Can't Touch This

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Can't Touch This Page 23

by Pepper Winters

  She shuddered as my fingers massaged her scalp. “No, just my own conclusion.”

  “Conclusions being…I’m your boyfriend?”

  “You’re mine, yes.”

  My cock stiffened. “I like hearing that even more than the juvenile title of what our relationship is.”

  “Juvenile? Wait, you don’t like the word boyfriend?” Her eyes flittered closed as I continued to knead the back of her neck.



  “Because I’m not a boy and you’re not a girl. We’re adults doing adult things. We fuck and go to work and juggle hard as hell lives while doing our best to remember how to be stupid and fun.”

  My lips ached to kiss her as her head fell back. Scar looked peeved as her cuddles dropped away, distracted by my petting.

  “So…what are you?” she murmured.




  Guiding her floppy head, I kissed her.

  She sighed into my mouth, her body lethargic as I held up her skull and kissed her deep. Heat siphoned in my veins and my thoughts switched to a well-played and single track song of ‘sleep with her, sleep with her.’

  However, I wanted to show her a piece of my life before we got to the good stuff. She’d shared a little of herself tonight.

  It’s my turn.

  Breaking the kiss, I stood and pulled her from the floor. “Come on, woman who is mine. I want to show you this house you don’t appreciate.”

  Her gaze widened. “I do appreciate it. I’m just in awe of how much work you’re doing to fix it.”

  “It’s worth it. Simple. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t enjoy it.”

  She smiled. “In that case, I would love a tour.”

  The house was a neutral topic and for the next hour Vesper and I made small talk about window glazing, floor coverings, and interior decorating, slowly moving around the bottom level as I showed her nooks and crannies and painted the vision of what I held for this grand lady and her new future.

  By the time we made it back to the lounge, I’d had three beers and Vesper three vodkas. We were lethargic and happy. The fact we hadn’t eaten before our shopping trip meant a slight buzz affected both of us. Nothing crazy—we were still in full control of decisions—but it had taken the edge off being awkward.

  For some reason, the ease we normally had around each other had vanished ever since I’d hugged her in the pet superstore. The knowledge that something had happened between us on a deeper level than what we were ready for hung around like a cloud. And the fact we both skirted heavier issues wasn’t unnoticed by either of us.

  Vesper yawned as we reached the kitchen. Scar had retired after a dose of painkillers and his dinner and Hippo had waddled off in her tinkling bell to bunker down for the night—most likely pressed against a heater. She gave me a damn heart attack every night that she’d somehow slow cook herself and I’d wake up to a roast pork dinner.

  The nightmare was surprisingly realistic.

  “Wow, is it really past midnight?” Vesper blinked hazily at the glowing oven clock.

  I yawned too, unable to stop the universal desire when another did. “Guess so.”

  “I better go.”


  “Well…it’s late. And I have work tomorrow.”

  “What time do you have to be in?”

  “It’s Sunday so we open at ten instead of eight. And so far, touch wood—” She pressed her fingertips to the scuffed counter top. “—we have no scheduled surgeries. Most likely it will be admin day and pop ins from animals either eating something they shouldn’t or owners catching up on check-ups.”

  “So what you’re saying is tomorrow isn’t too crazy.”

  “I guess…” She cocked her chin. “Why?”

  “Just checking.” I gave her a secretive smile and headed into the lounge. “I agree that it’s late and we should head to bed but I thought we agreed when you first got here that you were spending the night.”

  She laughed quietly. “I was wondering if you’d forgotten that stipulation.”

  “I never forget.” I tapped my temple. “Elephant.”

  Shit, really shouldn’t have said that.

  Elephants were my deflating tool not to be used to get me in the sexy mood.

  Shaking the image away, I fisted the plastic bag hiding the pet store goodies and took her hand. “Bed time?”

  Her eyes zeroed in on the purchases. “Eh, why are you bringing that with us to bed?”

  Rubbing her knuckles with my thumb, I dragged her toward the staircase. “How about you don’t ask questions and just say ‘yes, Ryder, please take me to bed. I trust you. I don’t care whatsoever what’s in the bag.’”

