“Signs” was originally published in Journal of War, Literature, and the Arts, Volume 27, 2015, http://www.wlajournal.com/
“Detectives” was originally published in Pangyrus, Issue 3, Jan. 2017, http://www.pangyrus.com/voices/detectives/
“Aliens” was originally published in Shenendoah, Volume 63, Number 1, http://shenandoahliterary.org/631/2013/09/30/aliens/
“Power Lines” was originally published in Crack the Spine, Issue 134 http://issuu.com/crackthespine/docs/issue_134/22
“Nixon’s Farewell” was originally published in Eleven Eleven, Issue 9, 2010
“Our Wed and Unwed Mothers” was originally published in The Summerset Review, Winter 2015, http://www.summersetreview.org/15winter/wed.html
“The Cost of Goods Sold” was originally published in Talking River, Issue 34, 2013
“PhotoShocked” was originally published in Cognoscenti, http://cognoscenti.wbur.org/2014/02/25/google-image-search-julie-wittes-schlack
“Beacons” was originally published in Talking Writing, http://talkingwriting.com/beacons
Portions of “Winters” and “Burn like Oak” were originally published in Cognoscenti.
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