Reluctant Dragon Mate

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Reluctant Dragon Mate Page 3

by Laura Greenwood

"It won't," she promised, trying not to dwell too much on that risk. She could barely remember that night, and had no intention of ever getting that drunk ever again.

  "On your head be it," Rosie responded, finally filling up the glass.

  "That's what makes it fun," Dakota retorted, taking another swig of wine. She was going to make the most of the night, and if all thoughts of Achilles hadn't left her head by then, she'd have to deal with it tomorrow.

  Maybe she'd even message him...



  The shot hit the back of his throat, burning all the way down. His natural instincts wanted to use it to fuel the fire burning deep within him, but he knew better than to give in to that urge.

  "What's a handsome man like you doing drinking alone?" a blonde nymph slurred as she took a seat next to him.

  "Waiting for someone," he lied, hoping it would make her go away. He'd come to a human bar in the vain hope that he'd manage to stay away from other paranormals. It seemed like his luck was out.

  "That's a shame. I could show you such a good time..."

  "I'm alright, thank you." He signalled the bartender for another shot.

  "One for me too," the nymph told the man.

  Achilles scowled. Why wasn't this woman getting the message? He didn't want or need her company.

  The bartender set down two shots in front of them, giving the woman a distasteful look the moment she turned away.

  Achilles tried to hold back the snort. Clearly, he wasn't the only one who was fed up with the woman.

  She picked up the shot and downed it like a champ, before moving away, no doubt to find some unsuspecting man who would take her up on her offer of company.

  "She does that all the time," the bartender said as he placed down another shot. "On the house."

  "Thanks." Achilles did the shots in quick succession, enjoying their burn but nothing else. He knew better than to let alcohol affect him. One of the many perks of being paranormal was that he could choose not to let it. He didn't know where the ability had come from, but it was one he ended up grateful for more often than not.

  A tinkling laugh from the other side of the bar drew his attention away from the drinks. Two women staggered in, both of them already surveying the room, no doubt looking for a man.

  "I'll pay my tab," he said to the barman, knowing it wouldn't be in his best interests to stay here while so many women were on the prowl. He didn't want to disappoint anyone by being unavailable.

  He threw money on top of the bar, knowing it was all the barman needed. He'd been here often enough that they knew he was honest and would always pay.

  Scraping his chair back, he made his way out of the building, passing yet more drunk women as he went. He should remember not to come out on a Saturday night, even if he needed it like now. It was always the same. The skirts were too short, the men forgot their manners, and the whole place turned into a mini-orgy that pleased no one.

  The cold air hit his skin the moment he left, invigorating him far more than the useless shots had. Maybe he should start going for night time runs instead of hitting the bar when things were too loud inside his head.

  A trio of women stumbled around the corner, each of them tottering on heels far higher and thinner than he thought should be possible. He'd never understand why women insisted on wearing such dangerous contraptions. Surely, they would only manage to injure themselves by using them.

  The moment he decided to step to the side and out of the way, his gaze caught on the woman in the middle.

  "Dak, you need to stand up straight," the blonde to her left instructed.

  "Can't," Dakota slurred.

  A primal part of Achilles stirred, urging him to step forward and take control of the situation. Dakota clearly needed looking after, and those two weren't doing a good enough job for his liking.

  "Is everything okay?" The question slipped out before he intended it to. Hopefully, they wouldn't think anything of it.

  "Yes, thank you," the redhead answered.

  "Achilles!" Dakota slurred. "How's your heel?"

  "My what?"

  "'re Achilles?" the red-head asked. "Now I get it."

  "Your heel," Dakota repeated.

  "What about it?" He ignored his desire to check his shoes. There was no way he was going to fall for the teasing of a drunk woman.

  "It's the weakest part of you," she pointed out. "Some could say that it's your Achilles' heel." Her laughter cackled around the empty street.

  Her friends only smiled, rather than joining in her mirth.

  "Is she okay?" he asked the red-head. She seemed like the soberest of the three of them, and the most likely to give him a straight answer.

  "She's drunk a bit too much, but I think that's to be expected."

  "It is?" He didn't have her pegged as the kind of woman who drank her problems away. But then, he'd only known her for one night, and that was all they'd shared.

  "Well, she's been spending her night..." the blonde started to say.

  "She's just had a hard week, is all." The red-head plastered a fake smile on.

  "Right. Don't you think she'd be better going home than out on the town?"

  "What are you talking about? I'm fineeeeee," Dakota insisted.

  "Then walk in a straight line." Why was he even still hanging around? He didn't owe anything to this woman. And that included taking care of her now.

  "I can." She pulled away from her friends and started walking down the path, her hips swaying in a very distracting way.

  Achilles swallowed the lump in his throat. He was going to have to be careful about how much he let himself feel for this woman. He wasn't sure how he knew, but he could tell she was going to be trouble for him. And the last thing he needed was a false mating.

  "Why don't I take her home and you two ladies can enjoy the rest of your night?" he blurted out. Why was he being this way? He wasn't interested in spending more alone time with her, and yet he was trying to put himself in a situation where he could end up doing just that.

