by Jake Knapp
in FitStar sprint, 189
focus on learning from, 169
in Foundation Medicine sprint, 185
Goldilocks quality in, 170
in Graco sprint, 27–28
Interviewer in, 188, 190
Makers in, 187
mindset and, 168–69
in One Medical sprint, 199
picking right tools for, 183–86
in Priority Inbox sprint, 3
Rumbles and, 143–47
in Savioke sprint, 9, 10, 11–12, 185
sketching and, 104–6
in SquidCo sprint, 30–31
Stitcher in, 183, 187, 189
storyboard scenes and, 188, 189–90
trial run in, 183, 189–90
universal application of, 169
using existing objects or spaces in, 186
Writer in, 187–88
in interviews, 212–14
obvious, Facilitators and, 90
questions, finding answers to, 138, 141, 147
in Blue Bottle sprint, 23
in FitStar sprint, 171
in Flatiron Health sprint, 62–63, 88
in Foundation Medicine sprint, 176–77
in Graco sprint, 27–28
and learning from interviews, 222–23
in One Medical sprint, 180
role of sprints in, 15, 16–17, 67
in Savioke sprint, 9, 10, 178
in Slack sprint, 175, 216–17, 222–23
Starting at the End and, 55–58
surface and, 28
see also How Might We notes
reaction, feedback vs., 169–70
Relay robot, 7, 14, 56
eyes of, 97–98
guest satisfaction and, 10
guests’ responses to, 13
“personality” of, 11, 13, 71, 178, 179
risk-taking, 156, 166
robot helpers, human interaction with, 8–9, 10
Rogers, Jan, 46–47
Rogers, Loran, 46, 48
rooms, for sprints, 41–45
Rumbles, 143–47, 223
in Blue Bottle sprint, 146
Deciders in, 145, 146
fake brands in, 145–46
Note-and-Vote in, 146–47
single-prototype vs., 145, 147
in Slack sprint, 144, 145
Savioke Labs sprint, 7–15, 26, 33, 64, 66, 71, 119, 145, 153, 157, 178–79, 185, 223
better guest experience as goal of, 56, 84
schedule, clearing space for sprints in, 10, 39, 40–41
screener surveys, in recruiting test customers, 119–21
Scribe, in speed critique, 135–36
Seattle, Wash., 229
Sharpies, 75n
simplicity, in maps, 66
sketching, 16, 60, 102, 103–18
abstract ideas and, 106–7
in Blue Bottle sprint, 24, 103–4, 108, 113
Crazy 8s exercise in, 109, 111–13
in Move Loot sprint, 113
prototypes and, 104–6
of rough ideas, 109, 111
solution sketches in, see solution sketches
taking notes in, 109, 110
as working alone together, 107–9
Slack sprint, 129–31, 143–44, 149–58, 175, 216, 217, 220–21, 222, 223
expansion into new markets as challenge for, 129–30
Smithsonian Institute, 228
snacks, for sprints, 45
solution sketches, 109, 114–18
anonymity of, 114–15
in Blue Bottle sprint, 116–17
deciding on, see deciding
as explanatory, 114
importance of words in, 115
maybe-laters in, 142, 155
single-scene, 114, 117
in Slack sprint, 130
sticky notes and, 114
storyboard format in, 114, 116
titles for, 115
winners in, 141–42
speed critique:
in deciding process, 131, 135–37
Scribe in, 135–36
checklists for, 232–49
clearing calendars for, 10, 39, 40–41
concept of, 3
daily schedule in, 39, 40–41, 90–91
deciding process in, see deciding
façades in, see façades
as five-day process, 5–6, 9, 16, 40–41
frequently asked questions about, 251–57
learning from, see interviews, learning from
no-devices rule in, 41, 110
origin of, 2–5
prototypes in, see prototypes, prototyping
questions to be answered in, see questions, finding answers to; tests, real-world
risk-taking in, 166
Rumbles in, 143–47
setting priorities in, 54–55
storyboards in, see storyboarding
time allocation in, 38–41
timers for, 46–48
uncovering dangerous assumptions through, 56–57
universal application of, 229–30
versatility of, 5–6, 229–30
wide application of, 5–6
