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Kathy Andrews Collection Page 642

by Kathy Andrews

  Then she dropped back down.

  Jason groaned as his cock shot back into the tight refuge of his daughter’s twat. Fantastic sexual friction burned along every inch of his prick. The spongy interior of her young slit gripped at him, squeezing wonderfully. Again her hips rocked and his shaft felt as though it were swirling around in the grasping confines of her snatch.

  Again his daughter rose on the stiff rail of his desire, then dropped. Her tits, elongated pendulums of flesh, jiggled and juggled as they hung heavily from her chest. He reached up and squeezed them. She groaned deeply, her body shuddering with the dual stimulation of his solidly rooted cock and his kneading fingers.

  When she again climbed his cock, his eyes glanced down to their joined cores. He could see the slickened shaft of his sex, shining with a coating of his daughter’s pussy juices. Fascinated, he watched as her cunt once more dropped, swallowing the total length of his prick.

  Last night there had been his sister Mona, and now Linda’s willing young cunt surrounded him. Had anyone told him that this would happen to him, he wouldn’t have believed it. But now, nothing had ever seemed so real — so beautiful. First his sister and now his daughter were his lovers.

  The teenager’s hips abruptly increased their tempo. Hungrily she rode his cock, impaling herself over and over on the hardness of his manhood. Her tight cunt seemed to squeeze even tighter. The resulting friction was that much more fiery.

  His balls began to ache, a sure sign of the nearness of his coming climax. It seemed impossible that he could be so close so soon after such a thorough cocksucking Linda had given him. Yet, there was no denying the mounting pressure of his testicles. And there was no denying the fact that the girl mounted atop his groin was responsible for his rising need.

  To assure that her desire matched his, he slipped one hand down between their crotches. With no difficulty, he found the wet slit of her pussy lips. Dipping a finger into that juicy cleft, he once more located the button of her clit.

  The results were electrifying. Groaning with wild lust, the girl’s body jerked and quivered. Up and down, she fucked herself on his cock. Her fingers dug into his chest, raking at his flesh.

  Lovingly, his fingertips fondled the tiny nubbin. Around and around the pea-sized bud he taunted. Back and forth over its sensitive surface he rubbed, fanning the fires that burned within her eager body.

  Harder, she pumped her cunt on his swollen lance of flesh. Her head now lolled between her shoulders, rocking back and forth as she concentrated every iota of her awareness on the fat column drilling into the refuge of her pussy.

  She fucked her father. She fucked herself on his prick. Each impaling hunch of her pelvis drove closer to the ultimate of pleasures. Each crotch-slapping meeting of their bodies set her soaring higher.

  She was relentless in her carnal pursuit. She fucked herself as hard, if not harder, than any man could slam his cock into the yielding gash of her pussy. She was driven by her desire, a woman controlled by a delirium of erotic fever.

  Then with one hard drop to her father’s crotch, she securely impaled herself on his throbbing dick. She came, crying out in the rush of pleasure that flooded her body in powerful surges.

  Jason did his best to continue to move within his daughter’s cunt, helping to prolong the ecstasy of her climax. Unable to hunch up and down, he rocked his hips back and forth, slashing his prick around in the hot, juicy recesses of her pussy. When her moaning groans of release rose to a keen pitch, he politely removed his finger from the trigger of her clit before the onslaught of sensations turned to pain.

  Her arms shook violently as quake after quake erupted within her. Reaching out, he caught her before she collapsed atop him. Lovingly, he held her, caressing her trembling body while she rode the currents of orgasmic bliss.

  And when at last her quivering subsided and her lovely eyes opened, misted by the pleasure of her release, she began to undulate her hips around the entrenched length of his prick.

  Faster and faster and faster, she gyrated her pelvis, rocking and whipping him around in the clingy mouth of her belly. She hunched a little, pistoning him up and down within her cunt.

  Just lying there, letting his sexy daughter fuck him brought his balls to a heady boil. He withheld their steamy load for as long as possible, prolonging the marvelous ride she was giving him. Then he let the walls of will power crumble.