  The two women exchanged knowing glances, no doubt communicating in that weird way only women could.

  "I think it's a great idea. Do you want to call a cab, or should I do it?" the blonde asked.

  "No, it's fine, I've got it. You ladies have fun." He was only slightly confused about why they were letting him take her, though clearly she’d talked about him with them. She must have said something that made them believe he was trustworthy.

  "You too." The red-head winked.


  "Just don't hurt her." She gazed off in Dakota's direction, observing the witch as she chattered away to the empty path.

  "I won't." The promise passed his lips before he'd truly thought about it.

  "See that you do, or Nina there will make your dreams hell."

  The blonde waved at him, as if knowing she was being talked about. He had no idea what she was, especially if she could influence his dreams, but he wasn't in any rush to find out.

  "Don't worry, I'll protect your friend," he vowed.

  And the worst part was, he wouldn't even be doing it because he promised them. He wanted to take care of Dakota. No matter what he told himself.



  "Do you have your keys?" the handsome dragon asked.

  She giggled. "Why wouldn't I?"

  He sighed. "Because you're drunk."

  Why was he so mean when they both might still be having fun. Apparently, grumpy dragons didn't like enjoying themselves. "Maybe I can make you a not-grumpy dragon," she murmured aloud without meaning to.


  "I didn't say anything," she responded hastily. "Nothing at all."

  "You realise I can hear everything you're saying. My kind come with super hearing."

  "No they don't," she slurred, trying to focus her vision so she could make him out properly. Why wasn't he standing still? That would help her. A lot.

  "Yes, we do
. How do you plan on making me a not-grumpy dragon?" he asked.

  "Sex!" she shouted. "We can do that again."

  A light in one of the windows opposite came on, but she brushed away the nosey neighbours. What did they care if she was going to get it on with a sexy dragon shifter?

  "We're not having sex again. Let's get you inside." He took the bag off her shoulder, his fingers grazing against the skin of her shoulder and sending zings of pleasure throughout her.

  "But why not? It was good."

  "It was good," he admitted, though she could tell it was begrudgingly.

  "Then why?"

  He fit the key into her lock.

  Heh. He'd done that last night too.

  "You know why." He ushered her inside with a gentle hand on the small of her back.

  "Being a witch sucks," she announced the moment she was inside, flopping to the floor and sitting cross-legged in the middle of her hallway.

  "I can see your underwear," Achilles said, the low growl not completely gone from his tone.

  "Maybe that's the point." It hadn't been intentional, but it wasn't like he hadn't seen it already.

  "I don't remember you being this blurt-out-what-you're-thinking last night." He locked the door behind the two of them.

  "That's because I wasn't drunk last night," she pointed out. Though she had been drinking. But just one glass. Any effects had worn off long before he'd arrived at her house. At least, she hoped they had. She didn't want him thinking that he was some kind of lush.

  "And when you're drunk you flash random men?" He raised an eyebrow.

  "You're not a random man though, are you?"

  "I'm as good as. You don't know me, Dakota."

  "Then let me get to know you," she suggested. If she'd had more sense, she'd have winked at him. She wasn't normally so much of a tease, but something about him brought it out of her, and she didn't even have any control over the matter.

  "I don't think that's a good idea," he warned.

  "Oh, quite the contrary, it's an excellent idea." She struggled to her feet, using the wall to steady herself and hoping he didn't notice.

  Achilles shook his head and stepped forward, scooping her off her feet and carrying her down the hall.

  "Put me down, I'm not some damsel in distress," she insisted, wriggling in his arms just enough to cause a nuisance, but not enough to actually make him put her down. She rather liked the warm cocoon his embrace brought.

  "I know you're not, but right now, I'm going to get you safely into bed and then you don't hurt yourself."

  "Into bed? That sounds good." She walked her fingers across his chest, feeling the heat emanating from him.


  "Aww, you're no fun. Why can't you just come with me? Not even to sleep?" She batted her eyelashes, hoping it would entice him into the bed with her.

  "No. You're going alone."

  "What if I made a pile of treasure? Would you come then?"

  He chuckled, the sound vibrating her entire body. "Is there a reason to suspect it would?"

  "You're a dragon. Dragon's like treasure."

  He turned around a little too fast for her liking, pushing her bedroom door open and ushering the two of them inside.

  "For someone who claims not to be interested in me, I do believe you just carried me over the threshold." A giggle escaped from her. She couldn't wait to tell the girls about this in the morning. Neither of them would believe her. Or believe that he was still refusing to sleep with her.

  "That was a necessity," he growled.

  "Oh, keep going, I want you to rock my world," she teased, enjoying herself more and more with every moment.

  "I already did that."

  "Once was not enough," she announced proudly, waving her arms around.

  "Last I checked, it was five."

  "Four and a half."

  "Now you're just trying to goad me." He held her above the bed. It felt kind of weird, but she didn't want to draw his attention to it in case he decided to put her down again.

