Falling for Agent Cruz:A Falling novel

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Falling for Agent Cruz:A Falling novel Page 17

by DL Gallie

  Dr. Clark told us that Charli can go home in a few days, if she promises to take it easy and stay off her feet—ha, I can’t see that happening—you’ve met Charli Davis, she doesn’t know the meaning of taking it easy. I’m one-million-percent sure that my Angel would have agreed to anything to be able to go home, and I’m not ashamed to admit that I totally took advantage of this scenario. When this situation arose, operation ‘Get Charli to Move In’ commenced.

  Knowing that I’d need reinforcements for this, I called in June and Frank, Charli’s parents, to help me convince her that this was the best option, for her, the baby, and me. Surprising to me, they agreed that this was the best plan, even going so far as offering to help move her in.

  If I thought asking them to help with convincing their daughter to move in was hard, I can only imagine what it will be like when I ask for their permission to marry her, because that’s totally in the cards…and soon. Charli Davis is it for me. My heart and soul belong to her, I think they have from the moment my eyes landed on her in the bar just a few short months ago.

  So with their approval, I am waiting for the right moment to ask. “I can hear your brain thinking from here, what’s on your mind, Biker Boy?”

  A chuckle breaks free. “You haven’t called me Biker Boy in a while.”

  “I was dreaming about your bike, I can’t wait to jump on again.”

  “Not ‘til after Carter is born. You heard Dr. Clark, you need to take it easy.”

  “Sitting on a bike IS taking it easy.”

  “You and I both know that it's never just sitting on that bike. It leads to fucking on said bike, and as much as it pains me to say, there will be no bike fucking, or fucking in general, until our little munchkin safely arrives.”

  “No fucking, that’s a bit much, don't you think?”

  “Nope, I’ve read up on placental abruptions and we are so lucky that you didn’t go into labor. I’m not risking Carter for the sake of a fuck. We will have the rest of our lives to fuck, I think we can manage for a few months without.”

  She groans, “Ugh, you are so mean to me.”

  “Fucking is not in the cards, Agent Davis, but I never said anything about my tongue.”

  She lifts her head to stare at me. “I like that plan…think I can get a tongue preview?”

  This is the perfect opening to drop my request, “I might be able to oblige but I need you to agree on one thing first.”

  “And what is your one request? You know I’ll pretty much agree to anything to get your tongue between my thighs.”

  “I’m counting on that.”

  She lifts herself up farther. “I’m intrigued now so, Biker Boy, what is your condition?”

  “Move in with me?”

  Her eyes widen. “Come again?”

  “I want you to move in with me. I want you, me, and Carter to be one big happy family under one roof.”

  “It’s too soon.”

  “Angel, we are about to have a baby together, I think the soon boat has sailed.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Nodding my head, I take her hands in mine. “I’ve never been more sure of anything. Charli Davis,” dropping her hands, I cup her cheek, “I’m truly, madly, deeply in love with you, and you agreeing to move in will make me the happiest man in the world.”

  She nods her head. “Nic Cruz, you are my everything and I would love to move in with you. I love you to infinity and beyond. Now take me home and give me your tongue.”

  “We have to wait for the doctor’s clearance but I promise, as soon as we are given the all clear, my tongue is yours.”

  Charli clearly really wants my tongue because later that day, she manages to sweet talk Dr. Clark into letting her out. I swear this woman could sell ice to Eskimos. It’s really hard to say no to her but I don’t mind at all because she’s coming home…with me!

  …and now here we are, but rather than following doctor’s orders, Charli is gallivanting around the city. When I found Charli’s note telling me she’d gotten an Uber to go and see Dean, I was furious. I had never felt anger like this before. She was just released from hospital and is meant to be on bed rest but no, my fierce baby momma is still playing super agent.

  Leaning against my car, I fold my arms and wait for her to exit. I feel her before I see her. Looking up, I smile when I see her step outside and like she does after each prison visit, she looks to the sky and takes a calming deep breath. Prisons give her the heebie-jeebies, which is funny since in our line of work we visit them quite often.

