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Consumed Page 10

by Barb Shuler

“That bad puppy scared her. I saved her.” Her little face was red, and her eyes showed anger. I raised a brow.

  “What bad puppy?”

  That comment brought Mari up short, her laughter stopping quickly.

  Pyper sighed and loved on her kitten. The little yellow and white tabby had been a gift from Uncle Alex. He and Dem had gone into town to get supplies and came back with her.

  “Wait, where is Thor? He was playing with you, right?” Mari asked, her voice growing louder.

  “Thor is with Joshy.” She nodded. I laughed at that.

  “Why, baby? I thought he was playing with you?”

  “I makes him stay so I can goes potty. That mean puppy scares yoyo so I has to saves her.”

  “Alright, what bad puppy?” I asked again.

  She pointed towards the play area. The youngest of our packs were playing on the jungle gym the men had built when we decided to stay. I saw she was pointing at the little brown haired boy. He was a little pain in the butt, on a good day. His mother was a single mom who did the best she could with him. You know how wolves can be. I’d have to have a chat with his mom. If that didn’t work, I would leave it to Ramport to deal with.

  I kissed Pyper’s head and bounced her and yoyo playfully.

  “How about we go find Aunt Sonny and go get something to eat? It’s almost lunch time.”

  “Grammy Shewi said we could have hamburgers today.”

  “Now, that I am game for. I’m starving. This kid is sucking all of my food into its little gluttonous belly.”

  I let out a very unladylike snort. Again! Jesus, what was with me today?

  “Pyper, you hear Aunt Mari trying to blame the baby for her eating like a little piggy?”

  “Hey!” Mari barked out, a laugh bubbling up with it.

  “What?” I asked innocently. At least she wouldn’t pummel me since I was holding Pyper and the kitten.

  “Who is the one that took down a deer, ate most of it, then came home to eat half a pot of stew?” She asked this as her brows went up. I huffed out a laugh.

  “I own my pigginess. I burn off so many calories each time I half shift... I will be so glad when I can fully shift again without the worry of hurting the baby.”

  “What are you two laughing about?”

  “Talia being a pig.”

  “And Mari being a bigger one.”

  We both laughed and Sonny came to walk with us, taking her place in the middle. Pyper was almost asleep by the time we went into the large cabin. They had taken the building, which was once a hotel, and made it into the packs main lodging. Ramport, Sheri and the single females who had no mates, and the ones with cubs would stay here. So they’d all be in a place to help one another out.

  When the door came open my nose was assaulted with the smell of cooked beef, cheese and fresh fruit.

  “Damn, that smells good,” Mari growled out.

  “For real. I may eat it all.”

  “Not if I get there first,” she laughed out.

  “I haves some too, yous don’ts eats it all,” Pyper whined. I kissed her head and smiled as we walked into the large ball room that had been made into the dining room.

  “We’d never eat it all without you, pretty girl.” Mari kissed Pyper’s cheek and then moved to the food tables.

  I moved out of the way of everyone coming in and sat down with Pyper. I rubbed her neck and back. She was so close to sleeping. I’d let her nap then get her some food. I leaned into her hair and closed my eyes, soaking in her sweet sunshine and woodsy scent.



  My hands moved before me to block the staph coming at my face. It twisted to the side, falling from his hands. I could hear the girls whooping from the side lines. They’d been banned from fighting, even the fake practice fighting until after the babies were here. I was taking no chances on any of them getting hurt.

  I smiled as the man I loved tried his best to drop me on my behind. I moved with him, my feet dancing across the ground, my dagger in the sheath strapped to my thigh. He was in front of me, then gone. I felt the contact just before it registered that I was going down. I growled as my feet went out from under me. The huff of air that escaped as my body slammed into the ground had him on his knees beside me. The fact that I didn’t move may have added to the panic on his face.

  “Are you alright, my love? Are you hurt?”

