Kathy Andrews Collection

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Kathy Andrews Collection Page 675

by Kathy Andrews

  It was the first thing she felt, and she lay still, feeling the delicious sensations. She wondered if she had come while asleep. She tried to remember the dream, if any, that would cause her cunt to throb so hotly. She didn’t remember dreaming at all, but her cunt seemed very, very hot. Slipping her hand beneath the sheet and into the elastic waist of her bikini panties, she felt the lips of her pussy. They were wet, very wet.

  It was odd, because Donna never woke up in the mornings feeling like this. Sometimes she went to bed aroused, but never woke up that way. She lay still for some time, letting the warmth run through her. Her tits, even flat on her back, stood up firmly, with her nipples outlined by the sheet. When the throbbing decreased, she pushed the sheet away and swung her long legs over the side.

  Other than her panties, she was naked.

  The enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee came to her, and she smiled with pleasure. Ted and Mike were up. Feeling good, with the scent of coffee in her nose, she stripped her panties off and stepped nakedly into her adjoining bathroom. Adjusting the shower temperature, she stepped beneath the spraying water. By the time she finished her bath, brushed her teeth, and combed her shining coppery-colored hair, she saw it was almost ten in the morning.

  Donna hardly ever slept late.

  Sliding her satiny legs into a pair of pale-blue shorts, zipping them over her hips, she moved her arms into a man’s shirt, tying the tails beneath her thrusting tits. Barefooted, she padded into the hall and toward the kitchen.

  “Morning, Mom,” Mike greeted her.

  “Good morning, honey,” she said, kissing his cheek.

  Mike was growing fast, she saw. Almost as tall as her, he was a favorite at school and the best wide receiver on the football team. He was already attracting pretty little girls, something that made him feel good, but she knew he was puzzled about what to do with them. He was dressed in his old faded cut-off jeans.

  “Here’s your coffee, Mother,” Ted said, placing a steaming cup in front of her.

  Ted was her youngest. Like his brother, he was wearing cutoffs, too. Ted tried his best to imitate his brother, Mike. It had been that way since their father had died. Donna knew Ted missed his father, and was trying to replace him with his older brother. She was pleased that Mike seemed to understand, too, and tried his best to be a big brother for his brother.

  Donna sipped her coffee, wide awake now. She listened with one ear to the boys’ chatter, but she was still thinking of how she had felt when she woke up. Her cunt still felt warm, slightly puffy, and obviously moist. Crossing her legs under the table, she began to rock her foot. The rippling, gentle pressure of her movements caused her cunt to twitch, and Donna’s eyes became dreamy.

  She began remembering how it had been when her husband was alive, how they fucked. Those quickies they used to have had been very exciting to her. Some of her strongest orgasms had been when her husband sneaked up on her and plunged his cock into her cunt before she knew he was there. She was remembering other times, too. Times when they would be in bed and her husband would insist she twist and contort her naked body into almost impossible positions for him. She had attempted them all, eager to be a part of his intense drives. There had been nothing she refused him, and he had shown her how erotic and perverse she could be. This discovery about herself delighted both of them, and before he died, they had discussed other possibilities, like meeting others for an evening of fucking. It never happened, though, because he died before they could do so.

  At first Donna wasn’t sure about it, but the more he talked to her, the more appealing it became. Her husband wanted to watch, watch her, taking cock in her cunt and mouth. She was willing to display her wanton behavior with others while he watched, but her one stipulation was that they would always be together, in the same room, never apart. It wasn’t that she was afraid to be alone with someone else. Donna wanted to watch, too, and the idea of four or more people, all naked — and with hardons and wet cunts — appealed to her.

  Now it would never happen.

  She could never do it alone.

  So she lived on her memories of her husband, and went to bed aroused and frustrated. And now, waking up feeling that way. She rocked her foot faster, under the table, out of sight of Mike and Ted. Her cunt rippled with heat, and her eyes almost closed as she produced a mild, all too mild, orgasm for herself.

  When her vision cleared, she saw Mike and Ted looking at her, their expressions quizzical.

  “Is something wrong, Mom?” Mike asked.

  “No, why do you think that?” she asked, her voice soft and low.

