The Black Stone of Elu

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The Black Stone of Elu Page 19

by Darrin Long

  But then he noticed the look on Kaylu’s face; something was not right. It didn’t take long for Neilan to realize that Caudee was not in the tent and judging by the way Kaylu was looking around the valley, he wasn’t anywhere to be found.

  “Had he sensed us coming?” Neilan thought “is he watching now?”

  Neilan ducked back behind the crates breathing hard and scanning the mountainside. He placed his hand on the crate in front of him to steady the shaking that suddenly came over his body and he waited for a few moments.

  “What do I do,” he said “if I stay here Caudee may see me hiding. I must get back into the ranks of the soldier; I must blend in.”

  He watched the last group of Tunai soldiers as they were passing him on their way to the centre of the valley. If he was going to do something, he had to do it now so, with no looking back, Neilan pulled out his sword and headed back towards the Tunai soldiers who had not yet reached the battle.

  “Just blend in,” he said to himself “blend in and do not be seen.”

  The soldiers in front of Neilan stopped abruptly and he ran head first into the back of one of them. Neilan stepped back just as the soldiers surged back almost knocking him off his feet. There were several screams and then he heard it; the unmistakable growl of a mountain wolf. The blood in Neilan’s veins froze and the hair on his neck stood straight up. The soldiers in front of him let out a war cry and pushed forward again, pushing their way into the centre of the valley. Neilan could see Kaylu and Sonje fighting a mountain wolf next to Caudee’s tent. Four wolves began circling Neilan’s group. Blood dripping from their faces and drool was streaming down from their fangs onto the ground. The soldiers around Neilan realized who he was and started giving orders to encircle the boy.

  “Protect the boy” one of the soldiers yelled and they pressed in around Neilan, forming a shield with their bodies.

  He could see the wolves trying to find a weak spot in their group as one wolf would attack the group and then step away as another would attack. He could hear the soldiers talking to each other; watching each other’s back. Then Neilan’s knees almost gave out as a loud booming voice echoed in his ears. He covered his ears with his hands, but the voice was inside his head.

  “Do you really think you can win?” the voice said “You are a fool boy, they have deceived you. They are using you for their own gain. Do you really think they will accept you if you win? No, they have brought you here to die.”

  Neilan shook his head, trying to clear his mind. He listened to his heart beating and stroked the rope on his arm trying to reach Tunak. But before he could the wolves attacked as one and the soldiers were knocked backwards once more into Neilan. He tried to right himself but a second wave of soldiers hit him and he was knocked completely off his feet. He landed with a heavy thud onto the hard ground as several small rocks tore open his hands.

  “Damn,” he said pulling himself to his feet.

  He saw his sword lying a few steps away and he grabbed it. Turning with his sword at the ready he tried to get a grasp on what was happening around him. Men were screaming everywhere and the growls seemed to be multiplying. He could see flashes of blue light across the battlefield, but he could not make out Kaylu anywhere. Then, a loud voice boomed over the sounds of battle. King Krell was yelling as he single-handedly fought six Deamhan with his huge hammer.

  “What is he saying” Neilan wondered as he listened to King Krell’s voice ringing in a rhythmic way. “Ye’re kidding me, he’s singing.”

  Neilan watched Krell in amazement as the soldiers regrouped around him once more. Never had he seen someone as poised and confident as King Krell was as he swung that huge hammer. The soldiers around Neilan had destroyed two of the four wolves and the group pressed forward once more, further into the valley. They were directly in front of Caudee’s tent and Neilan could see the table at which Caudee had been seated, now engulfed in flames.

  “Where are ye Caudee?” Neilan said scanning the mountainsides around him.

  Suddenly, the soldier directly in front of him was struck by the claws of a wolf and blood splattered onto Neilan’s face. The soldier screamed as he fell back into Neilan and then slid down onto the ground at Neilan’s feet. Neilan tried to step over the soldier, but before he could, the soldier behind him slammed into him and Neilan was thrown forward. His legs caught the body of the fallen soldier and he was sent tumbling to the ground.