  Ah, my sweet Trenton, the big bad Vampire King was such a sucker. I nodded slowly as I reached over and gripped his arm, pulled it forward, throwing him off balance. He crashed forward. I rolled and flipped over him. My leg went over him, straddling, pressing his body into the ground, my dagger rested at his throat. A triumphant grin on my face.

  He growled, a low rumble that I had missed so much.

  “That, my love, is what you call a fake out...”

  “Trenton, you have to man up, you’re making a fool of yourself here.” The men around us laughed. I joined in on the merriment. I leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before I stood up.

  “Care to take a chance, Alexander? Think you can do any better, old man?” I met his gaze and smirked. His lips twitched with amusement at my words. He stood there watching us, his arms across his chest. He shook his head.

  “I’d love to, Your Majesty, as I’m not as… soft as my brother. However, if I dare come your direction with any ill intent your mate would rip me in two. I’d prefer if all of my body parts stay in their rightful places.”

  The laughter around the half circle became louder at that. I shook my head and brushed my backside off, then resheathed my dagger. I brushed hair from my face and moved to where the girls were sitting with Pyper.

  “I can try it?”

  I stopped and looked down at Pyper. My nose wrinkled up. I squatted down before her and shook my head.

  “Not yet, baby. You need to be a little bigger before you can learn to fight like the big people.”

  “But, I can shoots. I wants to hits peoples, too.”

  “You can shoot?” I raised my brow, my glare moving to my daughter.

  “She is an excellent archer, do not fret Mother.”

  My daughter’s tone was nonchalant, but pride rang through it. She smiled down at Pyper.

  “I don’t see why she can’t learn to defend herself. You know there are a few little boys around here she could use as punching bags...”

  “Not a good defense, Marissa.”

  I chuckled at her frown.

  “I think it’s a good idea that the little ones know how to defend themselves.”

  “Aye, they should.”

  I looked over to see both Joshua and Demetrius standing, arms crossed, a tight crease across their brows.

  “And what do you think is appropriate for a tot of a girl to learn?” I asked, standing.

  “No disrespect, Majesty, but the wolf pups learn at a young age how to defend themselves and when it’s appropriate to fight. Though, there are times you can be drawn into a fight against your will, so you must be prepared for consequences of such actions.” Joshua dipped his head slightly as he spoke.

  “And you Demetrius? You think a tiny one should be taught to fight?”

  “Aye, I do, Majesty. The children should be able to defend themselves. We have seen what is out there. We don’t want to make it so easy for them to be taken.”

  I turned to face my mate. I could see the amusement in his eyes at the subject matter. I wasn’t sure how he felt about this but the idea was growing on me. Demetrius and Joshua both had valid points.

  “I was taught to fight as a child. When it was deemed necessary.”

  I cut my eyes over to my daughter. Why would my sweet little baby need to be taught to fight at such a young age? Did the pack lack in their ability to protect her themselves? My eyes cut to Ramport, my head turning slowly as I spoke.

  “Why was there a reason for my baby to learn to fight? I thought she was safe with you and the pack?”

  Ramport held up h
is hands and shook his head. “It’s nothing like that, Your Majesty. I thought it was best to teach her to defend herself in the event it became necessary for her to have to do so. She was so small as a girl.”

  “It was my fault as well, Majesty.”

  I turned to see Rock, one of Ramport’s pack members standing there, his head bowed slightly.

  “And why is that?” I asked, curious.

  “Ugh, Mama, you need to chill. It’s not important why. I was safe, taken care of and can now whoop ass with the best of them, when I need to.”

  There was a snort of laughter, a giggle and a few throats clearing around us. I shook my head.

  “I’d still like to know why.” My voice had a growl to it. I didn’t like things of importance being kept from me and nothing was more important to me than my daughter’s safety, even if it was in the past.

  “I was a handful as a young boy. I caused her a few tears and then, finally, she was able to lay me on the ground. Alpha let her do it before the pack as a punishment for my ignorance and bullying behavior.”

  “Ah, so you were a bully?”

  “Yes, ma’am, but that part of me has been gone for many moons, now.”

