Exception (Cambria University Series Book 1)

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Exception (Cambria University Series Book 1) Page 19

by Sadie T. Williams

  My roommates actually like hanging out with her too. She spends a lot of time here. They love that she analyzes game tape with us and they actually respect her take on it. She’s like a fifth roommate. I’m not sure how she can be one of the guys and so fucking sexy at the same time. Unicorn.

  I’m chilling at our house, playing a game of Madden with Rhodes when my phone dings. It’s Kiernan.

  “Was that Kiernan?” Rhodes asks.

  “Yeah. She finished her last final.”

  “She coming over?”

  “Not until later. She’s gotta pack. Why?

  “Just wondering.”

  He’s been acting so weird lately. My spidey-sense is tingling.

  Coach works our tails off at practice. We have tomorrow off, so he runs our asses into the ground. We’re preparing for Oklahoma – we play them a couple days after Christmas for a shot to go to the national championship game, and our coaching staff is on edge. I’ve been taking all my frustration and anger from the night at the frat house on our opponents. I should thank Carli and Robbie for that. But they also torched my relationship, so they can go to hell. I’m too scared to touch Kiernan and push her beyond her limits after what she went through, and she’s given me no indication she wants to go further than we have. It’s a shitty, helpless feeling.

  We climb back into my truck after practice. We’re fucking beat. We’re division one athletes and in prime shape, but Coach hasn’t worked us this hard since training camp in August.

  “Drive-thru?” I ask.

  “Nah, dude. I am so fucking tired. My dick probably won’t even work tonight. I just want a shower and some ramen at home. I need to rest before we head out,” Blake says.

  “Fuck, Coach was on a mission tonight. I think he’s trying to ruin our last night out before the bowl game,” Bateman complains. “I’m glad B is out of town. I wouldn’t have the energy for her tonight.”

  We all roll out of my truck when we get home. Our legs feel like jelly and we’re sweaty messes. No one had the energy to shower after practice. We smell like rotten garbage on a skunk. Kiernan should be here. I hope she doesn’t have big plans – I’m shot. She’s usually super chill so I hope she doesn’t mind if I fall asleep early.

  As we get closer to the front door we can smell something. Basil I think. And is that Christmas music? What the hell?

  “What’s that smell?” Rhodes asks and sniffs the air like a bloodhound.

  We walk into our house and Kiernan is in the kitchen working. It smells like an Italian restaurant. Our table is set with fancy cloth napkins and wine glasses. Kiernan made a fancy Italian dinner for all of us. She is fucking incredible. “Ravioli alla caprese,” rolls off of her tongue. Down boy. I may need to ask her if she can speak to me in Italian in bed.

  She went all out for us. I know my boys are so amped for a real meal. We’re feeling so much better than when we left practice. She did this for us.

  “Nice tablecloth! Wait, did we have wine glasses?” Bateman asks. He looks confused. I don’t think we did. We didn’t even have matching silverware, until now.

  This meal is so delicious. Kiernan isn’t eating, so I pull her onto my lap to feed her. Rhodes is watching us intently as she wraps her lips around my fork and takes a bite. That was fucking sexy as hell. He’s still watching her. Seriously, what the fuck is going on with him? He’s been doing this shit for a while now and I am about fucking done with it. Is he trying to hit on my girlfriend right in front of me?

  But I’m distracted by how delicious Kiernan’s dinner is. We eat way too much, and from practice to this, we’re toast. We sprawl out across the couch and the recliner to rest for a couple hours. That meal rejuvenated our spirits for sure. We haven’t had a home-cooked meal in so long. And she didn’t do it just for me – she included my best friends, which means more than she will ever know. I love her.

  Blake and Bateman head to shower. Rhodes, Kiernan and I are just chilling when the water finally shuts off from Bateman’s shower. Rhodes’s turn. Fucking finally.

  Rhodes walks over to where we’re sitting and picks Kiernan up. He wraps his arms around her waist, lifts her off the ground and says, “Thanks for the dinner. You’re the fucking best.” Then he kisses her cheek. I feel anger pool in my stomach and it rushes to my head. I’m seeing red right now.

