Can't Touch This

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Can't Touch This Page 10

by Pepper Winters

  The Chinese Crested took that moment to stretch and lick my ear lobe.

  My knees literally trembled. I’d been licked many times by thousands of different breeds but this lick…it wasn’t just a lick. It was a plea for help, a thank you for the hug, and just because she could.

  I didn’t know if I was over tired or still suffering from flu dregs but my eyes pricked with tears. I couldn’t help myself; I snuggled my nose into her bald little neck and inhaled.

  She smelled of must and garbage and her ribs stuck out. Her claws were too long and a red cut lashed her muzzle as if she’d been gagged with wire for so long her skin had sliced beneath it.

  Rage shoved aside my instant love for this little thing. “Where did you find her?”

  Ryder visibly trembled with anger. “The council called me. She was given as a gift to a girl who went off to boarding school and left it with her step-mum. Apparently, the yapping was too much and the bitch wired her jaw closed. She hasn’t eaten properly in weeks because she couldn’t get her mouth open enough.”

  The dog whined, licking my cheek again as if she knew exactly what we were talking about. It was a hazard of the job—getting close or feeling too compassionate toward a dying or in pain creature. I went into this profession because I had compassion and far too much empathy and needed to use that in aiding those who couldn’t speak.

  But it was also a curse.

  Visa had been a single cat for too long. It looked like she might have a new sofa buddy.

  Unless, what does Ryder do with all these rescues?

  For the first time, I dropped my guard, stopped joking around, and looked at him with proper eyes. He was stupidly handsome with rugged square jaw and unruly dark hair. A poster child for bad decisions and dirty sex. But beneath the dusty grey t-shirt and paint-splattered jeans, was a heart the size of Jupiter and I wanted to know him.

  I wanted to do more than just touch the weapon he wielded in his trousers. I wanted to talk to him. Laugh with him. Create happiness with him.

  “You’re very generous, Ryder.”

  The sincerity in my voice rang sweet and true.

  He jolted on the spot, narrowing his eyes as if looking for a motive. “Okay…who are you and what did you do with my snippy veterinarian?”

  I smiled, jiggling the dog in my arms into a better hugging position. “Our services aren’t cheap, yet you spend a small fortune on animals you’ve only just met. What do you do with them once they’re better? Do you have a farm and just let them run free?”

  He grinned. “Ever heard of the expression ‘doggy heaven?’”

  I gaped. “Please don’t tell me you get them better and then kill them.”

  He held up his hands, laughing. “What? Hell, no. I meant I hope living with me is like doggy heaven. They have their own house and fellow flatmates and when they’re happy and healthy, I find them the perfect human match and they go on their merry way to their new family.”

  “How many have you rescued?”

  He frowned, tapping his lips as he did a quick estimate. “I dunno. I lost track at thirty-five. But I don’t do it to feel good about myself. I do it to replace some of the badness they’ve been through.”

  I couldn’t. He was too much.

  “And what about this little girl?” I kissed her nose, earning another tentative but super grateful lick on my cheek. “Will you rehome her or keep her?”

  His eyes softened. “Well, she’s kinda wormed her way into my heart already. She’s ugly as sin but there’s something about her, you know?”

  My heart tuned to a gooey mess as I looked into her large pleading, black eyes. “I do know what you mean.”

  We stood staring at this magical mutt who’d somehow stolen both our hearts. I guess, that’s it then. He’ll keep her. He should. He’s the one to rescue her. I’m just the nasty doctor who’s about to prod her with needles and cut her claws and stress her out.

  She wouldn’t love me after that.

  Sighing, I placed her back onto the table and did my best to get into business mode.

  But Ryder saw through me. “Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for her?”

  “What? No, don’t be ridiculous.”

  “If you have, you can keep her. She belongs to no one.”

  “She belongs to you.”

  He shook his head. “No, she doesn’t. She’s yours if you want her. However, I don’t know how your cat will cope.”

  “Oh, leave Visa to me.”

  “Ah ha!” He put a finger in my face. “So you have been thinking about it?”

  I hung my head. “No, I told you, it’s ridiculous.”

  “It’s not ridiculous to fall in love instantly.” His voice dropped to honey. “I’m a firm believer in first sight magic kinda things.”

  I sucked in a breath.

  Silence fell awkwardly as I kept my hands busy by checking her body.

  After a few seconds, he murmured, “I call her Barb, by the way. Just in case you change your mind.”


  He swallowed hard, reliving things I didn’t want to know. “Yes, for the barbwire that was around her muzzle.”

  I gasped. “Oh my God, how did you not murder the woman when you picked her up?”

  “Believe me, it was hard.” His knuckles popped as his hands fisted. “But that’s in the past. She has us now.”


  He nodded. “Us.”




  I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT MADE me say it.

  There was no us.

  She still refused to answer my question about a date.

  But I wanted an us so fucking badly.

  We remained quiet for a few minutes while she inspected Barb’s injuries and applied topical cream to her red snout. Vesper made me hold her while cutting her claws and then headed out back to grab some antibiotics.

