Searching for a Heart

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Searching for a Heart Page 15

by Tymber Dalton

  She had a follow-up appointment scheduled for Monday morning, which he would take her to before driving her home, where Eliza would spend the day with her and force her to basically spend it on the couch doing absolutely nothing more taxing than lifting a Kindle while he went on to work.

  He completely trusted Eliza to come through for him, too.

  Getting out of the car, he hurried up to the front door, unlocked it, and disarmed the alarm before returning to the car to open her door for her.

  She started to stand but he stopped her with a sharp, low noise.

  Meaning he received another eye roll.

  Adorable, and something he wouldn’t dare punish her for yet. Not until she was cleared to fully resume their normal activities.

  “I can walk, Sir,” she said.

  “Did I ask you? Let me take care of you.”

  He leaned in and scooped her out of her seat, enjoying the way she draped her arms around his neck as he carried her inside. After kicking the door shut behind him, he gently set her down on the sofa, planting a kiss on her lips before releasing her.

  Then he leveled a finger at her. “Stay.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not a puppy.”

  He grinned. “Then you should have no trouble obeying me, baby.” He took several trips to ferry all her stuff inside and put it away, bringing her purse and cell phone to her so she could text Fen that they were home.

  “I’m not an invalid,” she called out to him on one of his passes through the living room.

  “Hey!” He stopped and turned. “Who’s in charge?”

  A soft grumble, and a thunderstorm of a scowl. “You, Sir.”

  “All right then. Humor me. Please? I damn near lost you.”

  The dark scowl disappeared. “Sorry, Sir.”

  He returned to lean in and kiss her. “Hey, no apologies, okay? You had no control over this. It just happened. Stupid bad luck, that’s all. But you ignore symptoms like this in the future, believe me, you won’t like the punishment you get once you’re back up to full strength. Understand? That is an order, in case it wasn’t clear.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Thank you.” One more kiss, because he couldn’t get enough of kissing her, before taking that load of things to their bedroom.

  Their bedroom.

  He still couldn’t get over that.


  Tonight, he’d actually be able to get some fucking sleep, and he desperately needed it. Not to mention his back would appreciate being able to sleep in his own goddamned bed. Not that he complained about any of that, because he didn’t want Maddison beating herself up over it.

  It wasn’t her fault.

  It was also his job to take care of her, and it was one he refused to relinquish any more than he had to, considering the circumstances. Sure, Fen had volunteered to stay with her a couple of nights, but that was his job.

  During the day, he trusted Eliza or Fen or a few others to watch over her and keep her company, keep her calm.

  Protect her.

  Nighttime was his, and like hell would he allow her to sleep alone or without him.

  If she couldn’t be at home, in their bed, then neither would he.

  His place was at her side.

  It was the only place he wanted to be, and he wouldn’t sleep any better at home without her for a reason like this than he would in an uncomfortable hospital recliner chair.

  He returned to the living room. “I’m going to start dinner. Are you hungry yet?”

  She shrugged. “Not really, but go ahead. I’ll eat what I can.”

  “Macaroni and cheese and IKEA meatballs?”

  She smiled. “Comfort food.”

  “Of course.” He leaned in to nuzzle his nose against hers. “Might have asked Fen about that, and he and Joel volunteered to make an IKEA run for me last night.”

  * * * *

  Maddison struggled against the urge to burst into happy tears over that revelation.

  Prince Charming had not a single goddamned thing on her Milo.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Hey, I’m going to take care of my baby. I meant it.” He stroked her cheek. “This is the whole ‘in sickness and in health’ they talk about in wedding vows.” He offered her a smile. “I’m practicing right now. Kinda got screwed in the bad way the first time around. I want to make sure I’m doing right by you.”

  Okay, now she was blinking back tears. “I love you so much,” she whispered.

  “I love you, too.” Another gentle, tender kiss before he headed to the kitchen to start dinner.

  She was still in a lot of pain and wouldn’t be cleared to return to work until late next week, maybe. Depending on how her doctor appointment went on Monday. If she strained herself and pulled stitches, that would delay her return to work.

  Definitely didn’t want that.

  She was not used to taking things easy and taking time off.

  She dug her cell phone out of her purse and texted Fen.

  I’m home.

  Fen called her seconds later.

  “Hey, sweetie. How you feeling?”

  She glanced into the kitchen and spotted Milo’s gaze on her even as he was prepping dinner. “Watched.”

  Fen laughed. “You realize he’s going to practically sit on you to keep you from hurting yourself, right?”

  “I know. I don’t even mind.”

  That was the truth—she didn’t.

  She absolutely loved him.

  “When are you going to tell your parents?”

  “Not until they get back.” Once she’d been conscious enough to process everything, she’d begged Milo and Fen to leave contacting her parents to her. She wasn’t dead, she was out of danger, and there wasn’t a damn thing they could do except worry themselves and beat themselves up for not being there.

  That was guilt she didn’t want on her head.

  Fen tsked. “They’re going to be upset.”