  “You made a moan,” he said.

  “And you got this crazy look on your face,” Ted put in.

  Donna smiled, softly. “I was just feeling… thinking, about something.”

  “Must have been something good,” Mike said.

  “It was very good, honey,” Donna replied, uncrossing her legs and finishing her coffee. “I guess I better get started on this house. You two animals can sure mess it up quick.”

  “We’ll help,” Ted said.

  “No practice today?” Donna asked Mike. “I thought you practiced every Saturday morning.”

  “The coach called it off,” he answered.

  “You mean I have to put up with you two guys all day?”

  “Hey, Mom we’re not such bad guys,” Mike grinned. He pretended he was going to poke her in the ribs, and Donna squealed, twisting away and jumping to her feet. “You got us to help out today. That should make you happy.”

  “If you two would pick up after yourselves, I wouldn’t need any help.”

  “What would you do without us, Mother?” Ted asked, grinning at her.

  “I wouldn’t live in such a messy house, for one thing,” she said, and ran her hand through his hair. “But for you two guys, I’ll take the messy house.”

  Ted wrapped an arm about her waist and hugged her. Donna leaped into him, her tits smashing against his face. She felt an immediate response as her nipples stiffened. There was a small tremor moving up her spine as she pulled his head tightly into her tits for a quick hug.

  When she pulled away, her legs felt shaky.

  Taking out the vacuum cleaner, she started on the hallway. The two boys began picking things up in the living room, but that didn’t last long. She heard them laughing as they began to wrestle. Turning off the vacuum cleaner, she entered the room to see them in a tangle of arms and legs.

  “Okay, you know the rules around here,” she said without anger. “No wrestling in the house.”

  They paid no attention to her. Mike let his younger brother pin him to the floor, sitting on top of him. Mike had one knee lifted, his other leg straight out and to one side. Donna’s breath caught as she saw the head of her oldest son’s cock sticking from the cut-off shorts. Her cunt suddenly began to throb as her eyes fixed upon it. She stared hard at the head of Mike’s cock, seeing his pisshole. Her fingers curled into fists, her nails cutting into her palm. Her legs trembled and she felt weak.

  “No wrestling,” she said, but her voice was a bare whisper.

  She tried to pull her eyes off Mike’s cock, but they refused to move. As she watched, his cock slipped farther from his cutoffs, and then she was seeing half of it. Although it wasn’t hard, Donna felt a growl in the pit of her stomach, a growl of desire. She had not seen a cock in over three years, and her eyes devoured her oldest son’s cock wantonly.

  When Mike heaved his body and tossed Ted away, they rolled toward her feet, laughing as Mike began to tickle his younger brother.

  “Give up?” Mike was laughing. “Give up now?”

  “Never!” Ted giggled, thrashing his arms and legs as he tried to get away from his brother.

  Donna found herself trying to get a peek at her youngest son’s cock, but it stayed concealed. Her cunt was wet inside her shorts, her cuntlips pulsing hotly, her clit knotted.

  The boys rolled into her legs, making her off balance. She fell on top of t
hem with a low scream.

  “Now we gotcha!” Mike said, grabbing his mother and wrestling her to the floor.

  Ted joined his brother against her, and Donna began to laugh almost hysterically as they tickled her sides and ribs. She thrashed her long legs as she fought to get away from them, laughing hard.

  Ted caught her arms and pulled them above her head, pinning them tightly with his knees. Mike sat on her thighs, his fingers dancing about her ribs as he tickled her. Donna laughed, half crying with pleasure, struggling to get free.

  Her tits heaved and moved beneath the shirt, and she squirmed her ass and hips, trying to get her legs from under Mike’s ass. She lifted her head, and saw her oldest son’s cock pressing at her thigh, up near the leg of her shorts. Even though he was tickling her, making her laugh insanely, Donna could feel the heat of her son’s cock on her thigh. With a violent movement, she tossed Mike upward and he fell across her body. He wrapped his legs about hers, still poking at her ribs. Donna felt the pressure of her son’s body on her stomach, and grew weak. Ted still sat on her arms above her head, and when she tried to pull them free, one of her palms cupped his tight ass. It was a brief, accidental touch, but Donna’s palm burned as she quickly adjusted her hand away.

