Matters of the Heart

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Matters of the Heart Page 6

by Catherine Maiorisi

  Darcy shrugged and turned her head toward the window. “I don’t know why. I guess they aren’t the friends I thought they were.” There it was again, underlying the words, the feeling of being abandoned.

  “Maybe we could call some of them?”

  “I won’t beg.” Her anger was sharp and cold. Not something Andrea enjoyed being on the receiving end of. Darcy turned to Andrea, frowning.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “My forehead is itchy.”

  Andrea scratched lightly.

  “Let’s give Candace the information and she’ll order it and pay for it.” Darcy yawned.

  “Do you want to take a nap before they come?”

  “Yes, if you promise to wake me when Candace gets here.”

  “Of course.”

  “And speaking of being naked, is there something I could wear on top? I don’t think anything of mine would go over the casts.”

  “Hmm, they sent all the hospital gowns back when you refused to wear them. How would you feel about wearing one of my scrub tops? It’s not glamorous and it might be a little big but we can cut the sleeve if it won’t go over the cast. I have blue, green and turquoise. The blue would look lovely on you.”

  Darcy narrowed her eyes. “My dear sweet doctor, are you offering to give me the shirt off your back?”

  Andrea noted the upgrade to dear sweet. “Well, not quite that dramatic but I am offering my shirt.”

  “I would love it. And, I’ll replace it if we cut it. Can we try it now?”

  Andrea retrieved the top, slit the sleeve so it fit over the cast and slipped it over Darcy’s head. Darcy was ecstatic. She sniffed. “It smells like you. I’m not giving it back.” Her eyes were sparkling. “I feel like a new woman. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome. Now close your eyes and see if you can get a little rest.”

  Darcy woke when Maria buzzed the intercom to say Candace was on the way up. Andrea raised the bed, then noticed again that Darcy’s lips were chapped. She leaned in to apply cream to Darcy’s lips, their faces close. At the sound of a low whistle, Andrea whirled. “Hey, Darce, I didn’t expect to find you making out, but I should have known.”

  Andrea flushed. “We weren’t—”

  The woman laughed and extended her manicured hand. “Dr. Trapani, I presume.” She was impeccably made up, her light brown hair was streaked with gold and she wore it in a sophisticated cut that fell to her chin and highlighted her lovely dark eyes and good-humored face. Her tailored soft green pantsuit hugged her body and her four-inch heels put her at about five-six. Small and compact, she was still an imposing figure.

  “Go fuck yourself, Candace, that’s your name isn’t it? It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, I forget.” Darcy scowled. “And, for your information, I should be so lucky as to be kissed by my good sweet doctor. Doctor Trapani, this impertinent bitch is my attorney and used-to-be best friend, Candace Matthews of Silver, Levitz and Forbes.”

  “Ms. Matthews.” Still not recovered from the accusation, she shook the hand Candace extended. Up close, Andrea could smell Candace’s light but intoxicating perfume.

  “Call me Candace, please.”

  Andrea let go of Candace’s hand but Candace held on and did a slow scan of Andrea’s body. Christ, Candace was as piggy as Darcy. Happily, her body didn’t respond at all to Candace’s assault but it annoyed Andrea. She cleared her throat and stared at her trapped hand until Candace grinned and released it. Her amused brown eyes studied Andrea. “Maria told me Darcy is listening to you, Doctor, so as her attorney and friend, I felt it was imperative to determine what drugs you’re giving her. But now that I see you in person, I understand.”

  Before Andrea could respond, Maria appeared with Mrs. Gordon, the owner of the agency. After introductions, Darcy spoke. “I gave Francine a bit of a hard time this morning but I like her. How does she feel about taking care of me?”

  “To be frank, I don’t understand what your friend Gerri was worried about when she called. She said you could be very difficult and had a hard time keeping nurses and aides. Francine didn’t mention any problem. In fact, she said you were very pleasant.”

  The other four women in the room avoided each other’s eyes. Candace jumped into the silence. “Well, Darcy, if you’d like to continue with Francine and whoever is her backup, I’ll sign the contract.”