working alone together in, 107–9
work rooms for, 41–45
Squarespace, 186
SquidCo sprint, 30–31, 32, 139
Starting at the End, 5, 53–58
in Apollo 13 rescue, 53–54
in Blue Bottle sprint, 55–56, 57
in Flatiron Health sprint, 62–63
long-term goals and, 55–57, 61, 62–63, 67
questions to be answered in, 55–58, 62–63, 67
in Savioke sprint, 56
setting priorities in, 54–55
startups, 231
sprints and, 4–5, 15–16, 27
Starwood, 9
sticky notes:
poster-size, 43, 44
solution sketches and, 114
see also How Might We notes
Stitcher, 187, 189
storyboarding, 125, 148–58
“artist” for, 151, 154–55, 156
assigning prototyping tasks from, 188, 189–90
in Blue Bottle sprint, 153, 157, 188
competitors’ products in, 154
copywriting in, 155–56
Decider in, 156
detail in, 156
in Flatiron Health sprint, 153
maybe-laters in, 155
opening scene in, 152–53
resisting new ideas in, 155
risk-taking in, 156
in Savioke sprint, 153, 157
in Slack sprint, 149–53, 156
solution sketches as, 114, 116
test-time limits and, 157
story-centered design, 5
strategy, 70
straw polls, 87–88
in deciding process, 131, 138–40
successes, flawed, 223–24
supervotes, 143, 144
in deciding process, 131, 140–42, 143
surface, as contact point between product and customer, 28
target, 82, 83–88
in Blue Bottle sprint, 84–85, 101
Decider and, 31, 32, 85–88
in Flatiron Health sprint, 85–87, 88
How Might We notes and, 87
key customers in, 85–86
key event in, 85–86
maps and, 84, 85–86
in Savioke sprint, 84
straw polls and, 87–88
Tcho, 97
team processes, 1
teams, 29–37, 218
in Blue Bottle sprint, 22–24, 33
challenges and, 68
choosing members of, 33, 34–36
Deciders in, see Deciders
division of labor in, 101–2
experts and, see Ask the Experts
Facilitators in, see Facilitators
ideal size of, 33
interviews observed by, see interviews, learning f
in Ocean’s Eleven, 29–30
in Savioke sprint, 9–11, 33
in SquidCo sprint, 30–31
troublemakers in, 35
tech/logistic experts, 34
“Tenacious Tour, The” (Slack solution sketch), 144, 175, 217, 220–21, 222
tests, real-world, 5, 16, 231
in Blue Bottle sprint, 25
competitors’ products in, 154
Deciders and, 31, 32
in FitStar sprint, 173–74
in Graco sprint, 27–28
interview in, see interviews
recruiting customers for, 119–23, 197
in Savioke sprint, 10, 11–13, 15
time units in, 157
Tharp, Marie, 83–84
3D printing, 27, 185, 186
tight deadlines, 109
time, allocation of, for sprints, 38–41
timers, in deciding process, 136, 138
Time Timers, 46–48
Tolkien, J. R. R., 59
Toy Story (film), 149
trade-offs, in sprint process, 31
troublemakers, in teams, 35
Tse, Alison, 12, 178, 179
Turner, Nat, 60–62
23andMe, 6
Twitter, 6
Vision, 175
WalrusCo sprint, 69
Warren, Charles, 89
Washington Post, 15
Waugh, Chris, 180–81
website usability, 197
Weinberg, Zach, 60–61
whiteboards, 72, 89
in sprint room, 42–44
Wieden+Kennedy, 230
Williams, Ev, 6, 224
Willow Garage, 8
Wojcicki, Anne, 6
words, in solution sketches, 115
working alone together, 107–9
Wright, Orville and Wilbur, 227–28, 231
Writer, 187–88
writing, importance of, 115
Yale University, 107
Yaskawa, Izumi, 11
YouTube, 6
Zeratsky, John, 5, 7, 9, 22, 24, 30, 60, 76, 140, 189
Simon & Schuster
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Copyright © 2016 by John Knapp, John Zeratsky, and Braden Kowitz
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Author photographs by Graham Hancock
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ISBN 978-1-5011-2174-6
ISBN 978-1-5011-2177-7 (ebook)