  She rolled her eyes. “I suppose you expect me to lie down and present my belly for a rub too while you’re wanting the impossible.”

  I chuckled. “It would go with the theme I had in mind. If you feel inclined…go for it.”

  Our foot falls echoed in the huge foyer as we climbed the circular staircase. She didn’t pull away, keeping pace with me even if curiosity mixed with apprehension on her face.

  “Oh!” She tugged on my hand. “What about Scar?”

  I shook my head. “After that first night of labouring up the stairs, I couldn’t put his heart under such stress. I relocated his geisha tent under the dining room table. He’s content.”

  “Geisha tent?”

  “Well, it sounded better than pimp tent.”

  “He’s a pimp now?”

  “He wishes. He hasn’t had his balls cut off so I’m guessing the desire to use the force with a few bitches is strong in that one.”

  “Did you just twist a Star Wars reference and use the word bitch in a sentence?”

  I laughed as we entered my bedroom. “Damn, I can’t get anything past you.”

  “No, you can’t.” Snatching the bag, she wriggled from my grip and darted to my bed. “Just like you can’t hide what’s in here forever.”

  “Hey!” I chased after her.

  Too late.

  She upturned the bag, sending a flurry of colour and surprise onto the black sheets. At least I’d made the bed and put fresh linen on. Not that I had a choice. Repairing the roof yesterday meant I accidentally put my foot through the ceiling when checking a rafter inside.

  Rubble and debris landed squarely on the same mattress I had full intentions of taking Vesper on.

  “What exactly is this?” Vesper held up a feather attached to a bendy wand with silky ribbons.

  “I believe that is a cat swatting toy thingy.”

  “And why did you buy it?”

  “Why not?”

  “You don’t have any cats.”

  “How do you know?”

  She paused, biting her bottom lip. “You’ve never come into the surgery with a rescued cat before.”

  “Doesn’t mean I haven’t saved a few.”

  “Okay…where are the felines who are in desperate need of this toy?” She peered around my empty bedroom. “I’ll graciously give it to them right now.”

  Sitting on the mattress, I grinned.

  Her questions were delivered with perfect poise but beneath her snotty demands I sensed building excitement.

  “The only pussy I currently have in my house is in this room.”

  Her cheeks pinked as I added, “Do you think she’d be interested in playing with it?”

  When she didn’t reply, I hooked my finger through the baby blue collar with tiny stars resting innocently on my bed. “Do you think this particular incredible cat would be interested in a game or two?”

  She sucked in a breath. “Depends what sort of game.”

  I twirled the collar on my finger.

  Her eyes tracked its every whirl.

  “I dunno. Depends if she wants to be the one in control or the one out of it.” I locked gazes with her, fisting the collar. “I’m still trying to suss out her particular ta
stes in that department.”

  Vesper didn’t move. She barely even breathed. But it wasn’t from panic. Her nipples pinpricked her black blouse and her slack-clad thighs squeezed together.

  “You see, it could go either way,” I murmured. Reaching once again into the bag, I pulled out a large black collar with no embellishment at all.

  Without looking away, I reached behind my head and tore off my t-shirt, not caring it mussed up my hair. Tossing it to the floor, I ever so slowly wrapped the leather around my throat.

  With suddenly shaky fingers, I buckled the collar and slid to my knees before her. “Last time we were together, this beautiful cat allowed me to throw her down and mount her. She loved when I thrust into her from behind. She begged for more.”

  Vesper licked her lips, her eyes glossing with lust.

  “She gave up complete control and I think it’s safe to say she liked it.” Sitting higher on my knees, I reached into the bag beside her and pulled out a matching black leash. Attaching the hook to the D ring by my Adams apple, I held the leash out to her. “However, I also have a sneaking suspicion she likes to rule, too. Evidenced by the military precision she runs her business and the incessant—and if I’m honest—slightly annoying need not to rely on anyone but herself.”

