A Snake Lies Waiting

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A Snake Lies Waiting Page 24

by Jin Yong

  Laurel Lu nodded.

  “I think Apothecary Huang is pursuing the Freaks northward. It is true that, at first, there was some animosity between my shifu and the Freaks, but this has all been resolved. Indeed, my Master admires greatly their dedication to helping those in need. And furthermore, in this particular matter, he considers them blameless. The Seven Masters of the Quanzhen Sect happened to be meeting down here among the rivers and lakes when they heard of the danger, and so they have spread out to look for the Freaks. For their own sake, Guo Jing’s shifus would do well to hide somewhere, so that your Grandmaster cannot find them. Do you agree that this would be the best plan?”

  Laurel Lu nodded his head vigorously.

  Guo Jing kept his promise to go to Peach Blossom Island, so what score does Father have to settle with the Six Freaks? Lotus asked herself. She could not know about Lama Supreme Wisdom’s lie that she had died at sea, and that Apothecary Huang blamed Guo Jing’s Masters.

  “As he could not find the Freaks,” Harmony Yin continued, “my shifu thought of Guo Jing. Ox Village is where his parents lived, so my Master guessed that he might have returned here, and sent me to look for him. My Master thought he would know where his six shifus are. Did you come on the same errand?”

  Once again, Laurel Lu nodded.

  “And yet, he doesn’t appear to be here. My shifu is most fond of the Six Freaks and is distressed by his failure to find them. His one comfort is the possibility that the Lord of Peach Blossom Island is struggling to find them too. Is it in relation to this matter that you need my help?”

  Another nod.

  “Then please explain in full, Brother Lu. I will do my best to help.”

  Laurel Lu looked back at the young Taoist with an awkward expression.

  “Brother Yin,” Miss Cheng said with a smile. “You forget, Brother Lu cannot speak freely.”

  “You’re right,” he said, smiling back at her. “Brother Lu, do you want me to wait here for Guo Jing?”

  Laurel Lu shook his head.

  “Do you want me to go looking for the Six Freaks and Guo Jing?”

  Again, he shook his head.

  “I know! You want me to spread word throughout the wulin. That way, before long, the news will reach the ears of the Six Freaks.”

  Yet again, Laurel Lu shook his head.

  Harmony Yin presented the young man with another half a dozen guesses, but none was right. Miss Cheng offered two of her own, but she too was unsuccessful. Lotus listened, similarly confounded.

  “Miss Cheng, you try to get it out of him,” Harmony Yin said eventually. “I can’t stand these riddles. I’m going for a walk. I’ll be back in a few hours.” With that, he left.

  Laurel and Emerald now believed themselves to be alone, save for Browbeater Hou. Miss Cheng looked away shyly; Laurel did not move. She stole a glance at him, only to catch his eye. They both looked away. Miss Cheng’s cheeks blushed even redder and she fiddled with the silk ribbons on the end of her sword’s hilt.

  Laurel Lu rose to his feet and walked over to the hearth, above which was painted an image of the Kitchen God.

  “Kitchen God, my heart is heavy, but I cannot unburden myself. So I must tell you, and hope that, in your divine wisdom, you might bless me with the answer.”

  Very clever, Miss Cheng thought. She raised her head slightly, so that she might hear better.

  “My name is Laurel Lu, son of Squire Lu of Roaming Cloud Manor, by the shores of Lake Tai. My father goes by the name of Zephyr, and he is a disciple of Lord Huang of Peach Blossom Island. A few days ago, Grandmaster Huang arrived at my home and announced that he was looking for the Six Freaks. He wishes to enact a bloody revenge on them and their families. He commanded my father and my martial aunt, Cyclone Mei, to find their whereabouts. Mistress Mei bears a deep hatred of the Freaks, so she accepted the order gladly. But not my father. He considers the Freaks patriots and heroes, and he does not believe killing would be a righteous deed. Indeed, my father has developed a friendship with a disciple of the Freaks, my martial uncle, Guo Jing. The situation is most difficult for my father. That night, he looked up to the sky and confessed his concerns to the heavens. He said he was considering sending me to find the Freaks, to warn them, but such an order would be a betrayal of his Master. Luckily, I was standing nearby and heard every word. My filial obligations are stronger than the loyalty I owe my Grandmaster. This is why I decided to set out on this journey.”