  “I know. They’re going to be upset regardless.” She stared at the engagement ring on her left hand. “I’m hoping telling them we’re engaged will help shove that to the side. They’re just going to have to get used to the fact that the primary job of worrying about and taking care of me is Milo’s job now.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, it is. I have a feeling their concern and caring will make them look like free-love hippies compared to how drill-sergeant Milo will take care of you to make sure you’re following doctors’ orders.”

  “Probably. And I don’t mind in the least.”

  Once Milo had their simple dinner ready, she found she did have a little bit of an appetite. He fixed her a plate and they ate on the couch with the TV on.

  He’d told her about Linda, his ex, how she’d boxed him in. How he couldn’t really be himself and just relax in his own home.

  How everything had to be just so, per her expectations.

  Mads loved sprawling across the couch with him for dinner, or just chilling in front of the TV.

  There was also something to be said about having weekends off.

  “Whatcha thinking about so hard?” he asked.

  “I’m so glad to be home.”

  He blinked a few times, glancing away as he did. “Me, too.”

  She gently nudged him with her foot. “Hey, look at me.”

  He did. Sure enough, she spotted the way his eyes looked a little too bright, like he was close to tears.

  “Takes a lot more than a rebellious appendix to take me out. I know I look fragile, but I’m pretty tough, Sir.”

  He set his plate on the coffee table and turned to face her, pulling her feet into his lap and gently rubbing them. “You scared the shit out of me, baby,” he said.

  This was another thing between them she’d come to treasure, the way he took great pleasure in touching her, rubbing her feet, massaging her neck—cuddling. When they showered together in the morning, he loved scrubbing her back for her, caressing her arms, wrappi
ng his arms around her. Helping her put moisturizer on after their shower.

  Everything about him tender and loving.

  She adored this every bit as much as the fun, rough-and-tumble sexy times. He’d been starved for affection during his marriage to Linda, and yes, the two of them had a vigorous sex life now that was mutually satisfying.

  Even more satisfying? The vanilla, non-sexy cuddling and touching.

  Laying snuggled in his lap while watching TV.

  Holding hands in the grocery store, or walking with her arm hooked through his, especially when he confessed Linda hated doing that.

  He wanted to proudly show everyone Maddison was his.

  Because he loved her.

  He also loved to take care of her. In the hospital every night, he brushed her hair for her, helped bathe her.

  Held her hand and kept her attention on him when they’d removed her catheter, and then held her and soothed her while she’d cried after.

  She wasn’t alone any longer.

  This took some getting used to, and it terrified her in some ways that she’d grown to rely on him so much in such a short amount of time.

  Except…this felt right.

  It felt perfect.

  It felt exactly like she’d imagined it would when she found Mr. Right.

  “I’ll do my best never to scare you like that again, Sir.”

  He finally gave her a smile. “Damn well better not, or I’ll have to think of a way to punish you that you won’t like.” He playfully squeezed her feet. “Might take the polish off all but one of your toes and force you to go around without a pedicure.”

  She gasped. “You wouldn’t dare!”

  His evil grin warmed her all over, even made her nipples tighten, although she wasn’t exactly in the mood.

  Still, nice to know that even with the bad kind of pain, she still wanted him.

  That was true love.

  “I just might, baby.” He lifted her right foot and kissed the top of it. “Don’t push me to have to punish you like that.” He released her foot and reached for his plate.

  She pressed her lips together, struggling not to giggle. If that was the worst “punishment” he could come up with…

  Wait, fuck that, not having a pedicure would drive her bugnuts, and he damn well knew it.

  Wow, the man really is a sadist!

  She smiled as she took another bite of her macaroni.

  Her handsome baby-Dom was really starting to come into his own, and boy, she sure loved the hell out of him for it.

  It wasn’t long after he finished cleaning up the kitchen that they headed for bed. He did let her walk that time.

  After helping her in the shower, they curled up together in bed, and she’d never been so happy to go to bed.

  Their bed.

  She snuggled against him, wearing one of his T-shirts to sleep in and feeling happy to deeply inhale his scent fresh from the shower. He was naked, and she love the feel of the hair on his legs rubbing against her freshly shaved flesh.

  Tonight, they both smelled like peaches.

  She kissed his chest. “It feels so good to be home. Thank you for taking care of me.”

  He drew in a ragged breath before he buried his face in her hair. “Please don’t ever scare me like that again, baby.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “I mean it.”

  She looked up into his eyes. “Milo, I’m not going anywhere. For some crazy reason, you love me. I know I love you. This feels perfect, and I’m terrified you’re going to wake up one day wondering why the hell you’re doing this.”

  “Never. I’m terrified you’re going to wake up one day wondering why you’re with an old geezer.”

  She poked his tummy. “Stop that. I told you, that doesn’t matter to me.”

  “Then you stop it first.” His smile faded. “You’re stuck with me, I’m stuck with you. We just have one massive hurdle ahead of us.”


  He sighed. “Your parents hating me for not trying to contact them on their cruise.”