  There was a slight tearing sound, and with a sense of embarrassment, she realized the shirt had become untied. Her tits, naked, were pressing against Mike’s firm, naked chest. She felt her nipples stiffen as they poked at his flesh. Then she felt Mike moving, his hips rubbing. She felt the hardness of his cock as it slipped against her naked thigh. Feeling that his cock was hard, she knew Mike had to be aware of her naked tits on his chest, and of her hot thighs on his cock. She lifted her eyes and looked straight into his.

  Mike was gazing down at his mother’s face, his expression confused.

  Donna lay still, and felt her son rubbing his cock at her thigh. She felt the wetness as his pisshole scraped near the leg of her shorts. She felt breathless, excited. Her body trembled as her tongue moved over her lips. She said nothing.

  Then, as if realizing, finally, what was happening, Mike lifted. Not all the way, just his upper body. His cock seemed to move, and Donna gasped as she felt his cockhead push at the crotch of her shorts.

  “Oh!” Ted gasped as his brother lifted. He saw his mother’s tits, all naked, her shirt wide open. He stared at her stiff nipples, then jumped up and turned away, blushing.

  Donna, still staring into her oldest son’s eyes, left her arms above her head. Mike, with the head of his cock pushing against the crotch of her shorts, looked down at her exposed tits for a long time, then lifted his eyes to his mother’s again.

  “Mike…” she said, her voice husky.

  “I’m sorry, Mom,” he murmured and slid from her, moving in such a way his cock was hidden from her.

  Ted and Mike walked from the living room, and Donna remained on the floor, unmoving, but trembling. Her tits lifted as she began to breathe deeply. After a moment she sat up. Her cunt was throbbing hotly and it felt as if Mike’s cock was still pressing there. She saw the wetness on her inner thigh, the wetness of her son’s cock.

  She went about her housework in a daze. Ted and Mike did not return to help. What had happened surprised her, but only because Mike had gotten a hard-on. Her own responses were no surprise. Of course Mike would get a hard-on, she told herself. She may be his mother, but she was still a woman, and he was a boy. Her body had made his cock hard, she knew. It had been the closeness of her naked thigh, his cock already sticking from his shorts. The touch of it caused his cock to turn hard, and by the time they realized her tits were naked, he already had a hard-on. When he had seen her naked tits, she had felt the powerful throb of his cock as his cockhead pushed at her crotch. Mike had, she felt — or wanted to think — almost come on her shorts.

  The idea excited her. She wondered what he would have done if he had come off, spurting his hot comejuice against the crotch of her shorts. He had blushed with embarrassment, just as his brother had, when he saw her tits were exposed, but surely he had felt her hot flesh on his cock before that.

  An hour later, Ted came out and mumbled a goodbye to her. She watched him leave, feeling bad about his embarrassment. It hadn’t been his fault her shirt came open. But seeing her tits, his mother’s tits, made him embarrassed. She wondered if Ted knew his brother had a hard-on. She watched Ted turn out of the front yard, and then put the vacuum cleaner away.

  “I’m sorry about that, Mom,” Mike said as he came into the kitchen where she was preparing vegetables for their evening dinner. “It was an accident.”

  “I know, baby,” she said. “It happens sometimes. Don’t worry about it.”

  Mike sat at the kitchen table. Donna felt his eyes on her, and she had to fight to keep her hips from trembling. She could tell he was looking at her thighs, at the shape of her ass.

  Almost consciously, she shifted her weight on her feet, and the cheeks of her shapely ass bunched. She leaned over the sink, the paring knife in her hand, a carrot in the other. There was a tension in the kitchen that felt thick. She could hear her son breathing behind her, and it was heavy breathing.

  Donna didn’t know what to think. She didn’t know how to react.

  She saw, in her mind, the way his cock had slipped from his cutoffs, how it looked. She remembered how it felt on her thigh, so hot and hard. She remembered how it felt pushing against the crotch of her shorts, and her knees began to tremble.

  “I’m sorry,” Mike said again from behind her.

  Donna took a deep breath, closing her eyes as a shudder rippled through her.