  She looks over and when she sees me, she’s smiles but that smile drops when she sees the angry scowl on my face. Walking toward me, she’s smiling, trying to placate me, but my anger must be showing on my face because her eyes show hesitation.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?” she says, leaning into me to give me a kiss, but I turn my head and she kisses my cheek.

  “More to the point, what are YOU doing here? You’re supposed to be home. On bed rest.”

  “I needed to see Dean. I needed him to look me in the eye and confess everything.”

  “And you couldn’t do that via FaceTime? Skype? Zoom? There’s this thing called technology.”

  “Don’t you dare sass me, Dominic Cruz.” Shit, she called me Dominic, she’s just as pissed as I am. “I’m pregnant, Nic. I’m not a damsel in distress who’s made of glass. I needed to see him. I needed to hear everything from him. I needed closure so I can move forward and focus on munchkin. And you.”

  “And do you have your closure now?”

  “Yes,” she nods. “It’s all closed and locked away, never to be actioned again.” She reaches up and cups my cheek, just from her touch, the anger begins to dissipate. “I appreciate the concern but I’m fine. Really. Now take me home and get me five cheeseburgers along the way.”

  I want to be mad but she has a way of charming me, it’s one of the many things I love about this woman. “You are lucky I love you, Charli Davis.”

  “You bet your fine ass I’m lucky and I promise from this moment on, I will stay home in bed...naked.”

  “Don’t taunt me like that, woman, you know I can’t ravage you like I want until after this baby is born.”

  “Weeell, we—”

  “Nope, no hanky-panky ‘til munchkin is born. I need you both healthy and safe.” Raising my hand, I wiggle my fingers. “I’ll be fine with Mrs. Palmer for the next few months.”

  “What about me?” Shrugging my shoulders, she pouts and it’s totally adorable. “You are just mean, mister, taunting a bedridden pregnant woman like that.”

  Leaning into her, I whisper, “If you play your cards right and behave…in bed…with clothes on, I’ll sweet talk the doctor at our next check up and get permission to ravage you, if AND when she deems it safe for you both.”

  “You better, Biker Boy. Now, since we can’t get down and dirty, get me my cheeseburgers, that’s the next best thing right now.”

  Placing a chaste kiss on her lips, I open the car door and drive her to the nearest McDonald’s, where she eats an insane number of cheeseburgers before I take her home and we snuggle—fully clothed—in bed with my hand resting on her tummy.

  We’ve just hit the thirty-six week mark and Charli is glowing. Dr. Clark is amazed that we, well Charli, has made it this far, but my girls are fighters, there’s no stopping them.

  Lifting my head, I rest it in my palms and watch her sleep—hey, it’s not creepy when I do it. She really is the most beautiful woman in the world, add in her pregnant glow and I’m speechless.

  “Are you watching me sleep again?”

  “Maybe,” I tell her.

  “No maybe, baby, I can feel your gaze on me.”

  “Is that so?” I say, running the tip of my finger down her cheek. Her eyes open and land on mine. She smiles and like always, it hits me in the chest and brings me alive like never before.

  “Mmmhmpf, but I’d much rather feel something else.”

what might that be?” I ask, trailing my finger down her neck.

  “Your tongue…”

  “What about my tongue?” I tease back, sliding my finger between her breasts that since becoming pregnant have increased in size, and I’m not complaining one bit.

  “I need it…” she pants, when I lean forward and suck on her nipple through her silky nightgown.

  “Need it where?” Rolling her to her back, I climb between her legs and kiss down her stomach. Dr Clark gave the all clear two weeks ago for us to get down and dirty, but there has been no bike or crazy wild monkey sex. There has been lots of tongues and fingers, I will not do anything to hurt Charli or the baby.

  “A little farther,” she mewls, pushing my head down.

  Situating myself between her thighs, I push her nightgown up and I blow on her. “Niiiiiiic,” she moans, “please.”

  “Patience, my Angel,”

  She lifts her head and due to her stomach, I only see her eyes but they are firing daggers at me right now. Before she gets any angrier, I lean down and nuzzle my nose along her panty-covered slit, giving her want she wants.