  The fact that he was copying his father’s method of overcoming his dilemma did not escape Lotus or Miss Cheng.

  “The Six Freaks are nowhere to be found, and neither is their disciple, Martial Uncle Guo, who is betrothed to my Grandmaster’s daughter—”

  At this, Emerald gasped. She covered her mouth quickly. She had yearned for Guo Jing day and night, thought herself to be in love, but, after having met Laurel Lu, she realized that her feelings had been nothing more than a childish infatuation. Laurel Lu was handsome, distinguished and superior to Guo Jing in every way. She was shocked to hear of Lotus and Guo Jing’s relationship, but the news did not leave her heartbroken. In fact, she felt relieved. She recalled that they had seemed close in Baoying. Now, it did not matter. Her heart had already found a new home.

  Laurel Lu had heard her gasp. He wanted to turn and look, but he forced himself not to. If I acknowledge that she is listening, I will have to stop talking. Father did not look over at me when I overheard him. My words are for the Kitchen God, it is not my fault if she is eavesdropping.

  “I hope to find my Martial Uncle Guo and his betrothed,” he continued, “so that together they might beseech Grandmaster Huang. Lord Huang has a hot temper, but he loves his daughter and his son-in-law, so he would never kill his son-in-law’s shifus. Yet, from the way my father was talking, it sounds as if Martial Uncle Guo and Martial Aunt Huang may have met with danger. Only, it would be improper to ask him.”

  How could Father know about Guo Jing’s injury? Lotus thought. It was not possible. He must have heard that we were stranded on the island.

  “Brother Yin is kind and Miss Cheng is extremely intelligent and amiable”—Emerald’s heart was thumping at this mention of her name—“but the contents of my heart are too strange for her to be able to guess. The Six Heroes of the South are heroes. Their kung fu may not be of the same level as Grandmaster Huang, but wouldn’t asking them to take precautions be insulting them? Suggesting they are afraid of death? If they were to hear of the threat, I fear they would go looking for the Grandmaster rather than running away! And would I not have caused them more harm, therefore?”

  Lotus nodded. Laurel Lu certainly understood the way that heroes of the jianghu thought.

  “The Seven Masters of the Quanzhen Sect are righteous and deserving of their reputation,” he continued. “Not to mention being extremely skilled fighters. Were Brother Yin and Miss Cheng to beg their Masters to intervene, Grandmaster Huang would certainly listen. Surely there is no reason for Grandmaster Huang to carry such a deep animosity toward the Six Heroes of the South. Mostly likely, it is all a misunderstanding—the Six Heroes must have said something to displease him. If someone were to act as mediator, the issue could be resolved. Kitchen God, my dilemma is this: I have an idea as to how to resolve it, but I cannot tell anyone. In your great wisdom and power, please help me to find a way.”

  Then he cupped his hands and bowed several times before the painting.

  Emerald decided she must find Harmony Yin, but, just as she was about to head for the door, she heard Laurel Lu speak once more: “Kitchen God, if the Seven Masters of the Quanzhen Sect would be willing to help in this matter, it would be a deed befitting their reputation. I only hope that they will be courteous and not risk offending the Grandmaster, for, if another wave of fury were to come before the first has passed, all efforts will have been in vain. That is my confession in full.”

  Emerald smiled. Now, let me take care of this, she said to herself.


nbsp; Emerald Cheng left the inn and started to walk around the village, looking for Harmony Yin. But she could find no trace of him. Just as she was about to turn back, she heard someone hiss, “Sister Cheng!” It was him, peering out from around a corner.

  “There you are!” Emerald cried.

  Harmony Yin gestured for her to be quiet, then pointed west as he approached. “I have seen some suspicious characters,” he whispered. “Carrying weapons.”

  “They’re probably just passing through,” Emerald replied, distracted by thoughts of all that Laurel Lu had said.

  But Harmony’s expression was grave. “They moved quickly, and they are trained in the martial arts. We must be careful.”