  I don’t even know what Kiernan says to him before he leaves. I can’t focus. She sits down next to me, but I need to get to Rhodes. This shit ends tonight. I storm into the bathroom where Rhodes has just turned on the shower.

  “What the fuck, bro?” I ask in a deep, low growl.

  “What?” he feigns innocence.

  “You know what. Your comments about Kiernan are getting out of hand. I see the way you’re looking at her all the time lately. And now you kiss her? What’s up with you? And I swear to God, if you lie to me I will fucking beat the living shit of you right here in your bathroom.”

  “Dude, come on,” he begins, but pauses and sits on the toilet. He puts his head in his hands. He suddenly looks dejected. “I don’t know, man. Honestly, I don’t. She’s been here so much lately. We spend a lot of time with her too. We don’t have frequent flyers and B is never here with Bateman. I don’t know. She’s growing on me. And then tonight she makes us dinner. Fucking dinner and she cleaned our house. She loves watching game tape with us. She plays Madden. She’s fucking beautiful. Do you know how lucky you are, bro? To have that in your life.”

  “I do,” I reply as my anger quells. He’s jealous and I get that. I would be too if she weren’t mine.

  “What she went through… I’m not saying it’s your fault at all, bro, cuz it’s not, but she rebounded from that shit and loves you. Loves us. She takes care of us, not just tonight. She’s cleaned before and she buys us shit like when we run out of toilet paper. All that, man. That’s love. I want that. I think I love her.”

  I laugh. “Rhodes.” I shake my head. I appreciate his candidness. That can’t be easy to confess. “She’s pretty fucking amazing. I understand what you’re saying, bro. I do. But she’s my girlfriend. You can’t be picking her up and kissing her. You know that.”

  “I do, man. I’m sorry. I thought I liked having free reign and fucking whoever I wanted. But I see you guys. I don’t want meaningless shit anymore. I want something real.”

  “I get it, bro. I thought I was happy with how things were before I met Kiernan. I followed my rules and I had life figured out. But I’m so much happier now. Life has this whole new meaning to everything I do. You know you can have what we have. Not with her obviously, or I’d have to kill you, but with someone.” He looks up at me with hopeful eyes.


  “Yeah. When I stopped fucking girls to just blow my load and found Kiernan, my life changed. You will find that. You may not even love her, but the idea of her.”

  “Maybe. But she is pretty fucking awesome… and hot,” Rhodes says.

  “You’re right. It’s probably her.” I punch him in the arm and laugh. Then I get an idea. “Have you thought about her roommate, Tori? She’s your type for sure, and she is mean as hell. You’d like her.”

  “Guess I haven’t thought about it, but she is fucking hot.”

  “We’ll figure it out. Until then, don’t even jerk off to the thought of her,” I raise an eyebrow to him and leave the bathroom. Poor Rhodes. I get it. I didn’t realize what I was missing until I found Kiernan. Having it dangled right in front of his face has got to be hard. I hope he finds this too. He deserves it. He’s a great guy deep down, even though he’s dirty as fuck.

  “All good?” Kiernan asks as I return to the room. She’s studying my face to see if I’m pissed or not.

  “All good.” I plop down next to her on the couch. All good.

  Chapter 17: Kiernan

  Since Halloween, Brooks has treated me like glass. I want him to knock it off. I’ve moved past the incident, and he needs to as well. My plan should get us back to us.

  The bo
ys are finally ready to leave. Thank God. I’m so restless with excitement and anticipation. I have a small present wrapped up in a box: a small keychain with the letter V on it. Ever since Robbie almost stole my virginity that night, I decided that I’m ready to lose it the way I want. I want to be in control of that aspect of life. It’s mine to give and no one’s to take. I want Brooks to be my first, but I’ve had no idea how to approach the subject.

  I asked Blaire about this and she practically tackled me on her bed. She’s so excited for me. Not just because I’m going to finally have sex with someone, but because it is with Brooks. She came to the doctor with me in November when I got on birth control. I wanted to be prepared. He said he never has unprotected sex, so if he wants to still use a condom, I don’t care. But if I’m still the exception to his rules, I want to be ready. I want my first to be his first, in a way.