  Vesper’s fingers slowly lashed around the black leash, accepting my gift of utter submission.

  This ladies and gentlemen is playing.

  It was about pushing boundaries, exploring freedom, and not letting right or wrong ruin such a delicious thing.

  Her eyelashes fluttered as she slowly took a step toward me, her gaze landing on the collar around my throat and my naked chest. “Is that what you want?”

  “I want what you want.”

  My cock hardened as indecision switched to interest.

  “And what if I want you to be in charge?”

  “Then I’d be in charge.”

  “And if I find you incredibly sexy on your knees?”

  “Then I remain on my knees.”

  She shuddered. “Oh my God, Ry…I don’t—what are you doing to me?”

  I groaned, loving the cloak of goosebumps she made me wear. “Whenever you call me Ry, I get chills.” Rubbing my arm, I held it up. “See? That’s what you’re doing to me. I’m so fucking hard, Ves. The unknown is driving me mad. Either give me a command or I’ll give you one. But I need to touch you soon.”

  The room filled with spine-tingling desire. My balls never felt so heavy. My cock so damn ready to spring from my jeans and take this woman.

  As much as I begged to collar her and have her spread-eagled on the bed, I wanted tonight to be hers. I needed her to know that I didn’t take the fact she let me control her lightly. I loved that she trusted me enough to let go.

  And I wanted her to continue letting go until she freefell into my arms, my life, my love forever.

  That’s twice you’ve used the L word in linked sentences.

  It terrified me, but I didn’t focus on it.

  Instead, I waited for my mistress to decide if she wanted me over her or beneath her.

  Swallowing, her throat worked as she made up her mind. “I think you’ve been a bad boy.”

  Ah, fuck.

  My entire body twitched with erotic electricity as she tugged lightly on the leash. The collar around my throat tightened then relaxed.

  “You’ve been a bad, bad boy buying all these things. Making me believe they were for your rescues when all along you knew what they’d be used for. On me.”

  I waited.

  I wouldn’t speak unless she asked. She was running this show. Not me. And fuck if that didn’t turn me on even more knowing I had the power to flip her over and take her but I wouldn’t until she either begged me, commanded me, or gave back the power to do whatever I damn well pleased.

  Striding away, she tugged on the leash. “I think the first thing we need to work on is your obedience.” She tugged again. “Come on, bad Ry. Show me if I should forgive you.”

  Unable to wipe the shit eating grin off my face, I crawled forward on all fours. There was something about her standing over me with a leash connected to my neck that turned me the fuck on.

  “Heel,” she snapped.

  Immediately, I pressed my body against her leg like any perfect dog.

  “Lie down.”

  I rolled over onto my back; one hand cupped my throbbing cock while the other locked around her ankle.

  She gasped as I rubbed her delicate bone with my thumb.

  Kicking me away gently, she slipped off her black flat shoes, and rested her bare foot on my naked chest. Our flesh instantly sparked where we touched.

  “Do you think you’re trained enough to touch me?”

  I couldn’t breathe from the supernova lust inside me. I struggled to nod. I thought I could keep up this act, but Christ it was harder than I thought. Harder to fight the instincts of my sex and not yank her onto the floor beside me.

  Removing her foot, she commanded. “Sit up.”

  I did.

  “Come closer.”

  I shifted to my knees and inched toward her. My mouth came in direct contact with her lower belly. I couldn’t help myself. I pressed a swift kiss there, wishing so fucking much I could kiss her lower.

  She moaned but didn’t slip from character.

  “Seeing as you’re behaving, let’s try something harder.”

  I waited.

  And waited.

  When I didn’t think I could wait anymore, she commanded, “Remove my trousers.”

  Thank, sweet baby Jesus.

  My fingers trembled as I looked up, locked eyes, and slowly undid the button and zipper. Once the slacks flared around her hips, I sat taller and grabbed the sides.

  Inch by inch, I slid them down creamy, long legs until they pooled on the floor and she stepped elegantly out of them. Shedding the grey cardigan, her nipples had taken over the plain black shirt with excellent decoration.

