I am fairly certain with that he just won over all of Omaha, if not more. He has mentioned something like this to me before, how he only trusts Denver guards because they have the most training, but hearing him phrase it like that makes me feel proud to be seated next to him. Or more proud than I already am.
“Thank you, Ms. Scott and Mr. Reed,” Professor Dougall says as she wraps up our time. “You honor our country with your continued service and advancement this far in the Culling, congratulations.”
“Thank you,” we both say simultaneously.
And just like that, we are done. I breathe a sigh of relief as we walk into the room down the hall to find refreshments and food while we will watch the next two couples on a big television screen. Feeling exhausted, I would rather just head upstairs for smooching and/or sleep, but that would be frowned upon. Bummer sauce.
Knox and Attie are already in the room when we arrive. We tell each other how good we did while we exchange hugs and high fives for making it through the first interview. I so wish this was the final two instead of the final four right now. I selfishly want both Attie and I to make it to the end. Now it’s up to the voters.
As soon as we sit down to eat a few snacks while we wait, I begin messing with the napkin in my lap. I don’t like feeling like I am competing against my friends, but I can’t help but wonder how we did in comparison to them. What is just the average person sitting at home thinking about Lyncoln and me? What was our first impression? More than anything in the world, I need for us to make the final two. But that doesn’t necessarily mean I want my friends to fall flat on their faces either.
Lyncoln picks up on my nervousness and places his hand in mine as he talks to Knox while Attie and I chat about our gowns. She gives me that look that only a girl can give another girl, and I know that later we will be talking about how my deciding between boys went. We somewhat pay attention to Elizabeth and Maverick on the television screen, and somewhat chitchat. It’s hard to watch our friends and be torn between wanting to cheer them on and not wanting them to look too good.
Before we know it, they are also done and enter the room. We all stand to greet them and give them hugs of encouragement. Having heard our interview, Maverick laughs and gives Lyncoln a hard time about being a jerk and not wanting to shake my hand. This gets us laughing and going on about other stories from that first night when something on the television screen catches my attention.
I take a sip of my champagne and listen in wondering what it was. Something didn’t seem right.
Marisol is talking about her undying love for Christopher. Cue the eye rolls. But then she says something about his dad. What does Christopher’s dad do and what would that have to do with anything? This is a new development.
My mind is in overdrive, thinking fast, trying to remember what Christopher’s dad does. I get a twisted feeling in my gut that something is terribly wrong. There is only one person here that has a dad with enough influence to be mentioned.
“Without further ado,” Dougall says and although she’s smiling, it isn’t quite reaching her eyes. “Here is Mr. Henry Maxwell.”
My champagne flute slips out of my hand and plummets to the ground where it breaks into thousands of tiny glass shards. Lyncoln is immediately by my side. He looks at the television where my eyes are glued and places a hand on my lower back. I grab onto his suit lapel for dear life. I feel the blood drain from my face.
This can’t be happening. This cannot be happening.
My whole world shatters into a million pieces as Henry walks out and sits down next to Marisol.
Wow. Wowdy, wow, wow. Where do I even begin?
First and foremost, I need to thank Jesus for choosing the nails so a sinner like me can get into heaven. God has blessed me with a unique set of skills that in my late twenties I am only starting to figure out what to do with. Thanks, Big G.
Next, a big thank you to my husband, my rock, my best friend. I can only write about men of a high caliber because I am married to one. You drive me bonkers, but I love the crap out of you.
Thank you to my sons, my pride and joy. I didn't understand the capacity God gave us to love until I became a mom. You motivate me to always be the best I can be.
Thank you to Bubba Gump, my English bulldog, my assistant for all things writing. More often than not, your gassy ways motivated me to hurry up and finish my paragraph. You slept and napped for me so I could stay up and keep writing. Thanks, Bubbsies.
Thank you to my parents for raising one stubborn girl and teaching me to work hard. Thank you to my mom especially for reading my manuscript at the drop of a hat and singing its praises even in the first drafts. Who would have thought when I was up all hours of the night with a flashlight plowing through books that one day I would complete one of my own?
Thank you to my friends and family who didn't laugh when I wanted to write a book. In my many times of doubt and fear, you kept me grounded. I appreciate you all. Even Meg-giggs, my first ever groupie.
Thank you to the people that assisted in my learning about the whole self-publishing world. Stephanie Churchill, you are the only real author I know...yes, "real author"! Your wisdom and willingness to take me under your wing is unexpected and refreshing in an industry that isn't always so kind.
To my beta-readers, a thank you seems inadequate. You are the reason this book is out. You are the people I trust and who's opinion I value most in this world. Sibling-in-laws, you are irreplaceable. Anita and J-Wall, you are appreciated more than you know. Not only are you educators, but you are sculptors of people. The world is a better place because of the love and grace you extend to people. Jenni, you too, even though you don't "formally" teach anymore. You came in at the last possible minute when I was exasperated and feeling down. You blessed me big time. Thank you, thank you, thank you, to you all. I would give y'all a standing ovation if I could.
A random thank you to Coach Chvala for your teaching us pinball. I hope you're teaching the angels up there. And doing play-by-play commentary, of course.
Though corny, it would be remiss to not acknowledge Amazon and KDP. It blows my mind what you allow us indie authors to do. You give the underdog a fighting chance.
And last but definitely not least, thank you to you, dear reader. I don't know how I convinced you to take a chance on my book, but thank you for sticking it out until the end. I hope you loved the characters as much as I do. I wish I could grab some tea and/or coffee with every single one of you. I can't wait to hear what you have to say. And to the reader who chooses to read on to the next book, I hope for you, dear one, that you never let this scary world make you quit. I hope you never give up when laughed at. I hope you find what you want to do in this life and I hope you do the dang thang, all the circumstances be damned. Be authentic. Be crazy. Be brave. And be you.
Author’s Bio
Tricia Wentworth is the award-winning author of The Culling series. Though she began writing at a young age, she didn’t realize her love of writing would take over until after she graduated college with her teaching degree. She currently resides in Nebraska with her husband, three sons, and English bulldog. She hoards notebooks, pretty pens, books, and tea. When not reading, writing, or momming, she can be found squeezing in a run or feeding her sugar addiction by baking something ridiculously delicious.
“The Fracturing: Book 2” is available now. https://bit.ly/thefract
“The Reckoning: Book 3” is available now. http://bit.ly/TheReck
The first Culling spinoff series book “The Legacy: James” coming Fall 2020.
Also by the author:
“Snowed In” https://bit.ly/TWSnowedIN
Be sure to follow the author for release updates in addition to some teasers and snippets from the next series. She is currently writing the spinoff series to the Culling. Her Facebook page is where she is most active.
Website: triciawentworth.com
p; Facebook page: facebook.com/triciawentworthauthor/
Instagram: authortriciawentworth
The Culling: Book 1 (The Culling Series) Page 52