  “Very well then…” I turned to look at the ground around me and tapped my nail against the daggers sheath. The small tick, tick, tick ringing out across the area. “Joshua! Demetrius! You two and the big one there,” I said pointing to Rock, “will be in charge of teaching each and every single young one in this compound to fight. Properly! They must understand the difference between two tots playing and an actual harmful fight.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  “Aye, as you wish, Majesty.”

  “Yes, ma’am, Your Majesty.”

  They each bowed as they spoke, the proper address when speaking to their queen. It was hard to get used to. Title or not, I was no better than they, but as Trenton had said, this was tradition. Everyone here was family, yet they would still show the crowns respect.

  “Oh girls, you’re not to join in this little exercise,” I said, wiggling my fingers towards the sparing area as I spun around to face them, “you’ll be doing your own tasks and such.”

  They each stared at me, unblinking. I raised a brow. They sat there, not moving. Talia’s face was flushed yet she was unblinking, still. It was a tad unnerving.

  “Natalia? Marissa? Sonny?” I moved to them. “Girls, what’s wrong?”

  “Um… mama… I think-”

  “My water-”

  “Just broke…”

  The three of them each finishing a part of the sentence. I heard a few of the men behind me curse. I chuckled. I stood and yelled out across the yard, “Sheri! Babies incoming. It’s time!”

  “What do we do?” I turned to see Sebastian standing there, his eyes locked on his mate.

  “First off, move them to the infirmary. They will have to be carried over, slowly and carefully. Too much jostling will end in you needing a shower and them uncomfortable.”

  Everyone cleared a way for them to move the girls. The three of them had turned an unnaturally shade of white, yet had flushed faces. I could hear their heartbeats pick up speed just before they would jerk in pain. I counted as we moved toward the cabin we had labeled the infirmary. Their contractions were coming close together. It wouldn’t be long. Shifters didn’t take long to delivery their little ones, neither did any other supe for that matter.

  The girls were laid on tables, close but with enough space between them to allow the others room to move and for the curtains to be closed around them.

  “Mates only. Everyone else, get out!” I barked out the order, the growl in my voice showing I meant it. Trenton, Alexander and Bart who hadn’t been there a minute ago scowled, but headed my words and moved outside the door.

  “Mama…” Natalia sounded scared. I moved to her side and kissed her head.

  “It’s okay, baby, I’m right here.”

  “Where’s my Sunshine?” Rosalyn rushes through the door, Anna on her heels. Both of their faces wore the worry I too felt inside.

  Our babies were about to have babies.

  “She’s right over there, on the right. Anna, Marissa is on the left.”

  “Put the pot there Javi. Get the basket of linens, they’ll need something to wrap the babes in. I need-” I looked to Sheri and shook off a grin as she reached for her big bundle of burning sage, already knowing what she needed to do. “Here it is!”

  The scent filled the room as she moved to the bed Sonny was laying upon. She said a prayer, a prayer from her people and moved on to the next bed, repeating the action. A small blessing for each girl and her babe.

  I looked to where Joshua stood, his face drawn in worry. “Joshua, Sebastian, you’re jobs here are to keep the girls inner-beasts calm. They can not shift while pushing out a baby. Use all of your power, soft words, anything to keep them calm. Demetrius, you have to keep Marissa calm or she may-”

  “Blow us all up, yeah, Your Majesty. Got it.”

  “Not what I was going to say, but yes, that. This is going to be an intense delivery for us all. I had no idea they would all go into labor at once.”

  I moved around from each bed, checking the girls vitals and seeing how far along they were. Natalia was progressing the fastest. I let out a long breath and moved to where Sheri stood, her hands in a bowl of cool water. She rung out a cloth, folded it in half and moved to lay it across Natalia’s forehead.

  “Javi, please ask Madeline and Evangelina to step inside, we may need some assistance. If you would take post outside with the men, I’d thank you.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I shall send them in.”