  He came.

  Gratefully, he blasted his full load into the welcoming channel of her cunt. Even after the recent demands her mouth had placed on his seminal reservoir, he fountained a hot flood of sperm and semen into the depths of his daughter’s belly. He filled the tight confines of her pussy until the opalescent cream of his release oozed around the base of his cock and trickled into his pubic hairs, matting them to his body.

  As the last throb of pleasure passed from his cock, Linda’s mouth covered his, kissing him long and passionately. “Thank you,” she said when they parted. “It was fantastic. Thank you.”

  He returned her kiss, his tongue probing the sweetness of her mouth. Then, wrapped in each others arms, they lay there, neither wishing to move and break the spell of their satisfying union of father and daughter.


  Jason and Linda heard the voices as they returned to camp. Hastening their steps they quickly walked from the woods.

  At the center of camp, Frank stood, his face violet with anger, veins standing out on neck and forehead. He faced Bret and Karen. The young couple stood close together, holding each other’s hands. Bret stared at the elder, his restraint more than apparent, while Karen’s head was lowered, her eyes cast on the ground.

  Glancing at each with uncertainty, Jason and Linda moved beside Liz and Mona, who stood nearby, watching the confrontation.

  “You’re wrong,” Bret said, his voice quavering as he tried to control his rising anger. “You’re so wrong!”

  “Damn you! I know what I saw!” Frank shouted, his fists clenched, knuckles glowing white. “I saw you yesterday. And I damn well know where you two were going when I caught you trying to slip off from the rest of us!”

  Neither Bret or Karen answered.

  “Did you think I was stupid?” Frank continued to rage. “Did you think I was blind?”

  “Frank, calm down,” Jason interrupted. “Take hold of yourself and tell me what’s going on here.”

  Frank twisted around, his eyes wide and wild. “It’s your son, Jason! He’s just like you and your wife! I caught these two trying to sneak out into the woods so that they could satisfy their carnal urges, like two rutting animals!”

  His head jerked back to Karen. “My own daughter! I thought I raised you better than that. You little bitch, you’re no better than a common slut! I saw you out there yesterday, flat on your back giving your body away. A whore! My own daughter is nothing better than a whore! How many men have you known, Karen? How much do they pay for your body?”

  Jason saw the tears well in the young brunette’s eyes and stream down her cheeks. “Frank, you’ve…”

  “Stay out of this, Jason!” Frank raged. “If you had raised your son better, this wouldn’t have happened. But he takes after his mother and father, loose with their morals, no understanding of what is right and decent!”

  “Hold on, Frank,” Jason answered. “I think you’ve got this all wrong. Times have changed. People don’t have the same standards they did when you were young. The world is freer, more understanding…”

  “Loose is the word!” Frank’s eyes glared. “No morals, young people today have lost all their morals. They can’t even control the baser urges of their bodies!”

  Jason shook his head. He had heard all this before, the same old tired arguments straight out of Victorian England. He thought of Mona and her suffering with this man. If that was Frank’s idea of strong morals, he would have no part of it.

  “Frank, Bret and Karen are young. Their bodies need sexual release. They aren’t made of stone. They’r
e flesh and blood and what happened between them was natural. It’s the way we’re created,” Jason said. “There’s nothing good or bad about sexual urges; they’re just natural, which makes them right.”

  He knew as he said it there would be no understanding from the man. Frank was molded too tight into his rigid view of the relationship between man and woman. It was too late for him, he’d never change.

  “Mona,” Frank’s gaze turned to his wife. “Do you think it right for my daughter to go sneaking off in the woods so that she can lie on her back for a man?”

  “No, I don’t think it’s right,” Mona’s head rose defiantly and she stared at her husband. “It’s wrong that they had to sneak off and hide. It’s wrong that they were afraid that this might happen and had to conceal their feelings as though they were ashamed of them. It’s wrong, Frank, but even with all its wrongness, what Bret and Karen share is so much better than whatever we’ve had.”