  He had, of course, spotted Tiger Peng and the others. They had waited for Browbeater Hou, but, as he did not return, they realized he must be in danger. Yet, whoever it was pretending to be a demon in the palace was an accomplished fighter and no one was eager to confront him again. While they were deciding what to do, they spotted the young Taoist and quickly hid.

  Harmony Yin waited, but, as all was quiet up ahead, he decided to investigate, only to find no trace of them.

  Emerald related all that she had heard from Laurel.

  “So that’s what he wanted? We would never have been able to guess!” Harmony Yin said with a smile. “Sister Cheng, if you go and ask Mistress Sun, the Sage of Tranquility, I will approach my shifu. As long as they all act together, what task is beyond their abilities?”

  “But they must be careful not to make things worse,” Miss Cheng said. She explained Laurel Lu’s concerns.

  “Huh—who is this Apothecary Huang? Are his martial skills really greater than that of the Seven Masters?”

  Emerald wanted to remind him not to be too arrogant, but the severity of his expression stopped her.

  Instead, they went back to the inn together.

  “Brother, I must take my leave,” Laurel Lu said as soon as they crossed the threshold. “If you are ever passing Lake Tai, do please visit us at Roaming Cloud Manor and stay a few days.”

  Emerald was devastated that he should be leaving so soon. How could she reveal her feelings to him?

  Harmony Yin turned to face the Kitchen God. “Master Kitchen God, the Quanzhen Sect is indeed most willing to aid all those in need. No injustice in the jianghu goes unnoticed or ignored by the Seven Masters.”

  Laurel Lu knew that Harmony Yin was speaking to him, so he too turned to the painting. “Kitchen God, I pray only that you will give your blessing so that this matter might be resolved peacefully. I will be forever in debt to the heroes who reach out their hand to help.”

  “Master Kitchen God, please do not worry. The might of the Seven Masters makes the world tremble. As long as they are willing, there is nothing they cannot accomplish.”

  This startled Laurel Lu. How were they going to persuade Apothecary Huang if their plan was to pit their might against him?

  “Kitchen God, you know my Grandmaster does as he pleases and has little regard for rank or hierarchy. Should they speak to him as friends and equals, he can be persuaded. But he will heed no man’s command.”

  “Kitchen God, why should the Seven Masters fear anyone? This matter has nothing to do with them. Should they be provoked, however, it matters not if the offending party is the Lord of Peach Blossom Island or of Cherry Blossom Island, the Seven Masters will surely teach them a lesson!”

  Anger was rising in Laurel Lu’s chest. “Kitchen God, please ignore all that I have said to you today. If we are to be belittled, then we don’t want help.”

  Emerald Cheng was listening in distress. She wanted to intervene, but the two young men seemed unwilling to yield even an inch.

  “Kitchen God,” Harmony Yin said eventually, “the Quanzhen are the greatest of the orthodox Taoist sects. All others are heretics. No matter how accomplished they may be, how can the heretical win over the orthodox?”

  “Kitchen God, the Quanzhen Sect’s reputation reaches far and wide, and is certainly deserved for many in its ranks. But this does not mean that they do not claim some disciples that are truly arrogant and boastful.”

  “How dare you insult me!” Harmony Yin struck his palm against one corner of the stove, and the stove partially collapsed.

  Bang! Laurel Lu struck the other corner. “How dare I? I insult only those who deserve it!”

  Harmony Yin could see that Laurel Lu’s kung fu was no match for his. “Fine. Let us see who is truly deserving of insult.”

  Laurel Lu knew that he was unlikely to prevail, but, now that he had climbed onto the tiger’s back, it was going to be difficult to get down. He drew his saber and nodded. “I am honored to take on your most accomplished Quanzhen fighting technique.”

  Tears were now pouring down Emerald Cheng’s cheeks. She wanted to throw herself between them, but she was too afraid. Harmony Yin drew his horsetail whisk, and within moments the fight had begun.

  Laurel Lu did not hope for victory, only to avoid a humiliating defeat. Using the Arhat Saber technique taught to him by Reverend Withered Wood, he immediately adopted a defensive stance.

  Harmony Yin attacked head-on, but was surprised by his opponent’s saber skills. He might have been somewhat reckless in his assessment—a suspicion that was confirmed when he nearly lost his left arm. His heart trembling, he concentrated and parried. This was a key tenet of his school’s style: the calming of the mind, to be slow in step but quick in hand.