  “Get up” he yelled to himself almost hysterically “get up.”

  The presence of the wolves had every nerve in his body tingling as fear shot through his brain. He struggled to his feet as quickly as he could, but unfortunately, his mind was a lot slower than his body, and in the moment it took for his mind to finally refocus, he found himself face to face with a huge wolf. He could smell the foul stench of its breath only moments before the paw hit him. The claws sunk into his shoulder then, ripping through the flesh they sliced across his cheek and knocked the sword out of his hand again. His body spun completely around as he felt a sharp pain shoot through his shoulder and face. The ground came up very fast and he struck it with his face first. Dirt was forced up his nose and into his open mouth causing him to choke. He struggled to his knees but was struck again, this time across the chest and it sent him flying onto his back. He could hear Kaylu’s screams mixed with the blasts from his staff. Neilan’s ears were ringing from the first impact and his eyes were blurred.

  “Get up,” he said to himself “get up or die!”

  He rolled over and got to his knees, but the valley was spinning around him. His chest felt like it had been collapsed by the force of the blow. He clutched it as he felt the hot, foul breath of the wolf and the putrid smell of blood and guts. Then, he noticed something else; his own heartbeat echoing in his ears. Whether it was instinct or fear, he didn’t know, but something drove him deep into Tunak and for a second everything seemed to slow down. Neilan noticed his sword lying on the ground beside him as the wolf raced towards him.

  “Move” he screamed as he grabbed his sword and lunged forward from his kneeling position with his sword held up in front of him just as the massive wolf threw itself towards him.

  His sword pierced the wolf’s chest just below its rib cage and the wolf’s momentum carried its heavy body over Neilan’s head. He could feel the sudden gush of hot blood as it poured out of the wolf’s belly and onto his face and arms. He choked and his stomach turned from the horrible smell that stuck in his nostrils. Struggling for air, he tried to wipe the blood out of his eyes as he pulled himself to his feet once more. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. He tried to clear his head by shaking it then, he heard Kaylu’s voice yelling his name.

  “Kaylu,” he said, “where are ye?”

  Looking around, he saw a group of Tunai soldiers fighting another wolf to his left. He scanned the battlefield looking for Kaylu, but he was nowhere in sight. He turned to see the dead body of the wolf lying just a few meters behind him. How close had he been to death? He turned back to the battle and spotted Kaylu coming towards him yelling, but another wolf had spotted Neilan first and was on him before he even had the time to raise his sword. He braced himself for the impact, but it never came.

  A blue glow suddenly engulfed Neilan as the wolf slammed into the protective barrier. He looked up to see a stream of blue flowing from Kaylu’s staff. His mind was racing and his body aching as Kaylu ran the wolf through with his sword. The blue light faded from around Neilan and he staggered a few steps then, he fell face-first into the dirt and blacked out.

  “Neilan, Neilan” a voice echoed in his head, but he felt like he had been in one of those fights back in the village.

  Having to fight more than one boy at a time, he would often find himself lying on the ground tasting his own blood. Mr Bram used to call this having your bell rung because you always had a ringing in your ears afterwards. Neilan slowly opened his eyes, but he could only see Kaylu with one of them.

  “Get up”
Kaylu yelled Kneeling over him.

  Neilan was yanked to his feet as Kaylu draped Neilan’s arm over his shoulder then, pulled him over and leaned him against a large stone. He started checking the wounds on Neilan’s shoulder and face then, pulled something out of his pocket and thrust it up under Neilan’s nose. Pain shot through Neilan’s head as an awful smell filled his nostrils. His eyes began to water and he choked and coughed, but his head began to clear.

  “What was that?” He asked.

  “You don’t want to know,” Kaylu said pulling Neilan to his feet again.

  Neilan wavered back and forth for a few moments trying to regain his balance. Then the booming voice echoed in his head again, causing him to cover his ears.

  “You are a fool boy,” the voice said, “You walked right into my trap. I have become too powerful and you will not be leaving my valley alive.”