  Frank was stunned. His wife’s words hit him hard, jarring him at the foundations.

  “I’m not sure exactly what Karen and Bret feel for each other. But I do know both of them. They’re both human beings, Frank, good, warm people. They both have a great capacity for love,” Mona continued. “But even if all they feel for one another is lust, at least they shared those feelings. That’s more than we’ve ever done.”

  Suddenly, Karen ran from Bret’s side and threw her arms around Mona, hugging the woman close. Her tears trickled down her face as she tenderly kissed her stepmother’s cheek.

  “And you,” Frank turned to Liz, “I suppose you feel the same way?”

  “Yes,” was Liz’s complete answer.

  “I should have known. All of you, you’re all depraved, sick people.” Frank’s eyes ran over the faces staring at him. “It’s not too late though. I can teach Karen the ways of right and wrong. I’m going to take my daughter away from you, take her back to the city with me. Mona, you’ll be hearing from my lawyers.”

  “No, Dad.” Karen abruptly spun around and faced her father. “I’m nineteen. In this state that makes me an adult. I won’t go with you. I can’t live with you and your sick outlook on life anymore. If Mona will have me, I’m going to stay with her.”

  Frank took a step toward his daughter, then froze. “If that’s the way you want it, then that’s the way you’ll have it. I wash my hands of the both of you. As far as I’m concerned neither of you exist anymore. You’re out of my life, not even ghosts of the past!”

  There was silence for a moment, as Frank caught his breath. Then he spoke again. “All I want is to get out of here, get back to a world of sanity.”

  Jason looked at Bret. “Son, get Frank a backpack and fill it with enough supplies to get him back to where we left the cars. Also break down one of the smaller tents. Frank can take that also.”

  Jason turned to Frank. “Is that suitable? You can follow the river back to where we started. If you push it, you can make it in two days.”

  “Fine,” Frank said. “Anything to get away from all of you. To get away from this disgusting, depraved situation.”

  Within minutes, Bret returned carrying the pack and the neatly-rolled tent. Frank accepted them, strapping them to his back. Then, he turned and without another word walked from camp. For minutes, everyone watched until he disappeared upstream.


  Frank had upset all of them. They were quiet that night as they gathered around the fire for dinner and would have probably remained so, if Bret hadn’t suddenly spoken up.

  “I think I should say something about this afternoon…” he began. It was obviously hard for him to talk and at first he was awkward. But he said it all, explaining everything that had happened between Karen and himself.

  Had it stopped there, it would have been a completely lost effort, but Mona then explained her frustration in Frank’s bed. Then sucking in a deep breath told all, including Jason and her lovemaking by the river.

  With that the walls crumbled. Each of the two families opened themselves to the others, revealing all that had occurred during their brief vacation. All listened and weighed what they heard, but it was Liz who seemed to find the words for all.

  “It’s shocking at first. We’ve cast away every taboo we’ve ever been taught and that’s not an easy thing to do.” She looked around at the faces gazing at her. “I’m sure that what we share with each other isn’t right for every family. But for us it seems right… for now. Perhaps tomorrow it will be wrong. If that’s the case, I’ll have no regrets. All of this, even Frank’s violent reaction to what he could never accept, has brought us all closer together. That closeness, our sharing, is something none of us should ever regret… never.”

  With that she extended her sister-in-law an invitation to spend the night with Jason and herself. Mona accepted. With that, the subject was closed. The family, one instead of two, now it seemed, finished their meal, enjoying the open companionship of each other.

  Eventually, Bret and Karen rose. Without comment from the other members of their family, they walked to Bret’s tent to share that night. Linda then offered her cousin Phil Karen’s sleeping bag in her tent. Whether or not the night they shared would be as intimate as Bret and Karen’s the others were unsure, but either way, it seemed right.

  Reaching out, Liz took Mona’s hand and led her to their tent with Jason following. Within the tent, the three sat awhile as Mona once more recounted for Liz the details of Frank and her life together.

  “Terrible,” Liz said with a shudder.