  I stand to finish cleaning the table and kitchen while the boys finish getting ready. I can’t sit still anymore. Brooks reaches up as I stand and grabs my arm.

  “KK, you’ve done enough. I’ll clean up later.”

  “I want to finish what I started.” I wink at him. As I’m unloading and reloading the dishwasher, the boys reappear.

  “You sure you guys want to stay in, again?” Blake asks one more time. Yes, please just go.

  “Yeah, man. We’re good,” Brooks replies.

  “All right, we’re out. Have a good night,” Bateman says. With that the boys leave.

  Here we go. “Mac, why don’t you go shower while I finish?” I urge.

  “Are you saying I stink?”

  “Well, you just had your ass kicked for three hours, you don’t smell like honey,” I tease.

  “Fine,” he grumbles as he stands to head upstairs. “Pick out a movie and make some popcorn. I’ll be right back.” He has no idea what I have planned. Why should he? We’ve been almost platonic. Movies nights, dinner dates, some kissing here and there. He wouldn’t suspect by my previous behavior that I want more. He isn’t a mind reader.

  I quickly start the dishwasher and sprint upstairs. I have only ten to fifteen minutes tops before he’s out of the shower.

  I make his bed and light the candles I bought today when I got the kitchen supplies. I set them around the room. I place the small wrapped box on the bed up by the pillows. Romantic enough for me.

  I also made a stop at Victoria’s Secret last week with Blaire, where I bought red lace lingerie. It’s a one-piece with a plunging neckline and spaghetti straps. The lace is just see-through enough that little bits of my skin peek out. It was Blaire’s favorite of all the ones we looked at, and not too risqué. She said red looked the best with my skin tone. I took her word for it. Plus, it was comfortable. No thongs up my ass.

  I’m suddenly super nervous. Do I lay on the bed? Maybe that’s too presumptuous. Do I stand next to it? I feel awkward. I wish I was like Julie Roberts in Pretty Woman when she slams her thigh high boot onto the seat in the elevator. So confident and sexy. I’m agonizing over the decision when the water shuts off. I decided to stand. Thoughts start rushing through my mind. What if he doesn’t want to have sex with me? What if he can’t get the incident on Halloween out of his head? Maybe he’s still with me just out of pity? Shut up, Kiernan.

  I confessed all my fears to Blaire and she told me I was, and I quote, an “idiot sandwich.” She’s good with words. She reassured me that any guy would still want to have sex with me, especially Brooks. He loves me. She and Bateman talk about it, and he told her that the guys give him shit about being pussy-whipped without the pussy.

  The door clicks and Brooks walks into the bedroom wearing only a towel. His hair is damp and messed up perfectly, the towel hanging ever so slightly off his hips. His chest and abs are on full display. My own personal bronze statue. I feel the tingle start in my stomach and spread over my whole body. My God this man gets me hot. Deep breath.

  He takes two steps into the bedroom and freezes in place. His normally bright, icy blue eyes go dark. I can’t tell if he’s just surprised by my appearance, or if he doesn’t like what I’ve done to myself and his room.

  “Hi,” I say and glance down to the floor. Stupid. Hi? Really? I panicked and didn’t know what else to say.

  He slowly, painfully slowly, walks over to where I’m standing. He’s just gazing at me, his eyes traveling up and down my body. I’m starting to become very self-conscious, so I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Don’t,” he growls and removes my arms. He runs his hands up and down the lace, the heat from his touch spreading over the bits of skin that are peeking out. My hips, my chest, my stomach. My nipples are poking out through the fabric, and my body is on fire. I can see his towel start to rise over his groin. He definitely likes what he sees.

  “Merry Christmas, Mac.” I smile.

  “It’s not Christmas yet,” he purrs into my ear, “but this is the best present ever I have ever gotten. You look so fucking hot, and I am so fucking hard right now.” I love when he says that. That I can turn him on without even touching him, because he does the same to me.

  Oh, he has no idea what is to come.

  “I have something for you,” I say and motion toward the box on the bed.

  He looks over to it and looks back at me.

  “What is it? I’d rather stay right here,” he says in a low, deep voice into my ear as he continues to run his hands over my body and nips at the soft spot right under my ear.

