stop herself from making any noise.

  It wouldn’t work with him. Sliding his hand up, he cupped her face, running his thumb across her bottom lip. She opened up, and he took possession of her mouth, kissing her. Plunging his tongue inside, he heard her moan, and she started to wriggle against him, her legs wrapping around his waist. He didn’t fuck her.

  He stayed sliding across her slit, bumping her clit with each thrust. Gripping her hip, he followed the curve of her thigh that was up on his waist. Cupping her ass, he groaned. She felt so amazing. There was no denying how much he wanted her. It had been part of him for so long, it was like second nature to him to want her.

  This was the challenge to him, to punish her, to make her pay without falling for her. He had to do it. There wasn’t going to be a future between them. Not ever.

  She would pay for everything.

  Pulling back, he was done waiting. He’d never fucked her before, and he had to see his own man do the job just to get the leverage he was going to need. With his dick at her entrance, he sank in deep, hearing her whimper.

nt had told him she was tight, and the man hadn’t been wrong. Logan was big and even though he’d made her come, she would be uncomfortable, but he didn’t stop. He pulled out of her, slamming in deep.

  He broke off the kiss to stare into her eyes.

  “You feel so fucking good on my dick. This is how it’s supposed to be. Wet, soaking, and ready to ride my cock. You’re such a good girl, Ava,” he said.

  She whimpered, and he grabbed both of her hands, lifting up, and he started to pound her pussy. Staring down at where they were joined, he watched his cock. It was slick but not dripping wet as he would have liked, but that was okay. There would come a time, she’d be exactly as he wanted her.

  Driving in deep, he couldn’t look away. He didn’t want to. He fucked her hard, wanting more of her, desperate to feel her come, but tonight he wasn’t going to have the time. His balls tightened up, and he was so close, there was no way he was going to be able to hold back.

  When he came, he pushed in deep, making her take every single inch of him, and he groaned as his cum spilled from the tip, shooting into her cunt.

  There was no time to linger, and after he’d given her every single drop, he pulled out of her.

  Ava lay on the bed, legs spread, his cum leaking from her pussy.

  “Get some sleep.”

  He left the room without another look and locked the door behind him. Hunter was waiting for him, with a pair of pants and a new shirt.

  “I figured you’d want these to cover yourself up.”

  “I can feel your judgment all the way over here,” Logan said. “Whatever you’ve got to say, say it. I don’t want to play games with you.”

  “Then I will keep my opinion to myself.”

  “You promised me, you had my back.”

  “I do.”

  Logan pulled on his pants and looked at his friend. They’d been together for some time. He trusted Hunter. It was the reason he made Hunter go and collect her and not anyone else.

  “Then tell me.”


  It was a single word, and Logan sighed. “Your genuine dislike of a guy doesn’t make him a bad person.”

  “You’re right, I don’t like him, but you ever wonder what is going on with Ava? I saw the pictures, Logan. It doesn’t make it hard for me to say something bad happened between Luke and Ava.”


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