  “You let me handle them, Sir.”

  “Kinda my wheelhouse, though.”

  “In this case, I’ll make an exception. Dealing with them is kinda my jam.” She settled in again, her head resting against his chest and his heart gently beating in her ear. “Besides, it doesn’t matter if they like you or not. They need to get used to the fact that I have a life and they can’t fix the world for me.”

  His fingers trailed along her arm, and it was only her exhaustion and the pain from her incision that kept her body from responding to him the way it always did like this.

  “Baby, you are the best thing to ever walk into my life.”

  “Even with the crazy bestie baggage?”

  He nuzzled the top of her head. “Especially with the crazy bestie baggage.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Maddison sat at her desk and stared at her laptop screen. She was working on one hell of a headache and still had two hours before she could leave for home.

  And she was supposed to be studying tonight for a test for tomorrow night’s class.


  At least Milo had volunteered to handle dinner tonight so she wouldn’t need to worry about it.

  God, I love that man.

  It was four months since her close call. They hadn’t set a wedding date yet, but that was fine.

  They were happy. She was happy.

  She could always look at the ring on her finger and know that the man who’d put it there was serious about spending the rest of his life with her.

  Including her overprotective family and crazy bestie, which was only further proof that he was there for life.

  They hadn’t had an official collaring yet, either. But Milo had come an amazing distance since starting their journey together. At first he’d been terrified to do more than cuddle with her in bed, afraid of hurting her because of her surgery. After a lot of talking with her and her doctor, he’d finally slowly started reintroducing sexy time and play back into their lives.


  Well, he’d gotten pretty good at not needing to resort to Plan B to ring her bell and make her climax. Well, for the first time.

  The sadist had discovered forced orgasm play and was deviously enjoying trying to make her set a personal best record.

  Right now, the record stood at four in one hour.

  On her desk, her personal cell started buzzing. She didn’t recognize the number but it was a Miami area code. Instead of letting it go to voice mail, she opted to answer it.

  “Maddison Nance.”

  “Oh, thank god! I need to talk to you!” The man sounded both familiar and literally desperate.

  “Who is this?”

  “Arsenio Gonzales. Listen, what would it take for me to hire you back?”

  She stood and started moving, wanting to get out into the lobby to have this conversation without a dozen or more coworkers overhearing it. “Mr. Gonzales?”

  “Yes, I lost my old cell phone and ended up with a new one and lost all my contacts, and can you talk? Please?”

  “What’s going on?”

  “The deal fell through. Apparently, the investment company had a heavy Ukraine presence, and four of their corporate officers, along with three others, were just indicted for wire fraud, money laundering, and a bunch of other stuff. My lawyer included a clause in the purchase contract that the deal would become void and full ownership of the resort would return to me if there was any criminal wrongdoings discovered before the final sale. Please, you have to help me!”

  This was too much to process coming at her too fast. “Slow down, Mr. Gonzales. The deal fell through?”

  “Yes! Maddison, I need you!”

  “What about Jordan Holmes?”

  “He was one of the ones indicted! The US Marshals marched him out of the office in handcuffs an hour ago!”


  “Yes! I received panicked
calls from the front desk staff asking what they were supposed to do.”

  When she raised her left hand to brush her hair back from her face, she caught sight of the engagement ring sitting there on her finger and checked herself.

  “Right now, I’m at another job, and—”

  “I will double what you were making before, and double your bonus, if you can start tomorrow.”

  Whoa. She couldn’t have heard him correctly. “Double?”



  “I’m desperate, and you are the best. You know this place inside and out, and the staff loves you.”

  That was gratifying to hear on multiple levels, but it still didn’t solve her main issue.

  She didn’t want to leave Milo. And she was going to school now.

  “How many changes did they put into place?”

  “Nothing I know you can’t fix in a very short amount of time.”

  “I-I have a test in class tomorrow night that I can’t miss, and—”

  “I will work around your schedule, whatever it takes.”

  “I also have a fiancé now.”

  “Felicidades. I’ll hire him, too. Name your price.”

  They had a home here. Friends.


  A life.

  No way would Milo up and leave his job, especially after so many years vested in it. They had excellent benefits.

  Working for the company wasn’t her dream job, but it wasn’t… awful.

  But…that was a lot of fucking money to walk away from.

  “Can I call you back at this number?”

  “Okay, seriously, if you can’t start tomorrow, how about Saturday, still at double your pay and bonus? Surely that’s enough time. Can I e-mail you an offer letter at your old e-mail address?”

  “Mr. Gonzales, I really need to think about this and talk to my fiancé.”

  “Fine, fine, but is that e-mail still good?” He rattled it off to her.

  “Yes, that’s still good.”

  “Excellent. I’ll e-mail you in five minutes.”

  He hung up.

  In shock, she stared at her phone for a long moment.

  This…this wasn’t real, was it?

  This is just another mind fuck, right?

  He hadn’t been willing to fight to keep her on before, but now that he was desperate, he was screaming for help from her?


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