  While she was gone, I murmured to the Chinese Crested. “You think third time’s the charm? Think she’ll finally say yes?”

  She licked my hand as if she knew exactly what I asked.

  “That’s good enough for me.” I scratched behind her ear. “If this backfires, I’m holding you responsible.”

  I rubbed her head as Vesper returned.

  She tapped the syringe, making sure no air bubbles remained then pinched Barb’s scruff. “This will sting a little.”

  I held Barb’s head while Vesper gave her the drugs.

  Once it was done, I sucked in a breath. “Sooooo, about that date?”

  Vesper deposited the syringe into the trash and shook her head. “Look, I’ve been thinking about it. And I do genuinely like you and I won’t admit the things you do to my body, but…I don’t think a date is a good idea.”

  My mouth went dry. “First, you can’t say things like that to a guy and then follow it up with a refusal.” I swiped my hand through my hair. “Second, why is it a bad idea? We’re two consenting adults who like to have fun and lots of sex. We’ve already cleared all the bases. We’re practically coming up to our one week anniversary.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re doing that thing with no filter again.”

  “No, if I hadn’t filtered they’d be a lot more cursing and some very explicit reasons on why you should agree to be mine. Go on; tell me why it wouldn’t be a good idea.”

  She looked at her croc-covered feet. “Well, for one you’re my patient’s owner.”

  “Who cares? It’s not like I’m your teacher or anything.” I leaned closer. “FYI, that wouldn’t stop me from asking you out, either. In fact, I love that concept of you being my student and me a naughty professor entirely too much and feel like giving out grades as rewards for sexual favours.”

  She cracked a smile. “You’re so bad.”

  “Oh, you don’t know the half of it.”

  You really don’t, Vesper.

  Christ, the things I want to do to you.

  “Besides th
at.” She rubbed her nose. “I don’t know you.”

  Is she real or just playing hard to get?

  My cock hardened at the thought. “You knew me enough to let me into your apartment the other night.”

  “I was sick and my common sense was drowning beneath germs. Besides, you gave me no choice.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Let’s forget about the germs for a second and focus on us.”

  “There’s that word again.” She shook her head. “There is no us.”

  “But there could be.”

  “See, I don’t know about that. All I know is we’d have amazing sex together. Hell, you make me almost orgasm just by texting me or showing up here with your god like compassion. But apart from the mind-blowing sex, I don’t think we’d work together.”

  My knees wobbled as I groaned. “The sex, Vesper, would be better than mind-blowing. It would be goddamn supernova. We make a pact right here and right now to be honest about what we like. No judging, no demeaning—we have fun and stop all that serious shit from messing it up.”

  “But that serious shit is life. We can’t just stay in bed together for the rest of our days.”

  “Who says we can’t?” I smirked.

  She smiled. “You know what I mean.”

  Moving around the table, I took her hand. We both stiffened at the heated electricity zinging between us. “Look, I’m not asking you to give me your soul. A few dates with exclusivity right from the start. If we work out, great—we go on another date and another and another. We don’t, we end it.”

  “And what about your zoo that need my care? Will you still come to our practice?” She lowered her voice as a thread of that spitfire comedian reappeared. “Because Polly would literally spank me if you left our practice. We need your money, you see.”

  “Shit, I’d spank you for free—you wouldn’t have to do anything naughty.”

  Her cheeks pinked. “God, that sounds good.”

  I backed away, rubbing the back of my neck. “Fuck, doesn’t it?” I scrubbed my face. My temper and amount of testosterone swimming in my blood made my balls ache and control waver. It would be too easy to slam her against the wall and kiss the hell out of her.

  Then there would be no more playing hard to get. No more questions about a future that hadn’t even happened yet. It would just be us. Raw and free.

  I need to get out of here before I do something stupid.

  She shrugged. “You make a compelling argument, Mr. Carson. However, you haven’t answered my question about where you would send your dogs.”

  I stared stone faced and desperate. “Polly.”


  I loved that she didn’t seem to appreciate that suggestion.

  “You just told me I couldn’t leave the practice. Therefore, I’d make sure never to annoy you and deal only with Polly.”

  Her jaw clenched. “I don’t like that idea.”

  My heart leapt. “You don’t? Why?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You know why.”

  My hand subtly rearranged the pounding cock in my trousers. “I want to hear you say it.”

  She looked at the ceiling, wiping her hand over her mouth. “You’re pushing me past so many comfort levels; it’s not fair.”

  “You shoved me from mine months ago.” I couldn’t control how my voice deepened as my craving intensified. “I have needs, Vesper. I have no doubt you could fulfil those needs so fucking well. And I’d do the same for you. That’s all I’m asking. Tell me why you wouldn’t want me dealing with Polly.”

  For a moment, I expected her to deny me. Seconds ticked by with no promise of her doing what I wanted. But then she sucked in a heavy breath and something switched inside her.

  Her gaze locked on mine, her lips parted, and the sexiest damn voice spilled from her lips. “I wouldn’t want you dealing with my business partner, because I’m possessive of you. I love the way you boss me around but let me argue at the same time. I love the way you make me feel alive even when I’m riddled with sickness. And I love the way you make me so wet, I have to keep a spare pair of knickers in my handbag to switch into after your visits.”