  Standing there in ivory knickers and black top, she’d never looked more bloody beautiful.

  My mouth watered.

  I swallowed my groan.

  And waited.

  Vesper never looked away. Her hand landed on my head, tucking unruly hair behind my ear and making my entire body go slack with bliss.

  I grunted as she tugged the same strands she’d just petted. “Are you having dirty thoughts about me? Are you perhaps wishing you weren’t so obedient?”

  Fuck, yes.

  “So quiet all of a sudden. I wonder…” She dropped to her knees, matching me and bringing her eyes once again below mine.

  Everything shot into passion. I fought every muscle that wanted to grab and maul her.

  “Let’s see if this will make you speak.” Her hand left my head, trailed down my throat, over the collar and down, down my belly. Reaching the waistband of my jeans, she undid them like I’d done hers and inserted her hand into my boxer-briefs.

  I groaned loudly as she wrapped tiny, tight fingers around my cock. “I think this is misbehaving, don’t you?”

  I didn’t know what she wanted. So I did nothing. I just relished in the squeeze and fondle of her hand, knowing I was seconds away from embarrassing myself if she continued to touch me.

  Reaching further, she cupped my balls. It felt so goddamn good it was painful. “You’re being a very good boy now, Ry. I think you deserve a reward.”

  Before I could stop her, she bent over and inserted my cock into her mouth.

  I seized. “Je-sus.”

  Her teeth weren’t sheathed as she took my length, her nose hitting my jeans zipper. This time, I couldn’t override instinct and my hands landed on her hair. I didn’t push her harder into my crotch but I did loop the long blonde strands through my fingers and went with her, up and down, swirl and around.

  My thighs bellowed to recline. To pull her away and flip her over to find yet another part of her that was wet and warm. But she was still in charge. She hadn’t given me the right to ta
ke over. Not yet. So I gritted my teeth and rode through the best goddamn blow job I’d ever received.

  When gritting my teeth threatened to crack said teeth and pre-quake ripples from balls to shaft warned I was moments from coming, I tugged gently on her hair. “If you want me to remain a good boy, I…suggest…you move…your—”

  I couldn’t finish.

  How the hell was I supposed to talk when this woman I’d fallen for had her lips around my dick?

  And yes, I admitted it.

  I’d fallen for her. I’d fallen so fast and so fucking hard, I was a broken bone heap at the bottom of whatever love cliff I’d been pushed off. Maybe that was why every touch, every lick, every swipe of her incredible tongue felt so much better than any before her.

  Maybe it was the connection binding us together. Or perhaps it was the deeper knowledge that somehow, some way, I suspected she felt the same way I did.

  Her teeth teased me as she sucked harder.

  My head flopped backward. “Shit, Ves. I’m gonna—I’m gonna…”

  Yes, I’m—

  But then, she stopped.

  The little wrench pulled her mouth away and left me hanging. For a second, it could’ve gone either way. I could’ve come just from the cool air replacing her hot mouth and the residual memory of pleasure.

  But then her voice interrupted my orgasm haze.

  “If you’re naughty and come, you won’t be allowed inside me tonight.”

  My eyes ripped open as I did my best to clamp down the goods and force away the epic explosion so damn close to detonating. My body jerked as one lone little spurt ruined me, seeping like milky sin from my crown.


  She tutted even as her eyes glowed. “Well, that was naughty.” She waited for me to continue coming but I used every trick I had in my arsenal and stopped it. It couldn’t be healthy to be in the throes of release and then have to claw it back. One little clench was worse than none at all because my body was ready to jettison whatever load she’d conjured. And now it was blocked up, throbbing and so damn incessant I could barely breathe.

  “Fuck, woman,” I grunted. “I’ll get you back for that.”

  Her lips twitched. “You’ll try. You were able to stop mid-orgasm. I’m impressed. In that case, another reward is in order.” Her finger swiped out and scooped up the tiny droplet of cum she’d wrenched from me. Not breaking eye contact, she placed her finger into her mouth.


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