  For the last month, Laurel Lu had been receiving instruction from his father and had made considerable progress, but his skills were negligible in comparison to those of one of Eternal Spring’s disciples.

  Following the fight through the small hole in the wall, Lotus watched Harmony Yin gradually gain the advantage, and silently cursed. That little Taoist insulted my father. If it wasn’t for Guo Jing’s injury, I’d teach him a few heresies from Peach Blossom Island.

  She watched as Laurel Lu repeated the saber strike and Harmony Yin blocked it with ease before twisting past the blade and aiming for Laurel’s elbow. Laurel’s arm went numb and he dropped his weapon. Unrelenting, Harmony Yin aimed his whisk at the young man’s face and cried, “This is Quanzhen’s fighting technique. Don’t forget it!”

  The whisk was made of horsehair mixed with silver threads. Were they to make contact with Laurel’s face, they would be certain to draw blood.

  Laurel Lu ducked, but heard Harmony correct the whisk’s course.

  Then, suddenly, a tender voice: “Brother Yin!”

  Emerald Cheng’s sword blocked the whisk. Laurel Lu leaped back and reached for his saber.

  “Sister Cheng, you would choose an outsider against your own school? Why, then, the lovers can fight me together.”

  “You…” Emerald Cheng’s cheeks blazed red.

  Harmony Yin flashed his whisk, forcing her back. Laurel Lu sprang forward with his saber. It could have been two against one, but Emerald Cheng did not want to fight a martial brother, so she withdrew.

  “Come, now, he cannot defeat me on his own!” Harmony Yin cried.

  Lotus watched in amusement. Just then, there was a noise at the door. In walked Tiger Peng, Hector Sha, and the others, followed by Wanyan Honglie and Yang Kang. They had waited for Browbeater Hou’s return, but Hector Sha had grown increasingly worried, and had ventured back alone, at first. The last thing he had expected was to encounter two young men fighting, so he went back and gathered the others.

  The two young men noticed the Sixth Prince’s retinue and instantly stopped fighting. They inquired as to who they were, but Hector Sha stepped forward and grabbed both by the wrist. Tiger Peng, meanwhile, untied the leather belt around Browbeater Hou’s hands.

  Browbeater Hou was furious. With the cloth still in his mouth, he roared and threw himself at Emerald Cheng, attacking her with his palms. She withdrew. Browbeater Hou followed, flailing his fists, his face swollen and blue.

  “Stop!” Tiger Peng called. “Let’s talk.”
br />   But Browbeater Hou’s ears were blocked with cloth. He could not hear a thing.

  Hector Sha had locked the pressure point on Laurel Lu’s wrist, paralyzing him down one side. But Browbeater Hou was like a crazed tiger and Emerald Cheng was in danger. A burst of strength came surging through Lu from nowhere. He threw Hector Sha aside and leaped at Browbeater Hou.

  But, just at the last moment, Tiger Peng intercepted him and sent the young man crashing to the floor. He then pounced on him, grabbed him by the back of the neck and lifted him up like a prize. “Who are you? Are you the one who was pretending to be a demon?”

  Suddenly, the door let out a long creak as it was slowly opened. Everyone turned, but there was no one in the doorway. A shiver went through them all.

  A head appeared: a young woman with disheveled hair.

  “Help!” cried Lama Supreme Wisdom.

  “A she-devil!”

  Tiger Peng saw at once that she was nothing more than an ordinary peasant girl. “Come in,” he said.

  The young woman walked in. She giggled and stuck out her tongue. “So many people.”

  Graybeard Liang had been the one to call her a she-devil, but now he too saw that she was in fact an ordinary, wretched girl with tattered clothes, and most probably a fool. Embarrassment at his first reaction now turned to fury. “Who are you?” He jumped forward and made to grab her arm.

  She stepped back, flipped her hand and retaliated with a Jade Ripple Palm. Her execution may not have been refined, but it was a perfectly respectable example of kung fu. Graybeard Liang was caught by surprise, and the strike hit the back of his hand with a loud slap.

  This only made the old man even more furious. He rushed at her with both fists raised. “You merely play the fool!”


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