  “Neilan, Neilan” Kaylu yelled.

  Neilan could hear the fighting in the distance but blood had started to dry around his eyes and was preventing him from seeing clearly. He dug at his good eye with his fingers and scraped the dried blood away. Blinking several times, his vision began to clear in his eye and he could see the battlefield more clearly.

  “He knew we were coming” Neilan yelled, “we walked right into a trap.”

  Neilan could see many Tunai bodies lying on the ground amongst the dead Mountain wolves.

  “It’s like he knew you were there,” Kaylu said “the wolves waited and attacked your group only. They were trying to get to you, Neilan.”

  Neilan stared at the battlefield in disbelief.

  “He knew we were coming?” Neilan said, “he knows who I am, Kaylu.”

  Neilan heard laughter to his left coming from a wounded Deamhan lying on the battlefield.

  “He knows all things boy” the Deamhan yelled, “do you really think that Caudee doesn’t know about the Reiteach?”

  Suddenly, a Tuani soldier slammed a hammer down on the Deamhan’s head.

  “You’ve said enough,” he said.

  Neilan could see Dragoine soldiers checking the dead bodies. He realized that he hadn’t even seen the Dragoine enter the valley.

  “Look” one of the soldiers yelled pointing across the valley.

  There standing on the mountain ridge for just a split second was Caudee.

  “Damn it,” Kaylu said grabbing Neilan.

  Instantly the valley disappeared from sight, but this was not like anything he had ever felt before. Normally it only took a few seconds to be transported somewhere, but this time something seemed wrong. Neilan could hear Kaylu screaming in a different language. He heard fighting and Caudee’s voice. There were flashes of blue light everywhere, but everything was blurred and continuously shifting around. Neilan suddenly landed hard on the ground and rolled. He shook his head and look around to see Kaylu and Caudee locked in battle. Lightning was flashing all around them as flames shot from their hands. He realized that they were on top of Mount Creag and they were all alone. If Kaylu could not defeat Caudee, they were both about to die. He began to feel sick to his stomach again and once more he blacked out.

  Neilan drifted between dreams and reality. He watched as a scene would play out before his eyes then, melt away. He saw his mum sitting out in the garden behind their cottage in Mar, laughing as her eyes sparkled in the sunlight. Then, Iri appeared, standing at the doorway of the cave crying; waiting for him to come home. He tried to hold on to the images of the only two women who had ever loved him, but the images slowly faded away into darkness and silence engulfed him. There was a flash of light and Neilan let out a scream as Caudee’s face appeared before him. He reached for Neilan but then a loud pop sounded in Neilan’s ears and he was yanked away. All sound stopped and only darkness engulfed him. He felt like he was floating in the darkness, held up by it, embraced by it. Then, he heard a woman’s voice speaking somewhere in the darkness.

  “Will ye be needin anythin else?” the voice said.

  “No, thank you Martha” another voice replied.

  Neilan could hear the voices echoing in his head, but it seemed as if they were a million miles away.

  “Neilan” a voice called “Neilan.”

  But he could not respond. He could not feel his body nor could he recognize the voice that called to him.

  “I’m dead,” he thought to himself “is God calling to me?”

  Memories from the battlefield streamed through his head; soldiers screaming, wolves howling and the smell of death was on everything. He opened his eyes and he was lying on the battlefield in the valley. He tried to move, but he couldn’t feel his legs. Looking down, he realized that his legs were no longer attached to him. His head began to spin and his eyes blurred. Suddenly a sharp pain shot through his head as an awful smell filled his nostrils. He fought to pull his face away from it, but he could not and the pain burned up into his brain. Then, as quickly as the pain came, it went and Neilan began to sense his mind clearing.

  “Neilan” a voice called again. “I think he’s cumin round.”

  Neilan tried to open his eyes, but only his right eye would open. The room was blurred, but he was glad that he was not lying on the battlefield in the valley. He tried to speak, but his throat was dry and raw so, no sound came out. As his vision cleared a little, he was able to see an elderly woman; a human woman.