  Watching her, Mike saw his mother’s ass clench tightly under her shorts. He saw her trembling, and wanted to say he was sorry again.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Donna whirled. “Don’t say that!”

  “I’m sorr…”

  “Oh, Mike!” Donna cried, her eyes moist. She leaned on the sink, dropping the knife and carrot. She gripped the edge of the sink with her hands, fighting back tears. “Oh, God, Mike! Don’t say that again!”

  “I didn’t mean to…”

  “It was an accident, Mike,” she said. “That’s all it was, an accident. Please, don’t say any more about it.”

  Mike looked hurt. He got up and left the room. Donna wanted to go after him, to hold him, to make him understand.

  She stayed where she was, shaking, confused, yearning…


  A week later, it happened again.

  Donna thought her sons had forgotten about what happened. She had not forgotten, though. All her waking hours were spent thinking about it, recalling it, even the feel of Mike’s cock remained vivid in her mind. In the past week, since that happened, Donna fondled herself to orgasm three times, her imagination growing about what could have happened, what might have happened if she had done this, or suggested that, or moved this way, or…

  The only difference this Saturday morning was she and Mike were alone.

  They were sitting on the floor, and he was helping her go through magazines in search of coupons. Again she was in shorts, a pair of white ones, with high-cut legs, the waist low on her hips. She was wearing a T-shirt now, and her tits were molded against the thin garment, her nipples protruding. Mike, as usual, was in faded cutoffs.

  She was clipping coupons from a magazine when she noticed her son was staring at a picture for a long time. Glancing at it, she saw it was a model in a very brief bra and skimpy panties, and advertisement for hair remover. The slightly bulging panties indicated a darker color, and Donna knew Mike was fascinated by the picture. She dropped her eyes to the front of his cutoffs, but saw nothing. She felt that since he was looking with intense eyes at the picture, his cock would be hard, but it wasn’t.

  “That looks like you, Mom,” he finally said.

  “Let me see,” Donna said, taking the magazine.

  It did look like her, a younger version, though. The hair was the same color, the eyes the same

  “It isn’t me,” she said. “I would never be that kind of model.”

  “You’d be good at it,” he said. “Look at your legs, Mom. They’re even nicer than this girl’s.”

  “That’s a nice thing to say,” she said. “But you must be up to something or want something. A boy never thinks his mother’s legs are prettier than other girls.”

  “Yours are,” he insisted.

  “Oh, yeah!” Donna giggled, and poked him in his ribs.

  Mike yelped and pulled away, but Donna was on him, wrestling him to the floor, coupons scattered all over. Mike laughed and thrashed as she poked and tickled his ribs, straddling him and giggling happily.

  “Mom, stop it!” Mike laughed, not trying very hard to dislodge her. “You’re gonna make me pee in my pants!”

  “So pee,” she laughed and poked harder. With a heave of his body, he tossed his mother to one side, and was fast to climb on top of her. Donna giggled and thrashed her legs and arms, twisting and squirming to get away. But Mike pinned her with ease, mostly because she was weak from laughing. She slipped her hands free and placed her palms on his cheeks, looking up him with smoldering eyes.

  As before, she felt his cock swell against her thigh. Mike was sitting on her upper legs, his knees at her waist. Pulling his face down, Donna kissed him, on his mouth. It was a quick kiss, but made heat come to her face. Trying to cover up her feelings, she shot her hips up, trying to dislodge him.

  Again Mike shoved her arms above her head and pinned her down. Donna thrashed with all her strength, giggling like a high school girl. Mike fell forward, and she felt his cock move into her crotch as it had that day a week ago. His cockhead pushed at her cunt, against the seam of her shorts. She gasped loudly, and her hips lifted, returning the pressure. Mike was staring into his mother’s face, his eyes glazed and his lips parted, panting.

  “Oooooh,” Donna mewled. The head of her son’s cock pushed hard against her shorts, right against her knotted clit.

  When her son moved, she didn’t blame him. The pressure of his cock on her cunt almost made her come. She felt Mike’s hips lift just a little, only to push down again. They kept staring into each other’s eyes as Mike pressed harder, the head of his cock smashing her hidden clit.


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