  “I do want to continue, please sign and let’s get on with the rest of our business.”

  Candace read the contract, then signed and handed it to Mrs. Gordon. “Send the bills to the address on the contract and call me at the number listed if you have any payment problems.”

  Maria escorted Mrs. Gordon out and the other three waited until they heard the elevator doors close before bursting into laughter. Andrea walked to the refrigerator to get ice and water for Darcy.

  “I’ll ask again, Dr. Trapani, just what drugs are you giving Darcy?”

  “No drugs except medications prescribed by her other doctors, I swear.”

  “Are you sure? I’ve investigated you thoroughly so I know all about your past.”

  Andrea stiffened and felt her blood drain. She wasn’t ready to discuss Nora or her reason for leaving the hospital with anyone. And, given Darcy’s inclination to sexualize it would be a lot easier if she didn’t know she was a lesbian. She turned to face Candace. Luckily, Andrea was standing behind Darcy so she couldn’t see her face.

  But Candace saw it. And scarcely missed a beat. “And, I found nothing improper, so I guess I’ll just have to chalk Darcy’s good mood up to your excellent care.” She took some papers out of her briefcase and handed them to Andrea. “Your contract, Doctor. I hope payment on the first and the fifteenth is acceptable. I’ve signed it but you should look it over before signing it.”

  “While we’re waiting for Dr. Trapani, Candace, I’ve told her to call you when she wants to order equipment or supplies and I want you to order what she says and handle the payment. We’ll start with a special recliner and some clothes that fit over my casts.”

  Candace wrinkled her nose. “She can order without your approval?”

  “No, Darcy.” Andrea looked up from the contract. “I suggest we discuss the things I think will help you, then we call Candace and order the ones you want.”

  Darcy looked at Candace. “Does that work for you?”

  “If it works for you, it works for me. Just don’t let the pretty doctor throw fairy juice in your eyes.”

  Andrea glared at Candace. It was hard to know if she was being playful or sending a message. When Darcy and Candace burst out laughing, she smiled. Candace was good for Darcy. It was nice to see her relaxed and enjoying herself. She turned away from Candace and found Darcy staring at her, her gaze warm and sweet rather than sexual. Andrea smiled then broke the connection when she noticed Candace looking from her to Darcy. Flustered, she signed the contract and handed it to Candace. “Please mail the checks here.”

  Candace glanced at the contract, placed it in her briefcase, then pulled out another sheaf of papers. “I’ve received a substantial offer for the two buildings on York Avenue.”

  “Does it include the provisions I specified for the current tenants?”

  Candace leaned over Darcy. “No, but they exceeded the asking price and you should accept it.”

  The blood rushed to Darcy’s face. “Is that a recommendation or an order?”

  Candace straightened at the heated tone. “Just a—”

  “I think I’ve been clear. Each and every tenant is to be relocated to an apartment of the same size at the same rent in a comparable building and those who want to move back when the new building is ready receive the same size apartment at the same rent and remain tenants as long as they live or they decide to leave. What don’t you understand Candace?” She was shouting.

  Christ, the woman could go from zero to a hundred in a matter of seconds. Andrea elbowed Candace aside to bring herself into Darcy’s line of v
ision. “Calm down, Darcy.”

  Darcy lifted her head trying to see behind Andrea. “I’m waiting, Candace. You know the money is not my priority.”

  Damn. Candace didn’t seem to have any idea how fragile Darcy was. “Stop. Can’t this wait?”

  Candace looked from Darcy to Andrea, then stuffed the papers in her briefcase. “I’ll go back to them and discuss the requirements. If they’re not amenable, I’ll turn down the offer, but you may have to build the building yourself.”

  “If I have to build it, I will. Are we clear?”

  “Sorry, honey, I didn’t mean to upset you.” Candace leaned in to kiss Darcy’s forehead. “Forgive me, please?”

  “As long as we’re clear.” Darcy took a deep breath, smiled and turned to Andrea. “I’m okay. Could I have some water?”