  Two hours of women screaming, cursing like sailors, the ground rumbling, lightning flashing above and howls of inner animals trying to break free of their human forms, we had three crying babes and three overwhelmed, exhausted new mommies.

  I myself was a little overwhelmed. I never guessed it would be so nerve racking to help my daughter deliver her first child. Add to that my nieces birthing their own babies at the same time, and it was quite an experience, to say the least.

  The tears I had been holding in had finally broken free. The overwhelming feeling assaulting me. I swiped my fingers across my face and smiled, letting the worry and anxiety wash away from me. Trenton and I were standing back from the crowd around the bed, his arms holding me close.

  We were watching our daughter and her mate, who had been a champ while she gave birth, fawn over our precious, handsome grandson. Ramport and Sheri were all smiles as they too watched them.

  Alexander and Anna were cooing over Marissa and their precious granddaughter. Poor Demetrius was still pale as he stood half hunched, his emotions clearly written all over his face. It had taken a lot of his energy to help keep Marissa’s power from destroying something.

  Roslyn and Bartholomew were in a tight embrace, Rosalyn in tears as they watched over their daughter. She held her sweet baby boy close to her, her mate’s hand resting on her cheek. Sebastian may be the size of a tree but, right now, that big man sat, fighting back tears of pure joy.

  I felt Trenton’s body shift slightly behind me and looked up just in time to see him grin.

  “Attention, please. In celebration of the new family members we shall have a celebration. Two days from today we will announce to our pack, sleuth and clan the names of the wee ones. But I think for now, we should let the girls and the babes rest. Sheri, you and the moms will see to them, yes?” Trenton’s words were soft as he spoke.

  “Yes, of course, Your Majesty.”

  “Very well, men, let’s go out and have a little celebratory hunt. You all need some air as well. Come, they will be here when we return.”

  Trenton didn’t wait for a reply. He kissed my lips and left out of the cabin, trailed by his brothers, our daughters’ mates and a few guards who had been outside.

  I shook my head and moved towards the girls. We would have much to celebrate after they had some rest.
br />   Epilogue

  What the heck? I pulled myself up from the rocking chair where I sat watching my son sleep in his little crib. Sebastian had spent the better part of a month working the wood to make it for him. I made sure the covers were pulled up over him before I went to the windows. I peaked out into the yard that I shared with Natalia and Marissa, my brows raising at the raised voices.

  I pushed my feet into my sandals and moved out of the cabin. I walked to where my father and uncles stood. Kelanie, the Fae woman, was before them. They seemed to be in a heated chat. I caught sight of Marissa and Talia both coming out from their cabins. I gave them each a smile and took my place between them.

  “How are the little ones?” I asked while we walked.

  “William is fine. I left him sleeping in his crib. He has a belly full of milk. He’s so much like Joshua, he’ll sleep contently now for a few long hours,” Talia said, smiling.

  I looked to Marissa.

  “Belladonna is currently curled up on her daddy’s T-shirt, seeing as he’s out patrolling. She’s not happy with him not being there but,” she shrugged, “she’s almost asleep.” Marissa’s nose wrinkled. I knew she hated that Demetrius wasn’t back yet.

  Talia and I smiled softly both patting her arms.

  “How’s Alston?” Natalia asked.

  A big smile broke out on my face.

  “He’s sleeping after getting his belly full. He too is like his daddy. He gets grumpy but, as soon as I feed him, he sleeps like the dead.”

  The circle of bodies before us turned as the sound of our chuckles reached them. The chit chat came to a standstill. I yawned softly, coming to a stop before our dads. Each moved to embrace us.

  “You guys are mighty loud out here. If you wake a babe, then you get to put them back to bed,” I said, honestly.

  “We didn’t mean to keep anyone up,” Uncle Trenton said, a frown pulling at his face.

  “What’s going on out here, then?” Natalia asked.

  “Nothing to worry over, just, a little business. You should all go back to bed now.” Uncle Trenton’s eyes said it was more than just business but we did as he said. We each hugged our fathers again and went back into our cabins.


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