  “Open it. I’m not going to tell you,” I laugh.

  He huffs. He actually huffs like a child. We crawl onto the bed, him still in his towel, me in the red lace lingerie.

  He begins to open the tiny box I wrapped in silver paper. He opens the box and pulls out the keychain. He looks at me quizzically. He doesn’t get it, yet.

  “So, what do you say?” I ask, slightly embarrassed. What if he says no?

  “I’m not sure what this is for, KK,” he says honestly. “There’s no key or anything.”

  “What letter is that?”

  “It’s a ‘V’ but wha—” He pauses and I can see that it’s clicked. “Holy shit. You can’t be serious.”

  “I am. I’m ready, and I want this with you more than anything I have ever wanted in my life. I love you.”

  He takes in my words and his eyes bore into my soul. I can see that he’s ready too. He leans over and takes my face in his hands the way he used to. He presses his lips to mine and I can feel the lace between my legs get more and more damp with each touch and kiss. This. This is the passion I’ve missed. I don’t want him to worry about me anymore. I want him to take me. Take all of me.

  His tongue parts my lips and slips inside my mouth. Our tongues are swirling together, dancing passionately around and around. He kisses me deeper as the fire continues to race through my body. I can’t get enough of this man.

  “I have never seen anything sexier than you right now,” he groans into my mouth.

  I stretch out my hand and undo his towel. His cock springs free and he is at full attention. Long, smooth, thick and so hard. He wants me, and the thought drives me crazy.

  “I’ve wanted this since I met you,” he gasps between kisses. “I love you too. But I want to make sure you’re really ready.”

  I push him back onto the bed. He is stark naked and staring at me intently. I straddle his hips, one thigh on each side. “I’m fucking ready,” I growl and lean down. I crash my lips into his and kiss him deeper and harder than ever before. He grabs my hips and I can feel his fingertips dig into my skin.

  I sit up with my hands on his pecs and start rocking back and forth. I can feel his stiff cock pressing against my clit, and my body can barely contain the feelings coursing through it. All that’s between us is a fine layer of red lace. He reaches up and grabs my tits, his fingers exploring my nipples, which harden under his touch. He works my swollen buds between his fingertips and I’m coming undone. I throw my head back and as the sensation of the movement intensifies.

>   “Oh baby, if you don’t stop I’m going to come right now,” he moans. I feel it too. But I want more.

  I slowly climb off of him and he rolls over on top of me.

  “I like this,” he says in a deep, sexy voice as he flicks the strap of my lingerie. “But it needs to go.” His words shoot a blast of excitement through me. He slides the straps over my shoulders and pulls the red lace garment off.

  He pauses. He looks at me up and down. “You’re fucking beautiful. I love you so much, KK.”

  He leans down and begins kissing my neck. The heat from his breath and feel of his body pressed against mine is heaven. He begins trailing soft, delicate kisses down my neck, past my collarbone and to my chest. His hand cups one as his tongue assaults the other. Licking, flicking and sucking my nipple until I can’t stand it. He switches sides and it’s more than I can take. I arch my back and let out a low moan. I’m going to come.

  “Come for me, baby. Come for me,” he growls with my nipple still in his mouth. And I do. Electricity shoots through my whole body. God, I’ve missed this.

  I collapse back down on the bed. Completely out of breath. As I’m coming back down, I feel Brooks’ hand run along my sex. He’s not stopping and I’m so okay with that.

  “You’re so wet for me,” he whispers into my ear. “I’ve missed tasting you. Are you ready to come again?”

  I nod. Fucking hell yes! No more being scared. Let’s go!

  With my affirmation he slides a finger into my pussy and starts working it in, out and around. His thumb presses against my clit and that intensity spreads through my body. This man’s touch sets my whole world alive.

  “I’m going to put another finger inside,” he warns. “If we’re going to do this, you need to make sure you know what you’re getting into. My cock is bigger than my finger and I don’t want to hurt you.”

  I’ve heard that your first time hurts, but I assume most dicks aren’t as big as Brooks’. Robbie’s wasn’t even close. I’m suddenly very nervous. I’m grateful he’s aware of it, because I didn’t think of how his size would fit inside of me.


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