  "Is it working?" She'd cross her fingers, but she feared that might be too obvious.

  "Almost, but not quite. You're going to have to try harder." A low chuckle hid under his words and a deep sense of satisfaction filled her. Despite what he was claiming, she was starting to wear him down. Maybe he really would let them end up in bed together. Or maybe it was just wishful thinking on her part, it was hard to tell.

  "If I remember correctly, you were the one that was hard."

  "You're incorrigible."

  "Why thank you." She beamed up at him.

  "That wasn't a compliment," he muttered so quietly, she wasn't even sure she was supposed to hear it.

  "I know. I'm going to take it as one though."

  He rolled his eyes and shook his head in bemusement as he lowered her down onto the bed.

  The soft duvet encased her, welcoming her with open arms.

  "Aren't you going to undress me?" she asked the dragon.


  "You really are no fun." She pressed her lips together in a pout, determined to make him regret his decision not to give her what she wanted.

  A shimmer of turquoise sparks over his shoulder caught her attention.

  "Rhi?" It didn't make any sense that her familiar was appearing right now. She couldn't unless Dakota was alone, or with her mate. Neither of which was the case right now. It couldn't be, given Achilles insistence on denying her.

  "It’s Achilles,” he corrected. “Are you really propositioning me while forgetting my name?"

  "No, of course not. I'm sorry." She purposefully looked away from where she thought her familiar had been about to appear, focusing instead on the dragon's face.

  A seriousness fell over the two of them that had been missing before, and she didn't know how to deal with it.

  "Would you like anything?" he asked softly.

  "No, thank you. I'm tired, I think I'm going to sleep it all off."

  "I think that's a good idea. Do you have a spare room?"

  She nodded. "First door on the left."

  "Thanks. I'll leave the door open. Shout if you need anything." He looked as if he was about to say more, but no matter how much she wanted to know what it was, the words didn't leave his mouth.

  He turned to walk away, putting some well-needed distance between the two of them, even if she didn't think either of them really wanted it.

  "Why are you doing this?" Her voice was barely a whisper, but the stiffening of his back revealed he'd heard.

  "I don't know," he answered without turning around. "I just feel like it's the right thing for me to do."

  There were so many other unanswered questions swimming around in her brain, but something stopped her from asking them, like she knew now wasn't the right time to be asking them. That would change, though. She'd make sure of it.

  Achilles seemed to decide that they were done with their conversation and walked out of the room, no doubt to go and make himself comfortable on her spare bed. It was a shame he hadn't agreed to share this one with her, but it was probably for the best, no matter what her horny drink addled brain might decide.

  Plus, if he was staying the night in her spare room, it meant he'd still be here in the morning. And she'd be able to run rings around him once she was sober again. Maybe she'd even be able to get what she wanted from him.



  Sun streamed through the curtains of Dakota's spare room, covering his skin in the golden light. He basked in the warmth, scales shimmering down his skin. The urge to fully shift and enjoy the heat was there, but he knew he couldn't take it. His full form would rip Dakota's house to pieces and leave her with nothing more than dust as a companion. He didn't want to even consider what her friend would threaten him with then.

  His thoughts turned to the woman in the other room. He'd checked on her during the night and been relieved to discover her sleeping peacefully, as if she hadn't gotten so drunk she'
s come on to him despite knowing there couldn't be anything between them.

  Something gnawed in his gut. Not hunger. Knowledge. But he ignored it. There was no way he was going to face what the precog had told his grandmother. He never should have answered the witch's message in the first place. Normally, he stayed clear of the whole group of them, but something about this one had resonated and he hadn't been able to stop himself from typing out a response to her. Or from coming here in the first place. Just like he hadn't been able to control the urge to help her the night before.

  If he wasn't careful, he'd end up developing feelings for her, and considering they were both paranormals, that could complicate things far more than either of them were prepared for.

  A false mating could ruin them both.

  What she didn't know was how hard it had been for him not to bite her during sex. One wrong move, and they'd have been bound together for life, despite the fact they shouldn't be.

  And yet, here he was. In her house. While she clearly wanted him still. He'd never tempted fate this hard before. But while he knew he should leave, a big part of him really didn't want to.

  He growled into the empty room, the delight the sun had brought evaporating in an instant. He was old enough to know better than this, yet here he was tempting fate and trying to tame her into his own mistress.

  There was nothing for it. He should make himself a cup of coffee and then leave before she woke up. With all the alcohol in her system, that shouldn't be any time soon, and he'd be able to make a clean getaway.

  In theory.

  Perhaps he should leave without the coffee, but it would be a long day without it.

  Rising to his feet, he left the comfort of the bedroom and walked towards the rather spacious kitchen. What did his little witch do for a living so that she could afford something this big? She couldn't be any older than twenty-five, and yet her house looked like one that belonged to someone earning the wage of someone much older. Nothing about it suggested she'd been born into money, either. If she had, she'd have been a lot more demanding about getting what she wanted. Instead of demanding, she'd simply tried to coerce him into bed with her.


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