  She never looked away as she licked her lips, almost bringing me to my damn knees.

  “That is why I don’t want you using Polly.”

  I crowded her around the bench. “You don’t want anyone else taking care of me?”

  She shook her head vehemently. “No one. We do this, and as long as you’re mine, other women better watch out. I have claws.”

  “What if I have lots and lots of needs?”

  She panted as I looped my fingers around her throat.

  “What about those?”

  She froze in my hold, her pulse hammering in her neck. “I’d do my best to help you. However, I’m afraid my specialities might be a little rusty on some.”

  “You don’t know. I haven’t told you what I need yet.”

  Her skin flushed beneath my hold; her eyes latching onto my lips. “I think I can guess.”

  I became hypnotised by her mouth. The mouth I very much wanted to kiss.

  “You can? I do, after all, have elaborate tastes.”

  She shivered as I bent and placed a teasing kiss where my thumb felt her pulse. Pulling away, I gritted my teeth. This game we were playing had suddenly become endlessly dangerous.

  “I think I might match you in that department.” Her gaze dropped to my trousers. “I have a sudden need for experimentation.”

  My heart bucked in my chest. “Want to face plant me again, gorgeous?”

  She groaned. “Oh my God, it was an accident.”

  “I like those sorts of accidents.” I half groaned, half chuckled. “Feel free to have another accident with your hand on it this time.”

  She nibbled her bottom lip, her eyes wild and coltish. “You mean, the invitation to touch it is still open?”

  I nodded, swiftly losing focus on playing and growing ridiculously hard. “Fuck, yes.”

  “Well then, I suppose I’d better look after you. After all, I can’t leave an animal in pain.”

  “You will?” My brain turned to fog at the thought of her bent over the table doggy style while I thrust into her. “Wait, did you just call me an animal?”

  “Isn’t that what you are?”

  I swallowed hard. “Vesper, that’s exactly what I’ll be if you ever let me get you naked.”

  She laughed coyly. “Well, I might have to collar you then because wild animals are known to be reckless.”

  Our banter turned heavy with lust but we smiled at each other, both not wanting to break the spell. “I can be docile.”

  “Prove it.”

  Prove it?


  How could I do that when all I wanted to do was leap on this woman and fuck her?

  She said, “Take me out, seeing as you asked so politely.”

  “That I can do.” My gut clenched in joy. “Where do you want to go?”

  “Surprise me. But I want it to be completely different to normal dates and I want it to be fun.”

  “So you’re not into romantic meals or walks along the river hand in hand?”

  She shook her head, placing her fingertips on my chest. My heart tore around like a moron beneath her touch.

  “Not this time. You need to work for it. Wow me, Mr. Carson, then you might just get rewarded by seeing me naked.”




  I HAD NO IDEA WHERE my sex-kitten confidence came from yesterday but Ryder took me literally.

  This morning, I’d awoken to a text.

  Ryder: Tonight is the night. Wear sneakers and all black clothing. I’ll pick you up at seven.

  What the hell was he planning? A high-stakes robbery?

  All day at work I was distracted by the thought of what he would make us do. By the time I was back home and freaking out about what would happen, I wished desperately I’d ordered another battery ope
rated friend.

  I could really have used an orgasm or ten to relax my nervous energy.

  Plus, his wardrobe rules curtailed what I could wear, making me even more on edge. In the end, I settled for black skinny jeans, a black tank top with an off the shoulder black sweater with light grey cat whiskers on the front and straightened my blonde curls as a one off.

  He deserved to see me when I put an effort into my appearance.

  Most days, I washed my hair and let it air dry into the curly chaos he knew. I hated wasting time on bathroom primping but I didn’t want Ryder to think I was a total slob. Hell, he’d already been in my apartment while it was a bombsite. This was my last chance to impress him.

  At six forty, I fed Visa and looked longingly at the pink fluffy bed I’d brought home from our small gift shop at the surgery, ready for Barb (the Chinese Crested) when she’d healed enough to move in with me.

  She was being monitored by our vet students for the next few days to ensure her blood work was okay and her healing muzzle had no complications.

  I couldn’t believe I was taking on yet another animal but she was too special not to.

  And she deserves a better name than Barb.

  What should I call her?

  What was considered a good name for a Chinese Crested? Something Chinese? Back in my past, I had a childhood friend called Aiko. It meant love, but that was Japanese.

  At six fifty-five, my doorbell rang.

  Holy crap, he’s early.

  Was he always punctual or was this his chance to wow me like I was trying to wow him?

  Visa took off into the bedroom to guard my pillows while I strode toward the door with my sneakers dangling from my fingers. I hadn’t worn these in a very long time. I used to jog most mornings while studying at university but that was before life got hectic and I opened my own business.

  Now, my exercise came from standing all day and chasing after sick pets.

  Opening the door, I couldn’t fight my smile. “Hey.”


  His grin was sinful but sweet, matching his all black wardrobe of jeans and t-shirt. We complimented each other in a cutesy gag-worthy way.


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