  “Yes,” she pants, gripping my hair in her fingers, pulling on the strands. “More,” she demands and from the breathiness of her words, I can tell she’s on edge. Pushing the material of her panties to the side, I lick her from taint to clit, giving her what she wants. “Yeeeeesssss,” she hisses, as I assault her slit with my tongue.

  Nibbling on her clit, I slip a finger inside. Her walls clench around my digit, twisting around, I hit that magical spot deep within. Charli moans loudly when I suck hard on her clit and wriggle my fingers inside her. She saturates my face with her release. “Nic,” she says and from the tone of her voice, the pleasure zone she was in only moments ago has disappeared, “my water just broke.”



  “I fucking hate you,” I scream at Nic. “You and your dick are never coming near my vagina again.”

  I’ve been in labor for five hours now, Dr. Clark agreed that I can try but right now, I wish I’d taken the C-section option. I have never felt pain like this before and I’m going all crazy psycho lady and taking it out on Nic. The contraction passes and then I begin to cry. “I’m sorry, Nic. Please don’t hate me.”

  “Shhhh, Angel, it's fine.”

  “It’s not fine,” I snap, “I’m being a Baylor.”

  “Angel, you are about to push a watermelon out of your vagina, you can Baylor away.”

  “Charli,” Dr. Clark interrupts us, “you are only two centimeters dilated, you need to start thinking about going for a C-section. With your abruption and the slow labor, I have concerns.” My eyes widen when she says the word concerns.

  “Concerns how? Is Carter okay? What’s wrong?”

  “Everything is fine, for now,” she reassures me, “but I would really like you to consider a C-section. If we can prepare it will be less rushed and much easier for both you and the baby, BUT if you want to keep trying, we can. I’ll have the team on standby for an emergency one, but I would like to avoid that if we can.”

  “Do it,” I say without thinking.

  “Are you sure?” Nic asks.

  Looking to him, I nod my head, and sadly smile. “Yes, I’m sure. I’m tired and it hurts. I don’t think I can do this.”

  “You can do this,” Nic encourages.

  “I can’t…I just want to hold our little girl.” Looking to Dr. Clark, I reaffirm, “Let’s do it.”

  No sooner do I say those three words and it's all go-go-go. I’m wheeled into the operating room. Nic is whisked off to scrub up—FYI, he looks hot in scrubs. A needle is shoved into my spine, numbing me from the waist down—and let me tell you—it’s the weirdest sensation ever. You can’t feel what they are doing but you can sense what’s happening.

  Before we know it, the most magical cry rings through the room and Carter Cruz takes her first breath, well, screech. Holy crap on a cracker, can that little girl screech. I watch as Nic cuts the cord and then our lil’ munchkin is whisked away to be checked over. Nic hovers next to the nurses doing their job and when one hands him our little girl, I burst into tears. The sight of him holding her will forever be etched into my mind.

  He looks over at me and smiles. “Let me introduce you to your mommy,” he says as he walks over to us. “She’s the most beautiful woman in the world and, kid, you and I are lucky to have her on Team Cruz.” He stops next to me. “Wanna hold your daughter?”

  Nodding my head, he places her in my arms and as soon as I hold her, I’m instantly in love. I’ve heard other moms say that but I thought they were full of shit, but nope, it’s one-billion-percent true. What I feel for Carter is unconditional ever-lasting love, much like my love for her daddy. As if he knows I’m thinking about him, Nic places a kiss on my temple. Looking up at him, he’s grinning. “We did good, Daddy Cruz.”

  “Sure did, Momma Cruz.”

  Our Hallmark family moment is interrupted when Dr. Clark informs me that I’m being transferred to recovery. Nic and Carter can come too and I’m thankful for that, I don’t want to ever be away from her. It’s only been a few moments but I’m addicted to her. Everything about her is perfect. Her button nose. Her chubby cheeks—probably from eating too many cheeseburgers. Her full head of dark hair and her eyes. Her eyes are a mirror image of mine, just in mini form.