  She held the straw for Darcy. “If you’re done arguing, I’ll give you two some time alone. I’ll be in the bedroom. Let me know when you’re leaving, Candace.”

  Candace took Andrea’s hand. “You’ll have to excuse us; we always act like thirteen-year-olds when we’re together.” She handed Andrea a business card. “Email the information about the chair and the clothing.”

  Andrea went into the bedroom and stood by the window. She could hear the murmur of their voices mixed with laughter, the ease of old friends. She thought about the look she and Darcy had exchanged, and wondered why it had felt so intimate even though it wasn’t sexual. Darcy was a paradox. She could be sweet and thoughtful when she was relaxed and vulnerable, but vicious and hateful when she felt threatened. Andrea was appalled by Darcy’s blatant sexuality and she wasn’t sure she even liked her. Yet Darcy was able to touch her, without touching her at all. It was strange.

  She shook her head and turned to call Darcy’s surgeon and get his approval for the recliner (and a surprise wheelchair) she had in mind…That done, she sat in the chair with her eyes closed, wondering.

  Chapter Nine

  Candace pulled the chair over to the bed. “Come clean. What’s the deal with the sexy doctor?”

  Darcy grinned. “What do you mean?”

  Candace tapped her manicured nails on Darcy’s arm cast. “Come on, don’t hold back on me. Were you kissing when I came in?”

  “I wish. She was putting lotion on my lips.”

  “Whatever she’s doing, though, is working. You seem much more grounded than when you threw me out of here last week. Are you feeling better, honey?”

  “She makes me feel safe. And, yes, I’m feeling better. But I freaked this morning because I thought she’d left.”

  Candace frowned. “She just started. Why would she leave?”

  Darcy blushed. “You know what I’ve been like. I was nasty to her. I said I didn’t need a doctor to take care of me but Gerri was gone so we agreed she would leave this morning after I got an aide to take care of me. But she’s wonderful, Candace. By the end of her shift I knew I’d die if she left, so I asked her to stay. But then I had a nightmare about her leaving me. I got scared.”

  “I doubt she’s going to run away.”

  “She said she would stay until I’m independent, but if I tried to make it a sexual thing, it would complicate her ability to care for me and she would have to leave.”


  “So, I’m going to concentrate on healing.” Darcy grinned. “But as soon as I’m back to my life you can be sure as shit that I’m going after her.”

  “Whoa, you really are smitten.”

  “You bet your sweet patootie.” Darcy tried to blow the hair out of her eyes.

  Candace extended her hand. “Can I help you with that without getting my head bitten off?”


  Candace brushed the hair off Darcy’s face.

  “Thanks.” Darcy smiled. “I guess I owe you an apology for—”

  “Forget it, Darce. Besides, I owe you an apology for not doing what I promised but it’s hard seeing you so broken and helpless.”

  “I feel abandoned by you, Candace, and by the whole inner circle. Nobody’s come or called.”

  “I’m truly sorry I’ve failed you.” Candace looked down. “I guess everybody is busy.”

  Darcy nodded. “And I owe Gerri an apology. I thought she was abandoning me but she made sure I was well taken care of before she left. I think I should send her flowers and replace the money she laid out for the nurse. Do you know where she’s living?”

  “Do you want Gerri back in your life?”

  “Not as a lover, no. Remember, I had decided to break up with her before the accident.”

  “I’m glad you remember. My advice would be to wait a month or so to send the flowers and the money, so she doesn’t misread the gesture as an invitation to return. For some reason, the girl does care for you.”

  “Candy, would you shop for me? But first ask Lucia if she has some things that would fit over my casts. She knows my size and what I like.”

  “At my hourly rate you want me to shop?”

  “I was thinking of it as something one friend does for the other, not as a billable service.” She yawned.

  “Okay, because we’re friends I’ll bring you some things tomorrow. But you’re tired. I should go.”

  “Could you sit with me until I fall asleep?”

  “Sure sweetie. Can I hold your hand?”

  “If you can find it under the covers.”

  * * *

  Andrea was sitting by the window reading when Candace knocked lightly on the door. She waved her in, but left the door half open so she could see and hear Darcy.