  “It was wrong,” Mona said. “We just weren’t right for each other. I see that now, but for these past months, I thought something was wrong with me.”

  With that, Jason moved beside his sister and held her, his lips tightly brushing her forehead. Suddenly, Liz was at his side, her lips against his ear, whispering. His balls lurched. Twisting around a bit he looked his wife squarely in the face to be sure he had heard her right. The sensuous redhead grinned and nodded.

  “I think I’ll go down to the river for a bath,” Liz said. She rose and rummaged through her pack, extracting a bar of soap and a towel, then walked from the tent.

  Jason watched her leave, her words still repeating themselves in his ear. “Make love to her again.” As he had realized time and again during their marriage, his wife was quite a woman.

  He also did as she suggested; turning back to his sister, he lifted her chin and kissed. It was a soft, tender kiss, lips brushing lips. They parted, their eyes meeting.

  “I want you,” he said. “I want to make love to my sister.”

  He felt the aroused shiver course through her diminutive form. He saw the flash of lust flicker in the depths of her coal black eyes. A smile, coy and shy at the same time, moved at the corners of her mouth.

  This time, she kissed him. There was nothing sisterly about her embrace. She was a woman and he was a man. Her arms encircled him, drawing him to her. Her mouth opened tauntingly over his lips, then flicking into his mouth to swirl and tease.

  From there, nature took its course. Their hands came alive fondling, caressing, touching, feeling — removing the layers of clothing that separated their bodies. Within moments, their naked flesh glowing beneath the tent’s single lantern they were lying side by side, each fully engrossed in the other.

  Suddenly, the flap to the tent flew open.

  As naked as the brother and sister stretched out before her, Liz slipped into the tent. Pink and smooth, her body seemed to radiate sexual heat. A wide grin spread over the redness of her lips. “I couldn’t get you two off my mind. I was down at the river and the thought of you two up here was driving me crazy. I hope three isn’t a crowd.”

  With a broad smile, Jason reached up and took his wife’s hand, pulling her down with him. The sexy flaming-haired woman’s joyous laugh was stifled when his mouth covered hers and his tongue rammed deeply, intimately into her mouth. She moaned with satisfaction, the abundant balls of her tits rolling their luxury ac
ross his bare chest.

  Not to be forgotten, Mona scooted around, her teeth nippling in the most tantalizing fashion at the nape of her brother’s neck. Simultaneously, she ran a hand over the ovals of his buttocks and dipped between his legs.

  It was his turn to moan. He did so, loud and long. Marvelous sensation rushed through his groin as his sister’s hand playfully toyed with the weighty forms of his balls. Lovingly, she caressed their rock-like shapes, creating all sorts of crotch-tightening needs within him.

  Wet and moist, the small raven-haired seductress behind him wove her tongue down his neck, tickling down his spine. The thrill of feeling that provocative tongue was amazing. Shivers of fantastic delight rippled up and down his back. Thrills that heightened as his sister’s mouth moved lower and lower. Then her lips were at his asscheeks, lovingly kissing.

  “My God!” He could not restrain his enthusiasm. “Your mouth is great!”

  The greatness had just started. Using her free hand, Mona eased his buttocks apart and laved her tongue up and down the deep crease separating the two manly cheeks. His groans increased, as did the wanton throbbing of his stiff prick.

  With flicking coyness, the black-haired woman, worked closer and closer to the dark ring of his anus. She took her time, deliberately allowing him to anticipate the feel of tongue to asshole. And when that taunting oral digit brushed lightly over the puckered ring of his asshole, he went wild, his body writhing, sandwiched between woman flesh.

  Not to be outdone, Liz began to kiss her way down his chest. She paused to politely give his manly nipples the attention they deserved. She sucked at the two pebbles until they were stiff and aroused. Then, without warning, she suddenly pushed down, dropping to his crotch.

  Opening her mouth wide, she swooped in on his cock, swallowing its total length and sucking like a woman who had not tasted a man in years. His balls danced around under the dual stimulation of his wife’s marvelous mouth and his sister’s cajoling fingertips.


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