  “Thar ye are,” she said softly “Welcome back.”

  Another figure loomed over her shoulder, but Neilan was not able to see the person clearly.

  “Where am I” he wondered “what has happened to Kaylu?”

  The elderly woman lifted his head and poured some warm liquid down his throat and it burned horribly. He let out a moan as she lowered his head back onto a pillow.

  “Ye rest now,” she said to him “ye’ll be feelin better in a bit.”

  Neilan couldn’t keep his eye open any longer, so he closed it and allowed himself to drift off to sleep.

  A cold breeze blew across Neilan’s face and it felt good. The left side of his face had been on fire since the wolf attacked him. Another breeze blew his hair back and made his clothes shift. He had the incredible sensation of flying and it was wonderful and very relaxing.

  “Neilan” a voice called to him.

  “Iri,” he thought “Iri is calling me.”

  He struggled to answer, but could not.

  “Iri,” he yelled, but no words came out.

  “Neilan” he heard again.

  This time it was whispered in his ear.

  “Iri” he whispered back.

  “Come back to me” she whispered.

  “Iri!” he screamed.

  He could smell her close to him, but why couldn’t he move? Then he remembered the joining. He listened to his heartbeat and tried to block out everything else.

  “All that I am, I pledge to ye. Now and forever bound together; two but one” he said as a tingling sensation flowed through his body.

  He waited and concentrated on the beating of his heart as the darkness faded away and light began to spill back into his world.

  “Neilan” a voice called out “Kaylu, he’s healing himself.”

  “Well, I’ll be” a voice replied. “I see the two of you have made a far deeper commitment than I had thought.”

  Neilan could hear Iri’s beautiful laughter.

  “Iri,” he said, only this time he actually could hear his own voice.

  “Neilan” she whispered to him “I’m here.”

  He could feel her head lying on his chest and he wanted to stroke her hair, but he could not lift his left arm.

  He struggled to open his eye and the lid slowly parted revealing the cave; he was home. Iri looked at him with tears in her eyes.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey” he replied.

  “Well, it is good to see you awake son,” Kaylu said appearing over Iri’s shoulder. “You look like hell.”

  Neilan tried to smile but his face was too sore.

  “Thanks,” he said.

  “You get some rest,” Kaylu said, “we will talk later when you are strong enough.”

  Iri stayed by his side throughout the day and he felt her curled up next to him throughout the night. His mind was beginning to clear, as his brain was starting to operate normally again.

  “How did Caudee know we were coming?” he thought “and how did he know about me?”

  He wondered about the battle and if it was all for nothing.

  “How many soldiers did we lose?”

  He could see Caudee standing on the ledge across the valley.

  “What are ye up to?” he thought.

  Neilan awoke to the mixed feeling of warmth from the sun and cold from the morning air. He opened his right eye and looked around the room. His left eye was throbbing and he reached up to touch it.

  “Don’t touch it” he heard Iri say.

  He noticed that she was sitting at his feet, but he hadn’t seen her there.

  “You must leave it alone,” she said, “Kaylu has done a wonderful job with it, but you must let it heal.”

  Neilan was so happy to see her face and to hear her voice again.

  “I missed ye,” Neilan said through cracked and dry lips.

  Iri smiled at him as she brought over a cup of water.

  “Here drink some of this,” she said holding his head up and placing the cup to his lips. “Kaylu is outside with King Krell. He has been here ever since he flew you in yesterday and He refuses to leave. King Krell arrived this morning and they are talking about what to do next.”

  Neilan struggled to lift himself from the blanket.

  “Neilan, no you must rest,” she said.

  “Iri, please help me sit up,” He said.

  She slowly helped him lift himself into a sitting position then, moved him over to lean him against the cave wall.

  “It feels good to be home,” he said.

  “You are still very weak,” Iri said, “you must take your time.”

  Neilan tried to smile at Iri, but he still could not.

  “Iri, come here,” he said motioning to her.

  She moved closer.

  “Yes,” she said.


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