  “She’s sleeping,” Candace whispered. “I thought she’d just doze but it looks like she’ll be out for a while so I’m going to leave.”

  “I think she really enjoyed seeing you. But her heart is very weak and it’s not good for her to get so upset.”

  “Sorry, she can be thick-headed. It’s a great offer but I don’t have the authority to accept or refuse a deal so I had to discuss it with her even though I knew it would make her mad.”

  It seemed to Andrea that Candace was playing innocent. Bringing an offer that she knew didn’t meet the terms that were important to Darcy was provocative. Maybe Darcy had the power and that was how Candace got back at her. Hopefully, Candace now understood the situation. “Darcy obviously enjoys your company, so please come frequently but try to avoid discussing things that put her over the edge.”

  “She kicked me out last week, said she didn’t need me standing around gawking. I was planning to come back today, even if Gerri hadn’t taken the bull by the horns, so to speak.”

  “She was in a bad way when I got here yesterday. I was sure she was about to stroke.”

  “You’re doing something right.” Candace glanced toward the sleeping Darcy. “Listen, Doctor, I’m sorry I made that crack about your background. I did look into you, of course. Without a friend or relative in the house, I had to be sure you were who you seemed to be. I called Dr. Castillo to confirm she needed a doctor, then I spoke to a couple of people at the hospital. I’m sorry about what happened and what you’ve suffered.”

  “Did you—”

  “No. I saw by your face that you didn’t want me to say anything.”

  “I prefer to keep my personal life private, but I think Darcy has picked up that I’m a lesbian. At least she’s been shamelessly flirting with me.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  “She’s very vulnerable and needy, and, though she might disagree, she needs a caregiver more than she needs a sexual partner right now. I’d like to keep our relationship professional.”

  “She gets that.” Candace turned to leave, then turned back. “Oh, she asked if I would shop for her rather than have you take the time to do it online. Is there anything special I need to look for?”

  “Either sleeveless or sleeves wide enough to go over her arm casts. And legs wide enough to go over the leg casts. Don’t get anything tight and look for soft fabrics.”

  Candace studied Andr
ea for a minute, then seeming satisfied, nodded. “I’ll be back tomorrow with some things.”

  While Darcy slept, Andrea powered up her laptop and went into Gmail.

  Dear Candace,

  It was nice meeting you today. It was wonderful to see Darcy laughing and joking with you. She needs that and she needs her friends, so I encourage you to visit as often as possible and encourage her other friends to do the same.

  I’ve attached the information about the recliner we discussed. Also, Darcy won’t wear a hospital gown so I’d like to get her some scrub tops to sleep in. See the link below to order.

  I haven’t discussed this with her but I’d like to surprise Darcy with this wheelchair (see attached), so we could sit outside in the garden or go to Central Park. I know this will lift her spirits.

  Dr. Andrea Trapani

  Chapter Ten

  The next morning Andrea was out of bed and dressed by six. She’d figured out a way to wash Darcy’s hair and the night before she’d purchased the plastic bags, tubs and pails she needed at the CVS drugstore on Lexington Avenue.

  When she entered the bedroom at six thirty, Darcy was chatting with Francine and she immediately noticed the containers in Andrea’s hands. “Are you going to chop me up and put me in storage?”

  “That’s a good idea for another day.” Andrea put the containers down. “But today, Francine and I are going to wash your hair.”


  Andrea placed the supplies on the floor and huddled with Francine. Darcy tracked them as they separated and began to prepare.

  Francine lined the floor with large green plastic garbage bags. Andrea carried in a pail of warm water from the bathroom, then slipped some pillows into plastic bags. Together they lifted Darcy onto the pillows so her body was higher than the bed. Francine held Darcy’s head to support it while Andrea placed a plastic tub under it.

  “Are you comfortable, Darcy?”

  “I guess.” Her eyes skittered around the room.

  “I promise we won’t hurt you, and if you can relax, I think it’ll feel good. Close your eyes.”

  Darcy took a deep breath, then closed her eyes.


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