  After spending a few hours in recovery I’m finally transferred to my room. I spent a long time there as I had some bleeding in relation to the placenta rupture. With medication, oxytocin, and some abdominal massaging, we got my uterus to contract and the bleeding stopped, saving me from having to have a D&C, dilation and curettage, surgery.

  There’s a knock at my door and Elena pokes her head in. “Hey,” she says with a smile. Her eyes drop to the bundle of joy in my arms. “How’s my niece doing?”

  “She’s perfect,” Nic proudly says. He’s been sporting the biggest smile since Carter was placed into his arms. He pouted, yes pouted, when he had to give her to me so I could feed her. As soon as Carter finished feeding, he swooped in and took hold of her again.

  “You’re going to have to put her down sometime soon,” I tell him. I look to Elena. “He’s had her in his arms since she was born.”

  “Aww, is my big brother a softie? Does wee lil’ Carter have you wrapped around her teeny tiny little finger already?”

  “Yep, and I don’t care. Carter Cruz is the most beautiful baby in the world,” he proudly declares, as he looks over to me and adds, “Just like her mommy is the most beautiful angel in the entire universe.”

  “Ohh my God,” Elena whines, “shoot me now. When did you grow a vagina?”

  “Don’t say that word around her,” Nic says, cupping Carter’s ear.

  Elena and I both laugh at him but if I’m honest, it’s sexy as fuck seeing Nic in dad mode.

  We are finally home from hospital after a five-night stay. Nic and I are watching Carter sleep. Who knew a sleeping baby could be so entertaining? Sliding my arm around Nic’s waist, I snuggle in. He presses a kiss to my head and whispers, “Marry me?”

  My head snaps up and I stare into his eyes, from what I see reflecting back at me, he means it and without missing a beat, I whisper back, “Yes.”

  “Really?” he says, spinning me around to face him. He cups my cheeks in his palms. “You really will marry me?”

  Nodding my head, I smile. “Yes. A thousand times yes.”

  He lowers his hands to my waist and lifts me up hugging and kissing me. It's romantic but at the same time, so painful. I wince and groan in pain. “Ohh crap,” he says, lowering me to my feet. “I’m so sorry, Angel.”

  “It’s fine, we got caught up in the moment. Now, where’s my ring?”

  He grabs my hand and drags me out of Carter’s nursery and into our room. He pulls open his underwear drawer and digs into the back. He pulls out a Tiffany blue box and turns to face me. With a smirk on his face, he drops to one knee and takes my le
ft hand. “Charli Davis, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Nodding my head, my eyes well with tears and I blubber, “Yes. Yes I’ll marry you.”

  He pulls out the ring I’ve been admiring online, it has a diamond platinum band with a square mixed-cut diamond and slips it onto my left hand. Lifting my hand, I inspect the ring. It’s everything I wanted and more. Looking down to my fiancé, I cup his cheek in my palm, the diamond on my finger sparkling in the afternoon light. Leaning down, I press my lips to his. Resting my forehead on his, I whisper, “I’m yours forever, Nic, and I cannot wait to officially start our life together.”



  In a few short days, Charli will officially become Mrs. Cruz and I cannot wait for us to officially become a family, well, in the eyes of the law official. We were a family as soon as those two pink lines appeared on all six tests Charli took.

  The last few months, since Carter arrived, have been one crazy roller coaster but I would not change one single thing. Who knew someone so cute and cuddly could A. Scream as loud as she does, B. Poop so much, and C. Projectile vomit. If projectile vomiting was a sport, she’d win hands down. Actually, I’d change the vomiting. Poop and pee, easy-peasy, but vomit, yeah nah, I’d rather have a root canal.

  Tonight I have arranged a special date for my Angel. It will be our first night time away from Carter but I plan to keep Charli in such an orgasmically blissed state that she won’t notice. Aunty Bay and Uncle Corey are having Carter for the night. Charli is packing her overnight bag and I’m changing her. “Now, my lil’ munchkin,” I say to her, “please poop lots for Aunty Bay and if you can have a number three explode over her while you are in her arms again, that’d be great.” A chuckle breaks free when I remember the first time Carter did a number three and Bay happened to be the recipient, and so far, the only recipient of one.


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